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beautiful Latina goddess as a warrior.

Light complexion, beautiful colorful large

vibrant feathered head piece, wearing gold and crystals, wearing a two piece gown,
sitting on a thrown in el dorado the lost city of gold at a distance, natural,
realistic, 8k, high detail, full body portrait

unreal, ultra realistic, ultra HD, 8k, slightly sinister neo steampunk gentleman in
a suit, mid 60's, sitting in a victorian chair holding a glass of red wine in his
right hand

unreal, ultra realistic, ultra HD, 8k, 32 year old beautiful mixed latina woman,
with black steampunk business dress, white collar blouse, steampunk cables attached
to her head iw 4 -

portrait of {anthropomorphic gorgeous "lion" wearing mercury armor with epic

Paisley Patterned Filigree design,} cinematic atmosphere, sharp focus --ar 2:3 --
q .25 -

sharpen, realistic details + professional lighting, film lighting + lightroom + art

station + 4k

8k, full colors, neon lights, hyper realistic, beatiful website, UX UI, UX/UI, for
a e-commerce of luxury CARS, ui should contain components such as categories grid,
product details page, profile page, shipping page, login page, sign-up page, home
page with a carousel of latest products.

boy, intricate details, perfect features, dramatic, cinematic lighting, accent

lighting, SSAA, smooth render, no noise, handsome, attractive, comic book
illustration art, intricate detail, hyperrealistic, volumetric lighting, unreal
engine 8, ISO, perfect shading, raytraced, fantasy, symmetrical face, professional
eyes design, --ar 2:3 --no lazy prompts

unreal, ultra realistic, ultra HD, 8k, 32 year old beautiful tan skinned woman,
light brown hair with black steampunk business dress, white collar blouse,
steampunk cables attached to her head iw 4

perfect girl, painting, anime, atmospheric, looking to the right, nice hair,

focus on a white robotic cheetah, with cables connected, holograms, chromatic

design, realism, cyberpunk, glowing eye, white background, dripping muli color
paint, metallic texture, futuristic style, 35mm, high reflection, ambient
occlusion, tyndall effect, F/4, 8K, detailed, hyper detailed, insane detailed, high
resolution, rtx, octane, post production, ray tracing, unreal engine 5,
photography, chromatic aberration --ar 2:3 --chaos 1 --upbeta --v 4 --q 2 -

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