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‘Times, Unsettled Lives, Shaping our Future in a Transforming World prey SOO CHD SYysoo (UNDP), S55 ©DH9 NSO (HDR)oE* SNSzo». Sa SPOS 1990 Sons SERS oH oss wos Hivard-adwS srdrohowrs. snobs Br BlporhoH & Go 8 somo Soriad*S Sxowboert. 20% sovo 88 se Sor pSosgS ecinrzabo (A Long & Healthy Life) 2. Oc75 ©o#o (Education) Mean Years of Schooling (MYS) 0 15 Expected Years of Schooling (EYS) 0 18 3. BUDS 455 “aire sovo So exrato (GNI Per Capita) $100 $75,000 (A descent Standard of Living) HDI cost Hir(Sibe : De Devs - SAG Devs G0dH Serb = KOg Dens - EDG Dens Smsmnos,g8 Sos 205 dmden - UNDP SSS DGS SossTED 1) SeSarOhQ sos 1990 2) Dott Sons OHO Hrd & Dot HOs6S Fosse : 1995 3) SrsS QSOS Srdy -1 6 1997 4) SSS Besos arb - 2 11998 5) eXSriSo DS SriaNHQ srOs 2 2010 6) ased doy Dios Kros : 2010 1) eXSrSSo DLS Dor SonoHs KOS : 2010 * HDR 2021-20226" HDI B eGr3Hd (Siios Geox (191) 4 dsrearP MHLOB%. 1) SYS Sor dng deo - 0,000 %08 0.549 32 (Low Human Development Countries) 2) Sepapow Sesarhg deren - 0.550 08 0.699 44 | (Medium Human Development Countries) | 8) 688 Smscrdapg dre - 0.700 X08 0.799 49 | (High Human Development Countries) 4) GHOS Swiarhg deren - 0,800 and Above(1.000) 66 (Very High Human Development Countries) SharooS 0,385 190 25 0304 | 189 Bet 0.400 188 RoHS HSS OHHSS 0.404 187 extoo8 0.426 73 S008 0.782 127 arerS 0.666 132 podaie 0.638 129 | aorpds 0.661 | 143 Sas 0.602 | 149 | Sabays 0.585 | 161 S8RS 0.544 ‘go08ci HDI dngns0seen (2021-22 HDR egrsore) + godcie HDI o50% + Bo8cie HDI Des * Life Expectancy * Expected Years of Schooling + Mean Years of Schooling HDI- @§, dee 52 Sap 0.822 87 Ged 0.754 79 Be 0.768 109 | BBerhs 0.713 % Gross National Income (GNI) Per Capita (2017 PPP $) 2 132 (6% SoS 131) 2 0.633, 2 67.2 Xouen 2 119 years 26.7 years + 6590 SmdmogQ OSOE-2021&22 NIOSH) DDG Srdos ew55 so AHows DSO * Sesar)ag Sros (HDI) * SRSrSTO there SewarHsQ Hos (IHD) * Bot OHH vos (GD) * Dor esirise SPOS (GI) * missing sos Sd (MPI) : 0.633 475 : 849 : 0.490 20.123

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