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1. Animals that have no skeleton are invertebrates.

2. Some animals and human beings have bones inside their bodies.
3. The skeletons that protect your head is skull.
4. Bones are covered by muscle.
5. Muscles are the parts of the body that allow us to move in many different ways.
6. The connection between muscle and bone is call as tendons.
7. Muscles are found under the skin. They cover the skeleton and give your body shape.
8. The ribs protect our heart, lungs, and liver.
9. Medicines are drugs that make our bodies better when we are sick.
10. The patient receives a prescription according to the doctor’s advice.
11. Medicines used to treat infections caused by bacteria (germs) are antibiotics.
12. Drugs that treat illnesses are called medicines.
13. A drug is any substances that affects how your body works.
14. Animals have features that make them suited to different conditions.
15. Giraffes are found in the grasslands of Africa.
16. Monkeys are found in most of the forest of the world.
17. We can use a key with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ choices to identify member of group.
18. Placing living things in groups based on their characteristics is called classification.
19. Polar bear live in freezing conditions.
20. Human activity affects the environment in positive and negative ways.
21. Everything humans do as we live and work has an effect on the air, water and land in our environment.
22. Pollution is anything that dirties or harms.
23. Recycling can reduce waste and have positive effects on the environment.
24. A giraffe can consume up to 10 gallons of water at a time and can swallow water quickly when needed.
25. Solid matter has a fixed shape.
26. Your body contains matter in the three different states. Your lungs contain gas (air).
27. Water is a very common type of matter and is exists in all three (3) states.
28. Water exists in solid, liquid, and gases states.
29. The clouds are not clouds of water vapour. They are actually made up of tiny drop of liquid water.
30. Gases have no fixed shape.

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