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Writing a letter – Asessment

To whom it may concern,

Good afternoon, with reference of the latest results according the survey conducted
about net addiction, I would like to contribute with my expertise in order to explain
why Internet Adiction Disorder is peaking and what can we do for the purpose of
dwindling the number of cases.

On the one hand, Internet addiction do have lot of similarities with drug addiction. For
instance, craving, always wanting more or lack of disease awareness. Firstly, one of the
main factors social networks are so addictive is because of social reinforcement. Likes
mean you are accepted, therefore as many likes you have as important you are in
society. Secondly, being part of society, not being part of social media leads to being
isolated. However, not only the net have drawbacks but also pros, such as being able
to be in touch with relatives that are far away from home.

Considering all the risk factors that surround the youngsters we should, as a
community, reflect on how to prevent them from becoming addicted. One of the
measures we could put into action is education. Workshops or lectures about the
hazardous aspects of the internet, how to cope with social pressure, negative
comments about yourself would be of great help for adolescents that are still
developing. In addition, in terms of law, rise the minimum age required to create an
account. Finally, control of meeting the requirements should be much more tough
than now, we all know someone under 14 with an Instagram account, which is
supposed to be illegal.

In conclusion, in all likelihood net addiction is going to continue rising until we raise
awareness of the disease. The world is always changing, and societies must do the
same. We are tackling a new epidemic in the first world, no more denying the reality.


Laura Redondo

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