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Lic: Krizia Bonilla

Name: Corina Alejandra Osorio

Cuenta: 617111239

Class: English IV

Homework: Childhood summary

Date: San Pedro Sula, 30, October,2022

My name is Corina Osorio, I am 25 years old. Today I will talk about my childhood:
When I was very younger, I liked to play on the street in front of my house with my
neighbors, I loved to play catch, hide and seek and soccer, I remember that my mom
scolded me because I was sweaty, barefoot and messy. I liked to cook with my dad,
we loved to make bean soup, in my childhood I didn't grow up with my mom and
dad together, my classmates made fun of me but they didn't understand that being
alone with my dad was the best thing in the world. My favorited memory was when
my grandmother came to home for a visited and took us to Roatan for the weekend.
My favorite toys were playing barbies all day and playing with my collection of

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