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'Education should be free' My phone's beeping interrupted my sweet dreams.

The digital clock on the bedside

table showed 5:45 AM. It was not easy to wake up, the sun had never been so bright during this season and there
was an awful noise due to ongoing traffic. I delayed the alarm for fifteen minutes and used the time for some
quick meditation and running. Then I rushed to the shower. The clean water was deliciously cold on my skin
and I felt energetic and ready to conquer the day. As usual the telephone rang. "Hey what's up buddy? How are
you?" my friend said. My phone signaled that there was an message. Come On Dude It's Almost Time For The
Idle Son." I answered the call immediately, he was my buddy from my college days. We stayed in touch from
distance due to our crazy daily schedules and hobbies. He was very secretive about his true identity. We didn't
even know his full name. But there was no doubt about his identity. "Really dude! You are too early are you?" I
tried to warn him not to wake me up. "Believe it dude or not, this is not a joke. "Look dude you woken me up!"
"You know you always need to wake up early in a morning. Otherwise you will miss the greatest day of your
life," he sounded so serious. "What! You are joking right dude? It's not even eight o'clock and you are already
waking me?" I cringed in disappointment. "It's the day you will meet your angel! You remember our
conversation about that angel?" "Wow, you are serious? That's awesome dude!" I jumped from excitement. "Of
course, I am serious. You are a good friend and I deeply respect you." "Wow dude. This is altogether a great
surprise. I will be there, you got my word. I'll be there don't worry." Not only did I get a free day today, it was
my friend's birthday as well. I had been planning to give him a special gift. But now I decided to keep the gift
for him till next month. Because I wanted to give him the most special gift he'd ever received. I was supposed
to pick him up in front of a restaurant and have brunch. We had planned to visit a nearby park after that. I didn't
plan anything else. Because it was said that they would deliver the most precious gift of education to us.

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