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The measurement of customer satisfaction can play a very crucial role in getting a

competitive edge for a business in the market. It is witnessed that all those organizations and
businesses that understand the value of quality perceived by the customer and his/her
expectations related to the certain product and services have achieved more Customer loyalty
and increased rate of return as compared to their competitors. Customer satisfaction helps an
organization to get more information about the preferences, needs, and wants of customers
by Cengiz (2010) Let us see the example of customer satisfaction measurement in a health
service department. As it is considered the most important part of research as it can open a
gateway for some people to understand the certain behavior of patients after receiving a
particular service. The customer satisfaction and quality attributes have a positive relation
(Hsiu - Yuan, 2011).
A study conducted by Surechander et Al (2002) has discussed the correlation
between customer satisfaction and service quality. Both service quality and customer
satisfaction are closely related to each other it is claimed by the researcher. With the help of
customer satisfaction and the contentment of a customer with the product and service, we can
investigate the quality of the service. The study investigated some of the factors of customer
satisfaction which are compromising the quality of service, Tangibles, and services delivery
process. SERVQUAL is a model that contains tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance,
and empathy. And on the basis of this we evaluate the quality of the service
What is SERVQUAL? Well, it is a scale to measure service quality. Why it is important
because people all over the world believe in quality as an icon before purchasing any product or
availing of any service. And nowadays customers have created a very challenging environment
for the organization and businesses as service is an intangible asset so the customers judged it
with the quality attached. As this is the one major reason that we need to use SERVQUAL. The
model of service quality, popularly known as the gaps model was developed by a group of
American authors, A. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Len Berry, in a systematic
research program carried out between 1983 and 1988. Reliability, Responsiveness, assurance,
empathy, and tangibility are the five sets of ten determinants that form the SERVQUAL model.
The logical understanding of how the quality of service that has been delivered within
the Mauritian public service. An investigation that is focused on customers' expectations
about the service provided by the public sector department in Mauritius and the actual
quality perceived or received by the customer (Ramseook-Muuhurrun. 2010). if any
company aims to provide good quality of service and all the reward they want’s to receive is
customer satisfaction so this kind of profit-making company no matter how small it is will float
in the market like a big ship. The results and analysis have been interpreted based on the
SERVQUAL model (Azizzadeh,2013). Currently, it is a very challenging job for the mind of
customers to get an idea of their expectations about the services as they are very well aware of
their rights. Loopholes will start existing when there will be a difference between the actual
quality perceived by the customer and the expected one. So the organization can play the role of
problem solver. One of the biggest challenges nowadays is that customer expectations are
changing daily so it is hard for the organization to meet the demands. SERVQUAL model has
been used by the business unit to identify and assess the quality of the services and
satisfaction. Satisfaction acts as a mediator for customer loyalty (Ismail, 2013)

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