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The light rained down upon us from the large moon above.

The smell of the mashed bananas he had eaten for

breakfast had disappeared long ago, and the rumbling has stopped in his stomach. His eyes were glued to the
clouds, carefree and he was completely in his trance. My eyes were locked on him. With each passing second,
I loved his trance more and more. What could he see from the clouds with such skill? He looked so happy up
there, so immersed in what he is seeing. My eyes followed him every time he moved his head. He caught my
eyes every now and then and smiled a very kind smile, which lit up my heart. I continued watching him until
there was nothing left to see. The sky was truly a work of art and I knew he could see it all. Two days later,
he said he was going to leave, and I would not be able to see him again, ever. 'I'll see the moon every now and
then, I wonder what the moon is like' he said. 'Try to find something to explore too!' 'I'll try, but I'll probably
miss you' 'Well, build a ship and go on an adventure, let it be the first one. You are allowed to be homesick. I
want to tell you, that I love you. Goodbye' 'I love you too' 'I'll probably miss you' And he left. After two
weeks, a massive ship rose from the sea and he was gone. It took him a month, after that it was gone too. I
lived for months with these two. The moon and the clouds, now my biggest friends. They never left me ever
since. Sometimes, I like to be the moon and he is the clouds and live by the joy of our friendship. We talk and
laugh at everything with each other. While we are happy together, no one can take us down, we are winners and
someone not worthy to be defeated. This is how we live, dear friend. For, every person needs a friend,
someone that he can see, or hear, or feel. Someone he can live with, or go with. I, myself, am nothing like
clouds. But I talk to the moon, because he needs to talk, and I do. The moon can never be the clouds and the
clouds can never be the moon. But they can come together and give the moon a feeling that he is needed and
someone can see him. They can. I miss him and will never forget him.

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