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Best philosophical ideas educate, consolidate and unite Humanity
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WPF Appeal
to all the inhabitants of the planet,
who wish to continue Life on Earth as a whole,
and their lives and the lives of their loved ones

With every passing day it becomes more and more obvious that the situation on the
planet is becoming more and more dangerous for the Future of Humanity and Life
as a unique form of Being in general. Humanity has come too much close to the red
line of its own complete self-destruction and all the Life on our planet. Now it can
happen any day, at any hour. The Pope officially recognized that the 3rd World War
has begun and has been going on for several months, getting into more and more
dangerous for Humanity stages. Until now it goes in a conventional mode, when only
thousands of people are being killed every day.
However, there is a real probability that at any moment it may transfer, develop into
a thermonuclear phase, which, according to experts, will last no more than 3 days,
as a result of which all Life on Earth, including Humanity itself, will disappear forever.
The Bulletin of atomic Scientists already last
year estimated the time remaining to Humanity
until the End of the World at only 100 symbolic
seconds, but for today there is much less of it in
reality. This proves only that instead of becoming
more sensible and reasonable over Time,
Humanity as a whole is becoming more stupid,
insane and unreasonable, sick with social
For sane people, it is mostly clear, why all this is happening, but none of those, who
regulate the current World order, listens to their explanations, advice and
recommendations, which in themselves are quite simple. But the main problem today
is that the politically capable layer of the planet's population would like to seek
and hear these explanations, and would also be able to understand and follow them.
But in order to understand these advice and recommendations, it is necessary to
have the appropriate knowledge, on which their consciousness should be formed.


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The lag of the public global consciousness of Humanity from the requirements
and needs of the XXI century should be considered as another important problem.
Why is it dangerous? The fact is that in the XX century, human technological
knowledge has reached such heights that Humanity has gained the ability to destroy
the environment on the planet and everything that is here in a matter of minutes. At
the same time, the level of consciousness of most of the inhabitants of the Earth was
stuck somewhere in the XV - XIX centuries, and many of them have even lower. This
happened due to a number of historical reasons, but the main one is the lack of
proper education of the population of the planet with proper knowledge (and above
all, knowledge of Classical philosophy), and the littering of the minds of the majority
of the inhabitants of the planet with false or outdated knowledge.
As a result, the vast majority of Humanity, born as Homo educandus, (i.e., subject
to education and upbringing), due to improper training and education because of
the underdevelopment of their consciousness, reach only the level of Homo
reptiloids, but not Homo sapience, which all the inhabitants of
the Earth should become and be, especially in the XXI century.
Undereducated people-reptiloids are those whose neocortex
of their brain is filled with false or rubbish knowledge, and
therefore is of little use for Life, and their entire existence and
behavior occurs on reflections of the reptilian part of the brain.
For this reason, Humanity has not yet been able until now to
self-organize its life on the planet in such a way, as to self-govern so, in order to
live a normal, reasonable life for all generations of Earthlings (past and present)
living on this planet surrounded by little-known expanses of the boundless
Universe. Instead, the people-reptiloids have drawn the borders of hundreds of
states on the surface of the planet, putting obstacles for the free movement of
inhabitants across the planet from one part of it to another. The contradictory
ideologemes of hundreds of religions and sects, hostile to each other, of various
organizations and political parties are hammered into the neocortex of people's
consciousness. As a result, the global community of the last generations of
Earthlings is in fact divided into parts in the form of states, regional unions and
blocs headed by not the most intelligent people (no one even determines the
degree of their intelligence).
Thus, the overwhelming majority of the current generation of the Earth's inhabitants,
including the leaders of States, countries and peoples, due to an inadequate global
system of social and civic education, do not have either proper knowledge or proper
awareness that meets modern requirements, as a result of which most of the
inhabitants of our planet still live and they work, run states and peoples, and even
international organizations, guided only by the reflections of the reptilian part of their
brain, which keeps the individual level of their consciousness, as already noted,
somewhere at the level of the XII - XIX centuries.
Thus, the overwhelming majority of the current generation of the Earth's inhabitants,
including the leaders of States, countries and peoples, as a result of an inadequate
global system of social and civic education, do not have either proper knowledge or
proper awareness that meets modern requirements, as a result of which most of the
inhabitants of our planet still live and work, run states and peoples, and even
international organizations, guided only by the reflections of the reptilian part of their

brain, which keeps the individual level of their consciousness, as already noted,
somewhere at the level of the XII - XIX centuries.
As a result, they replenish only the reptiloid, mentally retarded part of Humanity. And
if until the middle of the XX century, the presence of reptiloids in the structure of
Mankind was tolerable, because it was not so seriously dangerous, then, since the
second half of the XX century, and especially in the XXI century, their presence in
the structure of Mankind is already more intolerable, because they began to
represent a direct mortal danger to the aggregate organism of Humanity, being akin
to a cancerous tumor, or Covid bacteria.
Thus, the presence of reptiloids in the structure of Humanity in our Time is fully
unacceptable and inadmissibly, because they have become a real, hourly threat to
Humanity and Life on Earth, increasingly becoming more and more their potential
For example, scientists-reptiloids with a low level of consciousness have already
created weapons over the past half century that can repeatedly destroy all Life on
Earth, including all the Humanity, and they still continue to improve and develop
Another deadly danger for Humanity is that the current World Order is ruled again
mainly by individuals-reptiloids with a low level of consciousness, making decisions
of a global nature, relying only on the reflections of their reptilian part of the brain. In
this situation, the future fate of all the Mankind and the existence of Life on Earth
now, already every day are being put under increasing threat of reptiloid self-
With this in mind, if the collective Humanity still hopes and wishes to survive in such
unfavorable socio-political conditions, then it should loudly, publicly acknowledge
and announce that the generation of reptiloids has come very close to its historical
end, and they should disappear from the face of the Earth, as the dinosaurs that have
outlived their Time disappeared.
As the proof of this, we should consider the fact of appearing and manifesting in
increasing numbers in different places of the planet mentally healthy forces with
consciousness adequate to the current time, capable: 1) take under full control the
self-destructive reptiloid process that has erupted on the planet, 2) to remove from
the leadership of the current World order those self-appointed individuals-reptiloids,
who are the main causes of all the current problems and challenges arising on our
planet, forcing them to correct their own consciousness through the study of social
and civil knowledge relevant to the XXI century and passing the appropriate tests.
But until such forces on the planet are sufficiently strengthened, the threat of self-
destruction of Life on Earth by reptiloids continues to remain and will only get
stronger every day.
Unfortunately, the majority of Mankind (its reptiloid part) does not know the well-
known Law of Nature from Classical Philosophy about the Motion in Time,
according to which Being around us proceeds according to a long-known axiom
reflected in the ancient Latin statement, which reads: "Tempora mutantur, et nos
mutamur in illis", which means "Times are changing; we also have to change
with them." “We also should change” means that our consciousness should be
constantly improved, updated accordingly. But nobody did this in the past
systematically and globally in no one level of human society development on our

But, as it was already noted, if this was permissible in ancient times up to the middle
of the XX century, then in the new time epoch, when Humanity has created previously
unprecedented powerful instruments of self-destruction, such a course of events
cannot continue any time longer without simultaneously raising the level of global
consciousness to the same degree of development and conformity.
Yet Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell were the first to realize this when in 1946
they established the Committee of Atomic scientists, who called for not allowing
the use of nuclear weapons for military purposes. At present, only the Bulletin
remains from this Committee, which notifies Humanity annually each January how
many symbolic seconds, according to their estimates, have left to Humanity before
the Apocalypse, until the Doomsday.
With the beginning of the 3rd World War, such a forecast no longer meets the
requirements of Time, and the World Philosophical Forum on its website switched to
the monthly forecast of the symbolic seconds. As of November 2022, less than 20
symbolic seconds remain already until the Doomsday.
Simultaneously with the Committee of Atomic Scientists, which included people
with a grown level of consciousness meeting the requirements of that Time, the UN
was established as well, and, in parallel with it, the International Monetary Fund
(IMF), which, since the middle of the last century, became the legislators and
deciders of the new (for that time) World order.
But all these organizations and that World Order itself were created by people, who
have a low for the XX century reptiloid level of individual consciousness, with total
unknowing of the Classical philosophy.
That is why the arms race and military conflicts are still going on on the Earth, and in
1962 Humanity, as it is right now, found itself on the edge of a global catastrophe
due to the Caribbean crisis.
And all this continued until the end of the XX century, when it became quite obvious
that the World order established improperly was leading Humanity on the wrong path
to a real abyss.
UNESCO experts were the first to notice this, who 60
years after the creation of this organization for the first
time remembered Philosophy, and UNESCO Director
General Irina Bokova approved for the first time the
“UNESCO Strategy for Philosophy”. At the same
time, the World Philosophy Day was established and
the slogan was proclaimed: "There is no UNESCO
without Philosophy!", although it would be more
correct to proclaim the slogan: "There is no Humanity
without Philosophy!" To what we are all so stubbornly rolling now.... without
The next person who saw the depravity
of the current World order and the
necessity to renew the global
consciousness was the former UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who 10 years ago in 2012 addressed
Humanity with the initiative "Civic Education first!", calling on all people to

start receiving the unified longlife civic education for all, and on its basis, to
begin the formation of the Global Citizenship, i.e. the single Global community,
the Global commune of people with the consciousness renewed in accordance
with the requirements of the XXI century, different from the reptiloid one.
Unfortunately, Humanity and world leaders-reptiloids did not respond to these
initiatives of the former UN leaders properly. These initiatives are not in the
activity of the current leadership of the UN as well.
Only the WPF has supported the initiatives of Ban Ki-moon and Irina Bokova
and made all the necessary additional preparations for their implementation into
the life of Mankind.
Thus, the Minimum of civic knowledge based on the Classical Philosophy was
formulated, and civic education began to be gradually introduced everywhere on
the planet with the registration of civilly educated people as "Citizens of the
Earth-XXI", who began to unite in order to form the Global citizenship required
by Time. At all events, the slogan is proclaimed – "There is no Humanity
without Classical Philosophy!"
The fact is that there is another little-known world problem that Humanity should
know and overcome - the fact that the Classical philosophy was banned in 529
by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, and this ban has not been formally lifted
by anyone, and it is actually in effect to this day. Therefore, since then,
everywhere, only scholastic (separated from Life) philosophy is being studied in
all universities of the world, which does not bring any benefit to Humanity, and
this spoils the image and imposes a false vision and understanding of genuine
Philosophy. For information, all professors of the scholastic philosophy are
grouped around the World Philosophical Congress, convened since the last
century every 5 years.
As part of the further practical implementation of the
initiatives of Ban Ki-moon and Irina Bokova, in 2015 in
Athens, Greece, the Citizens of the Earth held the
Constitutional Convention of the Universal State of
the Earth, at which the Universal Constitution of the
Earth and the Universal (Unified) Ideology of the
Earth were duly adopted.
Thus, since then, the unified procedure (order) has been worked out and
established for civil education of the inhabitants of the Earth, certification of their
civil knowledge and issuance of Passports of the Universal State of the Earth
In order to streamline the formation of Global Citizenship, Communes of Earth
Citizens began to be created everywhere, as the basis of the State system of
the USE and the new World Order of Earth Citizens.
So, it should be assumed that the supranational, supra-religious Universal
State of the Earth has existed legally for more than 7 years, and everything is
theoretically and practically ready for the construction of the new, modern
"World Order of the Earth's Citizens". Newly registered after civic education,
Citizens of the Earth can gradually proceed, according to the Universal

Constitution of the Earth, to form the governing bodies of the Universal State
of the Earth, namely, the Earth Parliament, the Earth Government, the Earth
Academy, the Earth Bank, the Earth Supreme Court (including the Earth
Supreme Tribunal), and others.
Currently, due to the insignificant registered number of civilly trained and
certified Citizens of the Earth and Aristocrats of the Earth, only one supreme
body of the new phase of self-government of Mankind is functioning - the
Supreme Council of Humanity.
Thus, one of the practical problems that remains intractable so far is how to
encourage to unite in reality the present generation of reptiloids, completely
ignorant in civil knowledge, placed on five continents, into a common earthly
community, a single Global citizenship, that should be done in the shortest
possible time by obtaining by them a single for all civic education, the acquired
knowledge of which should be used then by all of them in their daily practice.
So, right now we have, on the one hand, a civilizationally ignorant generation of
reptiloids of Humanity, moving towards its historical End, coexisting according to
an "outdated (obsolete) World order" based on the mentality of the outdated
international level, and on the other hand, we have begun to realize the urgent
need for a broad renewal in the most correct way the underdeveloped universal
consciousness, to raise the universal mentality to the required supranational
level and unite all the inhabitants of our planet into a single Global citizenship,
thus constructing "a New, Updated, Modern World Order of the Citizens of the
It is quite obvious that neither the G7, nor the G20, nor the current leaders of the
UN/UNESCO, being too far from the knowledge of the Classical Philosophy,
nor the UN General Assembly are able to do this. Therefore, there is only one
practical, proven way to determine the near future of Humanity.
To do this, it is necessary to convene an Extraordinary Supranational
Convention of Citizens of the Earth (ESC) in order to develop and adopt a
way of peaceful transition from the current, obsolete "World Order of IMF/UN",
whose leaders brought Humanity to the 3rd World War and to the ever-
increasing probability of its complete self-destruction, to a new "World Order of
Citizens of the Earth/USE" and its practical implementation into life on the Earth,
when everything will be based on Reason, high Morality, Justice, Positive
Selection and Responsibility, and above all – Global Responsibility!
It is quite clear that only genuine, outstanding Citizens of the Earth are capable
of this, because ignorant reptiloids, by virtue of their civil and philosophical
illiteracy, will only spoil the whole healing process that is saving for Humanity.
Therefore, only persons with a modern, high, supranational level of their
consciousness, confirmed by their registration in the rank of "Citizens of the
Earth-XXI", will be allowed to participate in the planned Convention, and even
better, if they are "Aristocrats of the Earth-XXI" (i.e. the best out of the best -
according to Classical philosophy).
It is quite natural that the main issues for discussion and adoption at the Convention
will be:

1) The Declaration on the Immediate Cessation of All Military Conflicts on the

Earth, starting from February 1, 2023. From January 1, 2024, it should be prohibited
everywhere on the planet to invent, produce, sell, store and use all types of weapons
of mass destruction. Those, who do not follow the Calls of this Declaration within the
time limits adopted by the Convention, will be declared and will be considered an
Enemy of all Mankind.
2) The Schedule of phased global disarmament, and widespread retraining of all
inventors, manufacturers, custodians and users of all types of weapons, as well as
military personnel to civilian specialties. Everyone knows that in many countries the
death penalty has been abolished, even for malicious criminals, while everywhere
there is the RIGHT TO MURDER, encouraged by awards and medals, other
inhabitants on the planet, often being the best citizens of a country, i.e. the color of
its nation and even of Humanity. Therefore, the general complete disarmament of all
countries! is necessary, and the gradual disbandment of their military infrastructure.
3) The Schedule of a phased global reduction of military expenditures of all
countries and the redirection of funds from the military budgets of all countries to the
needs of the development of the Worldwide network of civil Education.
4) The Program of formation and the beginning of the work of the single on the
planet (global) unified system of civic education. Starting from September 1, 2023,
the introduction of the Unified Course of Civil Education into the curriculum of all
schools of the planet Earth on the basis of Classical Philosophy, not scholastic!
philosophy, remembering the statements of Alexander the Great (Macedonian):
"To Father Philip I owe that I live, and to Aristotle (the ancient Greek philosopher)
that I live with dignity. If I had not been Alexander, I would have become Diogenes
(the ancient Greek philosopher)."
5) All inhumane, antisocial, unnatural and anti-scientific ideas and ideologemes of a
political and social nature (Nazism, fascism, racism, Zionism, anti-Semitism,
terrorism, fanaticism, etc.) should be considered as means of distorting individual
and public consciousness and their preaching and popularization should be consid-
ered as a Crime against Humanity, and condemn those involved in it, deprive
them of their civil rank in the Global citizenship system and subject them to more
thorough civil re-education until successful completion of the relevant recertification
through tests and exams.
6) To establish on the Earth a single on the planet Bipolar PARADIGM, one (first) of
the poles of which to consider Humanity, self-organized into Global citizenship. The
other (second) pole to consider the deadly Cosmos, surrounding the planet and dan-
gerous to all living things. The inhabitants of the planet, who have not joined the
Global Citizenship - Reptiloids, from 2024 will be attributed to the second pole of the
bipolar world, as supporters of the destruction of Humanity and Life on the Earth and
in the Universe, with all the ensuing consequences that follow from this.
7) To work out a decision to ban the development, production, use and sale of all
types of weapons, including chemical and biological weapons, and to sentence vio-
lators of this prohibition up to life imprisonment. Drugs , counterfeit medicines and
fake information should be equated with chemical and biological weapons that
harm the consciousness and health of people.

8) From January 1, 2024, Lifelong civic learning for all inhabitants of the Earth
should move from the category of voluntary recommendation to the category of
mandatory - obligatory. At the same time, the System of regular civil certification
and recertification of the acquired civil knowledge will be created and worked out.
9) As the Citizens of the Earth-21 form self-government bodies of the
USE, to approve the Schedule for the phased curtailment, cancella-
tion of the outdated system of borders and visa regime. From 2024, Cit-
izens of Earth-21, who have the Passport of the Universal State of the
Earth, have the right according to the new "World Order of the Citizens
of the Earth/USE" to move freely through the public ground space (sur-
face) of the entire planet. This will simultaneously remove all tensions
and conflicts on the planet related to territorial disputes.
10) As the Citizens of the Earth-21 form self-governing bodies of the
USE, it is understood that jobs in these bodies, including government, education,
health, law enforcement, etc., can be occupied only by Citizens of the Earth-21, and
leadership positions can be claimed on the principle of positive selection in the first
place Aristocrats of the Earth-21. From January 1, 2024, individuals-reptiloids, who
have not completed a course of civil education or the appropriate attestation and
certification may be allowed to perform only low-skilled or auxiliary types of work.
11) All these arrangements will contribute to the gradual curtailment of the obsolete
"World Order of the IMF/UN", and the phased deployment of the new "World Order
of Earth Citizens/USE".

It is quite natural that the start of the work of the ESC should be scheduled for the
very near future (approximately - December 2022). Any delay is like the Death of all
Another important and necessary condition is the
location of the ESC. It is desirable that this be a
sacred place marked by similar events in the histor-
ical past. Such a place known to all educated peo-
ple is the city of Delphi, Greece - the ancient sym-
bolic Center of the Earth, where the sacred ancient
Stone of the Center of the Earth is kept, and
where vital decisions were made during the ancient
Greek world. In the same neighborhood is the city
of Athens, Greece - the cradle of the Earth's intelli-
gent civilization and Classical philosophy, where
the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was the first inhabitant of the planet in the
History of Mankind, who proclaimed himself 2.5 thousand years a Citizen of the

The planned Convention should not resemble either the Potsdam or San Francisco
conferences, at which the post-war reconstruction of the World order after the 2nd
World War was decided, when the UN was established, because then neither the
social, nor intellectual structures of the world were affected, and all nations remained
separated by themselves, creating only military alliances and blocs.

The planned Convention, in fact, should be similar to the Constitutional Convention

held in Philadelphia in 1787 from May 25 to September 17, at which prominent
citizens formed a way of life, a social order of living in a new state, different from the
Old World – the United States of America.
Therefore, those inhabitants of the Earth, who understand the seriousness of the
current situation, at the same time wishing to continue Life on our planet, as well as
their lives and the lives of their loved ones, will have to monitor closely the work of
the current Delphic Convention – 2022 with great hope that a selected group of the
best Human minds with a high level of global civic consciousness, armed with truly
modern ideas and methods of Classical philosophy, will use them to find the right
way out of today's terrible situation for present and future generations of Mankind by
recreating properly the World Order, which will allow to save Humanity and Life on
our planet (the only known place in the observable part of the Universe, where unique
Life has appeared) from self-destruction. So, let's all stop and re-educate those, who
are now doing everything they want against the Laws of Nature, against the
Creator's plan!
So, the practical implementation of this WPF initiative looks like this:
1) The Organizing Committee for the preparation of the ESC has already been
Chairman of the Organizing Committee – John Mustos, Laureat of the
International Guzi Peace Prize (Manila) (President of the Earth Bank)
Deputy Chairman – Igor Kondrashin, Laureat of the International Guzi Peace
Prize (Manila) (President of the WPF)
Deputy Chairman – Paris Katsivelos (Vice President of the WPF)
Member of the Organizing Committee – Panos J. Kaltsis (Mayor of Delphi)
2) Candidates to the preliminary List of participants of the Extraordinary
Supranational Convention of Earth Citizens, who are scheduled from the List of
Aristocrats of the Earth-21 (the best out of the best - ):
1. Nicholas Hagger – the outstanding writer and philosopher from Great Britain,
Laureat of the International Guzi Peace Prize (Manila), Chairman of the Supreme
Council of the USE, Chairman of the Constitutional Convention of the USE, (Aris.Id.
2. Ban Ki-moon – former UN Secretary General, Initiator of the New World Order
(Aris.Id. No.001)
3. Irina Bokova – former General Director of UNESCO, initiator of the New World
Order (Aris.Id. No.002)
4. Igor Kondrashin – Classical philosopher, Laureat of the International Guzi
Peace, President of the WPF, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of the USE,
Secretary of the Constitutional Convention of the USE (Aris.Id. No.005)
5. Pilar Alvarez-Laso – former UNESCO executive functionary, co-initiator of the
New World Order (Aris.Id. No.003)
6. John Moustos – President of the Earth Bank, Laureat of the International Guzi
Peace – Greece (Aris.Id. No.040)

7. Fidel Gutierrez Vivanco – Professor of Philosophy from Peru, Laureat of the

International Guzi Peace, Vice President of the VFF (Aris.Id. No.014)
8. Glen T. Martin – Professor of Philosophy from the USA, Laureat of the
International Guzi Peace, President of the World Parliament (Aris.Id. No.018)
9. Evgenij Kutovoy – Professor of the Diplomatic Academy, through the
Ambassador from Russia (Aris.Id. No.018)
10. Sergey Emelyanov – Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Professor of Medicine (Aris.Id. No.025)
11. Jeffrey Levett – Honorary President of the WPF, Laureat of the International
Guzi Peace – Greece (Aris.Id. No.041)
12. Elena Kudura – Member of the European Parliament (Aris.Id. No.036)
13. Federico Mayor Zaragoza – former Director General of UNESCO (Aris.Id.
14. Abdusalam A. Guseinov – Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Professor of Philosophy on Ethics, Director of the Institute of Philosophy (Aris.Id.
15. Alexander Chumakov – Professor of Philosophy on Global Studies at
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Laureat of the International Guzi Peace, Vice
President of the WPF (Aris.Id. No.078)
16. Ricaardoe Di Done – President of the Organization for Work with Children
(Canada), Vice-President of the World Philosophical Forum, Laureat of the
International Guzi Peace, (Aris.Id. No.012)
17. Avtandil Mikaberidze – Professor of History from Georgia, Vice-President of the
WPF (Aris.Id. No.009)
18. Devarakonda Swaminadhan – President of the World Intellectual Forum from
India (Aris.Id. No.031)
19. Paris Katsivelos – Professor of Drama and Theater Arts from Greece, Vice-
President of the WPF (Aris.Id. No.028)
20. Junyan He – WPF Coordinator for Asia – China (Aris.Id. No.048)
21. Almaz-Khapim Samed-Gizi Medjidova – WPF Coordinator for Central Asian
Countries – Uzbekistan (Aris.Id. No.053)
22. Rustam Abdullaev – President of the Union of Composers of Uzbekistan
(Aris.Id. No.054) 12. Nadia Batok– political scientist, publicist, civil activist, Citizen
of the Earth - Serbia, Italy (Aris.Id. No.080)
23. Nadia Batok– political scientist, publicist, civil activist, Citizen of the Earth -
Serbia, Italy (Aris.Id. No.080)
24. Isabelle Lafforgue– Public figure, civic activist, Citizen of the Earth – Thailand
(Aris.Id. No.079)
25. Cinderella Ladisla – Member of the Council of the WPF – Philippines (Aris.Id.

26. Carlos Antonio Arias Reggeti – Member of the Council of the WPF – Ecuador
(Aris.Id . No.076)
Suggestions and proposals are welcomed for additional members into the ESC, but
they should be outstanding inhabitants of the Earth subject that all new candidates
should certainly register as Citizens of Earth-21, pass the appropriate certification,
and also become Aristocrats of Earth-21. The Application for Registration can be
found at -
Offers can be sent by e-mail to the following addresses: ,
It is quite clear that the work of the ESC will require financial costs, which are not yet
available in the Organizing Committee for the preparation of the ESC.
Naturally that the rulers of the current World order will not allocate funds for
reconstruction the self-organization of Humanity. Moreover, they will hinder in every
possible way the implementation of this humanitarian work to save Humanity.
Individuals-reptiloids with a low level of consciousness also will not support either
physically or financially this health of mind-improving work for Humanity. Therefore,
all hope is only for those individuals-the inhabitants of the Earth, whose
consciousness has begun to wake up and they do not want to die in the conflagration
of a worldwide nuclear catastrophe. Everyone who wants to help bring Humanity out
of the ruinous impasse, where the current rulers-reptiloids have led it, can send their
funds at the coordinates indicated on the WPF website - http://wpf- with informing about it by e-mail to the following
addresses: ,
For residents of the Earth, who have transferred more than 1,000 euros or dollars at
the specified coordinates, the transferred amount will be counted as a credit for
obtaining Certificates of the Citizen of the Earth-21, of the Aristocrat of the Earth-
21, as well as the Passport of a Citizen of the USE and the supranational driver's
license of the USE.
If it appears that there are still few of such people, then the sad fate of Humanity will
become unenviable - it will continue to move rapidly towards the symbolic abyss and,
for the most part, sooner or later, but very soon, it will disappear.
And it will be really needed a lot of money (the question is about several million
dollars or euros), although compared with military spending it is a mere pittance.
After all, in addition to the main, all-human Extraordinary Supranational
Convention of Earth Citizens in Greece, which should end in March-April 2023
(if it has time to begin), then continental Extraordinary Supranational
Conventions of Earth Citizens are planned and will be held during 2023 with the
support of progressive leaders of the respective countries, and it is planned in Central
Asia, in Southeast Asia, in Latin America, in Europe, in Africa, etc.
Therefore, the WPF calls on all inhabitants of the Earth to understand all the
importance of the social changes taking place on the planet, and to join the ranks of
Global Citizenship by own Registration and Certification through civic education. It is
necessary also that the Citizens of the Earth would start to fill gradually the structures
of the Parliament of the Earth, the Government of the Earth, the Bank of the Earth
and other self-governing bodies of the USE.
Citizens of the Earth, who want to take part in the creation, formation of all these

bodies and to work in them, please, send your CV by e-mail to the following
addresses: ,
So, a request to all the inhabitants of the planet, who still want to continue Life on
Earth and continue their own lives, we ask you to disseminate this WPF Appeal as
widely as possible through all available means of information dissemination. All
information about the preparation and conduct of the ESC, fundraising, etc. will be
regularly posted on the first page of the WPF website -
The beginning of the work of the ESC Convention depends also on how quickly the
mass supranational civil support of the inhabitants of the Earth will arrive, as well as
material support for the financial provision of the organization of its full-fledged work.
Practice shows that people-reptiloids, who are now in the vast majority, are willing to
spend money on anything – on luxury, festivities and entertainment, rather than for
such purposes as conservation of Nature, Life, support and the acquisition of
Simultaneously with the work of the ESC Convention, the formation of Global
Citizenship continues, where you can join by becoming a Citizen of the Earth by
sending your Application to -
The work of the ESC Convention will have temporary, extraordinary, transitional
nature, and with multiplication of Global Citizenship and formation of the organs of
the Universal State of the Earth (USE - ), its functions will be
transferred to the Supreme Council of Humanity (SCH - http://glob- ), as well as to being formed the Parliament of the
Earth and other bodies of the USE, where only Citizens and Aristocrats of the Earth
will work, and who will legislate the decisions developed by the ESC.
So, it is quite clear that the World can no longer remain the
way as it was before. Everything has to be changed most
radically. If this does not happen in the near future, then the
general COLLAPSE will end the Life on Earth once and for
ever, in all its most remote corners – from Europe to New
As it was already mentioned above, the World Philosophical
Forum assesses the current situation on the Earth as
reduced to 30 symbolic seconds till the End of the World. It's time to start as soon
as possible the countdown, which will be published monthly on the WPF website -
We repeat once again that not a single religious denomination, political or
international organization, neither the current UN, nor UNESCO, nor the G7, nor
the G20 have announced to Humanity any effective proposals to stabilize Life on
Earth, guiding it in the right safe direction. Therefore, only specialists armed with
the knowledge of Classical Philosophy – the Science of Life can do it, and
Humanity should not miss this saving chance for itself.

Therefore, Humanity, i.e. EVERY INHABITANT of the Earth, including heads of

states and governments, leaders of all religious denominations and sects, still has
the last choice in their life:
A) To support the creation of the Pan-
human Emergency Anti-Crisis
Committee and create all the conditions
for its work to bring Humanity out of the
historical impasse where it has been led by
the current false ideas (or rather lack of
ideas) and the global ignorance of the
current and previous leaders-rulers of the
world. To leave the ranks of reptiloids
and join the Global Citizenship, the list of which is still
small (see - and this is now
the main current problem of Humanity. We remind
that your Application can be submitted to - http://glob-
B) Try to live in constant, minute-by-minute fear for
your life for the remaining 30 symbolic seconds,
watching how they become less and less: 25, 20, 15,
10, 5, 4,3, 2,1,0!!!
When there are no seconds left at all, there will be
no choice left, and only a handful of dead ash will
remain from each of us, blown by the wind over the
desert surface of the planet once filled with Life,
circling alone around the Sun in the boundless ocean
of the infinite space of the Universe ....

WPF President & CEO,

Classical Philosopher,
Laureate of the International
Guzi Peace Prize

Igor Kondrashin
November 3, 2022


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