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Ae qleske3 cok a Saf Sur tae A So ees PEAR & &# BA RRM OMY Nota Verbal N° II / 12023 21 de Margo de 2023 v Jone nant Torte Hye Assunto: Bolsa de Estudo 2023 do Governo Chinés A Embaixada da Repiblica Popular da China apresenta os seus atenciosos cumprimentos a Universidade Eduardo Mondlane e tem a honra de informar o seguinte: Com 0 objective de promover a cooperago na area da educagiio e dos recursos humanos entre a China e Mogambique, no ambito dos Programas de Ajuda Exterior na Educagao do Ministério do Comércio da China, 0 Governo Chinés oferece os Programas de Bolsa de Estudo 2023 de mestrado e doutoramento, compostos por 2 categorias, nomeadamente MOFCOM Scholarship- CSC Program - Type A e MOFCOM Scholarship- University Program - Type B ( veja em anexo 1). A Parte Chinesa sera responsavel pelas mensalidades escolares, as despesas da habitago e alimentagao durante a estadia dos candidatos aceites na China, ¢ das passagens aéreas de ida e volta entre Mogambique e a China. Para os devidos efeitos, esta Embaixada solicita os vossos bons oficios no sentido de recomendar candidatos qualificados, que podem obter a guia de inserigo via _https:/, em que se contam os requisitos e os processos de solicitagao, € devem se inscrever no site: hups:/Avww.campuschina.ore/ ou hitps://, conforme a instrug’o da guia de cada Programa, submetendo os documentos necessirios (Versio original em portugués e versio traduzida em inlgés) , € entregar as eépias a esta Embaixada, junto com os originais para confirmar, antes do dia 10 de Maio do ano corrente. Os contactos desta Embaixada sao os seguintes: Embaixada da Republica Popular da China Enderego: N° 3142, Av, Julius Nyerere, Maputo Ponto focal: Sra. Cai Song, Adida Civil Tel: 84.9898 115 Email: ‘A Embaixada da Repablica Popular da China aproveita esta oportunidade para reiterar & Universidade Eduardo Mondlane os protestos da suua mais elevada estima e consideragao. Anexo: 1. List of 2023 MOFCOM Scholarship Programs 2. The Foreigner Physical Examination Form A Universidade Eduardo Mondlane MAPUTO 2023 List of MOFCOM Degree Education Programs No Pram Unvoréy ‘eager | Ercivart [agengyna.| Sat End 1 Maser Poxamin Pic Paley ekg ivesiy + 2s | sooo | aozaan | anwar ae Prog AB Ran 7 2 vues aig Unvesiy oe Deal eg of Teta ano RRO 2 aa 3 Desipmen Peking Uae 3 so | sooor | aozacn | SzSSE 4 | MasePopanot UtunandRilPaning | Baten uoongtnnensy | 2 20 | sooo | aocarn | 22s 5 | Maser Foran on Tac en TansporaonEgnsing) Beg Inne Unversty |? 7 | 10004 | 202901 | aorsmat 6 | MaverPopamoffacetsnonissantPoky | BalngFowsty Unveriy | zo | soe | maaan | aazac 7 | Maser rgram of Bure Adnan Selig Neal Uaenty | 4 © |_soom | zazan | zoranrn «| MerPepam offen Mamgenew | Norsomal Unneniy | 2 | e200 | coxa | 2o2srn | Renee Fomine Baa | Un tient | wo | wwe | pease | azzanar oes 10 MOFCOM Scholarship ( 02st 1 janhip (CSC Progam) | enna Scaeinconsel(Cso)] 29m-4 | 23040 | oooro | zozamir | Zee! artes 1 | Mase Program of Tosa rd Hal Namgenen | Hain UnvesiyofCommens | 2 ze | 10240 | zozam | aoasiaas 1 | __ Nase rgam nda gcing ie ne 2 zo | sass | zoe | aozsmat ® ‘ase Progam of aston xe Coa Namal Vane | zo | saaea | aoasmn | anzaact ‘er Pram of notions Coin Hsing Uv of Sire * ioe eRe 2 ae | sour | anzuon | amos 6 Maser Pog Pai Dima in Une 1 ze | sores | zozann | 2o2uers 6 Mast Progra of nation Business | te Unversity of Fine and | 0 | tomar | aozaert | zoasiest " Mase Prarie Souter Mail Unvesiy | 2 zo | vein | mozvan | aocamar ® ae rogram Fer Sane Naning Aertel | 2 2 | sme? | aeramn | zozsect aster Program of Aang NenionAvsttnnemy | 2 40 | seer | auzamin | 2025001 ae ing Unive of iran » Naser Paya of Merlo fg ony oom 2 1s | waco | aozann | 202s a1] Maser Pog of Stare Faring ans Unies 2 40 | 10088 | zozasis | oases ‘Nase geno PO Adin TERT | 2 : one inn rivet 2 15 | 1000s | sear | zozsm01 23 | cna Maer Pram Publi Adin | __Tngh Univesy 1 x0 | 10000 | o2aan | aazamat Mast Program of Profesional Accounting Propram | Sere! Neal scouring | so | soso | cozaar | zoasiest 25 | Masters Progam in Environmental Engnecing | Stow Vevey of Ssinccans | 2s | toss | zoaman | 202s ‘eat Nase Fran in Evormer : * ine een or Ta ey 2 x0 | soz | zara | 2o2sea 27 | __MaerPrarem nero Rlatsns | Chon Fain Ais Unverty |¢ 2 | 10040 | zezamis | oranrs 25 | Mase PgametinematolLawand ChineeLaw | Wan nveriy 2 x0 | 10146 | zo20er | 202smt 2 | MaverProyam of ese ageing sewers usiventy | 2 zo | s0ese | mo2ven | aozsnct [x0 ‘Master Program of Rail Transit Electrification and | » cuales Soutwes avons Unneniy | 2 20 | 0619 | maven | aozsmc a asi rota of Poet Manages Yannus Unversity of Fiance & | 9 35 | toes | zaman | zoase1 2 | __ ster ops of Cmparine Edxaion Zaejang Komal emt | 2 x0 | wots | zoaon | aozs 29 | Measer gr fests Commences | COPS Uoweniyol | 20 | soos | cozaar | 2ozwans [jy | Master Program of Manageinen Rural Development and , , “ + . “ “iene Oma Agentoaiawessy | 2 | 28 | tone | sacs | zane 36 | _saserrogamefDevlgmentané Govemince | _Reanie Unveniy ofChin | 2 zo | sooo | zozsen | zoso1 VaerPrgrn of Sai Work (Women TRIPE Cpa 6 (Sec Wo rs Shon Woneasdaberty | 2 7 | ius | mozvon | zozsra ye Mase Ragan Anca Nerng Pace BME oa os 1 | aneanen “ “Techonoogy i Developing Counties [_ Geatrat Soh Universioy 2 20 a ‘Maser Degsee Program in Transportation Engineering Central South University 2 20 1os33 | 2ozae | 2026831 ‘kaiTanspetaion Egupmen) | Sh BA AE He ah BE OH FOREIGNER PRYSICAL EXAMINATION FORM i Pea | O 8 Male HEA JR Name, Sex |O %& Female Birthday inci eePe A fi Ep aE) SSE Heh Present mailing address Photo = (Stamped Official | mae sas sit Cae ‘Nationality Birth Blood type (or Area) place HERARA PARR: GESTS “A” ae “R”) Have you ever hed any ofthe following diseases? (Each item must be answered "Yes" or “No”) BEE HR Typhus fever CINo LYes wi Mi) Bacillary dysentery CINo OYes ANJLBRAE Poliomyelitis. CINo LlYes HEGFTRTNNY Brucellosis No OYes 4 "WR Diphtheria CINo ClYes “#43 HLHFE Viral hepatitis, No GYes BEL ie Scarlet fever CINo Des FHEAGERR Puerperal streptococcus infection Fl 2 ah Relapsing fever ONo CYes OR SR CONo Ces GRAM HR ‘Typhoid and paratyphoid fever ONo OYes ‘Wet THEME HEBER — Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis CINo QYes RELATHERAPRIMRE OTE: (PIG MAMA “A” we OR”) Do you have any of the following diseases or disorders endangering the public order and security? “Yes” or “No”) (Each item must be answer vei Texicomania INo Yes aL Mental confusio -CINo Lives ‘AMR; Psychosis: BRIE — Manic paychosi “CINo GYes SMU Paranoid psychos -CNo DYes K)%2 — Hallucinatory- CINo Des a DK | Ra - an | tue DRE | Height cM | Weight Ke | Blood pressure mig RAR EER si Development Nourishment Neck wn EL SERA AL. & Vision 47 R. Corrected vision #7 R_ Eyes BEN Bik [ea Colour sense Skin Lymph nodes B wane Ears Nose Tonsils 2 “| Bi ERS Heart Lungs [Abdomen FE Spine mage | WEB Extremities ‘Nervous system SLT Other abnormal findings BOR XR beset RPA AE) Chest X-ray exam (attached chest X-ray report) Ae eee (te Sta, 166 MHA) Laboratory exam (attached test report of, AIDS, Syphilis etc) ED ECC HBB FUE AE RR AMIE BASE RE BE ‘None of the following diseases of disorders found during the present examination, i Cholera ‘eH Venereal Disease BEI Yellow fever Nb Lung tuberculosis UE Plague Sa AIDS KF Leprosy SNR Psychosis x OR RAM Suggestion Official Stamp ines A Signature of physician Date

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