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"Hello class! Today, we'll be learning how to effectively present a topic in MS PowerPoint.

We'll be creating a
PowerPoint presentation to cover tips and techniques to help you create a powerful and engaging presentation. By
the end of this session, you'll know how to plan your presentation, use visuals, engage your audience and follow
the 10-20-30 rule for concise presentations. Let's get started!"

Class instruction

Step 1: Open MS Power Point and select “Black Presentation.”

Step 2: Select the “Design Tab”
Step 3: Click the arrow down icon show all themes available, then choose any theme available.

Choose any Design you like.

Step 4: Once a theme is selected. Edit the Title and Subtitle
Step 5: Create additional slides for the presentation:
Right click on the lower blank area part of the slides and select “New Slide” (Shortcut key for right click is Shift+f10)
Step 6: Edit the Title and Text

Repeat Step 5 to Step 6 for the remaining slides: use the title and text given below to complete the PowerPoint presentation.
Slide 1:
SUBTITLE: Presented by (Your Name)

Slide 2:
TITLE: Plan your presentation:
TEXT: Before you start creating your PowerPoint, plan out what you want to say and the main points you want to make. This will
help you stay focused and on track during the presentation.

Slide 3:
TITLE: Keep it simple:
TEXT: Avoid cluttering your slides with too much information or using complicated animations. Use clear, simple graphics and
bullet points to make your points.

Slide 4:
TITLE: Use visuals:
TEXT: PowerPoint is a visual medium, so use visuals to illustrate your points. This could include images, charts, and graphs.
Make sure your visuals are relevant to the topic and help to support your message.

Slide 5:
TITLE: Practice your timing:
TEXT: Make sure you know how long your presentation will take and practice your timing to ensure that you stay on track.

Slide 6:
TITLE: Engage your audience:
TEXT: Encourage your audience to participate by asking questions or allowing time for discussion. Use polls or quizzes to keep
them engaged.

Slide 7:
TITLE: Be enthusiastic:
TEXT: Show your enthusiasm for the topic by using a clear, confident tone of voice and making eye contact with your audience.

Slide 8:
TITLE: Use the 10-20-30 rule:
TEXT: This rule suggests that a presentation should have no more than 10 slides, should last no more than 20 minutes, and should
use a font size of at least 30 points. This helps to keep your presentation concise and focused.

Slide 9:
TITLE: End of Presentation
TEXT: Ending Credits (Write a thank you message)

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