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Dona is the who sent the letter

2. Melody is the one who recived the letter
3. The letter was written on october 5 th, 2014
4. Dona,s personal letter is categoried as thank you letter
5. The main idea of the text is Dona wants to thanks gorr all the good memories they had
6. The writter wrote the letter to say goodbye to her friend and thankinh her friend for all the
thing she had done for her
7. Dona wrote the together the letter because she wants to go to Denpasar, leaving her friend.
So she has to say goodbye and she also wants to say thank you for her friend
8. Dona thanked melody because she bcome a really good friendand she has make Dona Time
at school trully enjoyable
9. We must never forget our friend especially they who helped ud s lot
10. To send information, news, and greeting
11. Dear, Your sincerely
12. Formal letter : about is written in formal language and follow. Informall letter : eritten to
inform about your personal life to your friends, family, etc
13. Fan mail : mail sent to a public figure
14. Pen pal : a person what whose one become a friend by exchanging lette

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