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Geopolitics and Environment

Unit 1 - Task 2
Identification of a specific problematic situation

Carolina Jaime Rodríguez

Karol Maestre Contreras
Code – 1.082.847.175

Cluster - 151021_3

Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la salud ECISA
Administration en salud
Marzo 2023
Analyze of the health situation for different contexts in the health problems that arise from the
relationship between Geopolitics, Environmental, Determinants in Health and Sustainable
Identify a specific problem situation in your city or region, that affects the context where you live or
work, associated with air pollution, water pollution or soil pollution and its effects on human health.
Sanitary emergency due to constant overflow of wastewater from sewers -Santa Marta cra 1
with 22 street

Causes and impacts on human health: explain the causes and impacts on human health of the
chosen problem.
Sewage contains viruses, bacteria, and other germs that can cause illness Health risks from sewage
depend on the amount of water, the types of germs in it, the length of time it was in contact with
household materials and the amount and duration of exposure to these waters. In general, the more
solid waste (human excrement) is in the water, the greater the need for immediate and thorough
cleaning of materials that came in direct contact with it. The most common contagious diseases are
usually gastrointestinal disorders and/or rashes or skin infections. Respiratory infections are rare,
since fecal microorganisms are almost never airborne in humid environments, and these viruses and
bacteria usually disappear once objects are dried,one of the worst effects is the nauseating smell that
can be given off, but it is also that many of these particles can be dispersed in the air, being able to
be inhaled and cause different pathologies such as gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea and vomiting,
among others, revealing the great potential for threat to the health that these waters represent,
especially if they manage to leak into the drinking water supply that we use daily for showering,
drinking or cooking, This gas is composed mainly of hydrogen sulfide, a rather strong odor similar
to that of rotten eggs, caused mainly by the decomposition of waste material.
Poor drainage of the sewers can cause this gas to reach our homes, something that in low
concentrations is not fatal but causes irritation to the mucous membranes, breathing problems and
coughing, this kind of water is a very serious threat and those people who come into contact with
sewage should be vaccinated against tetanus every ten years. In the worst cases, you can contract
leptospirosis, a disease transmitted by rats, or even hepatitis A, among other diseases, which makes
clear the importance of a good water treatment service so that these cases do not happen, In our city,
one of the most important and serious factors with these overflows, in addition to air pollution, is
that these waters end up in the sea, which is only a few meters from the overflow point, making it a
polluting factor for bathers and tourists. who come daily to enjoy the beaches.
Epidemiological Data: To describe epidemiological data associated with mortality, morbidity
and disease severity. You must include graphs or statistical data.
The bay of Santa Marta is considered one of the most important tourist destinations in Colombia.
Close to a million tourists arrive annually, the largest influx of which occurs in the season from
December to January. Some water quality studies carried out in this region [5,6,7] reveal signs of
contamination of recreational waters in the bay. Seasonal periods have been reported where fecal
and total coliforms showed high values, higher than the permissible limits for primary contact
The summary of the concentrations of total coliforms (NMP/100 ml) The concentration of this
parameter in the stations of Playa Grande, Santa Marta, Rodadero and Taganga, showed a range
between 1274 and 58 NMP/100 ml. The stations located on the beaches of Taganga and Santa
Marta, presented high values in comparison to the beaches of Rodadero and Playa Grande. Only at
these two stations, Santa Marta and Taganga, were values higher than the water quality standard for
primary contact in terms of total coliform concentration (1000 NMP/100 ml). The Kruskal-Wallis
test showed that there are statistically significant differences between the means at a confidence
level of 95.0%, reporting three homogeneous groups, the first group or low concentrations, made up
of the Playa Grande and Rodadero stations, in the second group is the bay of Santa Marta and a
final group formed by the bay of Taganga, The Kruskal-Wallis test showed that there are
statistically significant differences between the means at a confidence level of 95.0%, reporting
three homogeneous groups, the first group or low concentrations, made up of the Playa Grande and
Rodadero stations, in the second group is the bay of Santa Marta and a final group formed by the
bay of Taganga.

A medium level of contamination was found in the outfall stations (superficial), Santa Marta Beach
Microbiological pollution degree in Santa Marta bay

A decrease in mortality can
be observed with regard to
diseases of the digestive
system, but it is still an
environmental public health
problem for the samaritans,
the spillage of sewers and that these contaminated waters reach the beaches that are recreation
centers for their own and visitors

-The waters of the bay of Santa Marta generally contain a mixture of pathogens from the entry of
wastewater and other effluents. This mixture constitutes a potential danger for bathers who, having
direct contact with the water, may exist a high probability of ingesting sufficient amounts of it that
can cause significant health risks, generating diseases of the digestive tract such as ADD (acute
diarrheal disease) for example.
-A good solution for controlling wastewater pollution is to treat it in plants where most of the
pollutant separation process is carried out, thus leaving a small part that will complete nature in the
receiving body.
Conclusion about learning
-It is important to strengthen environmental care measures to suppress the means of transmission of
diseases and environmental deterioration, it is of the utmost importance that government entities
come forward to find solutions to this type of problem, but it is also important to create social
awareness, start from home and our environment, give value to the natural resources we have and
make good use of them since they contribute to our health for better or worse.


 -Gas de alcantarillado y aguas residuales, peligro para la salud

-Roger Urieles/EL TIEMPO /Santa Marta (2021)
-Minister of National Health and Welfare (WHNM). Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water
Quality, 1992. Avaliable:
-calidad microbiológica del agua de la bahía de santa marta,
-Organización Mundial de la Salud. [Internet]. Ginebra: Organización Mundial de la Salud; 2021
may. 2. Centro de prensa: Enfermedades diarreicas [citado 2021 ago. 5]. Disponible en:
- Colombia, Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial (MAVDT). (2015). Decreto
1076 de mayo de 2015: Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible.
Ministro de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial. Consultado: 20 agosto de 2019 en:

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