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HW Chap 06
Name: Md. Jeyson Jaman Sawan
Roll: CSE202101001
Level 1 Programming Exercises★

06. Write a program to print out the numbers 10 through 49 in the following manner:

07. A prime number is an integer greater than 1 and divisible by only itself and 1. The first seven
prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17. Write a method that returns true if its parameter is
a prime number. Using this method, write a program that repeatedly asks the user for input
and displays Prime if the input is a prime number and Not Prime, otherwise. Stop the repetition
when the input is a negative number.
Level 2 Programming Exercises ★★
18. Write a method that returns the number of digits in an integer argument; for example, 23,498 has five
digits. Using this method, write a program that repeatedly asks for input and displays the number of digits
the input integer has. Stop the repetition when the input value is negative.

24. Write a program that inputs N, where 3<= N <= 25, and outputs a cross. The following figure shows
the output when N is 5.

package myutil;

public class Person {

private String name;

public Person( ) {

name = "Unknown";

public String getName() {

return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

package ch7_level01_14;

import myutil.Person;

public class Ch7_level01_14 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person obj= new Person();

obj.setName("JJ Sawan");


package myutil;

public class MealCard {

private int points;

public MealCard(){


public int getPoints(){

return points;

public void PurchasePoints(int p){

this.points= points+p;

public void FoodPurchase(int price){


this.points= points-price;


System.out.println("You are not allowed to purchase because your balance is negative");

package ch7_level01_14;

import java.util.Scanner;

import myutil.MealCard;

public class ch4_level02_16 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

MealCard obj1=new MealCard();

int point, foodprice;

System.out.println("You have bought 1st food item. Price of this food item is: ");



System.out.println("You have bought 2nd food item. Price of this food item is: ");



System.out.println("Your Total Point: "+obj1.getPoints());

System.out.println("How much points you want to purchase? Amount:");



System.out.println("After adding points new new balance point: "+obj1.getPoints());


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