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Tim Dosen Prodi MSA

The role of fish in the ecosystem
• The ocean is tremendously diverse and species
rich. It is the home of countless organisms living
in very different ecosystems.
• For millennia mankind has had an especially close
bond with them because they provide people
with food.
• Around 43 million people worldwide make their
living directly from fishing or fish breeding. But
people are careless with this natural resource.
The role of fish in the ecosystem
• Many fishing grounds have been overfished.
• The ocean is being polluted by effluents from
industry, settlements and agriculture. Some
habitats such as mangrove forests are
destroyed directly by construction.
The role of fish in the ecosystem
• There are over 30,000 fish species in the
world. Some are only a few centimetres long
and live hidden among corals.
• The blue marlin in the Atlantic, are up to 3
metres long and roam the open sea.
• Each of these fish types is part of a habitat, an
ecosystem, and exists in complex
interdependence with many other species in a
food web.
The role of fish in the ecosystem

Sumber: World Ocean Review, 2013

The role of fish in the ecosystem

Sumber: World Ocean Review, 2013

The role of fish in the ecosystem

Sumber: World Ocean Review, 2013

The role of fish in the ecosystem

Sumber: World Ocean Review, 2013

The environment
• Fluctuations in the size of fish stocks are not
only caused by fisheries. Changes in
environmental conditions also affect the
• For example, in cold, salty water the Baltic Sea
cod produce more offspring than in warmer
water with a lower salinity.
The environment
• The El Niño climate phenomenon operates in
the Pacific. It alters the current direction in
upwelling regions, in this case between the
west coast of South America and Indonesia.
• The engine for this upwelling is provided by
the prevailing trade winds that push the warm
surface water from South America westward
towards Australia and Indonesia.
What are Fishery Resources
• Fishery resources have a comprehensive definition and,
in general, refer to all animals that predominantly
inhabit aquatic habitats and are captured by humans
(Gartside and Kirkegaard, 2009).
• Fishery resources are stocks of target species and their
environment (Edwards, 2005).
• Therefore, invertebrates (e.g., mollusks, crustaceans,
echinoderms, and even sponges) and vertebrates
(fishes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals) are considered
fishery resources, although only fishes and crustaceans
(i.e., marine lobsters, shrimps, and crabs) are
quantified in fisheries statisctics (Pinto et al., 2018).
What are Fishery Resources
• Fishery resources are comprised of myriad
biological (e.g., plankton fish, and mammal
species), chemical (e.g., salinity, oxygen
concentration), and physical (e.g., sediment
type, oil and gas reserve, currents, space)
attributes which can be further differentiated
by quantity, quality, and relational attributes.
What are Fishery Resources

• For example, a species of fish could be defined by

stocks, biomass, population, structure (age, size,
sex), geographic location and scale, gene pool,
disease, dynamics (life cycle, migration, fecundity,
recruitment, growth rate, natural mortality),
coexistence with other species, diet, habitat
requirements, and so forth. Many of the same
attributes can also be used to describe different
life stages, cohorts, or even individual fish.
What does overfishing mean?
• Fish cannot be counted like elephants in a
national park. Fishery biologists therefore have to
calculate the size of a stock based on specific
parameters. The size of the annual catch is
• If this declines it could be a sign that the stock
size is shrinking. The quantity of sexually mature
adult fish, the spawners, is also important
because they determine how many offspring are
What does overfishing mean?
• A stock can only sustain itself if the new
offspring can compensate for the number of
fish that are caught or die of natural causes.
• Fishery biologists commonly assign stocks to
one of several categories: moderately
exploited, fully exploited, over exploited,
depleted, or recovering.
What does overfishing mean?
• A stock is considered to be fully exploited when it
is fished to the maximum and an increase in the
catch is not possible.
• If the fishing is intensified at this point, the stock
is then pushed into the overexploited status. This
stock then continues to decline because there are
not enough offspring being produced. The stock
is considered to be depleted when the catch is
significantly below the historically expected
What does overfishing mean?
• Many researchers define this situation as the point
when only 10 per cent of the highest historical catch is
achieved. When a stock is depleted the catch cannot be
increased even with intensified fishing, which is
referred to as an increase in fishing effort.
• A stock is considered to be recovering when the catch
begins to rise again after depletion.
• The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) presently uses three categories to
describe the status of the stocks: non-fully exploited,
fully exploited, and overexploited.
The art of counting fish
• Humans are not capable of looking into the
ocean and counting the fish they see. Instead,
they must try to estimate the size of fish stocks as
accurately as possible.
• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) uses various sources to estimate
global fish stocks and trends as accurately as
• The results are published every two years in the
SOFIA Report (The State of World Fisheries and
The art of counting fish
• FISHERIES – Fishermen report their catches to
their government authorities, such as the
Ministries of Fisheries. The authorities are
obliged to send this data to the FAO. The data
is also forwarded to scientists in their own
The art of counting fish
• THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY – Fisheries’ data is
often incomplete or incorrect. For instance,
fishermen only report the amounts of those fish
which they are officially permitted to catch. They
do not include any unwanted “bycatch” – all the
fish and marine fauna which are caught
inadvertently and until now have mostly been
thrown back overboard. An quantitative
assessment of bycatch levels would, however, be
crucial as this could provide a more realistic
estimate of the actual status of fish stocks.
The art of counting fish
The art of counting fish

Sumber: World Ocean Review, 2013

The art of counting fish
• The FAO divides the oceans into 19 major
fishing areas. This regional classification has
evolved over time. It simplifies the collection
of data on fish catches, because the regional
authorities and fishery associations work
closely together.
The art of counting fish

Sumber: World Ocean Review, 2013

Areas with fluctuating catch volumes
• The first group includes the Eastern Central
Atlantic (FAO fishing area 34), the Southwest
Atlantic (41), the North- west Pacific (61), the
Northeast Pacific (67), the Eastern Central
Pacific (77) and the Southeast Pacific (87). In
the past five years these areas provided, on
average, 52 per cent of the total global catch
Areas with falling catches
• The areas in which catches have decreased
over the years include the Northwest Atlantic
(FAO fishing area 21), the Northeast Atlantic
(27), the Western Central Atlantic (31), the
Mediterranean and the Black Sea (both 37),
the South- east Atlantic (47) and the
Southwest Pacific (81). In the past 5 years
these areas provided an average 20 per cent
of the world’s total catch.
Areas with increasing catches
• In only three of the FAO major fishing areas
have catches been continuously increasing
since the 1950s. These are the Western
Central Pacific (FAO fishing area 71), the East-
ern Indian Ocean (57) and the Western Indian
Ocean (51).
The Status of Fishery Resources

Sumber: FAO, 2020

The Status of Fishery Resources
• Based on FAO’s assessment, the fraction of
fish stocks that are within biologically
sustainable levels decreased from 90 percent
in 1974 to 65.8 percent in 2017.
• In contrast, the percentage of stocks fished at
biologically unsustainable levels increased,
especially in the late 1970s and 1980s, from
10 percent in 1974 to 34.2 percent in 2017.
The Status of Fishery Resources
• The Mediterranean and Black Sea (Area 37) had
the highest percentage (62.5 percent) of stocks
fished at unsustainable levels, followed by the
Southeast Pacific 54.5 percent (Area 87) and
Southwest Atlantic 53.3 percent (Area 41).
• In contrast, the Eastern Central Pacific (Area 77),
Southwest Pacific (Area 81), Northeast Pacific
(Area 67), and Western Central Pacific (Area 71)
had the lowest proportion (13–22 percent) of
stocks fished at biologically unsustainable levels.
The Status of Fishery Resources

Sumber: FAO, 2020

Fishery Resources in Indonesia
• The government funded the agency to assess
the status of a fish species.
• Based on Ministry of Marine and Fisheries
Affairs Law Number 30/2016 on National
Committe of Fishery Resources Asssesment.
Fishery Resources in Indonesia

Sumber: FAO, 2020

Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
• Kelompok jenis ikan yang dikaji meliputi 8
kelompok yaitu: demersal, ikan karang, udang,
lobster, pelagis kecil, cumi-cumi, tongkol dan
pelagis besar non tuna.
• Pelagis besar tuna tidak dibahas dalam buku ini
karena ‘assessment’ sumberdaya ikan tuna yang
mempunyai sifat migrasi jauh (highly migratory
species) harus dilakukan dengan
mengikutsertakan data dari negara-negara yang
terletak pada alur migrasi dari ikan tersebut.
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
• Kelompok ikan demersal (termasuk karang)
adalah jenis-jenis ikan yang sebagian besar dari
masa kehidupannya berada di dasar atau dekat
dasar perairan.
• Sumber daya ikan pelagis (termasuk cumi-cumi)
adalah jenis-jenis ikan yang sebagian besar dari
siklus hidupnya berada di permukaan atau dekat
permukaan perairan, dengan karakteristik:
membentuk gerombolan yang cukup besar,
beruaya (migrasi) yang cukup jauh dengan
gerak/aktifitas yang cepat.
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
• Kajian stok sumberdaya ikan untuk
mengestimasi potensi produksi sumberdaya
ikan dilakukan dengan beberapa model dan
metoda kuantitatif disesuaikan dengan
ketersediaan data dan karakteristik
perikanannya. Pada dasarnya metode ini
digolongkan menjadi model holistik dan
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
• Metoda kajian tersebut mencakup analisis
kuantitatif baku (holistik) yang digunakan
dalam biologi perikanan (model surplus
produksi/surplus production model dan swept
area method) dan teknik estimasi dengan
akustik (Widodo, 2003), maupun metoda yang
digunakan dalam operation research yaitu
model optimasi (Purwanto, 2003).
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
• Dalam kurun waktu 9 tahun terakhir, terjadi
perubahan stok sumber daya ikan di Indonesia.
• Perubahan tercantum dalam 3 Keputusan
Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik
• Keputusan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan RI
Nomor 45 Tahun 2011 tentang Estimasi Potensi
Sumber Daya Ikan di Wilayah Pengelolaan
Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia.
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
• Keputusan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan RI Nomor
47 Tahun 2016 tentang Estimasi Potensi, Jumlah
Tangkapan yang Diperbolehkan dan Tingkat
Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Ikan di Wilayah
Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia.
• Keputusan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan RI Nomor
50 Tahun 2017 tentang Estimasi Potensi, Jumlah
Tangkapan yang Diperbolehkan dan Tingkat
Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Ikan di Wilayah
Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia.
Fishery Resources in Indonesia

• Potensi lestari: 12,54 juta ton/thn (tanpa TC)

• Jumlah tangkapan yang diperbolehkan (JTB,
80% dari Potensi lestari): 10,03 juta ton/thn
• Jumlah yang sudah dimanfaatkan tahun 2019 :
6,5 juta ton (64,81 % dari JTB) atau 51,83 % dari
potensi lestari.
• Sisa potensi: 6,04 juta ton/thn (tanpa TC)
Populasi ikan

Fishery Resources in Indonesia

Potensi SDI meningkat signifikan?

Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Selat Malaka (WPP NRI 571)

Samudera Hindia (WPP

Laut Arafura-Laut Timor (WPP NRI 572)
NRI 718) 9,89%
Samudera Hindia (WPP NRI
Samudera Pasifik (WPP NRI Laut Cina
717) Selatan (WPP
8,41% NRI 711)

Laut Jawa (WPP NRI 712)


Teluk Tomini-Laut Seram

(WPP NRI 715) Selat Makassar-Laut Flores
9,91% (WPP NRI 713)
Laut Sulawesi
(WPP NRI 716) 9,39%

Laut Banda (WPP NRI 714)

Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Lobster Crucifix crab Squid
0,09% 0,48% 2,26%
Crustaceans 0,35%

Coral reef fish


Small pelagic
Demersal 38,92%

Big pelagic
Komposisi alat tangkap

Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Potensi SDI Menurut WPP dan Jenis

Potensi (Ton)

SDI Selat Teluk Laut Jumlah

Selat Samudera Laut Samudera
Samudera Laut Cina Laut Jawa Makassar- Laut Banda Tomini- Arafura-
Malaka Hindia Sulawesi Pasifik
Hindia (WPP Selatan (WPP (WPP NRI Laut Flores (WPP NRI Laut Seram Laut Timor
NRI 573) NRI 711) 712) (WPP NRI 714) (WPP NRI (WPP NRI
571) 572) 716) 717)
713) 715) 718)
Small pelagic 99.865 527.029 630.521 330.284 364.663 208.414 165.944 555.982 332.635 829.188 836.973 4.881.498
Big pelagic 64.444 276.755 586.128 185.855 72.812 645.058 304.293 31.659 181.491 65.935 818.870 3.233.300
Demersal 145.495 362.005 7.902 131.070 657.525 252.869 98.010 325.080 36.142 131.675 876.722 3.024.495
Coral reef fish 20.030 40.570 22.045 20.625 29.951 19.856 145.530 310.866 34.440 15.016 29.485 688.414
Crustaceans 59.455 8.023 7.340 62.342 57.965 30.404 3.180 6.436 7.945 9.150 62.842 315.082
Lobster 673 1.483 970 1.421 989 927 724 846 894 1.044 1.187 11.158
Crabs 12.829 9.543 526 2.318 7.664 4.347 1.145 891 2.196 489 1.498 43.446
Crucifix crab 13.614 989 3.913 9.711 23.508 5.463 1.669 495 294 58 775 60.489
Squid 9.038 14.579 8.195 23.499 126.554 10.519 68.444 10.272 1.103 2.140 9.212 283.555
Jumlah 425.444 1.240.975 1.267.540 767.126 1.341.631 1.177.857 788.939 1.242.527 597.140 1.054.695 2.637.564 12.541.437
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
JTB Menurut WPP dan Jenis
Potensi (Ton)

Selat Teluk Laut

Selat Samudera Laut Samudera
SDI Samudera Laut Cina Laut Jawa Makassar- Laut Banda Tomini- Arafura- Jumlah
Malaka Hindia Sulawesi Pasifik
Hindia (WPP Selatan (WPP (WPP NRI Laut Flores (WPP NRI Laut Seram Laut Timor
NRI 573) NRI 711) 712) (WPP NRI 714) (WPP NRI (WPP NRI
571) 572) 716) 717)
713) 715) 718)
Small pelagic 79.892 421.623 504.417 264.227 291.730 166.731 132.755 444.786 266.108 663.350 669.578 3.905.198
Big pelagic 51.556 221.404 468.902 148.684 58.250 516.046 243.434 25.327 145.193 52.748 655.096 2.586.641
Demersal 116.396 289.604 6.322 104.856 526.020 202.295 78.408 260.064 28.914 105.340 701.378 2.419.596
Coral reef fish 16.024 32.456 17.636 16.500 23.961 15.885 116.424 248.693 27.552 12.013 23.588 550.731
Crustaceans 47.564 6.418 5.872 49.874 46.372 24.323 2.544 5.149 6.356 7.320 50.274 252.065
Lobster 539 1.186 776 1.137 791 742 579 677 715 835 950 8.927
Crabs 10.263 7.634 421 1.854 6.131 3.478 916 713 1.757 391 1.198 34.756
Crucifix crab 10.891 791 3.130 7.769 18.806 4.370 1.335 396 235 46 620 48.391
Squid 7.230 11.663 6.556 18.799 101.243 8.415 54.755 8.218 882 1.712 7.370 226.843
Jumlah 340.355 992.779 1.014.032 613.700 1.073.305 942.286 631.151 994.022 477.712 843.756 2.110.051 10.033.148
% Potensi 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Tingkat Pemanfaatan Menurut WPP dan Jenis
Potensi (Ton)

Selat Teluk Laut

Selat Samudera Laut Samudera
SDI Samudera Laut Cina Laut Jawa Makassar- Laut Banda Tomini- Arafura-
Malaka Hindia Sulawesi Pasifik
Hindia (WPP Selatan (WPP (WPP NRI Laut Flores (WPP NRI Laut Seram Laut Timor
NRI 573) NRI 711) 712) (WPP NRI 714) (WPP NRI (WPP NRI
571) 572) 716) 717)
713) 715) 718)
Small pelagic 0,83 0,50 1,50 1,41 0,38 1,23 0,44 0,88 0,48 0,70 0,51
Big pelagic 0,52 0,95 1,06 0,93 0,63 1,13 0,78 0,97 0,63 1,00 0,99
Demersal 0,33 0,57 0,39 0,61 0,83 0,96 0,58 0,22 0,45 0,39 0,67
Coral reef fish 0,34 0,33 1,09 1,53 1,22 1,27 0,76 0,34 1,45 0,91 1,07
Crustaceans 1,59 1,53 1,70 0,53 1,11 0,52 0,39 0,78 0,50 0,46 0,86
Lobster 1,30 0,93 0,61 0,54 1,36 1,40 1,73 1,32 0,75 1,04 0,97
Crabs 1,00 0,18 0,28 1,09 0,70 0,83 1,55 1,19 0,38 0,87 0,85
Crucifix crab 0,93 0,49 0,98 1,18 0,65 0,73 0,77 0,98 0,50 1,21 0,77
Squid 0,62 0,39 1,11 1,84 2,02 1,19 1,00 1,86 1,42 1,09 1,28
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
• Tingkat pemanfaatan E < 0,5= Moderate,
upaya penangkapan dapat ditambah; 0,5 ≤ E <
1= Fully-exploited, upaya penangkapan
dipertahankan dengan monitor ketat; E ≥ 1 =
Over-exploited, upaya penangkapan harus
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Produksi Ikan Menurut WPP (2017)
WPP NRI Produksi (Ton) Persentase
Selat Malaka (WPP NRI 571) 560.100 8,48
Samudera Hindia (WPP NRI 572) 985.472 7,86
Samudera Hindia (WPP NRI 573) 559.734 4,46
Laut Cina Selatan (WPP NRI 711) 608.512 4,85
Laut Jawa (WPP NRI 712) 1.106.630 8,82
Selat Makassar-Laut Flores (WPP NRI 713) 598.647 4,77
Laut Banda (WPP NRI 714) 812.033 6,47
Teluk Tomini-Laut Seram (WPP NRI 715) 870.160 6,94
Laut Sulawesi (WPP NRI 716) 261.928 2,09
Samudera Pasifik (WPP NRI 717) 86.514 0,69
Laut Arafura-Laut Timor (WPP NRI 718) 153.901 1,23
Jumlah 6.603.631 52,65
Fishery Resources in Indonesia
Persentase Produksi Terhadap Potensi
WPP NRI Potensi (Ton) Produksi (Ton) Persentase
Selat Malaka (WPP NRI 571) 425.444 560.100 131,65
Samudera Hindia (WPP NRI 572) 1.240.975 985.472 79,41
Samudera Hindia (WPP NRI 573) 1.267.540 559.734 44,16
Laut Cina Selatan (WPP NRI 711) 767.126 608.512 79,32
Laut Jawa (WPP NRI 712) 1.341.632 1.106.630 82,48
Selat Makassar-Laut Flores (WPP NRI 713) 1.177.857 598.647 50,83
Laut Banda (WPP NRI 714) 788.939 812.033 102,93
Teluk Tomini-Laut Seram (WPP NRI 715) 1.242.526 870.160 70,03
Laut Sulawesi (WPP NRI 716) 597.139 261.928 43,86
Samudera Pasifik (WPP NRI 717) 1.054.695 86.514 8,20
Laut Arafura-Laut Timor (WPP NRI 718) 2.637.565 153.901 5,83
Jumlah 12.541.438 6.603.631 52,65
Fishery Resources in Indonesia

Bagaimana jika produksi melebihi


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