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Dana AbouHassanain, Alah Omar, Hasan Shomar, Mostafa Faraj

Team 1 – ENGL 210– 501

Dr. Mary Queen

Problem Statement

Qatar's climate is characterized as hot and arid, with summer temperatures frequently exceeding 40°C
(104°F). This extreme heat has driven a substantial demand for air conditioning, resulting in a
significant proportion of the country's energy consumption. However, due to its heavy reliance on
non-renewable energy sources, Qatar has seen an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, intensifying
global warming and contributing to climate change. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has
identified Qatar as one of the world's largest per capita energy consumers, emphasizing the pressing
need for the country to adopt more sustainable energy practices. (Iea, Qatar - Countries & Regions)

Addressing the high energy consumption in Qatar is a vital step towards the country's long-term
sustainable development. A shift towards a more sustainable and efficient energy system would not
only reduce the country's dependence on non-renewable energy sources but would also create new
opportunities for economic growth and diversification. This would allow Qatar to develop new
industries, improve infrastructure, and create employment opportunities, thereby contributing to the
overall well-being of its citizens.

Furthermore, reducing energy consumption would lead to cost savings for consumers and make
energy more accessible, promoting greater social equity. By reducing the energy bills of households
and businesses, the cost savings could be channeled towards other areas of expenditure, ultimately
resulting in a better standard of living for all Qatari citizens.

Moreover, transitioning to a sustainable energy system would have a considerable positive impact on
the environment. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and slowing down global warming, Qatar can
demonstrate its commitment to combating climate change and playing its part in the global effort to
reduce carbon emissions. This would have significant long-term benefits not only for Qatar but for the
world as a whole.

The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the underlying causes that
contribute to high energy consumption in Qatar. By clearly outlining and depicting the root causes,
this study aims to identify effective solutions that can help reduce energy consumption in the country,
promoting sustainability and supporting the Qatar National Vision 2030. Furthermore, the study also
seeks to raise awareness of the severe consequences of high energy consumption. This is essential for
increasing public awareness of the urgency of the issue and encouraging individuals to take proactive
measures towards reducing energy consumption. By understanding the underlying factors that
contribute to high energy consumption, policymakers and stakeholders can develop a more nuanced
understanding of the issue and identify the most effective strategies to minimize it.
Our main objectives/goals are to provide a comprehensive analysis of the energy consumption issue
in Qatar and to identify and propose solutions that can promote sustainability and contribute to the
achievement of the country's energy goals as per Qatar’s National Vision 2030.

Firstly, with this research project we aim to identify the major sources of energy consumption in Qatar.
This would involve conducting a detailed analysis of energy consumption patterns in Qatar, including
sources of energy consumption, such as transportation, buildings, and industrial processes. This
analysis may also examine the different types of energy consumed, such as electricity, natural gas, and
petroleum. By quantifying the impact of energy consumption on the environment, economy, and
society, this objective can help to prioritize areas for action and inform the development of effective

Furthermore, we aim to analyze current policies and identify gaps and opportunities for growth and
change. Qatar has already taken some measures to address energy consumption, including setting
targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and investing in renewable energy projects. However,
we plan on further assessing the effectiveness of existing policies and identifying potential gaps or
opportunities for improvement. For example, the analysis may look at the degree to which policies
have been implemented and enforced, the incentives that exist to encourage behavior change, and
the barriers that may prevent people or businesses from adopting more sustainable practices.

Another factor to focus on is assessing the potential for renewable energy sources in Qatar. The
country has abundant sunshine and wind, which presents an opportunity to harness renewable energy
sources to reduce reliance on non-renewable sources. This assessment would involve assessing the
potential for renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, to contribute to the country's energy
mix, including an analysis of the technical, economic, and social feasibility of different options.

Moreover, we aim to attempt developing strategies and recommendations for reducing energy
consumption and promoting energy efficiency in Qatar. This may involve changes to infrastructure,
such as more efficient buildings or transportation systems, as well as changes to behavior, such as
promoting energy conservation among individuals and businesses. The recommendations may also
include policy measures, such as regulations, incentives, or information campaigns, to encourage
energy efficiency.

Lastly, and most importantly, by conducting this research our goal is to raise awareness of the issue
among stakeholders, policymakers, and the public in Qatar as well as internationally. This could
involve disseminating the findings of the analysis through various channels, such as reports,
presentations, or media outreach. By raising awareness of the issue, we may help to mobilize support
and resources for action to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability in Qatar.

The problem of high energy consumption is significant in Qatar and affects the entire country,
including the TAMUQ campus, Education City, Doha, and other communities. Qatar is one of the
world's largest per capita energy consumers. This high energy consumption is due to various factors,
including extreme temperatures, high living standards, rapid industrialization, and population growth.
The problem of high energy consumption in Qatar is not specific to one community; it affects the
entire country, from businesses to households, from expatriates to Qatari nationals. The issue of high
energy consumption in Qatar has cultural, social, economic, and environmental implications that
require consideration from all stakeholders.
Various factors may impact decisions on the problem of high energy consumption in Qatar. For
instance, economic factors such as the cost of transitioning to renewable energy sources may affect
the willingness of businesses and households to adopt more sustainable energy practices.
Additionally, social, and cultural factors, such as the perception of energy use as a symbol of status
and wealth, may impact the adoption of sustainable energy practices. By adopting more sustainable
energy practices, stakeholders can ensure Qatar's long-term sustainable development and reduce the
country's reliance on fossil fuels.

Previous and current research

As one of the world's top five energy consumers, Qatar consumes significant amounts of energy in
various ways. The construction of buildings and infrastructure, for instance, involves a considerable
amount of energy, as does the energy-intensive process of desalinating fresh water. Additionally, the
energy used to power air conditioning in all buildings is also a significant contributor to energy
consumption in the country (Meier et al., 2013). Given that carbon dioxide emissions and energy
consumption have a bi-directional causality (Chontanawat, 2019), Qatar has become one of the
countries with the highest carbon dioxide emissions (Ritchie & Roser, 2021). This highlights the urgent
need to significantly reduce energy consumption in the country to mitigate the negative impact on
the environment.

Although Qatar has taken some measures to limit energy consumption, such as building a solar power
plant to support a carbon-neutral FIFA World Cup (Qatar's New Solar Power Plant, 2022), its overall
energy consumption remains alarmingly high, especially given its goal of becoming a fully developed
country by 2030 (Qatar Today, n.d.). Therefore, it is crucial that further action is taken to reduce
energy consumption and mitigate the negative environmental impact, including carbon dioxide

A technology that has been implemented in some countries is the Pavagen tiles. These tiles are
capable of transforming kinetic energy from footsteps into 2-5 joules of electrical energy (Clark, 2011).
Recently, these tiles were installed at the Ford Essence Festival as a part of a gamification strategy to
promote their all-electric SUV. This not only raised awareness about sustainability among festivalgoers
but also demonstrated the potential of the technology. The installation of Pavagen tiles could offer a
unique opportunity to increase the use of renewable energy sources in Education City. Given the
extensive foot traffic between campuses, these tiles have the potential to generate a significant
amount of energy, which could be used to power various facilities in the city, reducing the dependence
on non-renewable energy sources.

Moreover, the implementation of this innovative technology could also contribute to promoting
sustainability awareness among students and faculty, and the broader community. By showcasing the
potential of renewable energy generation, it could encourage people to adopt more sustainable
practices in their daily lives.

User Needs
Qatar has long grappled with a pressing issue of high energy consumption, with average monthly
consumption in 2022 hovering around 4000 gwh. Given Qatar's population, this is an alarmingly high
average, and therefore, there is a growing need to explore sustainable alternatives to meet the
country's energy needs. Renewable energy sources like solar, biomass, geothermal, wind, and
hydroelectric power can significantly reduce the adverse environmental effects caused by high energy
consumption, such as air, water, thermal, and solid waste pollution.

Adoption of renewable energy sources can lead to several benefits, including environmental
sustainability, stable energy costs, cost savings for residents, and significant economic growth. This is
particularly important for Qatar, which has not witnessed significant economic growth since the 2016
blockade. To achieve these benefits, Qatar must prioritize investments in infrastructure that supports
renewable energy production.

Given the pressing need to mitigate the negative impacts of high energy consumption and ensure a
sustainable future, it is vital for Qatar to prioritize the transition to renewable energy. This will not
only create a better future for the country and its residents but also set an example for the rest of the
world in the fight against climate change.

Design constraints
Qatar's climate poses a challenge when it comes to energy consumption, particularly during the hot
summer months where temperatures can reach extremely high levels. However, a viable solution is
to focus on implementing renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy.

To begin with, the Qatari government can make solar energy an optional choice for its citizens by
encouraging them to install solar panels on their rooftops. Alternatively, the government can invest in
the development of large solar panel farms in unpopulated areas of the Qatari desert. This way, the
country can generate sufficient energy to meet the demands of its growing population. The second
option is recommended because it offers greater economic benefits as it ensures a stable source of
energy and can help create job opportunities for Qatari residents.

In addition to solar energy, wind energy is another promising renewable energy source for Qatar. The
coastal areas and offshore locations in Qatar experience high wind speeds, making it ideal for the
installation of wind turbines that can generate electricity from kinetic energy. However, it is important
to note that wind turbines may be susceptible to damage in harsh weather conditions, which is a risk
that can be mitigated by investing more in solar energy instead.

By adopting renewable energy, Qatar can significantly reduce its carbon footprint and promote a more
sustainable future. Not only will this contribute to global efforts to combat climate change, but it will
also lead to a more stable economy, create jobs, and reduce dependency on non-renewable sources
of energy. Thus, it is crucial that Qatar invests in infrastructure that supports the development of
renewable energy sources, particularly solar energy, to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future
for the country and its people.
Work Cited

Chontanawat, J. (2019). Relationship between energy consumption, CO2 emission and economic
growth in ASEAN: Cointegration and causality model. Energy Reports.
Clark, B. (2011, October 21). Pavegen tiles harvest energy from footsteps. New Atlas.
Energy in Qatar. (2022, November 20). Wikipedia.
Karami Lakeh, H. (2021, December 17). What are the Pros and Cons of Renewable
Meier, A., Darwish, M., & Sabeeh, S. (2013). Complexities of saving energy in Qatar.
Qatar - Countries & Regions. (n.d.). IEA.
Qatar - Electricity generation 2021 | (n.d.). Retrieved
February 18, 2023, from
Qatar Monthly Statistics. (2019).
Qatar Today. (n.d.).
Qatar’s new solar power plant to help the country deliver a carbon-neutral FIFA World CupTM |
Qatar 2022TM. (2022, November 9). Www.qatar2022.Qa.
Ritchie, H., & Roser, M. (2021). CO2 emissions. Our World in Data.
Thoubboron, K. (2021, November 22). Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy. Solar
News; EnergySage.

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