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Kingdom Hearts: Connections Rekindled.

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: 101 Dalmatian Street (Cartoon), 101 Dalmatians (1961), Disney -
Fandom, Kingdom Hearts (Video Games)
Character: Roxas (Kingdom Hearts), Xion (Kingdom Hearts), Lea (Kingdom
Hearts), Dylan (101 Dalmatians), Dolly (101 Dalmatians), Doug (101
Dalmatians), Delilah (101 Dalmatians)
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-18 Updated: 2023-05-03 Words: 43,041 Chapters:

Kingdom Hearts: Connections Rekindled.

by JayoftheTrees


Almost a year has past since Sora disappeared after bringing Kairi back. Almost a whole
year of searching, with no results.

Roxas was told he'd done all he could, that he, Xion, and Lea should try and get on with
their new, hard-won lives in peace...

But Roxas can't accept that. He, out of all people, knew Sora the closest, even if it wasn't
the same way as his friends knew him. Sora had helped so many people during his
adventures, there had to be SOMETHING in his memories they'd overlooked...

But memories and connections can be strange things. Even the smallest connection can last
a lifetime, but trying to reconnect with it can lead many different places...
Uneasy Peace.
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It had been almost a year…

Almost a year since it was over…

Almost a year since over a decade's worth of heartache was finally over. Since so much pain was
finally given a chance to heal. Since the cosmos seemed to finally be at peace. Since the dark plans
of an evil man were finally thwarted, and people could get back to their lives, safe, and unaware
that some evil force seeked to drag their hearts into the darkness…

It should’ve been almost a whole year of rest. Finally a time for those who risked so much, who
sacrificed so much to bring about this peace were finally given a chance to rest…

…But it wasn’t.

How could it have been? Because most of all, it had been a whole year since the one who was
instrumental in all this, the one who was the literal key to saving the worlds and the lives of

…Had disappeared without a trace.

….It had been almost a year since Sora had disappeared…

In a final act of selflessness, even when it seemed like there was nothing else he could possibly
give, Sora gave everything he had left to save the one friend he cherished more deeply than all the
stars in the sky…

…And then he was just….Gone.

No one knew where, or why exactly, but for the better part of that year, everyone who could was
searching for him. The King, his closest friends, everyone.

The very person he gave everything to save, Kairi, had even gone under a deep sleep to search her
memories to find SOME clue of where he might have gone…But there was no luck. Not yet,

The only news they heard from anyone was that they were still doing the best they could…But
nothing was turning up… They could all only do so much…

…And that’s what bothered Roxas the most…

They told him to try and take it easy. That he should enjoy his hard-won life, as very few people
like him get to have their own. They told him there wasn’t much he could do, anyway, they
seemed to have all bases covered when it came to searching for Sora. Aqua, Terra, and Ventus
were searching the Dark World. The King had been sent on a special mission by Master Yen Sid.
Donald and Goofy were searching the worlds they had traveled with Sora, and Riku had searched
just about everywhere else. They definitely weren’t short-handed in their search.

…And besides, it wasn’t like Roxas wasn’t keeping busy. He was also helping someone else who
just got her life back, too…

After the final battle with Xehanort, Roxas, Xion, Lea, and Isa had gone back to Twilight Town,
moving into the old mansion and giving it a long-overdue restoration with the help of Hayner,
Pence, and Olette. It was a far simpler life than what Roxas was used to. No fighting, no Heartless,
no Nobodies. It was just him. Him, and his friends, living a life that they had been sure they could
never have.

It wasn’t an easy life to get used to, either. It took a while before both him and Xion accepted that
this was THEIR life now. They weren’t going to disappear one day without warning, or be turned
into husks. It took a while for Lea and Isa to accept that no one was going to come after them to try
and pull them back into the darkness again. The Organization was gone. Its members, save for a
few, were back to the way they should be. It took Roxas himself time before he really accepted that
this was real, and not another simulation.

In a funny way, when he finally did accept it, it almost seemed boring compared to his old life.

Now, he never had reason to so much as draw his Keyblade, save for daily practice to keep his
skills sharp. He stuck to one neighborhood instead of traveling around worlds, and the worst
enemy he had to battle was the tram commute.

By all accounts, he should be happy. And he was… But as the weeks turned to months with no
update on Sora’s whereabouts, he couldn’t help but think that he wasn’t doing everything he could
to help. And as the day’s went on, he began to hide those feelings less and less…

“Y’know they’ll let you know if there’s anything you can do, right?”

Those were the words Lea said that brought Roxas back to reality.

“Huh, what?” Roxas said, shaking his head.

“And I don’t blame ya, but PLEASE try to remember what you’re supposed to be doing!” Lea said.

That’s when Roxas remembered that he and Lea were finally clearing the vines from the mansion's
outer wall, and he was supposed to be holding the ladder.

“Eh-Heh. Sorry.” He said.

“Not like it’s not what’s on EVERYONE’S minds.” Lea said, getting back to work. “But I’ve seen
it on your face especially.”

“Eh, I can’t help it.” Roxas said, looking down. “It’s been so long now.”
“I know man, I know.” Lea said. “But I figure if there was anything any of US could do to help,
they’d let us know.” He climbed down. “But right now, it doesn’t look like there is.”

Roxas scoffed. “C’mon, Lea. You know me better than that. I don’t think I’ll be satisfied with just
waiting around.”

“We’re not just waiting around, we’re doing exactly what I think Sora would want us to do. Living
our lives.” Lea said.

“How do you know that’s what he would want?” Roxas asked.

“Cause I know you.” Lea said. “And in case you forgot, you’re pretty darn similar.”

Roxas gave a conceding look. “Okay, but…Then you should also know that he wouldn’t give up
on a friend.”

“Oh, I know.” Lea said, as he took the ladder from its spot. “Which is why I’m not telling you to
stop. I’m just reminding you that if there was something you could do, they’d let you know.”

Roxas shook his head as he followed Lea back inside.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m getting a little worried too.” Lea said. “It’s been, what? Almost a year?
You’d figure SOMETHING would’ve turned up.”

“Yeah.” Roxas said, sadly.

“But, well, right now the only thing WE can do is just hold on, keep hoping for the best.”

Roxas shook his head. “I don’t think I can… I….What if there IS something I can do to help?
Something the others haven’t thought of?”

“Like what?” Lea asked.

“I…I dunno.” Roxas said. “That’s what I’m wondering. No one would’ve thought of it yet!”

Lea held his hands up in defense. “Okay, guess that WAS a dumb question.”

“I have ALL of Sora’s memories. Things not even his closest friends know. What if there’s
something in there that would help, we just don’t know it?” Roxas asked.

Lea tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Well, that kid’s memories have been jumbled around more than
once. It’s not impossible… But the way I see it, with how that kid worked, if you needed to
remember something now, you would’ve already.”

Roxas’s shoulders slumped. “You make it sound like it’s just luck.”

“Hey, it kinda is.” Lea laughed. “But it’s also true, that kid's heart had a weird way of helping him
out when he needed it the most. I’ll bet yours is the same.”

“So, what?” Roxas asked. “There’s either nothing in my head that could help or-”

“Or you don’t need to know it, yet.” Lea said.

Roxas huffed. “So, I’m just back to square one.”

“Yep.” Lea said. “But hey, I wouldn’t sweat it.” He put his hand on Roxas’s shoulder.
“The best thing you can do right now is to make sure that when Sora gets back to us, you can show
him that you made the best of the life he helped you get back. Right?”

Roxas mumbled. “I guess…”

“Good. Now, c’mon, let’s get back to work. At this rate, Sora will be back before we have this
place livable.” Lea walked away, leaving Roxas in the empty mansion foyer.

“Heh…I wish I could have your optimism.” Roxas said. While he did agree with what Lea said,
about how Sora’s heart seemed to give him just what he needed at the right time, he couldn’t shake
the feeling there was SOMETHING else he could be doing…

“Sora didn't just wait for things to happen.” He thought to himself. “Even when the path wasn’t
clear, he didn’t stop. But….I have no idea where to even begin…”

Sighing in defeat, he headed to the mansion’s study to see if he could be of any help there…

Inside, he saw all the books that were once arranged neatly on the shelves were now stacked
around on the floor. And sitting in the midst of these towers of books was a black-haired girl.

Even to this day, Roxas wasn’t quite used to seeing her not wear her Organization coat, but when
he saw her sunnier, happier face that he DEFINITELY never saw her have when she did wear the
coat, made him very happy she wasn’t.

She was instead wearing a black shirt and jeans. She said that while her old life was behind her,
black would always be her color. Her attention was so engrossed in the book she was looking over
that he didn’t even notice Roxas come in until he was standing right above her…

“Hey, bookworm.” He said. She almost jumped, but when she saw it was him, that same warm
smile that still seemed so new spread across her face.

“Oh, hey Roxas.” She said,

“Watcha doin?” He asked.

“Half-cleaning, half-reading.” She said, putting the book on another stack. “I decided to finally go
through this room now, I’ve been kinda dreading it.” She got up and looked at the other stacks of
books. “I’m not sure what’s important and what’s not. I don’t even know what we could use this
room for, anyway.”

“Well, being whole beings is a new experience for both of us.” Roxas said. “Who knows, maybe
one of these books can teach us something we don’t know yet…Like how to have an actual
conversation with another human or something that we never got a chance to learn.”

Xion giggled. “Well, there’s plenty of time to learn that after we’re done here.” She walked past
him, looking over some other books.

“Have you…Have you heard anything from anyone?” Roxas asked.

“Well, I spoke to Namine last night.” Xion said. “I told her that her room would still be here if she
ever needed it.”

“Oh, that’s cool.” Roxas said. “Yeah, I think it would be best that we keep that.”

“Merlin called, well, got Cid to call for him, he was making sure we were keeping up with our
Keyblade training.” Xion continued.

“We are…” Roxas sighed. “Not that there’s much need to use them around here.”

“He said you’d say that.” Xion chuckled. “He told me to remind you that that’s just what they want
you to think.”

“....Eh, can’t argue with that.” Roxas said. “You heard from anyone, y’know, out there?”

“You mean, does anyone have any updates on the search?” Xion guessed.

Roxas shrugged.

Xion sighed, and sadly shook her head.

“No…Nothing new.” She said,

Roxas let his shoulders slump. “Right….Of course.”

“Riku got back from checking Atlantica last night.” Xion said. “No one had any idea where Sora

Roxas sighed. “I guess it was too much to hope for…”

“But…Hey, they remembered him.” Xion pointed out hopefully. “Riku says that Ariel and Eric
have been hoping to see him again so they’re daughter can meet him.”

“Ariel has a daughter?” Roxas asked. “...Huh…”

“Riku said Ariel made a point of saying how they’re happiness was thanks to Sora, so…It’s not
like anyone’s forgotten about him.”

Roxas nodded. “Well… I guess that’s something…But nothing new.”

“I know.” Xion sighed.

Roxas looked down at the stack of books.

“Doubt any of these have anything on finding someone who’s dropped off the face of the earth?”
He said to himself.

His eyes on the one Xion had been reading…And then he finally noticed what it said.

“Studies in…Memories?” Roxas read aloud, making Xion look away.

“...That’s why you really wanted to look through here, isn’t it?” Roxas guessed. “...You’ve been
thinking…What I’ve been-”

Xion looked at him sadly. “Of COURSE I have… How can I not? It’s been almost a year, and
we’ve heard NOTHING.”

Roxas nodded. “I guess I can’t be too surprised we both had the same idea…”

“We both share Sora’s memories.” Xion said. “Maybe there IS something buried in there that
everyone else has forgotten, something only WE know, it’s just…” She leaned against the wall. “I
don’t know…Everyone else is already doing everything they can. If there was anything we could
do, I know they’d tell us…”

“That’s what Lea said, too.” Roxas said. “He said that we’re probably doing exactly what Sora
would want by living our lives…”

“I know, but…Well…After hearing what Riku had said about Ariel and Eric, I…” Xion looked

“And it wasn’t just them, almost every world he went to, someone said something similar. About
how Sora helped them find their happiness… I just can’t help but remember that-”

“We owe OUR happiness to him, too.” Roxas finished.

Xion nodded. “We only exist because of him. We should never even have had lives of our own, but
here we are… I can’t just give up on him, because that’s NOT what he would do.”

“I feel the same way.” Roxas said. “I have to keep telling myself that we haven’t given up on him,
and that we never will, but…”

“Are we doing all we can?” Xion finished for him…

“...Yeah…” Roxas said.

Xion sighed heavily and pushed herself from the wall. “Well, it’s not like we’ll figure anything out
standing here, feeling sorry for ourselves…Heh, that sounds just like something-”

“-He would say.” Roxas chuckled.

Xion finally smiled. “I guess if we’re here, then some part of him will always survive, right?”

“Right.” Roxas said. Then he also smiled and took her into a hug. “And since we’ve got each other,
we’ve both got a bit of his heart to hold onto.”

“Right.” Xion said, returning the hug.

They held each other for a moment, until a voice called out.

“Yo! Roxas, where are you?” Lea called.

Roxas sighed. “Guess we better keep our heads in the present.”

Xion nodded. “And I guess I DO need to get all these books back in their place.”

Roxas turned to leave, before he glanced back at her.

“Lea told me…If we’re anything like Sora, our hearts will let us know what it is we need.”
Later that evening, the whole group was gathered in the newly-cleaned dining room, having

“So, I’d say we’re making great progress on this place.” Pence said.

“Yeah. As long as you don’t look at the roof, or the other end, or really ANY part of this place that
isn’t the front.” Hayner said,

“Hey, it’s only 7 of us, I’d say we’re doing pretty good.” Pence said.

Roxas only picked at his food as the other’s talked.

“Well, technically 6.” Lea said jokingly while looking at Isa.

“SOME of us aren’t as willing to get their hands dirty as others.”

Isa rolled his eyes. “I’ve been helping Pence go through Ansem’s computer here. Which, as he can
back me up on, has not been an easy experience.”

Lea smiled snarkily and shook his head. “The great commander of the berserker's reduced to doing
office work… Tsk tsk, how the mighty have fallen.”

Isa just rolled his eyes again.

“You two HAVE been working on that computer for a while.” Olette said. “Have you found
anything interesting?”

“Oh, LOTS.” Pence said. “Turns out, Ansem had a LOT of research stored here. Stuff not even the
computer at Radiant Garden had access to. Me, Isa, and Ienzo have been combing through it for a
while, it has stuff on hearts, the worlds, memories…”

The moment “memories” was mentioned, Roxas' head shot up. He looked at Xion, and saw that
she was taking further interest.

“Almost everything about the other Twilight Town is on this computer.” Pence continued. “In fact,
we found that there’s a terminal IN the other Twilight Town that we could connect to, but it
showed it was unreachable.”

Roxas looked away in embarrassment as recalled just WHY that computer was in its state.

“Ienzo’s going over most of it. There’s a lot of it I can’t begin to understand.”

“Did you find anything on forgotten memories?” Roxas asked. “Like, one’s that might be
important but you can’t remember them?”

Pence shook his head. “I can’t say for sure. Like I said, I didn’t understand a lot of it.”

“It even had a lot of data on Nobodies.” Isa said. “Thing’s not even I knew.”

“But you’re SURE it had nothing on forgotten memories?” Roxas asked.

Pence looked at him.” Well, like I said, we can’t be sure… Why?”

Roxas looked away. “Well, it’s just… I…”

“He thinks that he might have one of Sora’s old memories floating around in his brain that might
help us find him.” Lea said.

“Really?” Pence said. “I thought we already ruled that out?”

“Well, sure, we looked at the obvious ones.” Roxas said. “But what if there’s something that isn't
obvious? Something so small, it might have been forgotten completely?”

“Sounds unlikely.” Isa said. “We already looked through both yours and Xion’s memories.”

“But it’s still not impossible.” Xion said. “Roxas isn’t the only one who’s been thinking about it.”

“Besides, you should know that there’s no such thing as a ‘small’ connection when it comes to
Sora.” Hayner said. “I mean, look at you two.”

“And like I told ya, if there is, it’ll usually show up when you need it.” Lea said.

“Yeah, yeah.” Roxas said. “I know.” He put his hands on his chin. “I just…I hate not knowing for

“We all do.” Pence assured him. “And don’t think it’s not in our heads when we look through this
place. Anything in here could be a clue of some kind…”

“And we sure won’t keep it to ourselves if we find it.” Olette promised.

Xion gave a small smile. “We know. And I know we’re not the only one’s thinking about Sora.”

Roxas didn’t look as satisfied.

That night, Roxas found it hard to sleep. It seemed talking it over with the others only stirred his
mind even more.

“Both me and Xion are thinking the same thing.” He thought to himself. “For all I know, THAT
could be my heart telling me what I need to do. But… I don’t know what to do…Neither does
anyone else.”

He thought and thought.

“UGH!” He finally groaned. “Why can’t this be as easy for me as it seemed to be with Sora!?” He
climbed out of bed.

“All he seemed to need was a little push, and to say something like ‘my friends are my power!’ and
he seemed to solve anything! Why can’t I-Wait…. Friends…”

He looked at his Gummiphone on his nightstand.

“...No one here has the answers, but maybe… No, I…I don’t need to bother them. They’re working
overtime as it is, more than I am… Maybe I just need to do what Lea says and wait it out…”

But the more he looked at the Gummiphone…

“.....*sigh* Alright… Tomorrow.” He said.


The next morning, Roxas made a few excuses to get out of the house, and went to the one spot he
knew he would get some privacy. The Clock Tower overlooking Twilight Town.

As he looked at the Gummiphone in his hand, he began to have second thoughts.

“I already know what he’s gonna say, ‘Don’t be impatient’ or ‘Don’t do anything without thinking
it through’ but…” He almost felt silly. He’d jumped into fights with opponents twice his size and
bigger without any fear, stood up to the uber-powerful leaders of a dark Organization, and even
fought himself once, all without fear… But giving a wizard a call on a phone was suddenly the
most petrifying experience thus far.

He took a deep breath. “I won’t be able to have peace until I know for sure.” He said. He tapped
the number on the screen and waited…

And waited…

And waited…

And just when he thought that he had mercifully tried when he wasn’t in, the phone beeped, and
Merlin’s face appeared on the phone.

“Confound it all, THERE’S the button!” Merlin blustered. “I swear, it’s in a different spot each
time! Uh, hello?”

“Uh, hi Merlin.” Roxas said.

“Roxas, my boy! How are you?” Merlin asked.

“Uh, good, we’re all good.” Roxas said. “Uh, look, is this a bad time?”

“Oh, no, we’re just working through a few things with the computer.” Merlin said. “How can I help

“Well, I’ve got a question…One related to…The search.” Roxas said.

“Ah, yes. Well, my boy, you already know we’re doing everything we can-”

“It’s more about something I might be able to do.” Roxas said.

“Oh? But, we’ve already looked through your memories, I don’t think there’s much more we can
do.” Merlin said.

“Yeah, but, me and Xion have been thinking.” Roxas said. “Sora helped SO many people.”

“That he did.” Merlin agreed.

“And, he went to ALL kinds of worlds, so… What if there was something that might not be
obvious? Something even HE might have forgotten about, what with how jumbled his memories
have been?”

Merlin stroked his beard. “Well now… Couldn’t really say if there could be or not…Do you have
any example? Have you maybe seen something that’s sparked the beginnings of a memory you
can’t place?”

Roxas shook his head. “No…Mostly, this is just making sure I’ve done all I can.”

“I see.” Merlin said. “Well, I can’t give you much of an answer outside of that it might be possible.
Sora has been around the cosmos quite a few times, and had his memories jumbled more than once.
You yourself have had YOUR memories jumbled about, so I will say it’s NOT impossible…”

Roxas’ face lit up.

“But that’s about it, I’m afraid.” Merlin said, making his face fall.

“Don’t look so sullen, boy, it IS something to consider.” Merlin said. “Here’s what I can promise.
I’ll keep it in mind, and ask around. Maybe some of the others have some insight.”

“Okay.” Roxas said. It wasn’t much, but it was something. “Thank’s Merlin.”

“You’re quite welcome, boy.” Merlin said. “I know this search has yielded little results so far. But
as long as we keep Sora in our Hearts, he’s never lost.”

“Right.” Roxas said.

“Now, I must go, do give the others my best, and don’t do anything without thinking it through.”
Merlin said with a wink, before the screen went blank.

“Right.” Roxas said. He looked out at the sky…

“Well. At least now you’re under the same sky, somewhere else, Sora.” He said.
When he got back to the mansion, he saw Xion leaning against the outer wall.

“So, what’d he say?” She asked.

“Wha-!” Roxas said in shock. ‘How-wha-”

“You don’t think I thought of doing the same thing?” She said with a smile. “So, tell me.”

Roxas smiled and shook his head. “Guess I can’t hide anything from you…*sigh* He told me what
we already know. It’s not impossible, but that’s it…He said he’d ask around about it, though.”

“Well, that’s something.” Xion said. She put her arm around his.

“Guess that’s all we can do for now.” She said,

“Yeah…For now.” Roxas said.


That night, Roxas once again found that sleep eluded him.

“I wonder if I’m hoping for too much?” He thought. “Even if there’s something forgotten, what
could it really be? Maybe I’m just letting Sora’s stubbornness get to me… Heh, it’s got him into
trouble too…”

He sat in his bed, looking at the old ceiling…

Right as he felt himself finally drifting off to sleep, he was buzzed awake by the sound of his
Gummiphone going off! He shook himself awake, and scrambled over to the nightstand, just barely
avoiding falling out of bed.

He answered it with a groggy “Hmmlo!?”

“Ah, Roxas!” Merlin said. “Sorry for calling at this unholy hour, but I felt this couldn’t wait!”

“Uh, what?” Roxas asked, finally focusing.

“I’ve good news, my boy!” Merlin said. “It seems your theory has a little bit of merit!”

“I, wha-?” Roxas said, confused.

“I’ll let Leon explain.” He passed the phone to someone, and a man with a scar on his face was
now visible.

“Uh, hi.” He said. “You’re…Roxas, right?” he said.

“Uh, yeah.” Roxas said.

“Right, no offense, but you ARE the only one with an exact look alike.” He said.

“Technically I’M the look alike.” Roxas thought. But he said, “Yeah, sorry… And you’re…

“That’s right.” The man said.

“I’ve never met you, but…I know you were one of Sora’s earliest friends.”

“Yeah…Yeah, seems like ages ago.” Leon said. “In fact, that’s why I wanted to talk to you.”

“Yeah?” Roxas said, a glimmer of hope starting inside him.

“When Merlin told me about what you were thinking, it got me thinking too… Forgotten memories
are NOT my expertise, but…..I think I have something…”

Roxas’ hands began to shake as he held onto the phone.

“Really?” He said.

“Maybe.” Leon said. “It’s a huge long shot, but…Do you think you can meet me at Radiant
Garden tomorrow? It’s a very long story, and I want to talk to you face to face.”

“Uh, yeah, sure!” Roxas said. “I can, I can get there somehow.”

“Don’t worry about that, my boy.” He heard Merlin say. “I’ll help you get here. Let’s say, around
noon tomorrow?”

“Yeah, yeah noon!” Roxas said. “I’ll tell the others and we’ll figure it out…Oh my gosh, thank you

“Don’t thank us yet.” Leon said. “I can’t promise anything, but I know it’s more than nothing.”

“Yeah…Anything’s good at this point.” Roxas said.

“Alright, I’ll see you then.” Leon said.

“Yeah, see you.” The phone went dark, and Roxas fell back on his bed…

“....I don’t believe it.” He said. “I don’t…I can’t…” His head shot up.

“....I gotta tell Xion!”

He got up and raced out of his room.

“Xion…Xion!” He whispered.

In a moment, Xion’s eyes fluttered open.

“Wha-What’s…Roxas? What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing, Xion. In fact…I have GREAT news!” Roxas said.

. After filling her in, Xion looked at him with wide eyes.

“...A-And so, they want us to meet at Radiant Garden tomorrow.” Roxas said. “Merlin said he’d
get us there.”

Xion looked at the ground.

“Well? What do ya think?” Roxas asked.

Xion looked up at him. “...Do you really think this could be something?” She asked.

“I don’t think they would’ve called me in the middle of the night if it was nothing.” Roxas said.

Xion gave a small smile. “This…This could actually be our chance to find him…” She stood up
and took him into a hug.

“We’ll tell the others tomorrow.” Roxas said. “Until then…I think I’ll finally be able to sleep

Chapter End Notes


Greetings and Welcome to this new story. I've been cooking something like this for
awhile, and I think it's the perfect time. I realize the tags give everything away, so let
me get right to it, and say that yes, this is a crossover between Kingdoms Hearts, and
the somewhat obscure Disney show "101 Dalmatian Street" which, if you don't know,
is about the descendants of the original 101 Dalmatians.

My reason for righting this story now is that the marks the fourth anniversary of the
show, and me and many others think that while Disney chose not to renew it after its
rather surprising s1 finale (Which we will explore in this.) it deserves a 2nd season. So
if you've never heard about the show before, I hope I can at least convince you to give
it a quick look on Disney+.

Yes, this blurb IS technically a promotional stunt, but I plan on giving the story itself
the same love I give all my stories, so rather or not you check out the show, I hope you
at least enjoy this, and what's to come.
A spotty connection.
Chapter Summary

As it turns out, Roxas's intuitions were correct. There WAS a small connection Sora
had with the beings from another world that most had forgotten about, some even
overlooked. But now that he knows, what can they do about it?

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Wait-wait-wait. Back up!” Lea said as the group was gathered around the table.

“They actually FOUND something?!”

“MAYBE.” Roxas clarified. “Leon only said it MIGHT be something.”

‘That’s still GREAT news!” Pence said.

“It could actually be our first clue to Sora!” Olette agreed.

“Or a bust.” Hayner grumbled.

“Wow. Way to be optimistic.” Pence said.

“One way or another, we’re heading to Radiant Garden at noon.” Roxas said. “We’ll get the whole
story from Leon.”

Isa wasn’t good at showing his emotions, but even he sounded excited.

“This is incredible news.” He said. “Even the smallest bit of info could put us in a better spot.”

“I know!” Roxas said. “I can hardly believe it!”

Lea shrugged, and stretched his arms. “Well, guess there are worse times to be proven wrong.
Though, I DID tell ya it would show up if you needed it.”

“Yeah, you did.” Roxas admitted.

“No matter what it is, I’ll just be glad to know we’ve done everything we can.” Xion said. “That
we’ve done for Sora exactly what he’d have done for us.”

“And kinda did.” Roxas said.

When the time came, it was decided that Roxas, Xion,and Lea would go. Isa wasn’t interested in
getting back into action just yet, and the others weren’t near as experienced.

They waited outside, Roxas barely able to contain his excitement. Xion looked more reserved. Yes,
she was excited, but she tried to be realistic.

The moment the large clock tower chimed “12:00” a puff of blue smoke appeared out of nowhere
just outside the mansion.

“Ah…Lovely day, isn’t it?” Merlin said, now standing before them.

“Hello Mr. Merlin!” Olette said.

“Ah, yes, hello everyone.” He said. He looked at Roxas.

“Well. Are you ready?”

“Yep! Uh, is it okay if Lea and Xion come too?” Roxas asked.

“Oh, of course, dear boy.” Merlin said. “In fact, I hardly could imagine doing this without them.”

Roxas smiled as Xion and Lea gathered around.

“You have no idea what this means to us sir.” Xion said.

“Oh, I’m sure I do.” Merlin said. “Any bit of good news will do us all some good.” He raised his
cane. “Very well… Everyone ready?”

“I think.” Roxas said. He looked at the one’s staying behind.

“Take your time.” Pence said. “Don’t worry about us.”

“Yeah, we got an ex-warrior here, we’ll be alright.” Hayner said, playfully nudging Isa.

“Just do whatever you need.” Olette said.

Roxas smiled. “Right.”

“Excellent.” Merlin said. “Gather around then.”

“Uh, I’ve never traveled like this before.” Lea said, nervously. “What’s it like?”

“What’s wrong, oh ‘flurry of dancing flames’?” Roxas laughed. “Scared of a little travel sickness?”

“Wha-NO!” Lea said. “It’s just… I haven’t traveled between worlds in a while.”

“I can hold your hand if you're worried.” Xion offered with a sarcastic tone, but sincere smile.

“It’s not that!” Lea said. “I’m just-”

“You don’t have to worry boy.” Merlin said.


“Because we’re already here.” The wizard answered.

“Wha-?” They all looked around, and they were indeed standing in a different town, just outside
the door of a strange-looking house.

“Faster-than-air travel.” Merlin explained proudly. “Takes a sharp mind, and a perfect mental
image of your destination. I ended up in a few walls before I got it right.”

“Wow…And we used to use dark corridors.” Lea said.

“Well, don’t keep them waiting.” Merlin said. “Go on in.”

The interior of the house would’ve looked like a very old cottage…were it not for the large
computer affixed in one corner.

“Roxas, Xion, Lea. Welcome to my humble abode.” Merlin said. “Also known as the headquarters
of the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee.”

Inside were four other people. When they heard them come in, the man Roxas spoke to on the
phone turned to them.

“Right on time.” He said.

“Dang…He DOES look jes’ like the other fella.” A yellow-haired man said.

A brown haired woman walked forward. “Hello everyone. Welcome to Radiant Garden.”

“Ah, love what you’ve done with ol’ place.” Lea said. “Gotta say, I didn’t mind the steam pipes
and dangerous machinery TOO much.”

“Lea, what are you talking about?” Roxas said.

“Uh, you forget I used to live here?” Lea said. “Met the guy whose face you're wearing once too
when we were younger.”

“Well, it’s not as good as it was then.” A black haired woman said. “But it’s getting there.”

“Everyone, this is Roxas, Xion, and Lea.” Merlin said.

“I’ve heard a lot about you all.” Leon said. “I spoke to Roxas last night, but my name is Leon, and
this is Cid.”

The yellow haired man waved.


The brown haired woman smiled.

“And Yuffie.”

“Hiya!” The black haired woman said.

“Hi.” Roxas said. “So, I hate to sound rude, but…”

“No, you’re right. Let’s get to the reason I’ve asked you to come all this way.” Leon said.

“Quite right.” Merlin said. He waved his can and a table and chairs appeared in the room.

“Better take a seat, I foresee this will be a long story.”

“Oh joy.” Lea grumbled.

“After all we’ve been through, can you be surprised?” Xion laughed.

Everyone took a seat except for Leon, who remained standing with a thoughtful look on his face.

“So, Leon…You know about something from Sora’s past that MIGHT help find him?” Roxas

“Well, like I said, I can’t say for sure just what it will help do…In fact, when Merlin asked about
anything from Sora’s past, I wasn’t sure I could be of any help at all.”

“Didn’t you know him before even Donald or Goofy did?” Lea asked.

“Well, yes, but I haven’t been there through most of his adventure.” Leon said.

“Same for us all.” Cid said. “We all met the kid around the same time.”

“And boy was it a different time.” Yuffie said.

“It was in a place called Traverse Town.” Aerith said. “A world that no longer exists.”

“Oh yeah, Traverse Town.” Lea said. “The world that only exists when it needs to.”

“That’s right.” Aerith said.

“What does that mean, ‘only when it needs to’?” Xion asked.

“Well, it’s a world that appears for wayward hearts to gather.” Lea explained. “In fact, it’s made up
of memories of the one’s there.”

“That’s…Exactly right.” Leon said. “How do you know so much about it?”

“Oh, I was briefed about it during my days in the Organization. It was a spot of great interest to
us…” He then looked at the table. “....Y’know, I’m gonna keep my past experiences to myself
from now on.”
“Good call.” Roxas said.

Leon shook his head. “Well, anyway, that’s where I met Sora.” He chuckled to himself. “Kid
wasn’t anything close to what we know him as nowadays…He was just a scared kid who had no
idea where he was, or what the thing in his hand was capable of.”

“Something we saw too much during our time there.” Aerith said, sadly.

“Alright, a bit more backstory.” Leon said. “Traverse Town is just what he said, a place for
wayward hearts to gather…But there’s a bit more to it. See, wayward hearts is a nice way of
saying, ‘people who survived their world's destruction’.”

Roxas’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yep… If your heart was strong enough, and you were very lucky, instead of drifting through the
cosmos for eternity, you’d wind up in Traverse Town. Which, I guess is preferable, but make no
mistake. Despite the comfort it offered, it was little more than a cosmic refugee camp. If you were
there, it just means you lost everything but yourself. And even THAT wasn’t secured.”

“Huh…Guess it’s no wonder Sora ended up there.” Roxas said. “But…What do you mean your
heart wasn’t secured?”

“We had Heartless attacks all the time.” Cid said. “Made even worse when that kid showed up with
the keyblade. Reckon you already know that it drives ‘em loony.”

“It was nothing we couldn’t handle.” Yuffie said.

“Until the people themselves started turning into Heartless.” Aerith said. “And once that started
happening…Well, hope was hard to hold onto.”

“Now, all this to make a point of how dire things were.” Leon said. “When Sora got there, we
weren’t exactly in the best spot.”

“I imagine.” Xion said.

“Now, keep all that in mind.” Leon said. “Because here’s what this whole story is leading up to.
With the whole, ‘strong enough to survive their world’s destruction’ thing, it’s probably not a
surprise that people like Us, Merlin, and Sora ended up there.”

“Right…” Roxas said.

“And even one’s like the Fairy Godmother. Even those whose bodies had been destroyed had
strong enough Hearts to hold on. That’s where the summon charms came from.”

“That’s where those came from?” Xion asked. “I thought it was more of a temporary portal.”

“Those are D-Links.” Cid said. “Completely different.”

“All this in mind, imagine how I thought when we got two of our most out of place visitors one
day.” Leon said.

“Who?” Roxas asked.

“Well…Even now I can’t really believe it, but…Well….They were two Dalmatians” Leon said.

“What?” Roxas said.

“You mean those spotty dogs?” Lea asked.

“What were they doing there?” Xion asked.

“Same as the others.” Leon said. “They’d survived the destruction of their world.”

Roxas shook his head. “That’s…That’s weird… I don’t remember any Dalmati-Wait…THEY’RE
the memory you were talking about?!”

Leon shrugged. “They’re my best guess.”

“But…That doesn’t make any sense!” Roxas said. “How could two dogs-”

“I’m getting there.” Leon said. “Now, I was just as surprised as you. No animals ever showed up in
Traverse Town.”

“I had to explain that to a couple who found the fountain in our third district had formed from the
memories of their pets.” Aerith said.

“But these two showed up one day, and seemed to have some sense of understanding… Like, they
could actually hear us talk.” Leon said. “And when we took them to Merlin, it turns out they

Roxas looked at Merlin. “You spoke to two dogs?”

“Of course. I’m quite good at canine language.” The wizard said.

“Turns out, they’re names were Pongo and Perdita.” Leon continued. “And it turns out that they
had quite a few reasons to hold onto their hearts…Because, and I need you to be ready for this…
They had ninety-nine puppies.”

Roxas, Xion and Lea looked at one another.

“99?” Lea said. “Like, just one shy of 100?”

Leon nodded.


“I don’t know, and I didn’t ask.” Leon said.

“99 puppies…” Roxas said. “Plus them, that’s-”

“101 Dalmatians.” Leon finished. “I like dogs and all, but I couldn’t imagine having that many of

“Don’t even want to know how they’re owners kept up with that much sh-” Aerith nudged him
before Cid finished that.

“Okay, but…What does this have to do with anything?” Roxas said. “And, why don’t I remember

“Yeah, I doubt you’d forget that many dogs that easily.” Lea said.

“Alright, hold on, because it gets crazier.” Leon said. “The pups didn’t arrive on the world with
“What happened to them?” Xion asked.

“Remember when I said if you’re lucky enough on top of having a strong heart you end up here
instead of out in the cosmos? Yeah…” Leon’s face darkened. “Those poor kids were so lucky…”

Xion gasped. “You mean…”

Leon nodded. “Scattered across the worlds… Their poor mom and dad had no idea where they

“Oh, that’s horrible!” Xion said.

“For real, now I’ve got to add 99 counts of puppy endangerment to stuff I helped do?” Lea said.

Roxas shook his head. “Well, that’s real tragic and all, but-”

“Kid…Think about it. I just told you that a sad mom and dad were trapped in a cosmic refugee
camp with no idea where their kids were, and said kids were scattered across the cosmos.” Leon
said. Then he smiled.

“Where do you THINK Sora fits into all this?”

Roxas stopped, and sighed. “Of course.”

“Kid didn’t even give it a second thought.” Cid said.

“All he had to do was visit them once, and his mind was made up.” Aerith said.

“And he did.” Yuffie added. “Pretty soon, that big house in the 2nd district went from depressingly
empty, to the place I’d go to get some anti-depression help.”

“Sora brought their family together. And they repaid him…” Leon said. “As if you needed another
to think the kid was nice.”

Roxas smiled. “Of course he helped them…But, wait.” He looked at Leon. “Why don’t I
remember that? In fact, why did it take so long for anyone to remember it, sounds like a pretty big
event in Sora’s life.”

“And I definitely would’ve remembered helping puppies.” Xion said.

“That’s the part we’re unsure of.” Leon said. “Our best theory is, unlike the others stranded in
Traverse Town, we have NO idea what the Dalmatian’s world was like.”

“Huh?” Roxas asked.

“It’s true.” Merlin said. “They seemed to have no connection to any past events. I met Aqua, Terra,
and Ventus when they made their first visit here, and each of them visited the Fairy Godmother’s
world before that. Amongst others.”

“But to this day, we have no idea where the Dalmatians came from, nor where their world is.”
Aerith said. “And we haven’t had any contact with them since.”

“I didn’t give it much thought at first, because I preferred it like that.” Leon said. “The less
creatures like that are wrapped up in messes like that, the better… But now…Well…”

Roxas took this all in. “So…There’s a world out there with creatures Sora has a connection with…
But no one’s ever been to it?”

Leon nodded his head.

“But…With everyone else who remembers Sora…” Roxas thought.

“It’s likely they wouldn’t have forgotten him, especially after what he did for them.” Leon said.

Roxas, Xion, and Lea exchanged looks.

“Well, that’s about it.” Leon said. “The only part of Sora’s history I think we haven’t addressed

“...We should tell the King, o-or Riku!” Xion said.

“But they’re still on their own searches.” Lea said. “Who knows when they’ll be back.”

“But…What can we do?”

Roxas clenched his fist, and stood up.

“It’s obvious what we do… We go to this world ourselves!”

“Waoh, woah, Roxas, buddy.” Lea said. “Love the enthusiasm, but let’s think within the realm of
reality here.”

“Ye did hear what Leon said, didn’t ya?” Cid asked. “No one’s even been to their world, much less
knows how to get there.”

“Not to mention you have no way of doing it.” Yuffie said. “You have no Gummiship, you can’t
use your dark corridors anymore, you’re kinda grounded.”

Roxas reached his hand out, and summoned one of his keyblades. The one known fittingly as

“I have THIS.” He said. “And that was enough for Sora.”

Merlin leaned forward in concern.

“My boy, I agree this warrants investigation. But let’s not do anything foolish.”

“He’s right kid, you use that without thinking, you’re bound to get into trouble.” Leon said.

Roxas felt Xion’s hand on his.

“He’s right. We’ve got to think this through, or we won’t be helping anyone.” She said.
Roxas sighed, and sent his keyblade away.

“But that doesn’t mean we still shouldn’t try.” She added. “Sora wouldn’t have let this stop him.
There has to be SOME way of getting to that world.”

“Traverse Town is made up of the people’s memories, right?” Lea asked. “Anything appear that
might’ve been based on those dog’s memories?”

“Actually, their entire house seemed to be.” Aerith said. “It was in the 2nd district, and until they
appeared, it was locked up tight.”

“Once they appeared, the house unlocked when they got close. Same thing happened when Merlin
and his house appeared.” Leon said.

“Inside, it was like an older townhouse.” Aerith continued. “With stuff like a piano, and pictures of
them and their pups hung all around the house.”

“When they first got there, the bigger one would sit by the piano and look sad.” Leon said. “We
figured his owner might’ve been a musician.”

“Sounds like you cared about them.” Xion said.

“You kiddin’?” Yuffie said. “Leon couldn’t ask Sora to help them fast enough.”

Leon looked away, his face red. “I just…Hated that they had to go through that…”

“And you…Spoke to them?” Roxas asked Merlin.

“On occasion.” Merlin said. “They weren’t exactly used to interspecies communication, I think it
made them uncomfortable.”

Roxas and Xion looked at one another, both sensing what the other was thinking.

“So… You all remember them, even though they seem to be forgotten?” Roxas asked.

Leon shrugged. “Hard to forget a big family of dogs like that.”

“Honestly, we were just happy they got back together.” Yuffie said.

“...So you ALL had a connection with them…” Xion said.

Cid raised an eyebrow. “Where ye goin’ with this?”

Xion reached out and summoned her Keyblade.

“Sora was able to open new pathways to worlds he had been to before.” She said. “Simply because
he had a connection with the people there… And it was just him and his one keyblade.”

Roxas’s eyes widened as he began to understand. “So if we have 3 keyblades, and more people
who remembered them…”

“Wait…You think we can just open a pathway to a world no one’s ever been to like that?” Lea
said. “It can’t be that easy…Can it?”

Everyone looked at Merlin.

He stroked his beard.

“Hm… The keyblade power tripled, plus the connection of all our memories…” He looked up at

“....It….MIGHT be possible-”

“YES!” ROxas said, pumping his fist triumphantly.

“WAIT!” Merlin said. “I said MIGHT be possible… There’s no guarantee. It’d be like trying to
find something in the dark, only with more people looking… It’s also risky.”

“I’m willing to take that risk… For Sora.” Roxas said.

“So am I.” Xion said. “It’s only right.”

“Woah, guy’s hold on.” Lea said. “Think about this. You have no idea if it’s even safe or not, are
you really willing to risk everything we’ve got now for this?”

Roxas sighed. “Lea…I’ll never be able to say enough how happy I am that you, me, Xion, and
everyone get to have a normal life… But the only reason we have that life is because of Sora. And
all his other friends are fighting to bring him back as we speak… We have to at least try with this.”

Lea closed his eyes and sighed.

“....I guess… I guess I owe Sora a lot too…Not only for my own life, but…For bringing my friends
back to me…I guess…Maybe I can’t justify doing nothing now that we have a clue.” He stood up.

“Alright, so we got three keyblade users willing to do something stupid… That’s a once in a
lifetime offer.”

Merlin pinched the bridge of his nose. “I hope… Hang it all, I suppose we MUST act on a
calculated risk.” He stood up. “But you’ll need to prepare. We have no idea what might happen, so
you must be ready for anything.”

“Like what?” Roxas asked.

Merlin tapped his chin. “First, we’ll need a safe spot. Can’t go about opening a pathway in the
middle of town…” He wagged his finger thoughtfully. “That spot just outside of the crystal caves
on the outskirts. That would be safe enough.”

“That’s doable.” Leon said. “We kept the wall open after its discovery.”

“We also don’t know what the world will be like.” Merlin continued. “And if you just pop in out of
nowhere, it could cause problems. But with a magic user going with you, or a way to get you some
magical clothes…”

“We still have our Organization coats.” Xion said. “We haven’t worn them in a while, and I realize
it’s not exactly tasteful, but they did their job.”

“Hm…Yes…There was nothing evil about them, just how they were used.” Merlin said. “Very
well… I’ll get you three back to Twilight Town so you can prepare. Then we’ll meet everyone else
at the cliffs on the outskirts.”

“Works for me.” Roxas said.

“I’ll try to run a few simulations on the computer to give us an idea of what might happen.” Cid
said. “Ansem’s research has more than enough data on keyblades to where I can get an idea of
what three being used at once to open a pathway might look like.”

“Sounds good.” Leon said.

“Welp, guess I know what me and Aerith are doing.” Yuffie said.

“We do?” Aerith asked.

“Yeah. Making sure we’re prepared in case this all goes highwire.” Yuffie said.

“Wow…Gotta love the confidence.” Lea said.

It wasn’t long after that, that Roxas, Xion, and Lea were back at the mansion, digging through
some boxes they had in storage.

“So, run that all by me again?” Isa said.

“It turns out Roxas and Xion were right, and there’s a family of dogs that Sora helped save on his
first adventure whose world no one’s ever been to, that MIGHT have a clue to Sora’s

“..........What?” Isa asked in confusion.

Lea rolled his eyes. “Can’t tell you much more, we’re gonna try and go visit some dogs.”

“I’m just happy you found something.” Pence said. “Even if the details are a little sparse.”

“Any idea what you’ll even be looking for?” Hayner asked. “I mean, how can you get info out of

“We’ll figure it out.” Roxas said.

“Any idea when you’ll be back?” Olette asked.

“We don’t even know if we’re going anywhere.” Lea said.

“So you’re diving into the unknown on a hint that it might help?” Isa said. “You do know how that
sounds, right?”
“Like Sora?” Roxas guessed.

“Yes, and did you forget that the Organization used to bank on him making risky decisions to
further our own gains?”

Roxas, Xion, and Lea exchanged looks.

“I’m just saying, ‘like Sora’ isn’t the best excuse.” Isa said.

Roxas shook his head. “Well, one way or another, we gotta give this a chance.”

Xion opened a box, and finally located what they’d been looking for. Black, leather-looking coats.

“Ah, gotcha!” She said, She pulled one out, and gave it an unsure look.

“This used to be the only thing I ever wore…Of course, not much else was on my mind.”

“Well, they weren’t made to be fashionable.” Roxas said, taking his out. “Just as an extra layer of

“Hey, speak for yourself.” Lea said. “I kept this look even AFTER bailing on the Organization.”

After dusting them off, Roxas slipped into his. It was a familiar feeling, no doubt, but one that
brought more bad memories than good ones.

“Welp…Guess this is as prepared as we can be.” He said.

“Right, three keyblade wielders, only the vaguest idea of where we’re going, what could possibly
go wrong?” Lea asked.

The group headed back out to rejoin Merlin.

“Just be careful, okay?” Olette asked.

“Yeah, try to come back safe.” Pence said.

“You guys worry too much, they got this.” Hayner said. “Remember, these three ARE the

“Still, it would be slightly embarrassing to have your last known whereabouts be ‘dived into the
unknown to chase after a family of dogs’.” Isa said with a sarcastic grin.

They rejoined Merlin, who was standing patiently by the outer wall.

“Ah. there we are.” He said. “Three keyblade wielders, three coats… Though, I must say, I prefer
them being old news.”

“Yeah, so will we.” Roxas said.

“Alright. Is that everything?” He said. “This may be the last you see of home for a little while,
providing things go well.”

“I think we’ve got everything.” Xion said.

“Yeah, not much we can take with us anyway.” Roxas said. They all turned to their friends staying
“Just take care of the place.” Roxas said.

“Oh, we will.” Pence said.

“And if I don’t come back, don’t go through my stuff.” Lea said jokingly.

“Oh, you’ll be back.” Isa said. “I know it.”

‘Oh yeah? And how do you know?” Lea asked.

“Because not once in my life have I been THAT lucky.”

“....Ouch, man, cutting deep.”

Olette just shook her head. “Just be safe, you all.”

“We will. I promise.” Roxas said.

They gathered around Merlin.

“No matter what happens.” Pence said. “You got this.”

There was a puff of blue smoke, and the four were gone.

The remaining four exchanged looks.

“...Welp…That’s that.” Hayner said.

“Hm… If I know one thing, they’ll pull something out of this.” Isa said. “The three of them
together are a force to be reckoned with.”

“Aw, so you DO care about them.” Olette said.

“I know I have no choice but to believe in them.” Isa said.

In an instant, the three keyblade wielders and the wizard were standing on the strangely blue cliffs
overlooking the outskirts of Radiant Garden.

“Right-o!” Merlin said. “Let’s get on with it.”

“‘Bout time!” They heard Cid say. “We’ve been ready for a while now.”

The area chosen was far from the town, with nothing in the way for as far as the eye could see.
Cid managed to set up a smaller computer with cords running all the way back to the town.

“Wow…Everything looks pretty official.” Lea said.

“Yeah, ‘looks’ Leon said. “We still have no idea what’s gonna happen.”

“I’m sure it will work out, though.” Aerith said.

“Alright, gather around.” Cid said. “I got somethin’ to show ya.”

They all gathered around the computer screen.

“Like I said, I managed to whip up a simulation of what might happen when you all use those
Keyblades’eh yers, using data collected by Ansem. Whenever Sora made a pathway to a new
world, it was always in space, but on the ground, things get a bit tricky.”

He hit a button, and the screen depicted an image of Sora using his keyblade.

“Since ye ain’t got a ship, you’ll have, and let me repeat, HAVE to make a pathway that puts you
on solid ground. One ye can just walk through.”

“Like a dark corridor.” Lea guessed.

“Right, except with the same mindset of making it through the cosmos. With one keyblade, that’s
near impossible.” The simulation showed Sora trying to open a pathway, but failing.

“But with three…” Cid continued. He hit a button, and the data-Sora’s tripled, now each using
their keyblade to successfully open a pathway.

“In the times I ran this simulation, 80% of them were successful.”

“....And the other 20%?” Xion asked.

“Eh….Well, ye either blew up, opened a pathway that let several horrible thing’ in, or it didn’t
work…But hey, that’s just 20%.”

“...How many times DID you run the simulation?” Lea asked.

“Ehhhhhhh…….8 times…” Cid admitted.

The others stared.

“So we’ve got a 2 out of 8 chance that this will screw up?” Roxas said.

“I thought you couldn’t coun-Anyway, it’s more of a 1.6, but hey, that’s just cause I didn’t have
time to run more.” Cid said.

“Besides.” Aerith said. “It’s only for an idea. A computer can’t measure the strength of someone’s
heart, nor how it connects to others…Not to mention we’ll all be helping you.”

“Right.” Yuffie said. “So there’s only a TINY chance this will all go wrong.”

“Good enough for me.” Roxas said.

“Right, now… I suppose we best start.” Merlin said. He walked forward and instructed the others
to follow him.
“Now, since we are all involved, everyone must pay attention.” He said. “Roxas, Xion, Lea, you
will stand here, in a row, and focus your keyblade’s energy, there.” He pointed to the very edge of
the cliff.

“As you do so, you need to focus on the connection that not only you have, but the rest of us as
well.” Lea raised his hand.

“Yes, Mr. Lea.” Merlin said.

“Uh, what if we don’t have a connection?” Lea asked. “I’ve never even met these dogs.”

“I was just getting to that.” Merlin said. “The connection that I and the others have who knew this
family in Traverse Town is one of many emotions, the chief of which is the relief we all felt when
they were all back together. THAT is what you must focus on.”

“Right… Just focus on how Sora felt when he helped them get back together.” Aerith offered.
“And how grateful they felt.”

“Because even if you weren’t there, you can be sure that in your memories, Roxas and Xion, there
is one of two very grateful Dalmatian parents.” Merlin said.

Roxas and Xion looked at one another.

“Right…Well, I think that’s it.” Merlin said. “Any further questions?”

The others exchanged looks, but no one said anything.

“Excellent.” Merlin said, moving out of the way. “In that case, make ready!”

He got behind the keyblade wielders, and joined the others.

Roxas, Xion, and Lea brought out their Keyblades.

“Is that it?” Lea asked. “Nothing else? No, pithy words of wisdom?”

“I got one for ya’.” Roxas said. He aimed his Keyblade at the target spot, with the other’s

“Let your heart be your guiding key.” He said…

He closed his eyes, and focused. He tried his best to pull the memories of this family from deep
within him. As he did, he dug through all Sora’s memories from his first adventure. Of getting the
keyblade for the first time. Of feeling alone and scared in Traverse Town…Of meeting Leon…He
had to push past these, he saw meeting Cid, exploring the town, and then…He felt one…One he
hadn’t seen…

He saw himself looking through Sora’s eyes as he walked through that alleyway, up to the big
house. Of opening the door, and feeling the emptiness. Of seeing the two, sad, heartbroken
parents… In that moment, he could feel what Sora felt. Seeing them not as dogs, but as people very
much like him…Lost and alone…

He felt a glimmer as something rippled in his own memories…As if it was getting stronger…And
for a moment, he thought he could see Xion in the house next to him, recalling the same events.

His memories flashed forward, he saw visions of chests, of happy, smiling faces glad to be
rescued…Of an emptiness getting weaker as each pup was returned… he felt a light…A light that
was forming. One that was made when a family thought lost forever was being restored.

He could remember the gratefulness the dogs felt now. And more so, how the other’s felt to see
this family being helped. He focused on that… On how Sora had done what none of them thought

…And then… Through what seemed like an endless void…He felt something…Something
resonated with that feeling across countless stars…

Roxas opened his eyes, as did Xion and Lea, and they all let the energy in their keyblades loose at

They struck the target spot all at once, and when they did, it seemed like the very air cracked
around them. Until finally, the beams died out…And a swirling portal of energy now hung in the

“...Woah.” Roxas said.

“Yeah…Woah.” Lea seconded.

They turned to the others, and seemed like they were similarly coming out of a trance.

“Did…You all feel that?” Yuffie asked.

“Yeah, it was like our memories were all…Connected.” Leon said.

“...Then it worked…” Aerith said, hopefully.

“That’s the ticket, lads!” Merlin said, excitedly. “You all did perfect!”

“Of course we did!” Lea said, shouldering his keyblade cockily. “Did you expect any less?”

Roxas sighed. “It was a trip, for sure.” He said. “How about you, Xion….Xion?” He noticed that
Xion had walked over to the portal. Holding her hand out, just out of reach…

“Xion?” Roxas asked. “You okay?”

Xion turned to them.

“Roxas…” She said. “We did it.”

Roxas smiled. “Yeah…Yeah we did.”

In a moment, the entire group was standing in front of the portal.

“Well I’ll be.” Cid said. “There she is.”

“Can we be sure of where this goes?” Leon asked Merlin.

“Hmm…Afraid not.” The wizard said. “It’s a portal born of memories…And memories are not
always accurate.”

“So…There’s still a chance this won’t take us where we want.” Lea asked.
“Unfortunately.” Merlin said.

“But our connection seems so strong.” Aerith said. “It felt like I was back in Traverse Town

“Well, wherever it leads, it’s our best bet.” Roxas said. “And I say we don’t wait another second.”

“Now hold on, my boy.” Merlin said. “A few thing’s first.”

He stood in front of them, holding his can in a very stern manner.

“This is your first venture into the unknown in quite some time, so here are the rules. Number 1.
You must, above all else, preserve the world order. That means you must keep your identities as
off-worlders a secret. And you must never tell another being in this world of the existence of other
worlds, no matter what.”

“I never got that one.” Lea said. “What’s the harm that really COULD happen? After all, WE know
of other worlds.”

“But YOU are a hardened, battle ready, ex-member of a dark Organization.” Merlin pointed out.
“You expect to find dogs in this world, and possibly people, most of whom have no memory that at
one point in their history, their world was engulfed in darkness.”

“But what about asking Pongo and Perdita about Sora.” Leon said. “They’ll most likely remember
Sora, and that their world was destroyed.”

“Yes, yes, but they will be the exception.” Merlin said. “In search to find them, you mustn't let
another soul know these facts, is that clear?”

Roxas, Xion, and Lea nodded.

“Good. Now, Number 2 is that your Keyblades are to only be used in emergencies only. And I
cannot stress that enough! WIth the Heartless all but quelled, I doubt you’ll have to do any fighting,
so you cannot use your Keyblades unless absolutely necessary. That means now destroying a
computer when you can’t figure it out.” he looked accusingly at Roxas.

“...That was one time.” Roxa said, defensively.

“Right…Well…I believe that’s it.” Merlin said.

“Really? All that fuss for 2 little rules?” Lea asked with a smug grin.

“Oh, there’s plenty more rules for keyblade wielders, but you all aren’t near skilled enough for
those to be problems.”

“...Ow.” Lea said. “Why do people wanna hurt me today?”

“But no matter what happens…Be safe, and come back to us in one piece…Or at least MOST of
your pieces.” Merlin said with a smile.

Roxas returned the smile. “We will.”

“And thank you, Merlin.” Xion said. “Thank you all, in fact…It’s enough that you even believed in
mine and Roxas’s feelings.”

“Ah, don’t worry about it.” Yuffie said. “Just bring back some news of Sora, and we’ll be good.”
“Don’t get their hopes up.” Aerith said. She looked each of them over.

“You all remember your healing magic, right?” She asked.

They nodded.

“Good. Don’t get hurt.” She said.

Leon stepped forward. “Whatever you find, it’ll just be enough that we tried, okay?”

“Right.” Roxas said.

“And…If you do meet Pongo and Perdita…Let them know I said hi.”

“Will do.” Xion said.

“And let me know how all 99 of those runts are doin’.” Leon said.

Roxas, Xion, and Lea faced the portal.

“Welp…Into the unknown.” Lea said.

Roxas took Xion’s hand into his.

“Ready?” He asked.

“Ready.” She said.

And with a collective deep breath…They all stepped through…

Chapter End Notes

Hello again.

So, I'm probably like one of the few people that actually LIKES the 101 Dalmatian
sidequest in KH1. I'm surprised more people don't, I mean, yeah, it's tedious, but you
get the best version of Aero, you HAVE to do it if you want the secret ending, and
yeah, bringing all those kids back to their mom and dad just FEELS good.

But I digress.

Seeing as how they didn't show up again in the series aside from one or two
references, the Dalmatians are kind of an enigma in Kingdom Hearts. For as popular as
their story is, Sora has yet to visit their world, and they were some of the characters
Leon seemed the most concerned about. It really does make you wonder why they
haven't revisited that story yet, unless they plan to in KH4m which I hope they do...

(Personally, I chalk up to the fact that the day we get to smack Cruella De Vil with a
Keyblade will be so cathartic, no other game will match up.)
"Ruff" Arrivals.
Chapter Summary

Things may have gotten a bit strange.

A connection with a world no one's ever been to has been made, but something
feels...Off. Our Keyblade Wielders haven't done this in awhile, and never like this.
With no connections to the outside world, no idea how this one works, and a heavy
dose of culture shock, this may be a greater challenge than they thought...

...Especially since two of them have new bodies.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It all seemed to happen in an instant. The moment they stepped in, it felt like they were being
swept through space and time. What little Lea could remember reminded him of Betwixt and
Between. The name given to the space between spaces.

But something felt…Off…

It was as if as they got closer, thing’s started to…Echo, for lack of a better word. It was as if they
got closer, the pathway repeated, only wider. And it began breaking off…

Lea could feel something strange. But that was all he could do. He could feel the ending coming
up. Something in his gut just told him it was.

He could only brace for impact.

Lea’s eyes slowly opened… He groaned as the feeling came back to his body… He felt rough. Like
he’d just been hurled through space… It took another moment to remember that’s just what
happened to him.
“Ugh…Okay, first bit work on when we make impromptu portals. Work on the landings.” He
pulled himself up. His surroundings were definitely different. He was in an alleyway of some kind.
He landed right next to a very modern looking trash dumpster.

“Interesting.” He said. “At least we know we’re somewhere else, right guys?” He got no answer.

“Guys?” He looked around, and saw that he was alone.

“Roxas, Xion?!” He called. There was no sign of them. He even checked inside the dumpster to
make sure.

“Oh, this is not good!” He said. “Roxas! Xion!” He called. He ran out of the alleyway, and was
almost blinded by the sharp change in brightness. When his eyes readjusted. His jaw dropped…

Where he had landed was a large, modern-looking city!

“Whoa…” He said. It was a far cry from most cities he’d been to. It was a little more colorful, and
much busier. Cars filled the streets, people crowded the sidewalk, and skyscrapers took up the

“Holy cow.” He said. Never in his life did Lea feel more out of place. Everyone else seemed so…
Average! Everyone was a human. They dressed in modern looking clothes, not too different from
the one’s people wear in Twilight Town, but that was it…

The air around him felt differently as well. Having visited so many worlds, he could sense when a
world felt ‘off’ or not. And this one had the most average aura a world could have.

“What kind of world is…Wait, find Roxas and Xion first!” He scanned the crowd, but it was hard
to make heads or tails of things.

“Shoot, uh…” He looked around, zeroing in on a group of people waiting under what he could
identify as a bus stop.

“Uh, hey, hi.” He said, awkwardly. “Hate to be a bother, but-”

“What’s with the get-up, mate?” One said with an accent Lea wasn’t familiar with.

“You some kinda street act?” Another asked.

“Eh-heh, not important.” Lea said. “Look. you seen anyone else wearing a coat like this?
Specifically a younger guy and girl, guy’s got blond hair, girls got black?”

They all shook their heads.

“Can’t imagine why three people are wearin’ coats like that this time of year.” Another said.
“Look uncomfortable.”

Lea rolled his eyes. “Whatever, thanks anyway..” He walked away.

“....Was that a bloody vampire?” One of the people waiting laughed.


Lea circled back to the alleyway he arrived in, checking the other end. There was no sign of Roxas
or Xion anywhere. Everywhere he looked, it was just more huge, albeit normal looking city life.

“Great. Not even here ten full minutes, and I’ve already lost ‘em.” He said. “Or, they lost me, I
don’t know… WEll, they’re big kids, they’ve done this before, and…Wait…” He remembered the
strange feelings he had when they approached the world.

“What if…Oh crap…What if I’M the only one who made it to this world?!” His thoughts began
racing with possibilities.

“What if…What if they never made it through all the way? Or…Or what if they ended up on a
completely different world entirely!?” He sat against the wall.

“...What if they are in this world, but like, on a different continent? What’ll I-” He stopped himself.

“Get ahold of yourself, man.” He said. “Think…They can take care of themselves. They know
what they’re doing more than you do most of the time. They’ll be fine…” He pulled himself up.

“What I need to do is… Look around…Get a feel for the place. I’ll get no answers just sitting

He recomposed himself, and walked out into the streets.

After a minute or two of walking, he began to feel less out of control. It was a busy city, and more
than once got on the receiving end of someone’s grumpiness, but it was easy-going for the most
part. The buildings looked like mixtures of modern architecture, and old much older buildings,
even seeing signs referring to historical landmarks.

He took a chance to count the things he was lucky for. First, everything seemed familiar in how it
worked. Green still meant go, cars and buses stopped and went in time with the foot traffic.
Secondly, he could understand the language. He once heard the language he, and his friends spoke
referred to as “English” in another world, but as long as he could understand it, he didn’t care what
it was.

The other thing he felt lucky for is that nothing seemed unusual for this world. Most worlds let you
know pretty quickly if there was something different you should be aware of, but this seemed
rather tame.

There was ONE thing he noticed, though…

More than once, he passed someone who had a dog. And more than once, did he notice that the
person, and the dog seemed to look almost the same…

He saw a blind man walking an aged Labrador, and the two had almost the same, sagged faces. He
saw a gothically dressed man walking an equally gothic poodle. In fact, he was certain he saw the
poodle give him a disinterested look as he passed.

The more he saw, the more he realized that everyone with a pet shared similar looks WITH said

“Is this some sort of… World where people have symbiotic relationships with animals?” He
wondered. He shuddered at the idea.

“I just hope Roxas and Xion are in a better spot than me…”
.Roxas groaned as he woke up. He felt WEIRD. Like, his whole body felt strange. He opened his
eyes, and looked around.

He was in…A park of some kind. He could tell because despite the size of it, the wide fields of
grass, the pond, and several trees. He could see buildings in the distance. He pulled himself up, and
felt off balance.

“Geez…Must’ve been a crazier ride than I thought.” He said.

“Roxas?” He heard Xion say. “Roxas are…Are we okay?”

“I think.” Roxas said. He was about to turn to her, when something hit his nose… A smell…He
didn’t know what it was, but hit him in a way that he’d never felt before.
“What is…” He heard a sound like someone shouting right next to him, but it turned out it was
someone on the other side of the park, calling after someone.

“Woah…How did that…”

“Roxas?” Xion said. “Where ARE we?”

“I don’t know…Seems kinda nice.” Roxas said. “You feel okay?”

“I feel…Off.” Xion said. “Like something’s different.”

“Well, we did just zip through space, I think we’ll feel a little woozy.”

“...Where’s Lea?” She asked.

Roxas looked around. “He’s not here?”

“N-No, I don’t think!” Xion said.

“Well, don’t panic, we can-” And as he said that, Roxas and Xion finally looked at one another…

And their words and thoughts died before they were even finished as the two looked at one another
in shock…

“....Xion.” Roxas managed to gasp.

“....Roxas.” Xion returned.


“YOU’RE A DOG!?!?!?!” They both shouted at once.

It was true, both keyblade wielders now took on the appearance of two, teenaged-size Labradors!

“Roxas, I…Uh, what?!” Xion said, circling him.

“Xion! HOW!” Roxas said, also circling her. They circled each other for a moment before stopping
where they began.

“I am SO confused!” Roxas said.

“Me too! I-Wait… Wait, no, this has happened before…” Xion said. “Remember, Sora would
sometimes change bodies when he went into other worlds.”

“Yeah, but I thought that was because of Donald’s magic.” Roxas said. “We don’t have any of

“Maybe…Maybe there’s some leftover in our memories?” Xion suggested. “We found this world
based on memories, maybe we did this to ourselves as well?”

“I don’t know if that works that way, but I haven’t got a better suggestion.” Roxas said. He looked
her over. She still had her black coat, but it was much smaller now that she had shrunk. Despite
having the face of a dog, he could easily make out her own face, helped by the fact that she still
had her own black hair, though now it was part of her new sleek black coat.

“Huh…Gotta say…You don’t look half bad as a dog.” He said.

“Thanks.” She said, She looked him over. He was a bit scruffier, and his coat was the same yellow
color as his hair, which, like her, he kept. She could still make out his big, blue eyes, trying their
best to look serious as a yellow dog wearing a small black coat.

She couldn’t stop herself from giggling.

“What?” He asked.

“I just don’t know how to tell you that you look kinda cute.” She said.

“Aw, c’mon.” Roxas said, blushing.

“Hey, you’re a dog now, I can say that.” She said, then she smiled slyly.

“And I know you like it, cause your tail’s wagging.”

Roxas’s eyes popped open, and he looked down. Sure enough, he had a yellow tail, and despite his
efforts to make it stop, it was thumping against the ground.

“Okay, less enthused about this.” He said. “Okay, so we’re dogs…”

“Yep.” Xion said.

“But…Why? Wait…Oh my gosh, I forgot, where’s Lea?!” Roxas cried.

They looked around, but Lea was nowhere in sight.

“Oh man, where could he be?” Roxas said. “I didn’t even know how this body works, let alone
how we’re gonna search this place for him.”

“Do we even know if we’re where we want to be?” Xion said. “I mean, we were looking for dogs,

“I don’t know.” Roxas sighed. “I’m not sure about anything right now.”

Xion put her paw on his shoulder. “Let’s just try getting used to these first. We can figure
everything else out later.”

“Right.” Roxas said, looking down at his newly acquired four legs. “Gotta get used to these.”

At first, it seemed even taking a step would feel strange, but funnily enough, the two took to four
legs quite well. A little clumsy at first, but they soon found the rhythm. It seemed whatever did this
to them planned a head, as they’re coats seemed to have shrunk to accommodate their differently
shaped lower legs.

Pretty soon, they were strolling through the park with relative ease.

“Huh…I guess this isn’t so bad.” Roxas said. “In fact, something about it almost feels familiar.”

Xion thought for a second. “Well… Sora was turned into a lion cub once. Maybe the memories of
that are helping us?”
“Hey, as long as we don’t have to spend too long getting used to this.” Roxas said. “After all, it’s
just the beginning of our problems…”

“What happened to Lea?” Xion wondered. “Did he even make it here?”

“I don’t see how he couldn’t have, but…I guess I don’t really know what’s happening.” Roxas

“Do we even know if this is the world we were trying to get to?” Xion asked. “I know we felt that
connection, but…”

“Well, we are dogs.” Roxas pointed out. “That’s something of a step in the right direction.” He
looked around. “Let’s try and get our bearings, find out just what kind of world this is…”

They made their way through the park. It wasn’t an unpleasant day at least,but that was the last
thing the two were worried about. Even though thing’s appeared very standard compared to other
worlds they’ve been in, they were still strangers, in strange bodies. And it was obvious after a
minute of walking that their transformation put them at somewhat of a disadvantage.

The other dogs they saw were playing with humans, being walked, waiting obediently while their
human sat on a bench, or checked a phone. In this world, animals were pets. And that would make
things slightly difficult when you were used to being a human.

“This could get us in trouble.” Roxas said. “I doubt we’ll be able to ask any human for help like

“I’m starting to feel less human anyway.” Xion said. ‘This body is very different from my own.
Everything tastes different, I feel I can smell everything at once, my ears feel stronger.” She looked
at her new legs. “And I definitely know I can’t use a keyblade like this… I feel so much more…

“Like an animal?” Roxas guessed.

“Yeah…” Xion answered.

Speaking of those new senses, Roxas began to take notice of his…Particularly his ears. He could
hear thing’s clearer, and from farther away, but there was something else he noticed. AS he looked
around, it seemed that the voices he heard didn’t match up with the people he saw in the park. It
was as if he was hearing two times the voices in his head.

And what’s more, he was sure he heard other voices. One where there were no people. One’s
behind tree’s, and under benches. Even one’s above them in the trees.

He shook it off for now, it wasn’t like he’d get used to everything about this new body at once…
After they walked around the park, it was clear that wherever Lea was, he wasn’t here.

They stopped at the edge of the pond, who’s clear surface reflected the world above.

“Alright, I’ve been dreading this, but…” Xion peered over to look at herself.

“Huh…Not bad… Of course, I’ve never given much thought as to what I’d look like as a dog, but,

Roxas looked over at himself.

“Geez… Can’t even imagine what Lea will say when he sees us like this.” He said.

“Hey, who knows?” Xion said. “He may also be a dog.”

“Heh-Oh, I’d bet he’d LOVE being a dog.” Roxas said.

“What kind do you think he’d be? Like a doberman, or pitbull?” Xion wondered.

“Heh, knowing him, he’d probably be a Chihuahua.” Roxas said.

“Oh, gosh!” Xion laughed. “THAT alone would make this worth it!”

“Or maybe he’s a different animal, I could easily see Lea as like, a cat, or something.” Roxas said.

“Yeah, he IS a little cat-like.” Xion said.

Roxas looked back at his reflection.

“...But, dang, WHY ARE WE DOGS!?” He finally cried. “What’s the benefit of being a dog in this

Xion shrugged. “It always worked out for Sora when this happened.”

“Yeah, but, we can’t talk to the humans, I’m pretty sure we can’t even get around this city unless
we’re careful, and even then, this place looks huge and we are now MUCH smaller, so how are we
supposed to do anything here, how is being a dog HELPFUL!?”

Xion was trying to think of a way to answer him…When they heard a voice speak up.

“Ooh, cool coats!” Said a voice.

“Yeah, thanks.” Roxas said, absentmindedly.

“Where’d your human get ‘em?” The voice asked.

Upon hearing that, Roxas and Xion turned around, and saw, much to their confusion, a large,
female Rottweiler.

“Ain’t ever seen you two around before, you new?” She asked in the same voice.

Roxas and Xion traded side eyes.

“Xion…” Roxas whispered. “...Is that dog talking to us?”

Xion couldn’t respond before the Rottweiler said.

“Yeesss.” She said, looking unsure. “I was talking to you.”

Roxas and Xion’s jaw’s dropped.

“I was wondering if you were new in town.” The Rottweiler said. “I’m Roxy, by the way.”

Roxas stared for a minute…Then, took a very deep breath…

…And before he could let out what would’ve been an ear-piercing scream of confused horror, Xion
put her paw over his mouth.

“.....Hi, Roxy.” She said in the friendliest tone she could manage.
Lea looked up at the large clock tower looming over the city.

“...Hm…Twilight Town’s is cooler.” He said. He looked back down and flicked his Gummiphone
screen in annoyance. He’d tried at several spots, but it seemed this city was messing with its signal.
He couldn’t contact anyone with it.

“Well, this is just great.” he said, slumping against a light pole. “First mission in months, and I’ve
lost my team, got no way of getting back, AND communications are out.” He shook his head. Then
chuckled to himself. “Figures…The one thing I can imagine that both Yen Sid AND Xemnas might
agree on is that I deserve a chewing out for this…Yay me.”

He pulled himself up. “Well, where to go from here?” He thought for a moment.

“Well, only thing I really CAN do is carry on with the mission. Assuming I’m in the right world, of
course…” He looked around. “And the mission was…Right, find Dalmatians…In a city…Full of
people…” He sighed.

“Welp…We didn’t say this would be easy…” He thought for a minute. “Now…Where do you
even start looking for dogs in a city?”

“There’s a lot of them, and that many dogs would…Wait. Of course!” He said. “If they live in this
city, someone’s BOUND to know about a huge family of spotty dogs, and then one place all those
people might be is…” He looked back the way he came.
“A park…Heh, maybe this won’t be so hard after all…” He headed back to the park.
Something else both his new AND ex-superior might reprimand him for is for loudly describing
his mission out loud, for as he walked off, three pairs of inquiring eyes peeked out from their
hiding spot…

“You heard that, right, mate?”

“Yeah…That shifty guy’s looking for Dalmatians…”

“And with that hair and that coat…Red and black never spelled good for them pups.”

“Let’s tail him, see what’s up.”

And a swift form, carrying two others on his back, weaved through the crowd after the man in
“Um, is he okay?” Roxy asked.

Roxas was currently going over his and Xion’s situation in a rather theatrical way…


“Uh, yeah, he’s okay.” Xion said, trying her best to cover for them. “He’s, uh…He’s….Just-uh…”
Her eyes widened as she thought of a believable alibi.

“He’s just got back from the vet, actually.” She said, “Yeah, he had an operation on his ear, and
he’s been coming off the medication they gave him, he’s still a little loopy.”

“Ooooh.” Roxy said. “Yeah, been there. They had to sedate me once and I woke up thinking the
floor was made of beans.”

“Eh heh.” Xion laughed politely. “Uh, but…” She walked over and put a paw around Roxas’s

“It’s been a while. So I think-” She made sure to look him in the eye. “-That he can stop freaking
out, everything’s okay.”

Roxas looked between her and Roxy before finally calming down.

“You’re right…You’re right.” He said. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Right.” Xion agreed.

“Uh…Sorry about that.” He told Roxy. “Yeah, like she said…Meds.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Roxy said with a big smile.

“Uh, you said your name was Roxy?” Roxas asked.

“Yep!” She replied, wagging her tail.

“Uh, well, I’m Roxas.” He said.

“Ooh, nice…”

“And I’m Xion.” Xion said. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.” Roxy said. “So, you two new around here?”

‘Yeah, pretty new.” Roxas said.

“In fact, we just got here today.” Xion said.

“Oh, nice!” Roxy said. “Well, welcome to London!”

“London?” Roxas asked. “That’s what this place is called?”

“Yep! Well, technically you’re IN Regents Park which is IN London, but, well, y’know.”

“Is that where we wanted to go?” Xion asked.

“I can’t say.” Roxas asked.

“Everything alright?” Roxy asked.

“Oh, yeah.” Roxas said, quickly. “Uh...Actually, Roxy, if you’ve got time…”

“Oh, I do!” Roxy said.

“Uh, right, um, we’re actually kinda lost in this place right now, do you think you can-”

Roxy’s eyes widened. “Oh, I’d LOVE to show you around this place. At least, what of it I
know…” She added sheepishly. “I haven’t been around the city too much.”
“Oh that ‘ll be fine.” Xion said. “Just to give us an idea of what’s around.”

“Oh, that’d be great!” Roxy said. “You don’t mind if we do it on the way to meet some friends of
mine, do ya? I was headed there anyway.”

“Oh, that’ll be fine.” Xion said.

“Great! Follow me!” Roxy cried before taking off.

Roxas and Xion stayed just behind the larger dog as she led them through the park.

“Well, I guess that’s why we turned into dogs.” Xion whispered.

“Still a little weird, but, hey, at least we’re getting help.” Roxas said.

“We still don’t know where Lea is, but I’m starting to think things aren’t happening by accident…”
Xion said.

“Yeah, and I kinda don’t know if I like it…” Roxas said.

They walked with Roxy through the park, as she pointed things out. However, some of her
descriptions seemed a bit off to Roxas and Xion.

“That’s the big statue that looks like it’s made of folded newspaper.” She said, stopping in front of
a statue that looked like a giant, origami horse.

“Don’t know why they made it like that, but they did.” She moved on.

“That’s one of the most popular lampposts in the park.” She said.

“How can a lamppost be popular?” Roxas asked.

“It’s got one of the best views. You wanna have something to look at while you’re…Y’know….”

Roxas and Xion looked confused, until another dog approached the same lamppost and…

“Oh…” Xion said.

“Yeah…Humans are real nice, buildin’ us so many.” Roxy said. “They even put lights on ‘em.”

Roxas and Xion looked at one another.

“...We’re gonna eventually have to-”

“I know, let’s not think about it…” Xion said, quickly.

They walked a bit further before Roxy spoke up.

“So, where are you two from?” She asked. “I know you aren’t from around here, you’re accent’s
are different.”

“Uh…Let’s just say we’re from…Pretty far out of town.” Roxas said.

“So, where’s your pet?” Roxy asked.

“Our…Pet?” Roxas repeated.

“Yeah, y’know, you’re human?” Roxy said. “I guess you two have one if they put you in matching
coats like that.”

“Uh, they’re…Around.” Roxas said.

“Oh, I get ya.” Roxy said. ‘They just let you run around as you like?”

“Yeah, something like that.” Xion said.

“While, I ain’t gonna judge you, but just for a heads up, some dogs get a little uppity about having
a human.” Roxy said.

“We’ll…Keep that in mind.” Roxas said.

“Um, actually, since you brought up the coats.” Xion began. “You haven’t seen anyone else
wearing a coat like this, have you?”

Roxy shook her head. “Don’t think so…Why? Does your human also wear a black coat?”

“Uh…Maybe?” Roxas asked. “We don’t know what he’s changed intoooo-” He looked to Xion to
help him salvage his slipup. She quickly tugged at her coat, fiddling with the zipper.

“-toooo, today!” He quickly said. ‘We don’t know what clothes he’s changed into today.”

“Right, humans DO like changing clothes all the time.” Roxy said.

Roxas and Xion breathed a sigh of relief.

Xion nudged Roxas while Roxy was distracted, talking about a spot in the park where human’s go
to drink ‘bean juice’.

“Okay, I am REALLY starting to think this is no accident.” She whispered. “I think this IS the
world we were trying to get to.”

“I think you’re right, but…What now?” Roxas said.

“I don’t think it was an accident we met her either.” Xion said. “I say we ask her if she knows
about any Dalmatians.”

Roxas sighed. “Couldn’t hurt to try.” He said.

“What couldn’t hurt?” Roxy asked, now standing over them, looking at them eagerly.

“Wow, you are surprisingly quiet.” Roxas said.

“Thanks!” Roxy said, excitedly.

“Uh, Roxy.” Xion began. “You definitely seem to know this park well enough.”
“Oh, thanks, I HAVE been going to it for a while.” Roxy said.

“Yeah, and you DO seem to know most of the peop-er-dogs in it.” Roxas added.

“Eh, I don’t know about that.” Roxy said. “I know this might not come as a surprise, but I’m
actually not the best at social interaction.” She leaned in and whispered. “I’m a little on the shy
side, y’see…”

Roxas and Xion looked at one another, then back up at the dog who easily dwarfed both of them.

“In fact, I usually don’t talk to new people, it’s just…I felt like talking to you was…Right.” Roxy

Xion looked at Roxas and gave him a “See?” kind of look.

“But, what did you want to ask?” Roxy said.

“Well, we were wondering…” Xion said.

“...Do you know any….Dalmatians?” Roxas finished.

“Dalmatians?” Roxy repeated.

“I-I know it’s a weird question.” Roxas asked. “But-”

“Of COURSE I know the Dalmatians!” Roxy said, almost jumping to all four paws. “One of them
is one of my best friends!”

“Really?!” Roxas and Xion said in unison.

“Oh, yeah, I’m a friend of their whole family!” Roxy continued. “We’ve been friends for a long
time, we hang out all the time, in fact, we’re heading to the skate ramp where-Wait…” Roxy’s
happy tone vanished, and she looked down at Roxas and Xion skeptically.

“Why are you asking about Dalmatians?” She asked.

“Um…Well…See.” Roxas began, but stopped when Roxy was now looming over him, narrowing
her eyes.

“You aren’t working for that…Weird lady are you?” Roxy asked, now with a far fiercer tone in her

“What? Weird lady?” Roxas asked. “We’re not-”

“We’ve just heard about them, and wanted to know if you knew them.” Xion quickly interjected.
“That’s all.”

Roxy’s peppy tone suddenly returned. “Oh, okay!” She said, she wiped her forehead. “That’s a
relief, actually, you got me worried, there!”

“uh….Sorry?” Roxas asked.

“Yeah, real sorry about all that, it’s just. They all tell me, ‘be careful about who you tell about the
Dalmatians.’ and all that. Can’t be too careful.” She huffed. “After all that, them getting on the
news for crying out loud, it’s not exactly a shock SOMEONE’S heard of them, but, yeah…They
are my friends. I don’t want anyone to try and hurt them again.”
“...Again?” Roxas asked.

“Eh, let’s not talk about it.” Roxy said. “C’mon, we’re almost there!”

She hurried on, leaving Roxas and Xion confused.

“...What have we gotten ourselves into?” Roxas asked.

Chapter End Notes

...Well, you didn't think I was gonna keep ALL of them as humans, did you?

Don't worry, it gets more confusing, but if you clicked on this, you've probably played
Kingdom Hearts and you should be used to that.

With the world being split being the human society, and the animal one, I wanted to
explore both, of course having poor Lea being on the short end of the stick.

I hope you're enjoying so far, this is where things REALLY get started.
A walk in the park is FAR from a walk in the park.
Chapter Summary

Roxas and Xion's journey continue with their new friend Roxy as they finally meet
with surprisingly hard-to find family of Dalmatians...

Where they learn things aren't as simple as they thought.

Meanwhile, Lea has to deal with the far-too-average human side of this world.
Learning just how out of place he is.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Just as she said, Roxy led the two to a spot in the park that had a large skate ramp as a centerpiece.
There was a crowd gathered around, but, much to Xion’s and Roxas’s surprise, they were all

Dogs and cats mostly, but they spied a few squirrels, rats, even a few birds were perched around.

“Okay, let’s find Snowball!” Roxy said.

Weaving through the crowd, the two off-worlders were taken aback by just how varied the crowd
of animals seemed. Maybe it was just because they were dogs now, or maybe it was because they
never noticed in their own world, but these animals came in all shapes, sizes, some were wearing
clothes, obviously put on by humans, some smaller animals were sitting on larger one’s backs, it
was at the point that Roxas and Xion had to remind themselves they were animals… And that only
made them wonder what the difference was.

They pushed through to the front of the crowd, where they saw the object for drawing such a large
crowd was someone pulling off various impressive tricks on a skateboard. They were zipping from
one end to the other so fast they couldn’t make out anything about them.

“Hey Snowball!” Roxy called, pulling Roxas’s and Xion’s attention back. Who she was calling to
could be better described as a shape than an animal. In fact, even when they saw it’s face, it only
made it look like a very disapproving cotton ball.

“Hey, Snowball, meet Roxas and Xion.” Roxy said, motioning to the two. “They’re from out of

“Hello.” Xion said, while Roxas just waved.

Instead of saying anything, the small dog scuttled up to them with a skeptical look.

“What kind of names are ‘Rocks-us’ and ‘She-on’?” She asked in a thick accent.

“Snowball, don’t be rude!” Roxy said.

“It’s fine.” Xion said. “We’re…Not from around here.”

“Hm. Obviously. Accents sound very American.” She said, She noticed their coats. “What is deal
with jackets? You part of some emo-band?”

“Snowball, seriously!” Roxy said. “Sorry about her.” She told them. “In her defense, she’s rude to

“Am not rude. Just pointing out obvious.” Snowball said.

Roxy just rolled her eyes, and took a seat next to Snowball.

“So, how long she been at it?” She asked, watching the other dog skateboard.

“Eh, about 10 minutes.” Snowball said. “Is her longest uninterrupted run yet.”

“Who is that?” Roxas asked. “Whoever she is, she’s good.”

“Oh, that’s Dolly.” Roxy said. “And yeah, she’s the best skateboarder on four legs.”

“Huh…” Roxas said. “I skateboard a little…”

“Don’t let her hear that.” Snowball said. “She is VERY competitive.”

“She’s also our best friend!” Roxy said in a sing-song voice.

They all watched as the boarder zipped down one side of the ramp, leapt in the air, spun several
times, before landing and going back up the other side.

“Wow, look at her go!” Xion said. “Think you can do that?” She asked Roxas.

“Probably not now.” Roxas said, motioning to his new body.

The crowd cheered as the skater leapt in the air, and held all four of her legs out in a star-like pose,
gripping her board in one paw…

“Ooh! A starfish!” Roxy called.

“She’s been practicing that one.” Snowball said.

The skater landed, and slid her board to a grinding halt. Once she was stopped she pumped her fists
in the air triumphantly.

“YAY DOLLY!” Roxy called, with the crowd joining in. Roxas and Xion found themselves again
surprised as they heard several voices cheering along, instead of meows and barks.

They followed Roxy and Snowball as they pushed in front of the crowd onto the ramp, where the
skater was taking off her helmet… And both Roxas and Xion stopped in their tracks when they
saw her shake her long, spotted ears free…

“Roxas.” Xion whispered. “She’s a Dalmatian!”

“I can see that.” Roxas assured her.

“Dolly, that was great!” Roxy said. The Dalmatian turned and gave her friends a big smile.

“You finally nailed that starfish without falling on your face.” Snowball said.

“Snowball, it’s your rock-solid confidence that pushes me to stick to this.” Dolly said in a sarcastic

“I didn’t doubt you!” Roxy said, taking Dolly into a hug.

“Oof! Thanks.” Dolly said, only slightly crushed in the larger dog’s grip. After Roxy let her go, she
held her board proudly.

“Truth be told, I’m the one who’s really surprised.” She said, “I had to practice that for months.
You don’t even want to KNOW how many times I had to sneak away from the fam to sneak in
some practice time.”

“Aw, but you know the pups are your biggest supporters.” Roxy said.

“I know, but…It’s hard to practice with a bunch of little guys around…Not to mention I’ve said
things after a crash that Dylan would kick butt over if he heard any of them repeat.” The three
friends laughed at this.

Roxas and Xion stood to the side, both unsure of what to do next…

“I’ve just now realized that I have no idea how we’re supposed to approach this.” Xion whispered.
“What are we even supposed to say?”

“We’ll have to play it cool.” Roxas said. “Remember, only the Dalmatians would be aware that
their world disappeared.”

“Oh! Dolly, I almost forgot!” They heard Roxy say. “You gotta meet the new dogs!.” They both
got ready as the three dogs approached them.

“I’ve been showing them around!” Roxy said, proudly. “They just got here today.”

“Really?” Dolly said. “Not a lot of dogs move here nowadays.” She put a paw on her chest in a
grand motion.

“I’m Dolly. Dolly Dalmatian. Skateboarder, daredevil, 90% of this city’s awesome supply. Nice to
meet you.”

Roxas and Xion exchanged look, before they spoke up.

“I’m Roxas. Uh…Just a regular dog.”

“I’m Xion. It’s nice to meet you.”

“What’s with the coats?” Dolly asked. “....And the hair? Wait, don’t tell me. Your human’s a
stylist, right?”

“Uh, sure.” Roxas said.

“Sorry, it’s just I don’t see a lot of synchronized fashion on Dogs without humans.” Dolly said.

“Wish I had fur like yours.” Xion said. “Black gets old real fast.”

Roxas wasn’t certain, but for a split second, the mention of fur made all three dogs' eyes go wide…

Dolly laughed it away, though.

“Yeah, well, trust me, black and white can get REAL old if you live in my house.” Dolly said.
“Gotta say, though, your human got real creative with the hair.”

Roxas looked up at his. “I kinda like it.” He said.

“So.” Dolly said. “Where you from?”

“Oh, y’know.” Xion said with a shrug. “Not here.”

“Yeah, my side of the family’s not technically ‘from’ here either, but it’s a bit more complicated.”
Dolly said.

“They actually said they heard about you.” Roxy said. “In fact, they even asked if I knew you. And
I do!”

“Really?” Dolly said, quizzically. “Where’d you hear about me?”

“Well, y’know. We just heard from…Other dogs.” Roxas said.

“Yeah, definitely other dogs.” Xion continued. “They said something about a hundred and one

Dolly rolled her eyes. “Yeah…Figures…”

“More of them, huh?” Snowball said, skeptically.

“Um, we don’t mean it as any-” Xion began, but Dolly cut her off.

“No, no, you’re cool, it’s just…After the whole thing happened, and we got in the news and all
that, you’re not the first to wanna meet us…” Dolly said.

Roxas and Xion traded unsure looks.

“But yeah, that’s me and my family.” Dolly said. “101 Dalmatians… It’s funny. Even with a
number that big, we were on our way to being just another weird family in the city until that night
happened… Kinda miss being mundane, actually.”

“I’m sorry.” Xion said. “I really didn’t know-”

“No, like I said, it’s cool. It’s just what happens.” Dolly said. “So, what part are you curious about?
I think the humans did a good job, but of course there’s only details us dogs know…”

“Actually.” Roxas said. “We wanted to ask you something else…” He looked at Xion.

“Like what?” Dolly said.

“Well…” Roxas said, trying to find the right way to word it.

“Here’s the thing… Someone we know, well, at one point, he knew a big family of Dalmatians…”

“Uh huh?” Dolly asked.

“And, we wanted to ask…” Roxas said, before taking a deep breath…

“...Does the name ‘Sora’ mean anything to you?”

What Roxas and Xion were expecting was for Dolly to have some sort of epiphany, if not
remember outright. Hoping the mention of his name would spark something…
…Except Dolly just went-

“Come again?”

Roxas and Xion traded looks.

“Who did you just ask me about?” Dolly asked

“Uh…Sora.” Xion said. “Does that name mean…Anything to…” She stopped when she saw that
Dolly clearly had no idea who she was talking about…

“Sora…” Dolly said, tapping her chin. “Nope, doesn’t ring a bell.”

“Are you sure?” Roxas asked. “Like, have you ever met anyone like that in another wor-city?”

“Nah. I don’t even go outside of London, except when my family takes a vacation to the beach.”
Dolly said.

Roxas looked away. “But…But…They-He…He mentioned a huge family of Dalmatians…”

“Not that I know another, but we’re the only huge family of Dalmatians I know of.” Dolly said.
“And I don’t think anyone knows anybody by that name.”

Roxas and Xion sighed heavily.

“Figures.” Roxas said, hanging his head. Xion put a paw on his back.

“I really am sorry.” Dolly said. “But, yeah… I don’t know a Sora.”

“It’s…It’s okay.” Roxas said. “It was…It was a long shot anyway.”

“Yeah…A real long shot.” Xion agreed.

Dolly looked at her friends, who just shrugged in response. She tapped her chin… Then smiled as
she came up with an idea.

“Y’know, I might not have heard of this guy, but…My family’s pretty big, there’s a chance
SOMEONE might’ve met him…” She said.

Roxas looked up. “Do you think so?”

“I don’t really know, but, well… There’s a larger chance than with most family’s.” Dolly said.
“You want to go meet them? There in the park too.”

“We’d…We’d love to.” Xion said.

“Great! C’mon then.” Dolly said, heading off.

“Oh, and heads up… You might want to get ready for a crowd.” She said,
Lea was scanning the park from the entrance. He saw humans, dogs, humans that looked like dogs,
dogs that looked like humans, but nothing that looked like a Dalmatian…

“Alright, just…Take it easy.” He told himself. “They’re the most visually distinct dog breed ever,
it should be easy…” Then he got an idea… “And there’s THAT many…” He noticed a girl
working one of the stalls at the park’s entrance.

“Okay, Lea.” He said. “Time to put all that street charisma to work.” He said, slicking his hair

The girl working the counter was arranging what Lea could only assume were snacks in a display.

She was so preoccupied with her work, that she didn’t notice him until he slid in front of her as
smoothly as he could.

“Hey…” He said, in the silkiest voice he could muster.

She jumped when she saw, but laughed good-naturedly.

“Um, hello.” She said, “Um, can I help you?”

“Oh, maybe.” He said, trying to sound aloof. “I’m new in town, see, looking for info on this place,

“...Right…” She said, uncertainly. “Well, info is the next kiosk ove-”

“Oh, I don’t mean that kind of info.” Lea said. “I mean the more… Specific info, the kind
someone, like yourself, might know from working in a place like this.”

“...Okay?” She said,

“...Love the pink stripe in your hair, by the way, it’s very… Pink.” He said.

“...Thank you?” She said.

“Anyway, what I wanted to ask is…I’m seeing a lot of dogs in this park.” Lea said.
“Oh, yes, Regent’s Park is a popular spot to walk dogs.” The woman said.

“Right, of course, and I wonder if-” Lea looked down at the snacks she had arranged. They looked
like green muffins. “Those delicious by the way, can I get one of those?”

“Oh, yes.” She said, quickly handing him one.

He casually slid the payment across the counter.

“Anyway, where was I?” He said, still trying to act aloof.

“...You were asking about dogs?” She said,

“Right, right.” He chuckled. “Can never stay focused. Anyway, I wonder if you, having worked
here, in what is no doubt the pulse of the entire park…”

She looked around, growing more unsure. “Yeah, this…Is pretty busy…”

“Right, and in all it’s hustling and bustling, I wonder if you might have spied a particular dog
breed…” He held the muffin up and casually took a bite.

“That being a-” He suddenly stopped when the flavor touched his tongue. He tried to hold it in, but
he couldn’t stop his through from gagging as it tried its best to stop whatever it was from going any
further into his body.

He gritted his teeth, and swallowed. He looked at the muffin in shock.

“Holy Mo-” He noticed she was staring at him with concern.

“Uh…Eh heh.” He said, weakly. “N-Not to get off track, but…What are these?” He asked,
pointing to the muffins.

“Oh, those are one of our specialties!” The woman said, proudly. “Seaweed muffins.”

Lea looked down at it, then back up at her.

“....Seaweed?” He repeated.

“Yep! Part of our line of all-natural snacks.”” She said,

Lea finally noticed that the sign on the stall was a tree, and that the woman was wearing a
matching apron.

“....Gotcha…” He said. He finally just dropped both hands on the table.

“Okay, I’m just gonna get to the point, have you seen an impossibly huge family of Dalmatians
anywhere?” He asked, dropping the aloof act. “Any at all?”

The woman’s tone suddenly changed as well.

“Dalmatians? Why?” She demanded.

“Look, it’s important, I can’t tell you, but-” Lea stopped when she got in his face.

“Are you also working for those thugs that abducted them that night?!” She demanded. “Or are
you a copycat, trying to get some fame!?”
“What?” Lea asked. “Lady, I don’t-”

“I don’t know anything, now please LEAVE!” She said, reaching up and slamming the metal
shutter of the stall down.

Lea just stared for a minute… Before huffing.

“Okay, fine!” He said, “Thanks for nothing!...Oh, and these muffins taste like lawn clippings!” He
said, storming off…

…And then taking another bite of the muffin.


“Okay, I’m convinced. He’s definitely up to something.”

“Wadda dude, mate?”

“For now, we just follow ‘em, and be ready for anything…”

The same form from before slinked through the park, keeping just out of earshot from the man in
“So, Roxas, Xion.” Dolly called as they walked through the park. “You guys got any siblings?”

“Nope.” Xion said.

“I don’t either.” Roxy said with a sad face.

“I don’t think so.” Roxas said. “At least, not that I know of…”

“Not that you ‘know of’?” Dolly asked.

“Look, let’s just say that finding out you have an unexpected bond with someone has happened
more than once in my life.” Roxas said.

Dolly made a face. “...I feel that demands more questions, but I’m choosing not to ask any of

“Smart move.” Roxas said.

“Well, all I know is, you can;t have more of them than I do.” Dolly said. It was then that Roxas’s
new ears picked up the sound of what sounded like dozens of kids playing in the park.

“Wait, siblings. So you’re one of-”

“Yep.” Dolly said. “1 of 99.”

They stopped at the top of a hill that overlooked a wide, grassy spot of the park, and she waved her
paw in a grand motion.

“Welp…Ever saw THAT before?” She asked.

Roxas and Xion dropped to their newly acquired haunches in shock.

“Heh, remember my first time.” Snowball chuckled.

Running around the park was a veritable SWARM of black and white! Zipping all around so much
it was dizzying. Sire, Leon had told them that there were 101 of them, but to actually see it?

It was something else.

Dolly chuckled at their shocked faces. “I guess that’s a ‘no’ on the ‘have you seen this before’ eh?”

“I…I….I-I-I-I…” Was all Roxas could manage.

“There’s SO many of them!” Xion gasped. “I-I mean, that’s of no offense, of course, but…Wow.”

“Yeah, it can be a little nuts to the unprepared.” Dolly said.

“And…These are ALL your siblings!?” Roxas finally managed to say.

“Yep!” Dolly said.

As he looked around, Roxas noticed that all the pups looked much smaller than Dolly, some
looking VERY young.

“...Are you…The oldest one?” He asked.

“Well, no, actually.” Dolly said. “My brother’s a little older than me, by like a month or two, but
yeah, he and I-”

“There you are!!!” They heard an angry voice call.

“Wuh-oh.” Dolly said,

Roxy put her paws on her hips. “Dolly, did you abandon him again?” She scolded.

“Hey, how else was I gonna get to the skate ramp today?” Dolly asked.

“How about you WEREN’T supposed to!” The same voice said. Another older Dalmatian about
Dolly’s age, only with a single red collar with a star on it, marched up to her.

“You left me on solo pup care, AGAIN!” He said.

“Relax, Dyl, you had it handled.” Dolly said.

“THAT’S NOT THE POINT!!!” The other dog cried. “We were supposed to watch them together
today so mum and dad could have a quieter day off!”

“Wait, you two look after all these guys by yourselves?” Roxas asked.

“Yeah, but it;s supposed to be a TEAM effort!” The other dog said. “And-Wait.” He looked at
Roxas and Xion.

“Who are you?” He asked.

“This is Roxas and Xion.” Roxy said. “They just moved here.”

“And they heard about us, and wanted to meet us.” Dolly said. “You, maybe you should chill for a

The other dog rolled his eyes, and sat down.

“Guys, this is my brother, Dylan.” Dolly said, taking him into a half hug/half headlock. “Uptight,
overbearing, total nerd extraordinaire.”

“Hi Dylan.” Xion said with a wave.

“Hi.” Dylan returned, glumly, still in Dolly’s grip. He pushed away, and approached them with a
stern look on his face.

“Look, I’m sure real nice dogs and all, and I’m honestly flattered you want to meet us and hear all
about what happened from us personally.”

“But we-” Xion began.

“But to be honest, I would just like to say, please consider what reliving that night is to us? We’ve
got a LOT of young pups, some of which aren’t even fully housebroken, who still have nightmares
about it, connected to that story. So, if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not talk about it.”

Roxas and Xion traded awkward looks.

“They’re not here to ask about that, bark breath.” Dolly said.

“Th-They’re not?” Dylan repeated.

“No, we want to ask you about a friend of ours… One who once knew a big family of
Dalmatians.” Xion said.

“Huh?” Dylan said.

“They told me his name, but it didn’t sound familiar.” Dolly said.

“Well, who is it?” Dylan asked.

Roxas and Xion looked at one another.

“Does the name ‘Sora’ sound familiar?” Roxas asked.

“Sora?” Dylan asked. He thought for a moment.

“...No, I don’t know a Sora…” He said.

“Are you sure?” Roxas asked. “He mentioned he knew a big family of Dalmatians, you all lived in
a big house in city, that you ended up there after-” He stopped when he realized he was saying too

Dylan shook his head. “Only city our family has ever lived in is London.” He said. “And I’ve
never met anyone named Sora.”

Roxas hung his head. “......Sorry to bother you, then.”

“Sorry I can’t be of more help.” Dylan said. “I-I know my family’s huge. Maybe they met one of
our relatives?”

“He mentioned 101 Dalmatians.” Xion said. “And we’ve never seen that many Dalmatians in one
place, until today.”

Dylan shrugged. “I don’t know what I can say. None of us have met a ‘Sora’ and we’ve never left
this city…”

Xion sighed. “I knew this was a long shot.”

“How long have you been looking for this person?” Dolly asked.

“...Over a year.” Roxas said. “They’re actually…They’re actually missing. We have no idea where
they are.”

“Oh…” Dylan said. “That’s…I’m sorry.”

“We’re really sorry to have bothered you and your family, but, well… Not many families of 101
Dalmatians around.” Roxas said.

“No, I get it…Well, I’m sorry.” Dylan said.

After apologizing again, Roxas and Xion sat under a tree, looking at the family of Dalmatian’s

“...I don’t get it.” Roxas said. “How could we have done all this and STILL be no closer?”
“I don’t know.” Xion said. “...They keep mentioning something that happened to them, do you
think they mean when their world was destroyed?”

“No, if it was that, no one else would remember.” Roxas said. “People certainly wouldn’t be
asking them about it.”

“And what’s that talk about a ‘weird lady,’ you think they mean Maleficent?” Xion asked.

“No…I think we’re either on the wrong world, or…” He felt a tear build up.

“...They forgot about him…”

Xion quietly gasped. “How? How could they have forgotten? If what Leon said is true, he helped
SAVE them.”

“Maybe…Maybe thing’s changed as time went on…Maybe after their world was restored, the
memories faded…” Roxas said.

Xion sighed. “I just…I can’t accept this was all for nothing. There’s a connection here, I feel it.”

“I do too, but… Maybe it’s just our own hearts’ wishful thinking.” Roxas said.

They sat there, sullenly for a moment, unsure of what to do…

Until the dirt next them rumbled, and from the ground, a small Dalmatian pup dug to the surface.

“Digdigdig!”He said, shaking the dirt off his face.

“Woah, watch where you’re slinging that stuff, kid!” Roxas said, wiping the dirt from his coat.

“Dig-Oh, sorry.” He said.

“Eh, don’t worry about it.” Roxas said.

“Are you those new dogs?” The pup asked, climbing from the hole.

“Yep.” Roxas said. “New, out of place, no idea why we’re here, or what we can do now…”

“Oh.” Was all the pup said.

“What’s your name?” Xion asked. “You one of the 101?”

“Oh, yeah.” The pup said. “My name’s Diesel.”

“Diesel, huh?” Roxas said. “Pretty cool name.”

“Thanks!” Diesel said with a wide smile. “I like your name too, Rocks-Us.”

“Heh, thanks.” Roxas said.

“I guess you like digging, then?” Xion asked.

“Oh, I LOVE digging!” Diesel said, jumping up and down. “You ever tried it?”

“Eh, no.” Roxas said. “Not really our thing.”

“You should try it, it’s great!” Diesel said.

“We may have to before the day’s over.” Xion said, looking at her paws.

“So, Dylan said you were…Looking for someone?” Diesel asked, tilting his head to the side.

“Yeah…” Roxas said, looking away. “I don’t think he’s here, though.” He looked at the pup.
“Don’t suppose you know who ‘Sora’ is, do you?”

Diesel shook his head. “No. I don’t meet many new people.”

“Yeah, I guess you wouldn’t.” Roxas sighed. He saw Diesel looking at him, so he shook his
feelings away for now.

“So.” He asked. “What’s it like living with, how many would it be, 98 brothers and sisters?”

“Oh, it’s pretty cool.” Diesel said. “There’s always someone around to do stuff with.”

“Bet it never gets lonely.” Xion said.

“Nah, never.” Diesel said.

“That sounds nice…To never be lonely.” Xion said.

“None of them like digging as much as me, though.” Diesel said. “In fact, Dylan doesn’t like it
when I dig too much.”

“Really?” Roxas asked. He looked at the pups, and saw Dylan chasing after one bunch, while
Dolly was playing with another.

“I take it your brother’s the more responsible one?” Roxas asked.

“That’s what mum always says.” Diesel said. “I don’t know what ‘ree-sponce-eebibble’ means,

Roxas and Xion smiled.

“I just know mum says we need lots of it for our family.” Diesel said.

“And why is that?” Xion asked.

No sooner had she said that, than a rubber chicken sailed through the air, landing on Roxas’s head.

“Looks like you’re about to find out.” Diesel said with a sneaky smile. He dug back underground
as Roxas took the chicken off his head.

“What is-” He stopped when heard what sounded like a tiny stampede rushing towards him.

“Roxas.” Xion said. “I would throw that if I were you.” She said.

“Why, what’s-” He looked up…

…And saw a wave of black and white come crashing down on him…

Roxas must’ve blacked out, because he was awoken by something licking his face. When he
opened his eyes, he was looking back at a dozen or so puppy faces.

“Eh heh. Sorry.” Said the one who had licked his face.

Roxas pulled himself up, and saw he was practically buried under a pile of puppies.

“Roxas!” Xion called, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Roxas said, shaking his head. “Geez, you little guy’s are strong!”

“OhmidogOhmidogOhmidog!” He heard Dylan yell.

“I am SO sorry about that!” He cried. “Uh, guy’s get off him, now!”

The pups quickly scurried off Roxas, while Xion helped him up.

“Th-They just get a little excited, y-y’know, and-”

“Relax, it’s okay.” Roxas said. “I’ve taken harder hits before.”

Dolly was not as concerned.

“Woah, most dogs NEVER take a puppy pile head-on like that.” She laughed.

“Dolly!” Dylan said. “Again, I am SO sorry-”

“Hey, really, it’s cool.” Roxas said. He then held up the rubber chicken, and looked at the crowd
of pups playfully.

“I MIGHT need someone to fess’ up to throwing this, though…”

The crowd went silent.

“C’mon, you guys.” Dylan said. “Who threw it?”

Finally, one of them stepped forward.

“Me…” He said sheepishly.

“Delgado, I’ve told you to be careful.” Dylan scolded.

“But Dolly told me to throw it as hard as I can…” The pup said. Dolly looked away while
whistling innocently.

“And you know better than to listen to her.” Dylan said, making Dolly frown at him.

“Now tell him you’re sorry.” Dylan said, pointing at Roxas.

The pup stepped forward, and as he did, Roxas could see that he wheels instead of hind legs. At
first he was shocked, but then realized it was a kind of wheelchair.

“Sorry, Mr.” The pup said.

“Woah, okay, you don’t have to call me ‘Mr’.” Roxas said. “I’m not that old. And besides.” He
tossed the rubber chicken back to the pup.

“Don’t be sorry, not many people can claim to have hit me by surprise.”

The pup smiled.

“What’s your name, again?” Roxas asked.

“I’m Delgado.” The pup said.

“I’m Roxas.” He looked at the other pups. “You all look like you’re giving your brother a real

Dylan sighed. “Yeah…Especially when the one who was supposed to help me sneak’s off!” He
glared at Dolly.

Roxas looked down at his own new body. “Y’know, I haven’t had this much room to run out like
this in I think…Ever.” He said. “In fact, this my first time in a city like this, I don’t know how you
London dogs play.”

Delgado’s eyes widened.

“....Do you want us to show you?”

Roxas looked at Xion.

“Hey, it’s cool with me.” Xion said. “But, I think I’ll just watch.”

Roxas looked at Dylan.

“Oh, it’s cool with me too, but, uh…Well, consider yourself warned. These guys don’t play easy.”
Dylan said.

Roxas smiled back at Delgado. “Y’know what? Sure.”

“Oh, this is gonna be fun.” Xion said.

“It’s NOT a ‘gang jacket’ it’s a…Okay, it kinda is, but it’s from an old gang!” Lea said to the older
woman he was trying to get directions from.

“Now do you know if any Dalmatians visit this park or not!?”

“Young man, it’d do you more good to get out of the sun.” The older woman snapped. “What with
that hooligan getup, and wild hair of yours.” She walked away.
“It’s my own style!” Lea shouted. “Ugh! Everyone in this city is NUTS!”

He finally flopped down on a park bench.

“Man, am I really THIS pathetic on my own?” He said. “Or have I gotten soft?” He leaned

“Okay, to recap, most people just look at me like I’m nuts when I ask about Dalmatians, except for
the ones that get all defensive… Which tells me that there ARE Dalmatians on this world, it’s just
apparently something sensitive happened…” He shook his head.

“I don’t remember things being this hard…”

He leaned back, and tried to focus.

“No leads on anything. No progress made, what can I do?” He asked himself. “Usually, it’s Roxas
or Xion who get all the bursts of rationale that tells them what to do, I…Don’t.” He sighed.

Then he heard something echo in his head. The same words that lead him here…

“Let your heart be your guiding key…” He said. He sat back up.

“My heart…Heh, I haven’t listened to it in ages. But…If there was ever a time I needed to listen to
it…” He sat silently for a moment. Hoping to hear something, or feel something… But instead, he
heard nothing…

“...Well, that was a bust.” He grumbled. “I’m starting to think the wizards only use it to sound all
‘wise’ and ‘mystical’.” He sat back up. “How can I listen to my heart when I just got used to
having one again, I mean, I barely know how to use this keyblade right, and-” He stopped when
heard someone cough. He turned his head and saw someone sitting next to him on the same bench.

“....You, uh…You been sitting there the entire time, haven’t you?” He asked.

The man, looking very concerned, just slowly nodded.

“...Right…” Lea got up.

“Have a good one.” He told the man before walking away.

Chapter End Notes


So, I've surprised myself, I thought I only wrote enough up to this point for about 3
chapters...I was wrong.

This show's tone was what really hooked me. I've always loved 101 Dalmatian's and
most of the stuff Disney did with it(exceptcruella) and this show with it's pretty
standard "Slice of life/big family shenanigans" might seem kinda bland, but they made
...But every so often it would remind you that this story has one of animations most
famous villain's attached to it, and that's what you were waiting to see play out...
First day's are never supposed to be the easy ones...
Chapter Summary

As their first day in this new world comes to end, the three Keyblade warriors find
themselves in difficult positions.

Separated and unsure of what to do, where to go, or if they're even in the right world,
they'll need to pull themselves together if they even want to get back home...

Fortunately, they have friends on this world. Those who understand the importance of
giving the lost and desperate even a little bit of kindness can help them in tremendous

And there's others...Ones they haven't met yet...Ones that they might have more in
common with than they realize...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Roxas wasn’t sure what it was, but he had never felt like this before! A rush went through his body
as he ran, a feeling of power and speed as all four of his newly acquired paws kicked up the earth
behind him.

Even the drive to run was different, the moment that Rubber Chicken was thrown into the air, he
only knew one thing…He HAD to chase after it. It was an instinct. One he’d never had before he
got a body like this…

From under a tree, Xion was discovering the perks of this body in a different way, as she was
getting used to lounging on all fours, with her head still upright.

“This place is so peaceful.” Xion said. “It’s not like anywhere else I’ve ever been.”

“Eh, London’s just the same as any other city.” Dolly said. “It’s just more…Boring.”

“I’d take a boring day over a lot of day’s I’ve had.” Xion said.

“What kind of days HAVE you had?” Roxy asked, sitting next to her.

“Oh, crazy ones.” Xion said. “...Really crazy ones… Not to be too dark but…There’s been a few
days in my life I was sure I’d never see a sunrise again…”

“Woah…” Dolly said. “Dark and troubled past?”

“Yeah…Pretty much.” Xion said.

“Eh, I can’t say I’ve had days like that…Well, that’s a lie, I’ve had ONE day like that.” Dolly said.
“And it’s…Well, it’s over, that’s the big thing.”

Xion was about to ask, when Roxas walked up, panting heavily.
“Xion, look!” He said, his tongue hanging from his mouth. “I’m pantin’ fer’ real!”

“I see, that’s very nice.” Xion giggled.

Roxas flopped down. “Dylan was right, those kids will run you ragged.”

“Heh, now imagine doing it every day.” Dolly said.

Roxas felt his head fall in a very non-human way.

“Yeah, no thanks.” He said.

The others laughed.

“So… Now what are you gonna do?” Roxy asked. “Since you haven’t found your friend?”

“We don’t know.” Xion said. “But we want to keep looking.”

“I’m sure you’ll find him.” Dolly said.

Dylan also hobbled over and dropped to the ground, panting.

“We gotta head home soon.” He said. “It’s almost time for D-I-N-N-E-R.”

“...Why’d you spell it and not just say the word ‘dinn-’.” Roxas began, but was quickly shushed.

“There are certain words that set off those pups like nothing else.” Dolly said. “And unless you
want another burial, you don’t say them out loud!”

“We call them ‘trigger words’.” Dylan explained. ‘And yeah, they do just that.”

Dolly got up and cracked her neck. “Well, in that case, I think we better get the last bit of excess
energy out of these pups.”

Dylan rolled his eyes. “Take it easy, please.”

“Yeah, yeah… Say, Roxas? Want to help out with these guys one more time? They seem to like
you.” Dolly asked.

“Really? Okay, yeah, sure.” Roxas said.

“Be careful, please.” Xion said.

“I will.” Roxas promised, albeit flippantly.

“Okay, so I don’t want to scare you, or anything, but I can get a little intense.” Dolly told Roxas.

“Really?” Roxas said, unimpressed.

“Oh yeah, so just…Try to keep up.” She said.

He rolled his eyes as she leapt in front of the group of pups.

“Alright, who’s ready for one last throw!?” She called.

The pups all cheered.

“Alright, you know the rules. Whoever catches this rubber chicken after I throw it, gets it to
themselves for the rest of the day!”

The pups all cheered even louder.

“What’s so important about getting it to themselves the rest of the day when they’ve all been
playing with it together?” Xion asked Dylan.

“Have you SEEN how these pups go through chew toys?” Dylan asked. “Getting one to yourself is
a pretty hot thing in our house.”

“Oh, and this time, we’re gonna let the new guy join.” Dolly said, motioning to Roxas. “Try and go
easy on him, okay?”

The pups all giggled while Roxas smiled, only slightly sheepishly.

“Alright…” Dolly said. She took the chicken in her mouth, and held one end down with her paw,
angling towards the field, over the pups, and pulled it hard…

“Y’know, it has been nice getting to meet you all.” Xion told Dylan. “And, Roxy, we are very
grateful for showing us around.”

“Oh, you’re welcome!” Roxy said.

“I am sorry we couldn’t help you.” Dylan said. “But, I do hope you find who it is you’re looking

“Me too.” Xion said.

Dolly stretched the chicken as far as it could go, the pups all crouched low with such excitement
that it looked like a sea of wagging tails.

With a final grin, Dolly let go, and the chicken sailed into the air. Almost immediately, the swarm
of pups chased after it.

Roxas couldn’t help but laugh as watched the pups tumble over each other.

“C’mon, Roxas!” Delgado called. After he took off, Roxas smiled and chased after him.

“Goodness, I haven’t seen him this energetic in weeks.” Xion said.

“Yeah, these pups will do that to you.” Dylan said.

Roxas held back, only running behind the pups. As the chicken began falling, they began pushing
themselves harder.

While Roxas wasn’t surprised to see a bunch of pups act like, well, puppies, he was surprised at
just how much drive they had.

He was especially impressed by Delgado. Who had no trouble not only keeping up with his
brothers and sisters, but easily surpassing them.

Roxas knew, in fact, he was living proof, the true strength came from within. The physical was
only part of it… But to see it in something so small…
It was the sound of the pups getting more excited that brought him back to reality. As the rubber
chicken got closer to the ground. He held back, waiting to see he would get it… when something
caught his eye…

A small pup…A VERY small pup, one with a snow-white coat was chasing a ball…A ball that
was bouncing right in the way of…

“Oh no…” He said.

“Hey, has anyone seen Dorothy?” Dylan asked.

“Who?’ Xion wondered.

“Our youngest sister, she was playing with a ball here, just a second a-”

“DYLAN!” Roxy gasped. “Look!”

They all looked up to see the young pup chasing the ball right in the path of the stampeding pups!

“Oh kibble.” Snowball said.

Roxas wasn’t sure which instincts took over, but at that moment, time seemed to slow down. He
felt himself spring up, his new legs launching a good distance in the air before he even started
running. He saw Dylan and the others trying to get to her, but he was closer.. The only thing he
could even register was getting the pup out of the way.

He leapt again, and with a precision he had never achieved before in his life, managed to snag the
young pup’’s orange collar in his mouth!

With only a split second to act, he leapt back, pivoting on his hind legs, out of the way of the
stampede of pups!

When everything came to, he was lying on his back, on the ground, with the young pup sitting on
his chest.

The pup just cocked her head to the side at him in confusion.

It was the squeak that got both their attention, as Delgado had been the one to snatch the rubber
chicken from the air before it hit the ground…

Roxas could only look at the pup in bewilderment.

“....Woah.” Was all he said.

“Dorothy!” Dylan cried, running up and picking her off Roxas.

“Ohmidog, are you okay!?” He cried.

“What happened?!” Dolly cried, running up to them.

“Dorothy almost got trampled, oh, you KNOW you’re not supposed to run in front of everyone like
that!” He held his sister tightly.

“Dorothy, huh?” Roxas said. “Y’know, I’ve just noticed all your names start with a ‘D’.”

“Roxas.” Roxy said in awe. “That was… That was cool!”

“You move like…Like…Superhero!” Snowball said.

“That WAS pretty cool, Roxas.” Xion said.

“Uh, thanks.” Roxas panted. “Is she okay?” He asked Dylan.

“I think.” Dylan said. “That was…That was quite the leg work!”

“Thanks.” Roxas said. “Didn’t know I could move like that.”

“I haven’t seen ANYONE move like that.” Dolly said. “It was SICK!”

“What’s wrong?” One of the pups said as they all ran up.

“Dorothy nearly got trampled, but Roxas saved her.” Dolly said.

“Really?” Delgado said, the rubber chicken still in his mouth.

“Hey, it wasn’t a big deal.” Roxas said. “I’m just glad everyone’s okay.”

“Well, thank you.” Dylan said. “Really.”

“Hey, no problem.” Roxas said.

“Okay everyone, I’d say that’s a good place to head home.” Dylan called.

“Yeah, we should probably head out too.” Xion said. “Well, again it was nice to meet you all…”

“Yeah, and, thanks for saving our baby sister.” Dolly said. Dorothy just happily babbled in Dylan’s

Roxas got up, and got to his paws.

“I guess the next thing we should do is-Aah!” He suddenly yelped in pain when he stepped on his
hind leg.

“Roxas?!” Xion cried.

Roxas stumbled as pain surged through his back paw.

“Oh…I think I spun a little too hard back there.” He groaned.

“Are you okay?’ Dylan asked.

“Yeah, but I think I did something to my leg…” Roxas winced.

Xion carefully inspected his leg.

“It might be sprained.” She said, “I don’t know how bad though.”
“Is your human around?” Dolly asked.

“I…I don’t know.” Roxas said.

“In fact, I don’t think we can get to him at all right now.”

Dylan and Dolly looked at one another.

“Um…Listen, our mums a nurse.” Dylan said. “Are house isn’t far from here, if you can walk-”

“Sure she’d be okay with you bringing two strange dogs you’ve only known for a few hours into
your home?” Roxas asked.

“Well, you did save our sister.’ Dolly said. “We kind’ve owe ya.”

Roxas and Xion looked at one another.

“Give us a sec.” He said. The two turned from the others.

“Xion, why can’t you just cast Cure on me?” Roxas whispered.

“I don’t think using magic in front of them is a good idea right now.” Xion said. “Plus, I’m not
sure how to use magic with this body yet.”

Roxas grumbled. “How is it I have four legs now, yet I feel even more pain than if I had two?”

“Different nervous system?” Xion guessed. “Point is, we NEED their help right now.”

“*sigh* Fine.” Roxas said.

The two turned back to the Dalmatians.

“Do you think your mum can help him?” Xion asked.

“Oh yeah, she does this stuff all the time.” Dolly said.

“Alright.” Roxas said. “I may need some help.”

Xion let him lean on her, while Roxy helped on his other side.

“It’s not far.” Dylan promised. He looked at the pups. “Alright, everyone stay close, okay, we’re
taking these two to our house.”

They all headed out, slowly, with the pups surrounding them, as if forming a barrier.

“Well…This is a heck of a way to start things out.” Roxas whispered to Xion.

“We’ll figure it out…” Xion said. “Maybe…Maybe making friends with this family is just what we
need to do.”

“How do you figure?” Roxas asked.

“Just call it a hunch.” Xion said.

The procession of dogs left the park…Right as Lea arrived at the field they had been playing in.

“Oh my gosh…” He groaned. “Was there always this much WALKING!? I feel like most of the
worlds we went to were way smaller! I mean, Sora was able to get through them in a few hours or
so!” He huffed.
What am I doing wrong? Is this some belated punishment I get for working with the bad guys?
Well I FEEL IT!” He sat under a tree, looking at the sky, he noticed the sun was going down.

“Reckon I’m gonna have to find a place to sleep soon… Don’t even know how long I’m gonna be
here.” He scanned the field.

“...Those dogs HAVE to be here. With how that girl reacted, something happened with them…
Maybe I’m going about this all wrong, maybe I should just do some of my own research. This
place HAS to have a library or something, I can just-Huh!?” He stared in shock when something
caught his eye. Coming into the park from the far entrance was a small, black and white puppy!

It looked around, then ran over into the field and grabbed what appeared to be a generously used
rubber chicken.

Before Lea could even react, it scurried back out of the park.

“That was-That was a-hey-HEY!” He got up and chased after it. “Hey, wait!” He called.

By the time he had got to the gate, it was long gone.

“Hey, c’mon!” He screamed. “That’s not fair!” It didn’t even know which way it went. Looking
for something that small in a city this big suddenly seemed a lot harder than he thought when he
set out earlier.

“Aw, c’mon!” He said. “It was right there! How the heck am I supposed to find Dalmatians if they
won’t stay still?!”

From the bushes nearby, the same three sets of eyes peered out.

“All right, I’ve heard enough.” The taller one said. “That guy’s got his eye set on those kids. Either
he’s workin’ fer that crazy lady, or got ideas of his own. Either way, we can’t let him find ‘em.”

“Wadda we do, mate?” The smallest one said.

“You go get Pearl, you can move through the city better.”
“What about me?” The third said,

“Get to D-Dawg and Dolly and tell ‘em to stay indoors fer a while. I know it’ll be a pain, but we’re
not sure what this guy’s got planned.”

“What’ll you do, mate?”

“I’ll make sure this guy stays here.”

“Be careful, Fergus.”

“Always am.”
Lea cursed and kicked at the dirt. “C’mon!” He groaned. “Does the universe throw me a bone like
that just to remind me I’m as dumb as a dog!?”

He was about to storm off, when he suddenly felt something tackle him from behind!

“Woah, hey!” He turned around, and saw no one…Until he looked down…

…And saw an orange fox…

“...Uh…Okay?” Lea said. “Random fox…Look, beat it, or whatever I say to get rid of you, I’m
busy and-” He stopped when he noticed he fox had something in his mouth…It looked like a
phone…In fact, it looked like a Gummiphone…

…In fact it looked just like HIS Gummiphone…

“What the-hey!” He said, checking his pockets to find his phone wasn’t there. “How’d you-” The
fox gave him a look that Lea could swear was mocking him.

“Okay, give that back, I need that!” He demanded. The fox just crouched low in a defensive stance.

“C’mon, I don’t have time for this!” Lea said. “Give it!” He grabbed at the fox, but it just jumped

“C’mon!” Lea growled. He leapt at it, but the fox simply leapt over him, making Lea crash face-
first into the dirt.

“Okay…Getting kinda ticked.” Lea seethed as he picked himself up. He snapped his attention to
the fox, who was now sitting there, giving him a mischievous look.

“Okay…You wanna play?” Lea asked, sarcastically. His hand twitched, and he saw the foxes eyes
go wide as he summoned his chakrams to his hands.

“Let’s play.” Lea said. The fox leapt away, but Lea threw both chakrams which flew past, and in
front of the fox, slashing the ground in front of him, making him stop dead in his tracks. They flew
back to Lea, who casually caught them, and let them loosely hang in his hands.

“Now, I”m not about to hurt some dumb animal for being a dumb animal.” He said. “But I
REALLY need that phone back…

The fox gulped, but stood his ground.

“I’m warning you…” Lea said. He spun his chakrams.

The fox looked left and right…And tried to dash to the left but Lea let his chakram fly once more,
this time, when it struck the ground, the grass erupted with fire!

The fox stopped dead in his tracks and stared up a t Lea.

“We gonna have anymore problems?” Lea asked.

The fox let the phone drop and Lea sent his chakrams away, sauntered over, and plucked both his
phone, and the shocked fox up by the scruff of its neck.

“Now that’s better.” Lea said. “Mess with this again, and I might've-”

“Hold up there, sir.” He heard a voice say.

He turned and saw a man in uniform riding a very large, and very stern looking horse…

In fact, with the look the horse was giving him, he thought for a minute IT had spoken.

“Gonna have to ask you to put the fox down, I know they can be a pest, but we’d rather the
professionals take care of them, if you please, sir.”

“Oh, yeah, right.” Lea said, putting the fox down. “Sorry, I was just-well, it had gotten a hold of
something of mine.” He held up his phone.

“Right, well I guess that’ll be-” Before he could finish, the horse he was riding huffed.

“Oh, right, sorry Ol’ gal.” He said. “Um, I’m afraid I’m actually here for you, sir.”

“Come again?” Lea said.

“Yeah, see, what got a few calls about a ‘strange man with wild hair and a black coat’ harassing
folks about Dalmatians, and acting rather strange.”

“‘Harassing’?!” Lea said. “Aw, c’mon, that’s not fair. I was only asking around.”

“So it WAS you?” The man said.

“I…Okay, yes, I’ve been asking around about Dalmatians, is that a problem?”

“Well, do you mind telling me why an individual such as yourself has an interest in Dalmatians?”
The man asked.

“Ooh, I’d love to.” Lea said. “But that info is VERY need-to-know…”
“...You getting smart with me, lad?” The man asked.

“What, no…” Lea said. “It’s the truth. I can’t tell you.”

The man clicked his tongue. “Right.” He reached down, and said something into the radio on his
shoulder. When he looked back up, his face wasn’t as friendly looking.

“I’m gonna need you to come with me, sir.” He said.

“...Where, exactly?” Lea asked.

“Down to the station.” The man said. “I can guarantee someone down there fits that ‘need-to-
know’ criteria.”

“Would love to, but I’ve got stuff to do.” Lea said. He turned to leave…Only be met by another
horse, ridden by a woman wearing a similar outfit.

“...Going somewhere, mate?” She asked.

Le looked back and forth between the two.

“Wait…Are you two…What’s the word…. Police?”

“That we are, mate…” The man said, flatly.

He looked down and saw the fox, having moved next to the horse, giving him a smirk…

“.......Oh crud.” Lea cursed.


“Alright, not much farther.” Dolly said as the procession of dogs walked up the street. Roxas still
leaning on Xion.

“Dozens of fights.” He grumbled. “Thousands of Heartless defeated…Coming back from non-

existence…But a wrong step…

“Uh…What’s he talking about?” Roxy asked.

“Nothing.” Xion said, quickly. “He’s just not thinking straight.”

Delgado had trotted next to Roxas as they walked.

“Y’know, it was really cool of you to jump in and save Dorothy like that.” He said. “She’s just a
baby, so she does stuff without thinking sometimes.”

“Heh, well, in that case. Make sure to keep an eye on her, that doesn't always go away when you
grow up.” Roxas said. “Trust me, I’m speaking from experience.”

Delgado laughed.

“I’m just glad she’s not hurt.” Roxas said.

They turned the corner, and the pups began yapping happily.

“Ah, here we are.” Dylan said. “One-Oh-One Dalmatian Street.”

Roxas and Xion looked up in surprise. In Between two other buildings on the street was a colorful
townhouse with multicolored spots painted on it, as well as several bits of clutter around the
entrance, in contrast to the much neater houses.

“Wow.” Roxas said.

“Alright, just give us a minute.” Dylan said.

“101 Dalmatian Street?” Roxas muttered to Xion. “There’s a whole street named after them?”

“This is starting to get strange.” Xion said. “How can we be so close, yet so far?”

Dylan pressed his paw on an electronic device on the house, and it flashed green.

“Alright, everyone inside.” Dylan called. The pups all poured in except for Delgado, who helped
Xion and Roxy get Roxas up the steps.

“Don’t worry, our mom can fix you right up.” Dolly promised.

“I hope so.” Xion said. “It really is kind of you to help us.”

“Hey, like we said, it’s the least we could do.” Dolly said.

As the pups were pouring inside, two of the smaller one’s held back.

“Is the yellow dog hurt bad?” One with a large spot over her eyes, asked.

“We don’t know.” Dylan said. “We’ll see what mum says.”
“Will he need a ‘thank-you-lies-or’?” The one next to her said, who had a spot down her nose.

“No, he will not need a tranquilizer.” Dylan said.

When they got inside, both Roxas and Xion were surprised at, well, how clean the house was. Not
to offend their new friends, but they expected a house inhabited by this many dogs would be far

“Mum?” Dylan called. “Mum, you home?”

“I hope your human’s okay with this.” Roxas told Dolly.

“Oh, we don’t have a human.” Dolly said.

Roxas and Xion looked up in surprise.

“....You don’t?” Xion asked.

“Nope.” Dolly said. “Don’t need one.”

Roxas looked at the very clean house, and all the pups…


“Dylan, Dolly?” He heard an older, female voice call from upstairs. “Is that you all?”

“Yeah, it’s us mum.” Dylan called.

Soon, an adult Dalmatian was standing at the top of the steps. Like Dylan, one of her ears was
black with white spots, and the other the opposite. She had a blue collar with what looked like a
name tag on it.

“Oh, hello sweets, I wasn’t expecting you-” She stopped when she noticed Roxas and Xion. “Oh…
Who are-”

“Mum, this is Roxas, and this is Xion.” Dolly said.

Roxas just waved, while Xion gave a polite, “Hello ma’am.”

“Oh, hello…Why-”

“Mum, Roxas hurt his leg while saving Dorothy from getting trampled!” Delgado piped up.

“Yeah, and he can’t get to his human, so we brought him here, can you help him?” Dylan asked.

“Oh, oh-Yes, of course!” She said. “Yes, let’s-Get him settled in the living room, I’ll be there in a
moment.” She hurried back upstairs.

“C’mon guys, let’s get him on the couch.” Dylan said.

The crowd of pups poured into the living room, and parted, giving Roxas, Xion, and Roxy room to
walk. Seeing them in a much smaller space made 99 pups look far more intimidating. In fact, with
them all piled in together, it was hard to tell where one pup ended, and another began…

“Alright, up here.” Dolly said. Roxy, and Xion helped Roxas climb onto the large, blue sofa in the
family’s living room. Dylan got a pillow for him to prop up on, and soon Roxas was laying on his
back in a very unfamiliar feeling way…

“...Not even a full day, and I’m benched.” Roxas muttered. “Pretty sad.”

“Uh, what?” Dylan asked.

“Uh, nothing.” Roxas said. “What I should say is thanks… To all of you, really. Roxy especially
for helping me get here.”

“Oh, you’re welcome!” Roxy said.

“We really do appreciate this. We don’t know our way around this city.” Xion said.

“Don’t worry. Mum will get you back your paws in no time.” Dolly said.

“Yeah, she’s real good at this.” Delgado told Roxas. As if on cue, the sound of hurried paws
walked down the steps, holding a doctor’s bag in her mouth.

The pups made way for her as she walked up to the couch and dropped her bag.

“Well…Hello.” She said to Roxas. “I’m Delilah.”

“Hi. I’m Roxas and this is Xion.”

Delilah began leafing through her bag. “And what mischief have my dear, dear pups roped you
into?” She asked, looking at the pups.

“Hey, we gave him a fair warning.” Dolly said, defensively.

“Yeah, what had happened was-”

Delgado interrupted.

Delilah blinked in surprise.

“....Yeah, that.” Dolly said.

“Well…” Delilah said, turning back to Roxas with a grateful look. “I must say that’s a good enough
reason to fix you up.”

Roxas smiled bashfully. “Hey, I was just doing what anyone would do.”

“Maybe without much thought, but hey.” Xion teased.

“Goodness, aren’t you a gentleman.” Delilah said. “Alright, now, let’s take a look.”

With a sense of know-how neither Roxas or Xion had ever seen in a dog, Delilah examined his
injured paw, gently moving it, asking him if it hurt one way, and not the other.

“So, where are you two from?” Delilah asked as she was examining him. “You don’t sound like
you’re from London proper.”

“No, ma’am. We’re from a bit farther away.” Xion said. “We just got here today, actually.”

“Really, that’s-Is it a dull pain or a sharp one?” She asked Roxas.

“Uh, more dull now?” Roxas answered.

“Good sign, means it’s not broken.” Delilah said. “As I was saying, I doubt you planned to come
here just to save my baby from her siblings.”

“Well, no, but Roxas was happy to.” Xion said.

“Yeah, I-Ow! okay, it hurts there.” Roxas said.

“Figured it would.” Delilah answered. “Are you just visiting, or-”

“We’re actually looking for someone.” Roxas said. “Someone who knew a family of 101

Delilah put his paw down gently and looked at them both cautiously. “...Really? And…How did
this person know them…If I may ask…?”

“We were told he helped them in the past.” Xion said.

“His name is Sora.” Roxas said. “Does that sound familiar?”

Delilah looked at them…And for a moment, it seemed like that name did click…Her eyes got
glossy, and she stared into the air…Roxas and Xion almost allowed themselves a moment of

Then she shook her head…

“Afraid not. I’ve never heard that name before.” She said,

Roxas’ and Xion’s faces fell.

“They asked us, too.” Dylan said. “I said it might be some of our extended family.”

Delilah shook her head. “No, we’re the only family of 101.” She said. “As much as I hate to say it,
I think your friend must’ve been mistaken.”

“Yeah, we’re starting to think that, too.” Roxas grumbled.

“Well, good news is that your paw isn’t broken, just sprained.” She leafed through her bag and got
a bandage roll.”You will have to stay off it for a day or two.”

“A day or two?” Roxas repeated. “Ma’am, I can’t do that. We’ve got to-”

“You won’t be doing ANYTHING with a bad leg.” Delilah said sternly, as she bandaged it. “If you
don’t stay off it, it very well could get worse.”

Roxas and Xion exchanged looks.

“....I think we should listen to her.” Xion said.

“I don’t think I have a choice.” Roxas muttered.

Dolly chuckled. “We told ya she knew what she was doing.”

Delilah finished tightening the bandage. “Right…That should set you right.” She said, “That’s all I
can do, you’ll have to give this time to heal.”
“Right…Well, thanks.” Roxas said. ‘I hate you all had to do this, but-”

“Oh, think nothing of it.” Delilah said. “Least I could do for someone who helped my little girl.”

Roxas looked at his leg. He wasn’t used to this. Any time he got injured as a human, he’d just take
a potion, or use a heal spell. Being out of it because of an injury was new to him.

“Well, thank you all, very much.” Xion said. “You’ve been very helpful to both of us.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Roxas said. “But I think it’s time we got out of your hair.” He was about to get up
when Delilah stopped him.

“Hold on just a minute.” Delilah said. “I can’t very well just let you go after telling you to stay off
your leg.”

“Yeah, where are you two staying?” Dylan asked. “You’re human’s probably worried about you by

Roxas and Xion exchanged worried looks.

“Do they have a phone number?” Delilah asked. “It won’t be the first time I’ve texted a human
saying I have their ‘pets’.”

“Uh…Actually…” Roxas began. “We aren’t sure.”

“Yeah, we’ve only seen the park and this house today.” Xion said. “We have no idea where our
human is right now.”

“Your human just let you go without even showing you your home first?” Dolly said. “Kinda

“Yeah, it’s been a weird day.” Roxas said.

Delilah tapped her chin. ‘Well, this won’t do. I can’t send you out like this without knowing
someone is looking out for you.”

“It’s not a big deal, ma’am, we can get by.” Roxas said.

“In a city you’ve never been to before, with a sprained leg, at THIS hour of the night?” Delilah
said. “I think not.” She thought for a moment, then shrugged.

“There’s nothing for it, you’ll just have to stay here for the night.”

“Oh, ma’am, that’s VERY kind, but we’d hate to intrude on your family like-”

“Oh now, it’s hardly a choice.” Delilah said. “He’s still my patient, and I can’t in good faith release
him from my watch, so there’s nothing else to do.”

She turned to the pups.

“Dawkins, get two extra bowls from the cupboard.”

“Right.” An older pup with a blue collar said.

“Deepak, fetch our guests some extra pillows, they can use the sofa tonight.”
A smaller pup with a half-white/half-black face nodded and scampered out.

“Miss, you really don’t-” Roxas began. But Delilah cut him off.

“I know I don’t, dear boy, but I am anyway. Now.” She gathered up everything back in her bag.
“We’ll have dinner at about 8, don’t be afraid to get comfortable.” She gave a warm smile that
seemed to contrast her more authoritative tone.

Roxas looked at Xion, before giving a relenting look.

“Thank you, miss.” He said. “For all of it.”

“Yes, we really can’t thank you enough.” Xion said.

“You’re quite welcome.” Delilah said. She turned to the pups. “You all give them some space,
alright.” Without another word, she picked up her bag, and walked back upstairs.

There was an awkward silence.

“...Well.” Dylan said. “This is…”

“Are we having a sleepover?” One of the younger pups asked.

“Eh, kinda.” Dolly said.

“I’ve never received hospitality against my will…” Roxas said.

Dylan rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, uh…Welcome to the dog house.” He said with an
awkward grin.

“Geez…I hope Lea’s in as good a spot as this.” Xion whispered.

“For the last time, I was not hired to catch Dalmatians by any one.” Lea said.

“And I’m gonna ask again, then why are you looking for them?” The police chief asked.

Lea was sitting on a folding chair in a small, dimly lit room of a police station while two officers
asked him questions.

“Look, I already told you, I can’t tell you that.” He said.

“And I’m telling you you’d better start!” The other said more gruffly. “You wouldn’t be the first
copy-cat dog napper we’ve had, and we’re right sick of it.”

“Look, I’m sure you are, but I’m not looking for Dalmatians to kidnap them, my reasons are very

The officer and the chief exchanged unconvinced looks.

“Look mate.” The officer said. “I’ve learned one thing on this job. Trust my horse's instincts. And
she thinks you’re bad news.”

“...Do you take all your tips from your horse?” Lea asked.

‘Not the point! Point is, if she thinks your bad news, I’ve got reason to believe it-”

‘That is incredibly questionable.”

“-And you giving us your lip with this whole ‘need-to-know’ schtick ain’t helping you!” He said.
“SO why don’t you save us all some trouble and just spill.”

“He’s right.” The chief said. “A man with No I.D of any kind, a phone that doesn’t seem to work,
and who’s dressed like a goth clown-”

“Ouch.” Lea said.

“-Running harassing people about Dalmatians isn’t exactly normal… Why don’t you make this
easy on yourself?”

Lea sighed.

“Alright…Fine, you want the truth?” Lea asked.

“Very much so.” The chief said.

“Okay, here’s the truth.” Lea sat forward and cleared his throat.

“The truth is. I’m not actually from this world. I came here on a very loose connection from
another world to find Dalmatians because a friend of mine who disappeared once knew a family of
101 of them.”

The chief raised an eyebrow. “....Really? And how does that work, exactly?”

‘Oh, he reunited them after their world was destroyed.” Lea said. “Bet you didn’t know that, did
you? That your world was destroyed once? Anyway, they might help us find him…” He sat back
and folded his arms.
“Well, that’s the truth…So can I go now?”

The chief blinked.

Lea had never actually heard cell-bars slamming before, but it was quite a distinct sound…

“Maybe a night in here will help you sleep off whatever it is you’re clearly on.” The officer said.
“What with the fighting foxes and being from space…”

“I never said I was from space.” Lea said.

“Maybe tomorrow, you’ll be more cooperative.” The officer clicked the keys, and walked off.

Lea looked around at the small cell.

“...Aren’t I supposed to get a phone call?!” He called. He didn’t know who he’d call, but he wanted
to have the last snark.

He was answered by the lights shutting off.

He shrugged in defeat, and laid down on the hanging bed.He knew full well he could break out of
this cell any time he wanted, he’d broken out of tougher, but one of the rules he had to follow now
was obeying a world’s laws if it had any.

So here he was…Sitting in a cell…Because a fox stole his phone…

“Welp…I gotta say…As someone who’s faced non-existence before…This is worse.” He said. He
looked out the cell’s window.

“Roxas, Xion, if you’re here. I hope you’re having better luck than me…” He shook his head.
“And I saw one of them, too…”

He rolled over.

“But let’s be real, what was I gonna do? Tell a dog, or their owner, ‘hey, my friend might have
known you or your dogs when your world was destroyed, do you remember him?’ That’d get me
thrown in here anyway…”

He just sighed.

“...I guess I really am no good on my own…”

He thought he was alone as he spoke his thoughts out loud…
…But he wasn’t…

A small figure was listening from just outside the window… And it was sure Lea was done
talking, it scampered away, scrambling into another window where a much larger figure was

“Well?” It asked.

“Take into account it’s ME sayin’ this mate, but…That guy’s NUTS.”

“Figured…Any idea what he wants with them?”

“Well here’s the real nutty thing…I don’t think he’s on that chick’s payroll…”


“Can’t be sure, but…I don’t think he wants to hurt ‘em.”

“*sigh* There’s only ONE person who can be sure.”

“We asking HIM then, are we?”

“Only way. You and Fergus get to him first thing tomorrow. Tell him it’s on my request, he won’t
turn ya down.”

“You got it, mate.”

And the figure scampered off…

Chapter End Notes

5 chapters...Wow....

I REALLY thought I only did enough for about 3...

Oh well, works for me.

I started this fic back in February in preparation for the fandoms celebration of the
shows 4th anniversary over on Twitter, and I'm actually very happy with how what
I've done turned out.

If things aren't making sense right now, they will, but I'm not gonna have to make you
wait for a while. If you do like the parts of the world I've shown you, please, check out
the show's full first season on Disney+, it might surprise you.

But if you've just enjoyed what you've read so far, I'm good with that too.

I hope you've enjoyed it so far, and please stay tuned.

Maybe thing's aren't different enough...
Chapter Summary

Roxas and Xion spend the evening getting to know more about the strange family
that's taken them in...
.And Lea starts the next day learning that this world is much stranger than it seems...

And soon they'll all learn...It much darker than it seems as well...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Roxas and Xion were having one of the most peculiar nights they’d ever had…And that was
saying something!

Here they were, in a house, owned by dogs, whose family numbers reached triple digits, being
cared for by said family…

…And they had no owner…

Yet, despite this. They seemed to carry on without issue.

After they had gotten Roxas settled on the couch, they watched as the family went about daily
life… Dylan had excuse himself to clean up after the family came in, some of the pups had
dispersed around the house to do various activities, but most of them just remained gathered near
the new visitors.

“So you really don’t have an owner?” Xion asked Dolly.

“Nope.” The teenaged Dalmatian said. “Never needed one.”

“But…Who feeds you?” Roxas asked. “Who takes care of you, who cleans up after you?”

“We do all that ourselves.” Dolly said. “Dylan and Dawkins made a kibble pump to help fill
everyone’s bowls, we watch the pups while mum and dad are at work, and Dylan does most of the

“Not like I have a choice!” Dylan called.

Dolly rolled her eyes. “Point is. We don’t need a human.”

Roxas shook his head in disbelief. “I just…I know it’s not my business but…This many dogs under
one roof with no human…It’s a little…”

Roxa trailed off as he looked around. The quiet, coziness of the house. The feeling of peace, and
serenity despite the huge crowd of puppies.The lights of an unfamiliar city shining in from outside,
making this place feel like it was the only place in the entire world that was safe and welcoming…
It all began to feel very….Familiar…

“Uh, Roxas?” Dolly said. “You, uh, you good?”

“Oh, yeah.” Roxas said, shaking himself back to reality. “Just, uh…It’s been a bit of a day…”

“Are you stressed?” The one with half-black/half-white face asked. “I know a few meditations that
can help with that.”

“Uh, no…No thanks, I mean.” Roxas said.

“Thank you though.” Xion said. “What’s you’re name, anyway?”

“Oh, I’m Deepak.” He said.

“Yeah, he’s our little zen expert.” Dolly said, picking him up under her foreleg. “Just don’t mind
that ‘inner cat’ talk.”

“There’s-There’s nothing wrong with exploring one’s inner complexities!” Deepak protested
squirming in his sister’s grip.

She just gave him a playful noogie and let him go. “He means well, though.”

“I know I can’t blame someone for wanting to find more about themselves.” Xion said. “Especially
when you aren’t sure who you even are on the outside…”

“....Uh….What?” Dolly asked.

“Oh…Nothing…Just thinking out loud.” Xion said.

“So, how do you keep track of all these little guys?” Roxas asked. “I’m getting dizzy just looking
at them.”

“Did someone call me?” One of the younger ones asked.

“Uh, no Dizzy.” Dolly said. The pup just shrugged and went back to playing.

“Heh…To be honest, we mix up their names with other words more than each other.” Dolly said.
“You got Dizzy, Diesel, DJ, it’s happened more than once.”

“I’ll bet…” Roxas said. “....Wait…Dizzy, Diesel, DJ…And you got Dylan, Dolly, Delilah,
Delgado, Deepak…Do ALL your names start with ‘D’?”

Dolly smiled. “Yep. Every single one…”

Roxas looked stunned.

“....I didn't even know that many THINGS that begin with ‘D’ could exist!”

“Ha! I didn’t either.” Dolly laughed. “We do cheat a little bit. The Dimitri’s look so alike we just
call them Dimitri ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘3’.” SHe motioned to a group of pups that did look very similar, but
wore golden chains around their necks with said numbers.

“Same thing with Debbie May, Debbie Lou, and Debbie Lee, but yeah. Every single one starts with
D.” Dolly said.
“....And you don’t mix any of them up?” Xion said.

“Nah. Smells, spot patterns, the fact that Diesel’s covered in mud all the time.” Dolly said,

“I’m the only one with wheels!” Delgado offered.

“Yeah…So, yeah…Not that hard.” Dolly said.

Roxas and Xion looked at eachother.

“I uh…Hope it’s okay if it takes us a little getting used to.” Xion chuckled.

“Hey, that’s better than we normally get.” Dolly said. “Most dogs don’t even try.”

“Don’t even try what?” Came a new voice.

A much larger Dalmatian stepped into the room. Unlike the others, his spots were more like a
single, black splotch on his back, peppered with a few white spots, and a blue collar adorned with a
kind of badge hung on his neck.

“Just getting used to our family” Dolly said.

The larger dog looked at the two. Despite his size, he had a very non-threatening face.

“So these are two new dogs who you all saw fit to give a very warm welcome to.” He laughed.

“It wasn’t like that, dad.” Dolly said.

“I know hon, you’re mum told me what happened.” He chuckled. “So…You two make a habit of
saving people or is my youngest just lucky?”

“Uh…Well, I just didn’t want her to get trampled.” Roxas said.

“Well I am very grateful.” The elder dog answered. He held out his paw. “I’m Doug, by the way.”

“I’m Roxas.” Roxas answered, shaking his paw.

“I’m Xion. It’s very kind of your family to welcome us into your home.”

“Ah, think nothing of it.” Doug said. “So, uh…The pups tell me you two are looking for

“That’s right, sir.” Xion said.

I don’t know a….What’d you say the name was?” Doug asked.

“Sora.” Roxas said.

“Yeah, I don’t know anyone by that name, I’m sorry to say.” Doug said.

“Right…” Roxas said, hanging his head. “We’re starting to think he’s not here…”

Doug frowned and looked at Dolly.

Later that evening, Roxas and Xion got to see just how these dogs fed themselves. With a
contraption made from an accordion and a hose, they literally shot kibble into the pup’s bowls!

It wasn’t long before the entire family gathered around the table, happily eating…As for Roxas and

Roxas looked at the contents of the bowl uncertainly.

“...........It can’t be THAT weird, right?” Xion said. “I mean, food’s food, right?”

“Yeah, but…I’ve never actually EATEN dog food before…” Roxas said. He sniffed it. It was an
odd smell, like, chalky, dry meat… He reached in carefully with his tongue. Taking one into his

“Urm…” He shuddered. “It’s like eating a stale pretzel…” He rolled it in his mouth, before finally
biting down…

“Well?” Xion asked.

Roxas opened his eyes.

“Hey…Hey, this stuff’s pretty good, actually!” He took a bigger bite. “It’s more like…Meat-
flavored cereal!”

Xion looked down at her bowl.

“Well, okay…” She took a small bite…

“Mmm….Hrm….MMM! You’re right!” She said. In no time at all, both keyblade wielders had

“Okay, dog food is good…” Roxas said. “...Hope I don’t develop too much of a taste for it, I don’t
plan on being a dog forever.”

“For real…” Xion said.

“You two get enough?” They heard Delilah ask as she walked up to them.

“Oh, yes ma’am.” Xion said. “And thank you.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Roxas said.

“Oh, don’t mention it.” Delilah said with a smile. “How’s your leg?”

“Eh…Been better…Been worse.” Roxas said.

“I imagine.” Delilah chuckled.

“Don’t want to think about where I’d be if you didn’t help.” Roxas said.

“Why thank you.” Delilah said.

“Yeah, my wife IS a bit of a miracle worker.” Doug said as he, and pretty much the entire
Dalmatian family came from the dining room. He walked over and licked her cheek. “Being a
firedog, I prefer it 100% to have HER the one showing off her skills off the clock.”
“Why thank you, dear.” Delilah said.

“So, Roxas, Xion…What’s your plan for tomorrow?” Dolly asked.

Xion shook her head. “I guess our plan is to find our human-”

“IF he’s still a human.” Roxas said to himself.

“-And continue our search for our friend.” Xion said.

“I still don’t get it. You’re SURE he knew a family of 101 Dalmatians, right?” Doug asked.

“Absolutely.” Roxas said.

Doug shook his head. “Well, I can’t tell you anything different. I don’t think anyone in our family
know’s a Sora.”

“Who all have you asked?” Dylan asked.

“Well, we’ve just asked you, for today.” Xion answered.

“HAve you tried the police?” Doug asked. “Gotten on the World-Wide-Woof?”

“The what?” Roxas asked.

“Y’know, the global chain of barks that let us dogs communicate.” Dolly asked. “It might have a
different name where you’re from.”

“Uh…No, we haven’t tried that.” Roxas said.

“Not sure what it would do.” Xion said. “We don’t know anyone else in the city.”

“But it would help get the word around.” Dylan said. “We might not know him, but someone else

“I…Suppose it wouldn’t hurt.” Xion said.

“How long has you friend been missing, love?” Delilah asked.

Xion sighed. “Almost a year…”

“Goodness…Who all is looking for him?”

“Everyone.” Roxas said. “Everyone we know…Friends, family, even old enemies…”

“My goodness…” Delilah said.

“He sounds real special.” Delgado said, pushing past his parents.

“Yeah, just what kind of guy WAS this Sora?” Dolly asked.

Roxas chuckled. “What kind of guy was Sora?”

“Think about the nicest person you know.” Xion said. “Sora was twice that.”

“You said he made enemies.” Doug said. “How?”

“He was the kind of guy where if someone was hurting someone else, or planning too…Sora would
be the first to try and stop them.” Roxas said.

“Cool…” Delgado said.

“He didn't think anyone was beneath him.” Xion said. “If you had a heart, you were just as much a
person to him as anyone. If you needed help, he’d help you…No matter what.”

A lot of the puppies gathered closer.

“Did he do dangerous things?” One of the younger ones with a large spot over her face asked.

“Oh yeah…He did.” Roxas said. “He did things I don’t think you all would think were possible.”

“Was he an adventurer?” the one with a smaller spot in between her eyes asked.

“Oh, heck yeah!” Roxas said. “He went all over the place, Jungles, oceans, he sailed across the

“My, this friend of yours sounds quite unbelievable.” Delilah said.

“Yeah, but…That’s what made him exciting…What made him great was that even during all
that…Even when the weight of the world was on his shoulders…He found the time to help others.
No matter who…” Roxas said.

“Sounds like a guy the world needs more of.” Doug said.

“You aren’t kidding.” Roxas said.

“What about the Dalmatians he knew?” Delilah asked. “Where do they fit into all this?”

“Well…Truth be told, the details are a little vague, but… What we were told was that he once met
a family of Dalmatians, 101 of them from what our friends told us, and well…They had been

“Seperated?” Delilah repeated.

“Yeah, and Sora…He brought them back together.” Roxas said.

“I’m starting to like this guy more and more…” Dolly said.

“Yeah…You would like him.” Xion said.

Delilah looked thoughtful for a moment…

“Well, I am sorry we can’t help you more. No one in our family has mentioned the name Sora
before.” She said. She got up.

“But we do hope you find him.” She said.

“Thank you miss.” Xion said.

As if on cue, one of the puppies yawned…And soon, one after the other, a chorus of tiny yawns
filled the room.

“Heh, I think-*yawn*-that's a sign to get these punks off to bed.” Doug said.
“Yeah, come on guys.” Dylan said.

“Aww!” Came some of the younger ones.

“But we want to hear about the Sora boy some more!” Delgado said.

“Not tonight, love.” Delilah said, licking his head. “Time for bed.”

With Dylan and Doug leading them, the precession of puppies soon headed out of the living room
and up the stairs. Dolly brought up the rear, having to urge Delgado along. Delilah left last.

“We really do hope you find your friend.” She said. “If he helps Dalmations as much as you helped
our youngest, he’s definitely someone I’d like to know.”

“Thank you ma’am.” Xion said.

“And thank you again for everything.” Roxas said.

“You’re very welcome.” She stood on her hind legs and nosed the lightswitch off.

“Try and get some sleep.” She said, “I know it's a strange place, and it’s been a bit of a crazy day,
but things will seem easier tomorrow.”

“Right…” Roxas said.

Soon it was just him and Xion in the dark living room, on the large blue couch.

“.....Well…This has been a day…” Roxas said.

“...Yeah…Yeah it has.” Xion agreed.

Roxas rolled onto his back.

“I just don’t get it…If they’ve never even HEARD of Sora, why are we even here?”

Xion shook her head. ‘There’s got to be something more to this…Something we aren’t seeing…It
could be anything, the smallest detail…”

“Well, I’d love to find what that is fast.” Roxas said, he looked down at his leg. “Honestly, a
sprain playing with puppies… I feel I should be demoted or something.”

Xion giggled. “Hey, no one ever said searching a strange world in a new body was gonna be

‘It was for Sora.” Roxas said.

“Well…Yes.” Xion admitted. “But there’s nothing wrong with not getting it right on the first day.”

Roxas sighed. “Well…I hope Lea’s doing okay.”

“Yeah, I’m worried too.” Xion said.

“...Say, now that we’re alone, you think you could try and cast ‘Cure’ on my leg?” Roxas asked.

Xion looked at her paws. “I don’t know…I don’t know how these work, or how I’d use a keyblade
like this…We may just have to wait until we KNOW we’re alone so we can test it…I’d hate to cast
the wrong spell and set fire to these wonderful dog’s home…”
“Yeah, I guess that wouldn’t be very nice.” Roxas said.

“...I think the best thing we can do now is get some sleep…Who knows, maybe things will seem
brighter in the morning…”

“...Yeah, maybe.” Roxas said.

Even though the two didn’t think they could, pretty soon they were both quietly sleeping on the
large, blue, couch…
“A-Are you certain?” Delilah whispered to the smaller figure standing on the ledge of the window
of her and Doug’s room.

“Absolutely, miss.” The smaller animal said. “Some guy with crazy red hair was tearing around the
park earlier looking for Dalmatians.”

“Looking for…Was he working for…Her?” Delilah said quietly.

The smaller one shrugged. “Can’t say. Last I know, Fergus told Cid to grab Pearl, and me to tell
you about him. Fergus said he’d try and throw him off your trail.”

Delilah sighed. “Bless you all for looking after us…Alright, we’ll be more careful until we hear

“Righto. Better get back, see how things turned out. We’ll keep you updated.”

“Thank you, Big Fee, you all really are too kind.” Delilah said.

“Eh, just doing our civic duty…Oh, there was one more thing about this bloke you should
know…” She said.

“What?” Delilah asked.

“He wore a black, leather coat…Kinda odd seeing as how hot it is, but that’s what he wore…”

Delilah’s face darkened.

“As in…A s-slick, black leather coat…With a hood and zipper?”

“Yeah, that’s it…Why?”

Delilah’s gaze drifted to the stairs…

“Uh…Nothing…It’s nothing…” She said. “Thank you again. You all do be careful.”
“Same to you.” Big Fee said before scurrying off.

Delilah closed the window and sighed…She looked out into the city’s skyline, being just able to
catch her reflection…

“....Don’t fail them again.” She said to her reflection. “You can’t…You can’t fail them again….”
The next morning....
The first thing that woke Lea up that morning was the sun shining directly into his face…

The 2nd was the sound of the cell door opening…

“Alright. Up and at’em mr spaceman.” The officer said.

“I still didn’t mention ANYTHING about being from space.” Lea grumbled.

“One way or another, your bail’s been posted.” The officer said.

“....What?” Lea said, looking up.

“Someone, for reasons I cannot comprehend, has bailed you out.” The officer said. He motioned
towards the door. “You’re free to go.”

“Someone…Who?” Lea asked, now very concerned. “I don’t know anyone in this wor-city…”

The officer shrugged. “To be honest, after what you told me, I might’ve guessed you’d be one of
their employees.”

“Their…Who!?” Lea asked. “I don’t know-”

“One way or another, you’re their problem now.” The Officer said. “Make sure you’re not OURS
ever again…”

He escorted the very confused Lea out, and after making him sign something, and giving him back
his Gummiphone, le him back onto the streets of the unfamiliar city…

For a moment, Lea just stood on the steps outside the police station.

“.........Who on Earth…” He said. He looked around. “Was it Roxas and Xion? Maybe, they always
were better at fitting in than me… But….” He threw his hands up. “I AM SO CONFUSED RIGHT

“*ahem*” Came a gruff voice.

Lea looked over and a large man in a suite was standing on the sidewalk.

“Are you the one called…’Lea’?” The man asked.

Lea dropped his arms.

“Maybe…Who are you?” He asked.

“I represent the one who just bailed you out.” The man said.

“Well, that’s very nice of you all.” Lea said. “....But I take it you didn’t do it out of the goodness of
your heart…”

The man shrugged. “I can’t answer that. I’m not clear at all what my boss bailed you out for…All I
know is that he’s insisted on having me escort you to his car so he can speak with you face to

“Oh…really?” Lea said, subtly getting into a defensive position.

“And if I say no?”

The man shrugged again. “I can’t force you. Though, he did say that IF you were to say no, that I
was to inform that he can help make thing’s make sense.”

“Did he now?” Lea asked, almost amused. “Let’s say I’m doubtful…”

“He said he could explain everything…Your arrest, the fox…”

“Wiat, how does he-”

“-And why your search for Dalmatians has people on edge…” The man finished.

Lea looked surprised. He looked around, weighing his options…

…And found he had none. He didn’t know anything about this city, and so far, searching on his
own got him arrested… So…

“...Okay.” He said, loosening up. “Let’s go meet your boss.”

“Excellent.” The man said. He motioned for Lea to follow him, which Lea did a few paces behind.

“Okay, Lea, keep it cool.” He said. “At worst, you’ll have to fight your way out of a situation
without drawing too much attention. At best…You’ll finally get on the right track…”

He followed the man around the street corner, where a large, white car was parked. The man
opened the door, and motioned for him to step inside.

“He’s expecting you.” He said.

Lea looked around the street… Before climbing into the large vehicle, the man shutting the door
behind him.
“Hmm….Pretty nice.” Lea said, looking at the car’s interior. He wasn't exactly knowledgeable
about cars, but it clearly belonged to someone with a lot of money.
“Very nice…” He said.

“Glad you think so.” Said a voice.

The car’s interior lights switched on, and Lea heard the engine start.

Sitting on the row of seats across from him was a boy who looked about in his teens, long, yellow
hair done up in a ponytail, and a red and black suit.

Lea looked at him for a moment before he spoke.

“Are you…The guy that bailed me out?” He asked.

“I am indeed.” He said.

“But you’re just a…No, I know better than to say that.” Lea said, remembering just what most
‘kids’ he knew were capable of.

“Uh, well, first of…Thanks, I guess? Not really sure why you did it, though…”

“You’re welcome, but don’t think of this as a random act of humanitarianism.” The boy said.

“Oh, no.” Lea said, easing up. “As far as I know, those don’t exist.”

The boy shrugged. Though he put on an air of confidence, Lea noticed he was more nervous than
he probably wanted to. He was fiddling with his hands, shifting in his seat every now and again…

Lea clicked his tongue. “Look, I’ve played this before. You helped me, so now you want
something…What is it?

The boy shuffled in his seat. “I want to know why you’re in this city…You clearly aren’t from
here, so why are you here, and what are you looking for?”

Lea sighed. “Look, I told the police the same thing…That’s a need to know thing, and even I could
tell you, you wouldn’t believe me…”

“You’re clearly looking for something.” The boy said. “But you seem to have no idea where you
even are…”

“Oky, yeah.” Lea said. “But even then…”

“You spent most of yesterday scrambling around the city, having no luck with anyone.” The boy
said. “Not anyone in the city, not the girl at the snack stand.”

“Well, yes, but….Wait…” His eyes narrowed. “Have you been watching me?”

“In a…Sense.” The boy said.

“Okay, listen here, kid, I don’t-” He leaned forward, but as he did, something leapt from the back
of the car, and put itself in between him and the boy, letting out a low, fierce growl…

“...Wait…” Lea said, getting a good look at it. “...Holy cow, it’s YOU!!!”

It was a fox…The SAME fox from the night before!

“H-How did…”
“Fergus is technically the one who’s been watching you.” The boy said. “I didn’t ask him to, but
our goals are about the same…” He looked at the fox. “Ease up, Fergus.”

The fox, much to Lea’s shock…Did just that…Giving Lea a warning glare before sitting next to the

“There’s no need for any of that.” The boy said.

Lea looked between the boy and the fox.

“...So…WHat is this, did you…what, train him?” Lea asked.

“Ha!” The boy laughed. “Please. I’ve lived here all my life, and this fox still knows the streets
better than me. No, I didn’t train him…He technically doesn’t even work for me. We just have
something of a…Mutual interest.”

“....The fox and you have a mutual interest?” Lea repeated.

“Yep.” The boy said.

“....Was him stealing my phone and getting me thrown in jail part of that?” Lea asked.

“Now THAT.” The boy said, leaning forward. “Depends entirely on what you tell me next…”

“...Okay?” Lea said.

The boy looked at the fox and Lea swore he saw the fox nod.

The boy looked back at him.

“...Why are you looking for Dalmatians?”

Lea sighed. “Look…100% honesty, here. I can’t tell you. I can’t even tell you why I can’t because
I swear you wouldn’t believe me.”

The boy sat back. “Are you certain I wouldn't believe you? My friend there’s a lot of things I
thought I couldn’t believe but I was very wrong about that.”

“Look, kid, it’s more than just-”

“You told the police that you were from another world.” The boy said. “And that you came here
looking for someone who once new a family of Dalmatians…Is that correct?”

Lea tensed up.

“....It was just me and the officer’s in the room when I said that…” He said. ‘How did you…”

Another figure from the back seat leapt up, and scurried onto the boy’s shoulder… It was a
squirrel. A gray, kind frazzled looking squirrel.

It leaned in, and made a chittering noise into the boy’s ear.

“...You also mentioned something about this world having been destroyed once in the past…
What’s that about?” The boy said after listening.

Lea looked between the squirrel and the boy with his mouth open…
“......Did the squirrel just speak to you?” He asked.

The boy smiled. “...Would you believe me if I said ‘yes’?”

“..........Can the fox also speak to you?” Lea asked.

“Oh, yes. He mentioned something about you throwing blades that set things on fire…” The boy

Lea looked at the fox and it grinned at him.

“...Okay…Okay what is this? What is going on?” Lea said. “How can you…And they….Can they
understand me?”

“Yes.” The boy said.

“...............................................What?” Lea said.

“Sir, I don’t really understand it myself, and admittedly, this is a bit of a first for us all. We’ve
dealt with copycat’s, fame chasers, all that since that night a few years ago, but the truth remains…
Whatever this is, you need to know that you have done the only thing that makes me, and many
other animals, VERY interested in your future plans.” He leaned back. “So…Why don’t we not
worry about who will believe what, and you tell me for what exact purpose you are looking for
Dalmatians? You do that, and I’ll explain everything. No tricks, no lies, nothing.”

“...And all I have to do is explain?” Lea said.

“Yes.” The boy said.

Lea looked between the boy, the fox, and the Squirrel….Then he leaned his head back and sighed.

“I HATE the fact that this is NOT the weirdest day I’ve had…Alright… Alright… I’ll tell what
you wanna know.”

“Good.” The boy said. “Oh, and just so there’s no confusion.” He held his hand out.

“I’m Hunter.”

Lea shook the boy’s hand.

“Lea.” He said.

Hunter leaned back in his seat. “Don’t worry Mr. Lea. I swear, all I want is for thing’s to not get
any worse…”

“Kid, the first truthful thing I’ll tell you is to never say that out loud…” Lea said.
Somewhere else….

Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, in a place reserved for England’s more… “unadjusted”
citizens…A figure sat in a chair…Just like she had been for a few years, now…Ever since that
night… That night that even now consumed all her thoughts… That night that was supposed to be
the night she finally got what she had coveted for so long… Only to once again watch it ripped
away from her…

They kept telling her to let it go, to move on…But she couldn’t…She WOULDN’T… Twice in her
life she had watched what she wanted slip away… And twice did it get her sent to a place like this.

Locked away from the rest of the world. Locked away from everything… It was only her and her

…And those memories…Those vows of vengeance, of making those that thought they could
escape her pay…Those are what finally allowed it to begin bubbling…

In that cell…In the darkest corner, away from the light…Something began bubbling…

Coming to life? No…This thing had no life…Sentience? No, this thing was bound by only one
desire… At first, it could only see…View the world through eerie, yellow eyes…Then a hand
bubbled into existence…Then another…Then two legs, a body… Born of dark thoughts, of dark
wishes… It pulled itself up…

Looking around… Its eyes focused on the figure sitting in the chair. It took its first step. Shakily,
clumsily, but it hobbled forward, like a newborn…

Whatever allowed it to be here…To enter this world, it didn’t know…What it did know…Was that
this world felt…Familiar… It had been here before… What brought it here might have been new…
But what gave it life…It remembered…

Feelings of anger, of rage, of bloodlust… That’s what it remembered… All coming from one
heart…one person filled with darkness… And that person was sitting in the room…That person
was what it hobbled to…

It was this same person that didn’t notice it until it had hobbled in front of her… Looking up at
her… Until she finally noticed it…

When she did, there was no fear in her eyes…No shock…Simple confusion… She looked around,
wondering if this was real…Before her eyes widened…

“....I remember you…” She finally said. “What did they say you were, again…” She thought,
searching her memories from something long ago…

“...Oh, yes…” She whispered, looking down at the form…


Chapter End Notes

What's up?

If you've enjoyed the story so far, I regret to say that I hope you weren't expecting me
dropping five chapters at a time would be the norm. That was a very special case.

But regardless, I am moving forward with this, might be slow, but it's planned out all
the way to the end.

I do hope you'll stay tuned.

Story's swapped. Story's retold. And a Story best left forgotten.
Chapter Summary

As the mystery of Roxas, Xion, and Lea's arrival in this strange world starts to come
into place, we see Roxas and Xion form bonds with their new friends. lea learn that
this world is far different place than he expected...And someone else learns that second
or third chances aren't always for good people...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The very same morning Lea woke up to unexpected help, Roxas stirred in his sleep, with the
unmistakable feeling that someone was watching him…

When he finally got his eyes to open, he was met with the wide-eyes of a puppy staring back at

“....You awake yet?” It asked.

Roxas sighed deeply.

“....I am now.” He said.

“Dizzy, get down!” He heard Dylan say. The previous day’s events all came back to him, and he
looked down at his new canine body.

“Right… Back at it…”

“Sorry about her.” Dylan said,”They’re still not used to us having, y’know, guests.”

“Oh, it’s cool.” Roxas said. “....Wait, ‘they’?” He turned to see several of the puppies gathered in
the room, looking at the new visitors.

“....Quiet bunch for how many there are…” Roxas said.

“Did you sleep good?” The one who woke him up asked.

“Yeah…First time sleeping on my stomach like that…Or with this much fur at all and-” He looked
down at her. “....Nevermind. What’s your name again?”

“I’m Dizzy.” She said with a smile.

“So, how’s your leg?” Dylan asked.

Roxas had almost forgotten about his injury until he stretched his back leg.

“Eh…Still a bit stiff.” He said. “Feels better though.”

“Well that’s good.” Dylan said.

He heard Xion stir next to him.

“Er…Roxas?” She mumbled. “Roxas, are you…”

“I’m right here Xion.” He said. “Just, uh, don’t forget about yesterday.”

“Yesterday? WHa-” Xion’s eyes opened when she looked at her hand, or rather, paw.

”Oh…Right.” She sighed. “Almost forgot.” She looked at all the puppies.

“Goodness, don’t know how I almost forgot you all.” She said, “Yesterday was…A whirlwind.”

“So whatcha gonna do now?” Delgado asked.

“Hold on, pal.” Dylan told him. “Mum will have to make sure he’s okay before they do anything.”

Roxas groaned. “Still can’t believe I did that to myself.”

“Hey, don’t feel bad.” Dylan said. “I’ve seen dog’s sportier than you bust a leg doing the same
kind of stuff…”

Before Roxas could respond, an ear-piercing cry came from upstairs.


“Speak of the devil…” Dylan groaned.

A figure leapt downstairs.

“Good morning, dog house!” She called.

“...Does she do that every-”

“Yes.” Dylan answered before Xion could finish.

What surprised both of them was hearing their mom’s voice.

“Dolly, keep it down.” She said.

“Mum?” Dylan asked.

“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” Dolly asked.

“Yes, well…” Her eyes drifted to the new dogs sitting in her living room.

“...I-I, uh…” She shook herself back to reality. “Well.” She smiled, trying to look as normal as she

“I just decided to take a day off. After all, I can’t very well leave while there’s still a patient in my
care.” She walked into the living room.

“How is your leg feeling Mr…Sorry love, what was your name again?” She asked.

“Oh, Roxas, and it feels okay.” Roxas answered. “Still a bit sore.”

“Don’t know what we would’ve done without your help.” Xion said.
“Oh, you’re quite welcome dear.” Delilah said. “Yes…” She thought for a moment.

“Um…Well,tell you what. Since you’re a bit new here, and your leg hasn’t healed, why don’t you
two just hang about around here, and we’ll see about finding your owner…I imagine if you’ve
been out this long, they’ll be looking for you…Might even be very worried.”

“Well, that’s very nice of you. But we’d hate to intrude on you all further.” Xion said.

“Oh, it’s not a problem.” Delilah said, hoping she didn’t look as nervous as she felt.

“You mean they’re gonna stay here longer?!” Delgado said, excitedly.

“Are they going to move in with us?” Dizzy asked.

“Oh, no.” Delilah said. “It’s just a bit of…’wellness insurance’.” She said, “I want to make sure his
leg is healed before sending him off.”

“Well that’s very kind of you.” Xion said.

“Yeah…” Roxas said, not as certainly.

“In fact, Dylan, Dolly.” She said, turning to her oldest. “Keep the pups inside today. On top of all
this, there’s a huge pollen surge, and I don’t want anyone getting sick.”

“Oh…Sure.” Dylan said.

“Yeesh.” Dolly whispered, sliding next to Roxas and Xion. “Sounds like you two are getting the
full ‘dog house’ experience.”

“....Yay?” Roxas said.

“-So they tell us this friend of ours knew a family of specifically 101 Dalmatians, and it’s the only
lead we haven’t checked yet.” Lea said. “That’s all I can tell you.”
Hunter stroked his chin…

“...Yep.” He finally said.

“Yep what?” Lea asked.

“That sounds absolutely insane.” Hunter said.

Lea shrugged. “It’s the truth!”

The squirrel sitting next to Hunter shook his head and made a spinning motion with his finger.

“Is that squirrel giving me the ‘cuckoo’ thing?!” Lea asked.

“Can you really blame him?” Hunter asked. “I mean, if our world was destroyed as you say it was,
why isn’t that mentioned in a history book or anywhere else? You’d think that would be an
important bit of trivia.”

“It’s not mentioned because everyone who was destroyed along with it has no memory of the
destruction ever happening.” Lea said.

“Oh, so this event that throws everything we understand about science, religion, and our place in
the universe into question just got memory-holed, then?” Hunter asked.

“Yes!” Lea said. “That’s the point! It’s why we’re told not to meddle in other worlds in less it’s an
emergency!” He slumped back in his seat. “Why am I even arguing this with you? There’s no way
you’ll believe me, and I’m gonna be ain enough trouble just telling you all this!!!” He sighed

“...How on earth did Sora deal with this when WE were the ones causing it?!” He asked.

Hunter looked between the fox and the squirrel. He gave a deep sigh, and finally spoke.

“Alright…Let’s get back to your friend…You said he…Helped the Dalmatian’s come back
together, correct?”

“Yes.” Lea sighed. “After they were scattered around the other worlds, he brought him back

Hunter looked at the fox, who tossed his head and made a grunting noise.

“I agree, hardly sounds like a bad guy…” He said.

“Oh, he wasn’t… Sora was a boy scout through and through…” Lea said. “To a sickening degree.”

Hunter rubbed his chin.

“...Let’s say I believe you. For the moment, at least.” He said. “If know one remembers our world's
destruction, how could the Dalmatians help you?”

“Because they survived the world's destruction.” Lea explained. “They ended up in some…
patchwork town with all the other being’s that survived…They might remember, but..We’re not
sure… That’s why this whole thing is a long shot…”

“And you think they might be able to help you find him?” Hunter asked.
“Yeah, maybe.” Lea said. “I don’t know for sure…”

Hunter looked at the two animals again…The squirrel shrugged and the fox just looked back at
Lea skeptically.

“....I can’t say I believe you…” Hunter said. “Not all the way, anyway.”

“Figured not.” Lea grumbled.

“...But, all in all, a person traveling the stars to find their friend isn’t exactly the most bizarre story
out there.” Hunter said. He sighed and clicked his tongue.

“...ALright…Just one more question, and this is the important one…” He said.

“Okay, shoot.” Lea said.

“If you were to find the Dalmatians…What would you do if they couldn’t help you?” He asked
that with severity the surprised Lea…He looked at both the animals to the boy’s side, and saw
them both awaiting his answer with a steely look in their eyes…

Lea sat up and looked the boy in the eye.

“We wouldn't do anything… We’d leave. Chalk this up to another dead end and move on…If I get
a say in it, we never come back to this world ever again, and you all never have to give us or the
name Sora a 2nd thought…”

Hunter sat back…He looked at the squirrel…Then the fox…

“....Alright.” He said. “I guess that’s good enough.”

Lea sighed. “Thanks.”

“Now, I didn’t say I believe you…But it’s enough for me to fulfill my end of our agreement. To
explain just why a search for Dalmatians lands you in a car with a boy who can speak to a fox and
a squirrel…”

“I…I guess I AM curious about that.” Lea admitted.

Hunter gave a light chuckle. “Y’know, I say your story is crazy, but part of the reason I’m even
giving you the benefit of the doubt is…Our’s isn’t much saner.”

“...What do you mean?” Lea asked.

“The reason we’re so concerned about these dogs? The reason so many people find you
suspicious? It’s not something you hear every day…” Hunter said. The fox gave a conceding nod.

“Okay…I’m listening.” Lea said.

“Well…For starters…” Hunter sighed.

“....What do you know about the fur trade?”

Back at the dog house, after breakfast, Roxas and Xion were still in the living room, still
surrounded by pups.

However, since they were now extended guests at the Dalmatians house, some lengthy
introductions were taking place.

“So, Dizzy, you’ve got the mask.” Roxas asked.

“Yep!” A small girl pup said excitedly.

“And Dee Dee’s got the long spot down her nose.” He said to the other sitting next her.

“Uh huh!” She said, equally as chipper.

“And you two are twins?” He asked.

“That’s right!” They said in unison.

“And you’re…?” Xion began.

“DJ.” Said an older male pup with headphones. “And, uh, that’s just two letters.”

“Fitting.” Xion said. “So you like music?”

“I don’t just ‘like’ music, I make it.” DJ answered proudly.

“Yeah, he’s our one-dog-orchestra.” Dolly said.

“Impressive.” Xion said.

“Okay, okay, give US a turn!” Came a demanding voice. Three identical looking pups pushed their
way in front.

“Hi.” The one in front said. “We feel we don’t HAVE to introduce ourselves-”

“But we will-” The one to her left continued.

“Anyway.” The third said.

“...Uh….Okay?” Roxas said.

“Okay, don’t freak out or anything.” The first said. “But you are, in fact, in the presence-”

“Of the one, the only-” The second.

“Triple E!” The third said…Then her eyes popped open. “Wait, no, D! Triple D! I-”

“Deja Vu!” The first said. “How could you mess that up!?”

“I’m sorry, I got nervous!” The third said,

“Ugh….” The first looked at Roxas and Xion.

“Sorry about that… Not like you needed it, right? Everyone knows London’ biggest ad stars,

Roxas and Xion looked at one another.

“...Actually…” Roxas began.

“We don’t.” Xion finished.

“What the what!?” The third said.

“How do you NOT know Triple D!?” The second shouted.

Xion shrugged. “We DID just get here.”

“But, I….Ugh.” The first groaned. “Fine… I’m Destiny.”

“Dallas.” The second said.

“And you already know Deja Vu.” The first said, frowning at her sister.

“Eh he…Hi.” The third giggled.

“Hi.’ Roxas said.

“So, we’ve got a question.” Destiny asked.

“What kind of question?” Roxas asked.

“Well, see, as dogs with a prominent presence in the online sphere…” Destiny said. “We’re always
on the lookout for the latest trends.”

“....Uh huh…” Xion said, quizzically.

“Girls, don’t be roping them into anything.” Dolly said.

“We’re not!” Destiny said. “We just want to know-”

“Who does your fur!?” Dallas asked Roxas and Xion.

“Wha-What do you mean?” Roxas asked.

“How does your fur look like human hair?” Destiny asked.

“Uh…Well…” Roxas began. “It’s because…”

“Our human is a stylist.” Xion said. “They practice on us all the time.”

“Would they be interested in doing a collab with us?” Disney asked.

“Yeah, we could get their skills into the viral zone!” Dallas said.

“Uh, no…” Roxas said. “Uh, that is to say, no thanks.”

“Yeah, they’re not into it for the fame.” Xion said.

“Aww…” The three said in unison.

“Yeah, besides.” A gruff voice said. “Who cares about that sissy kinda stuff?” It was joined by two
other laughs, as the three girls huffed in unison.

Roxas looked up to see three identical male pups, each with a golden chain around their necks.

“....You must be the Dimitri’s.” He guessed.

“Yeah, that’s us.” The one with a “#1” around his neck said. “You may have earned some cool
points for savin’ our sister, but don’t think that means TOO much around here.” The other two
smirked in agreement.

Roxas narrowed his eyes, but gave a confident smile. He’d been through the “pecking order” thing,

“Oh yeah?’ he asked. “And just where DO you three rank around here?”

“Hey, nothin’ happens in this house without our say so.” The first said. “You’re lucky we’re
decided to even let you stay here.”

“Right…” Roxas said, trying not to laugh. “Well I’ll remember that…”

The first was about to smile before Dolly flicked his ear.

“Please, you three are about as intimidating as an old sock.” She said.

“Oh yeah!” The 2nd said.

“Wanna prove that?” The 3rd added.

Dolly gave them a lidded stare.

“...DO YOU want the new guy to see you get your butts kicked?” She asked.

The three triplets looked ready to fight…Before they exchanged unsure looks.

“...She DOES always win.” The 2nd said.

“Yeah…We wouldn’t look too tough if that happened.” The 3rd said.

The first clenched his teeth.

“...Fine.” He said in defeat, and the three walked off.

“Punks.” Dolly giggled.

“Wow…You and your brother seem to have them well in han-paw.” Xion said, quickly correcting

“Eh, they’re not as bad as they look.” Dolly said…

Everything in the living room seemed fine…Which is why Delilah hated that she felt so suspicious
of the visitors.

She would’ve never given a 2nd thought about helping a dog in need, especially after it had saved
her daughter from getting hurt…But hearing that someone was looking for Dalmatians, in a black
coat similar to the ones they wore…

She sighed heavily as she watched the pups from the doorway.

“This isn’t something anyone should ever have to worry about.” She cursed to herself. “But here
we are…”

“Is everything ok, mother?” She heard. She looked down and saw Deepak looking up at her.

“Oh…Yes, darling. I’m fine.” She said.

“You look worried.” He said. “And your aura feels…Off.”

She allowed herself a chuckle. “Not sure if my ‘aura’ was ever ‘on’ darling.” She said,

“Mother, what have I always said?” Deepak said with a smile. “Everything has an aura.”

“As a medical expert, I’ll file that under ‘if you say so’.” She chuckled. It died almost immediately
when she looked back into the living room.

“But then again, I’m not sure of a lot of things right now…” She said,

Deepak followed her look.

“Are you….Worried about them?” He asked.

Delilah sighed. “I can’t say for sure… I don’t want to be, but…”

“I admit, they are hard to read.” Deepak said. “They have this strangeness about them…Like they
don’t…Well…Belong here…”

“Don’t belong?” Delilah repeated. “You mean…In this house?”

“Well…I guess…” Deepak said. “I’m not sure though, I haven’t been around them long enough.”

“Hm…” Delilah thought. Then her eyes widened.

“Wait a moment…Deepak, darling, you’ve always been good at reading others, correct?” She

“Well, I guess?” Deepak said.

“And you can seem to feel what others are feeling, right?” Delilah asked.

“Mother, I’m meditative, not magic.” Deepak said.

“I know, love, I know, but…You would be willing to do something for me?” Delilah asked.

“...What?” Deepak asked, skeptically.

“So, how do your guy’s names work?” Roxas asked. “Like, your name is DJ, but… Were named
AFTER you started showing an interest in music, or did you get an interest in music because of
your name?”

DJ thought about it for a minute…

“......I dunno.” He said.

“Yeah, to be honest…We aren’t really sure how it works either.” Dolly chuckled. It was then that
their mom walked in, accompanied by Deepak.

“Good morning everyone.” She said, “Everything alright?”

“Oh yeah.” Dolly said. “Roxas was just wondering about which came first with everyone’s

“I was just curious, that’s all.” Roxas said. “It just stuck out to me.”

“Oh…Well, to be honest, love, I’m not really sure myself.” Delilah chuckled. “*Ahem* So, your
leg feeling any different?”

“I think so.” Roxas said.

“Good…Um, Miss Xion.” She said. “I believe every human’s had a chance to wake up now,
wouldn't you say?”

“Uh…Yeah, sure?” Xion said, looking confused.

“Well, don’t you think it would be a good time to send word out to let your pet know where you
are?” She asked.

“Oh…Oh, yeah!” Xion said as it came back to her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t forget, it’s just…”

“Oh, it’s quite alright.” Delilah said. “I know it’s been a hectic day for you.” She looked at Dolly.
“Why don’t you go ahead and take the pups outside, Dylan’s gonna start cleaning down here.”

“You got it.” Dolly said. “C’mon guys, let’s go.”

Most of the pups began pouring out of the living room… Except for Delgado.

“Uh…Mum?” He said. “Can I stay with Roxas?”

“Well…Darling, I think he would like some-” Delilah said.

“It’s okay with me, ma’am.” Roxas said. “This is his house after all.”

Delilah looked unsure…But let a deep breath out.

“Alright… Just don’t get in Deepak’s way, okay?” She said.

“Deepak?” Delgado asked, tilting his head.

“Um, yes.” Deepak said. “Uh, Mr Roxas.”

“You can just call me Roxas.”

“Uh, okay, Roxas…” Deepak said as he nervously stepped closer. “Mum suggested I show you
something that might take some of the tension off your leg…”

“Really?” Roxas asked. “Okay…”

“Xion, why don’t you come with me? We’ll go somewhere so you can get on World-Wide-Woof.”
Delilah said.

“Oh, well, I really don’t want to leave Roxas, and-”

“I’ll be fine.” Roxas said. He looked at Deepak.

“They say you’re the ‘Zen’ one, you ain’t gonna put me under any mind control, are ya?”

Deepak looked a little hurt.

“That’s not what ‘zen; is about, it’s about-”

“Relaxe, kid, I’m just playin’.” Roxas laughed.

“Oh…Right.” Deepak said, nervously.

Xion looked unsure, but got up.

“C’mon, we’ll have to get on the roof.” Delilah said.

“The roof?!” Xion repeated.

“Yes.” Delilah said as if it should’ve been obvious. “That’s the best way to send a barking signal.”

“Oh, right…” Xion said. “....Barking.”

“C’mon then.” Delilah said.

Xion looked back at Roxas, both trading their best “Good Luck” looks, before she followed
Delilah upstairs.

“Right…” Deepak said, nervously.

Roxas looked around at the empty room… A chill ran through his spine…As if the feeling of a
room that should’ve been filled with puppies, yet no longer was, was somehow familiar to him…
“This must be how Sora felt.” He muttered.

“Excuse me?” Deepak asked.

“Oh…Nothing.” Roxas said. “So…How are you gonna help me?”

“Oh, that’s easy.” Deepak said.

“We’re not gonna do one of your lame chanting things, are we?” Delgado asked smugly.

Deepak frowned. “They’re not LAME.” He said. “But yes.”

“Uh, chanting?” Roxas asked.

“Well, what we’re REALLY trying is a type of yoga.” Deepak said. “It’ll help take the stress off
you, and clear your head.”

Roxas smiled. “Kid, I’m willing to try anything, but I don’t think they’ve made a type of healing
out there that can help MY head…”
Xion climbed out the hatch door after Delilah onto the roof of the Dalmatian’s house. The older
dog led her to the side, which let her see out over the buildings on the street, and into the city

“Wow…Sure seems nice from this angle.” She said

“Yes, London might have its share of problems, but it has its beautiful moments…” Delilah said.
“Right. This should be a good spot to send out a message.” She said. She sat there, waiting…

Xion looked out into the skyline…

Never, not once in all her years did she feel so exposed. Not even being the literal amalgamation of
TWO people’s memories made her feel more like a fraud than what attempting to let out a single
sound from her throat did at that moment.

She racked her brain. There had to be a way out of this.

“Everything okay, love?” Delilah asked.

“Uh…Yeah, sure…” Xion said. “Everything’s just…Fine.” She could feel her eye twitch as she
said that.

“...If you need me to leave, I can, I know some dogs aren’t comfortable barking with an-”

“I don’t know HOW, okay?!” Xion finally said. “You got me, alright? I don’t know HOW to

Delilah looked at her for a moment…Then raised her eyebrow.

“You….Don’t know HOW to bark?” She repeated.

“No. I’ve never tried. I’ve never even USED this ‘World-Wide-’Whatever…” She huffed and
buried her face in her paws.

She was ready for all the uncomfortable questions. “How does a dog not know how to bark,” and
all that… Heck, for all she knew, she might’ve just given them up as off worlders…

…When she heard Delilah scoff.

“Oh, well why didn’t you say so?” She asked. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“...It’s not?” Xion asked.

“Not at all…Let me guess? Human didn’t like the racket, so they trained you not to bark?” Delilah

“Uh…Yeah?” Xion said. Hey, if that’s what it took…

“I getcha.” Delilah said, rolling her eyes. “Humans… It’s all fine when they’re making noises 24-7,
but us dogs? No, we don’t get to make noise unless they want us to…*sigh* I understand the
language barrier, but then they go and do things like put those ghastly shock collars on dogs…”
She almost growled. “...But anyway…It’s not an issue.” She patted the ledge. “Here, hop up and
show you how.”

Xion looked surprised at first, but did as Delilah said.

“It’s really simple, actually. All you have to do i say what you need to, and send it out with a bark
code.” Delilah said. “Watch.” She cleared her throat.

“Good morning, London!” She called out. Then added a short bark, and a long howl.

…In a moment, the air was filled with a dozen or so voices returning the greeting, some even
referring to Delilah by name!

“...Wow…” Xion said. “That’s….Really efficient!”

“Yep.” Delilah said, proudly. “Us dogs were pioneers in wireless communication. Literally
centuries before humans. We were holding late-night talks before they even got smoke signals
down.” She urged Xion. “Go on…Give it a go.”

Xion looked out into the skyline.

“Uh…Can I give it a test first before I send a real message?” She asked.

“Oh, of course.” Delilah said. “Just remember. Think about what you want to say, first. Then let it

Xion thought for a minute… Then leaned over the edge.

“Uh…H-Hello? Uh…I’m new in the city, and, uh…Nice to be here!” She said, she looked at

“Alright.” Delilah said. “Now one yip, and a howl.”

Xion thought about it…And let out her best, non-lou bark…It sounded more like a pained cough,
but she took a deep breath, and let out a howl…
She was doing okay for a minute, before her throat began to hurt and she found herself coughing…

“Hmm…You really ARE new to this, aren’t you?” Delilah asked.

“*hack* Yeah…” Xion said. “Did…Did it work, though?” She asked.

Delilah leaned out, stretching her ear out…Xion did the same, lifting her ear, realizing she could
actually move her ears at will as she did.

At first, there was nothing… Then, a few barks arose from the city. Some asking for clarification,
some returning the greeting, not many… But for certain, there WERE responses…

“Might need to work on your pronunciation, but I think it worked.” Delilah said with a smile.

Xion actually felt herself tearing up…There was something about the way that older dog smiled at
her. Something about how she was willing to teach how to do something, and didn’t judge her for
not knowing it… It was a reassurance she’d never felt before…

She quickly turned her head and wiped her eyes. “Uh…Uh, right, well…Thank you…Thank you
for showing me…”

Delilah smiled. “You’re not the first dog I’ve met who couldn’t. Not even the oldest… But you
seem like a fast learner.”

Xion sighed. “Truth be told, it’s not the first time I’ve had to learn something that most everyone
younger than me already knows…” She said.

“There’s no shame in that.” Delilah said. “Besides, it’s better late than never…”


“....Right, think you’re ready to send out for your owner?” Delilah asked.

“Oh, right, yeah.” Xion said. She looked back out to the city… She had no idea if Lea was even
here, or if this would even work if he was. She had no way of knowing if he was even still human,
now that she thought about it…

She thought of what she might say to him that would work no matter what form he was in…

She thought, and thought…Then took a deep breath.

“Hey.” She called out. “My name is Xion, and…Me and my friend Roxas are looking for our
friend Lea….All I can is…” She thought, and thought…Until something finally came to mind.

“All I can say is, if he’s out there…Tell him to always remember…Let his heart be his guiding

She inhaled and let out a much better yip and howl, and sent the message out…

In a moment, the air was filled with the same message, being sent over and over, throughout the

Delilah looked surprised. “Um, darling, not that it’s any of my business, but…Is that really
enough? No mention of what he looks like, what he might be wearing? Anything like that?”

Xion shook her head. “Trust me, miss…That’s all he needs.”

She dropped down and headed back to the door. Delilah looked out into the city.

“Just…Who are you all?” She finally asked aloud, knowing no one can hear her…
Right after Delilah and Xion headed out, Deepak had lowered the lights in the living room.

“Now, this might seem weird to the unfamiliar.” He said. “But it’s a special kind of meditation.”

“He means we’re gonna sit in the dark and make weird noises.” Delgado told Roxas.

“That’s not quite-” Deepak stopped himself and took a deep breath. “That’s not quite what it is…”
He sat down in front of Roxas, crossing his back legs.

“How do you do that?” Roxas asked.

“Eh, not important.” Deepak said. “What is important is that we’re about to do a type of breathing
exercise. One that will help reduce the stress on your body.”

Roxas looked at Delgado.

“Eh, I joke but he DOES know what he’s talking about.” Delgado admitted.

Roxas smiled. “Okay, kid, I guess I’ll give this a try.”

“Great!” Deepak said, smiling. “Uh, I’m not gonna have you sit like I am, but I want you to try and
relax… Get your head clear…”

Roxas laughed. “Kid, my heads full of stuff that’s not even mine. I don’t think that’s possible.”

Deepak looked at him funny, but surprisingly, it was Delgado that spoke up.

“What he means is to try and not think about anything.” The pup said. “Try to just breathe…”

“Um, yes…” Deepak said. “Thank you Delgado.”

Roxas shrugged and did what he asked. He closed his eyes, and just breathed slowly.

“Good.” He heard Deepak say. “Now just focus on the sound of my voice.” He breathed in, and

“In order to take the stress off your body, we must venture into the mind.” Deepak said.

“Not sure that’s such a good idea with me.” Roxas said, his eyes still closed.

“I’m sure it will be fine.” Deepak said. “Focus on something happy. Like, something from your
younger days…”

His younger days? Roxas hadn’t thought about those at all….In fact, now that he did think about it,
he realized he HAD no memories of his younger days…It then dawned on him that he didn’t
HAVE any younger days. His life began at age 14. He didn’t exist before that. And any happy
memories he had, weren’t real…
“Maybe we should try something else.” He said. “I didn’t…I didn’t have a happy childhood.”

“Oh…Uh, okay.” Deepak said. “How about your life before you moved to London? What happy
memories do you have of that?”

That was a little easier. Roxas had almost a year’s worth of memories before coming here. Living
with his friends in the mansion, getting it fixed up. Sitting on the clock tower watching the sunset.
Those were much better memories. Even better, they were memories that were his, for real…

But as he thought farther back, he began to remember more and more of the days before… The last
happy memory he had was seeing Lea and Xion again…Before that…

“Looks like my summer vacation is over.”

Those words that repeated in his head. He tried to open his eyes, but when he did, he was back in
that hidden room in the mansion. Looking up at the pod that held what, as far as he was concerned,
the end of his world…

“Roxas?” He heard a voice say.

He opened his eyes again, and was now looking at the concerned face of Delgado.

“You okay?’ The pup asked. “You started sweating real hard.”

Roxas looked down at himself. Never in his life was he so happy to be a dog…

“Yeah.” He said, shakier than he wanted to. “I’m…I’m okay.”

He looked at Deepak who was staring at him with a worried expression.

“...You….Your.” Deepak tried to say.

“Deepak?” Roxas said, trying not to sound angry.

“...Deepak, were you in my head?”

Deepak shook his head. “N-No… But…For a minute…Our minds…Our auras were in tune.. Your
aura is…Muddled.” He said.

Roxas sighed. “Yeah…I could’ve told you that. Look, kid, I’m grateful, but…Maybe exploring my
past isn’t the most helpful thing I can do right now…”

Deepak gave a shaky nod. “I…I understand.”

Thankfully, it was then that Xion and Delilah returned downstairs.

“Everything good in here?” Delilah asked.

Deepak and Roxas shared a look.

“Yeah mum.” Deepak said. “Everything's good.”

“You’ve got uh…A talented kid here.” Roxas said.

Xion walked up to him. “Are you sure everything’s okay?”

“Yeah, just…Remembering a bit more than I’d like to.” Roxas said.
“Well…I got a message sent out…” She said, “If Lea is in the city, I’m pretty sure he’ll be able to
find us.”

“Good.” Roxas said. “I hope everything works out.”

Delilah looked at them all. She only had even more questions now.

At that moment, Dolly came in.

“Hey, came to see if Delgado was in here still.” She said.

“Yeah, I am.” Delgado said.

“You want to come out now, Donut found that old pool noodle you thought you lost.” She asked.

“Nah, I’ll stay inside.” Delgado said.

“Darling, are you sure?” Delilah asked.

“Yeah, I want to keep Roxas company.” He said.

Roxas smiled. “Y’know, I’m okay, kid.”

“Yeah, but still.” Delgado said.

“Okay then.” Dolly said. “...Hey, Xion, want to come outside with us? Get some air?”

“Oh, that’s nice of you, but I should also stay with-”

“I’ll be okay.” Roxas said. “You don’t have to stay with me.”

‘Yeah, but-”

“C’mon, you can see how crazy this crowd is in a smaller space.” Dolly said.

Xion thought for a moment. “Well, if it’s okay with you.”

“Yeah,t hat;s why I’m asking.” Dolly said as if it was obvious.

Xion shrugged. “Well, okay then.” She followed Dolly outside, before Delilah could say anything.

“Oh…Okay then.” She said nervously. She shook her head.

“Um, mother, can I talk to you?” Deepak asked.

“Oh, yes.” Delilah said, remembering what she had asked him to do.

After excusing themselves, they went to the kitchen where neither Roxas nor Delgado could hear

“Well?’ She asked. “What could you get from him?”

Deepak shook his head. “I’m not sure just WHAT I got from him.” He said. “His aura was…
Strange. Like…Like it was barely even his own…”

“What do you mean?” Delilah asked.

“It felt like he was…Not all there.” Deepak said. “Not like, he was crazy, but as if…All his pieces
were somewhere else…”

Delilah shook her head. “But..What does that mean?”

Deepak shrugged. “I can’t tell you.”

Delilah sighed. “Well, thank you for doing that darling, I know it was a strange request.”

Deepak nodded.

“Mother?” He asked.

“...Are you afraid these people are only making friends with us so they can hurt us?”

Delilah looked down in shock.

“...Like Hunter tried to?” Deepak asked.

Delilah sighed.

“....I don’t know.” She said. “I really don’t know…”

“I’m sorry, did you say ‘the fur trade’?” Lea asked as the large car rumbled through the city.

“Yes…What do you know of the trade of buying and selling animal pelts in clothing, furniture,
etc?” Hunter asked. The fox and squirrel looked at him quizzically.

“Uh, not much.” Lea said. “I guess only that it’s a thing…Why?”

Hunter sighed. “It’s a trade my family business has only recently come out of. One that it used to be
famous for.”
“...Congrats?” Lea asked.

“For many years, my family was famous in the world of fashion. Mostly due the efforts of my
great-aunt.” Hunter continued. “Even in today’s world where fur is far more controversial, she
remained a large player in the fur business… In fact, one could almost call it an obsession.”

“K…” Lea said. “Look, I don’t want to be rude, but how is this tied back into anything?”

“I’m getting there.” Hunter said. “My great-aunt’s love of fur was so strong, it was the chief factor
in all her decisions in her company. In fact, it wasn’t just a love or an obsession…To her, fur was

“Okay?” Lea asked.

“Specifically, she had a love of fur coats.” Hunter said.

Lea stretched out his own coat. “Well, I do like a nice coat… Not that this is fur, or anything.”

“The problem is, she liked fur coats so much, she was willing to do anything to get them. Theft,
threatening, and as far as everyone in this car is concerned, murder.”

“Well she sounds fun.” Lea asked.

“Yeah, real fun.” Hunter said. The fox make a growling noise.

“One day, a long time ago. My great-aunt got it in her head to make a coat out of what she thought
would be the most unique material ever found…” He looked Lea right in the eye.

“The hides of Dalmatian puppies.”

Lea shrugged. “Okay… And?”

“And?” Hunter repeated. “And she was willing to do whatever it took to get them.”

“Look, she sounds annoying.” Lea said. “And I don’t want to sound insensitive, but what’s really
the big deal with making a coat out of animal fur?” The moment he said that, both the fox and
squirrel glared at him, growling and chattering angrily.

“Woah, guys.” Hunter said. “Ease off, I don’t think it’s sunk in for him yet.”

“What’s not sunk in?” Lea asked. “That apparently a fox and squirrel you can talk to don’t like it
that humans make clothes out of animal skin.”

His eyes popped open as he heard himself.

“....Oh….” He said. “.....I think I get it.”

Hunter gave a half smile. “Yeah…Kinda obvious if you think about it.”

“I guess that does make sense.” Lea said. He looked at the fox and squirrel. “Uh, for the record.”
He pointed to his own coat.

“This was never an animal…I think.” He said.

They both eased off.

“Yes, the use of animal fur as clothes takes on a new meaning when you can talk to them.” Hunter
said. “Some humans find it awful, imagine what it’s like to them…Now imagine it’s not gonna
happen to you, but your kid…All your kids…”

Lea gulped. “Yeah, sounds a little nasty worded like that.”

“Mm hm… My great-aunt didn’t know it at the time, nor did she care, really…But her desire to get
a coat set off a chain of events that leads to a story I’m not even sure I really believe myself…
WHat I do know is that she didn’t get her Dalmatian coat that night… And left her a very unhappy

“Well, obsession will do that to ya.” Lea said. “Trust me, I’ve seen it first hand.” Then he sat
forward. “But now I’m confused. If this whole thing happened a long time ago, and she didn’t get
what she wanted, why’s everyone so up in arms? Was it that big a deal?”

“Unfortunately sir, that’s not where the story ends.” Hunter continued. “While my great-aunt didn’t
get what she wanted, that night, it left her a very, VERY unhinged person. She became even more
obsessed with getting her coat, but now, not as some form of statement to the world of fashion, but
as a form of revenge…Of punishment against the ones who wronged her.”

“This is starting to sound WAY too familiar.” Lea said.

“My great-aunt wasn’t content to let things go… She wanted that coat. She wanted to hurt the ones
who stopped her from getting what she wanted… And so about 3 years ago…She tried again.”

“Oh, so we got a sequel, then?” Lea said. “Those can be crazy if you’re not ready for them…”

“One night, my great-aunt tried and almost succeeded at getting her puppy coat. But since the
one’s she wanted the first time weren’t around anymore, she went for the next, best, thing…She
went after their great-great-great grandchildren.”

“Oh…going after the grandkids?” Lea said, shaking his head. “That’s low, and I’ve seen some
people do some LOW things.”

“She almost would’ve gotten it, too…Except..they had help.” He looked at the fox and the squirrel.

“She failed again that night…And ever since then, the family of Dalmatians has been living
happily and safely… And me, and these animals, and others… From the horse that brought you
into the police station.”

“Wait, that thing can talk to!?” Lea asked.

“Yes, and she’s not pretty when she’s mad.” Hunter said. “Neither is the girl that works the snack
bar, as you’ve learned…We all will do whatever we can to make sure no one hurts those dogs ever
again… That’s why you got such a cold reaction. You wouldn’t be the first person trying to get
some fame by recreating my great-aunt’s crime…I doubt you’ll be the last.”

“...So I pretty much spent all of yesterday shouting to the world that I’m here to cause you all a lot
of trouble in the one way you all seem to be ready for?” Lea asked.

“.....Pretty much.” Hunter said.

Lea leaned back in his chair. “I swear, I’m not this dumb normally…Well…That’s a heck of a
story…What now?”
Hunter thought for a minute.

“...Assuming what you told me is true… I think what I can promise is that I will do what I can to
see if the Dalmatians know your friend. After that…”

“Hey, if the answer’s no, I’m gone.” Lea said. “On whatever honor I have…”

Hunter nodded. “Well…Let’s see what happens.”

“By the way…” Lea asked. “Just who is this, ‘great-aunt’ of yours?”

Hunter smiled. “Now there’s a big sign you’re not from around here…No one in this city hasn’t
heard her name…”

She looked at the small creature… Studying it.

“Hmm…Smaller than I remember.” She croaked. “Are you the only one?”
The creature shook its head.

“I see…So where is the old bat in the robes? Is she still around?” She asked.

The creature shook its head.

“I see…Just how many of you can I summon now?” She asked.

The creature raised its hand in a moment, two other forms bubbled from the floor. Now three of the
small, black imps stood before her.

“Amazing.” She said, “Oh, this changes so many things…”

The creature pointed to the door of her cell, and tilted its head.

“Hm…Oh, no, not yet…” She said, “Best play it safe for now…This world is a much different
place than it was last time… For now, I want you to do something a bit more…Discreet.”

All three creatures tilted their heads.

“I know it was a long time ago…But you must remember why I agreed to help you…”

They all nodded.

“Good…” She said, with a wicked smile forming on her face. “Since then, those mongrels have
passed on, but their descendants…They’re great-great-great grandchildren…Are living in the
city… I want you to keep an eye on them…Just for now. Spy on them, keep watch, whatever…Just
don’t touch them until I say so…” She took a deep breath.

She could feel it…A feeling returning after so many years…As if she was becoming in tune with
the very darkness around her… She could feel the cold, empty spaces, in cracks, and in shadows…
She could feel it through these creatures as well… The same, impulsive drive they all had…

“Yes…Things are going to change…” She said with wicked glee. “This world thinks it’s brought
me down for a second time, but I think it’s high time that many people learn…” She motioned for
them to go, and all the creatures disappeared into the shadows. Creeping through cracks, and
behind doorways. Places where light doesn't touch…

“Yes…It’s time for this world to learn..for them all to learn…” She rose from her chair, her bones
cracking with age.

“Soon, everyone, especially those spotty mutts, will know what happens when you cross Cruella
De Vil…”

Chapter End Notes


Yeah, this story has been a bit slow going, but I'm still going at it.

I wanted to slow burn at first anyway, but by next chapter, thing's should ramp up...
One mystery solved. Another just beginning.
Chapter Summary

As the rockiness of their arrival finally begins smoothing out, Roxas, Xion and Lea
find that there's something this world can offer them...Maybe not what they planned,
but maybe it's enough for now...

...Right before thing's get crazy again...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Cruella….De Vil?” Lea repeated. He pondered the name for a moment. “Cruella… I’m sorry, are
you joking?”

Hunter shook his head. “Trust me mate, I see the name more often than I’d like to… It’s real.”

“But…Cruella De…I have heard some on-the-nose names in my day, but COME ON!” Lea said.
“Who names their kid that!?”

Hunter shrugged.

“Cruella De Vil…What, was ‘Evil von Badperson’ too basic?!” Lea asked, leaning back in his seat.
“My gosh….” Then he thought for a moment.

“....Actually, I guess I can’t joke about it too much. I used to go by ‘Axel’...”

Hunter actually cracked a smile. “Say what you will mate…But it’s a name she’s earned…”

Lea leaned forward. “So, you’re telling me that the reason everyone was on edge about me looking
for Dalmatians is because some crazy lady with a name I can guarantee at least ONE evil overlord
would look at and say ‘geez, dial it down!’ tried to make a coat…Let make sure I got that right, an
ACTUAL coat…That you wear?”

Hunter nodded.

“Right, actual coat… Out of the skins of Dalmatian puppies?” Lea continued.

“....Twice.” Hunter said.

“Right, twice…” Lea said. “And you and a fox, and a squirrel-”

“Well, there’s also a rat.” Hunter said. “A lot of the other dogs. I’ve spoken with one seagull who
knew them… The horse that helped bring you in…”

“...What, you have a network of animals that help you?” Lea asked.

Hunter tossed his head uncertainly before giving a final nod. The fox and squirrel did as well.

Lea blinked. “....Okay, you and a network of animals…Work to protect these Dalmatians…Is that

“That’s right.” Hunter said. The fox and squirrel making noises that Lea could only assume were

“....I don’t even know how to approach this…” Lea said.

“Look mate, call it what you will.” Hunter said. “But it’s all true. Someone tried to hurt that
family…hurt them bad. And if not anything else, believe me when I say that they did NOTHING
to deserve it. So yeah…We work together to protect them…Because we all owe them that

The fox and squirrel nodded sternly. Lea sat back in his seat…This situation was…Well, it was
bizarre… Beyond anything he’d ever been through before. But as looked between the fox, the boy,
and the squirrel, he began to see something… A look he was all too familiar with…

They were serious. They believed that this was the right thing to do, and heaven help anyone who
tried to tell them different. It was that look of determination…

The same kind he saw in Roxas and Xion’s eyes when they thought the same thing.

He gave a final, relenting sigh.

“Look…This all sounds kinda nuts to me, I won’t lie… But I swear to you. I am not here to hurt
those do-....I’m not here to hurt that family. I know there’s no way I can make you trust me right
now, but… I just want to ask if they can help me…”

Hunter, the fox, and the squirrel shared a look.

“......Alright.” Hunter said. “......I’ll hold you to that.” He hit a button on the console beside him.

“Stop here, please.” He said. The car pulled over, and came to a rumbling stop. Hunter opened the
window, and spoke to the squirrel.

“Tell Pearl to meet us at the park.” Hunter said. “I want her opinion on what the best thing to do

The squirrel nodded and scurried out, disappearing into the bustle of the city.

The boy then spoke to the fox. “Go find Fee, and tell her what’s up. And let Doug and Delilah
know I’m heading that way.”

The fox nodded, but gave a wary look towards Lea.

“Don’t worry.” Hunter said . “Everything will be fine.”

The fox gave Lea one last look…Then made an obvious “I’m watching you” gesture, before also
leaping out of the car.

“Wow…They seem…Pretty loyal.” Lea said.

“They look for their friends.” Hunter agreed. “It’s the big reason we work together…My Great-
Aunt didn’t believe in that kind of connection…And it was why she lost.”

“Sounds very familiar…” Lea said.

As Fergus raced through the streets, hoping to find his friend. A sound broke the hustle of the city.
One that made him stop in his tracks.

It was a bark. A repeated bark, over and over. He craned his neck, and perked his ear to listen.

“........Xion…Roxas?’ He repeated as the message went by. “Looking for their friend…. Lea?” His
eyes widened.

“But then…” He turned, but saw that Hunter’s car was already gone…

“Oh, crud.” He cursed. “I don’t like the looks of…Eh, what?” He perked his ear up as the last part
of the message went by.

“.....Let yer’ heart be yer’ guidin’ key…. What kinda greetin card mess is….” He shook his head.
“Gotta get to those dogs and find out what’s what.” He hurried down the street.

What WAS what at the dog house was Xion was standing at the backdoor to the house, watching
the pups play…
And if almost 100 puppies playing in an open field look daunting, seeing them play in a small
backyard looked…Well, terrifying!

“What’s wrong, Xion?” Dolly asked.

“Uh, nothing.” Xion said quickly. “It’s just….Are you sure the numbers don’t get bigger when you
look away?”

“Ha! Honestly, it might.” Dolly said. “But c’mon!” She leapt into the craziness and was
immediately joined by at least ten of the pups chasing her around.

Xion tried to watch after her, but Dolly was just swallowed up in a sea of black and white… The
longer she stared, the more mixed everything became until it was like watching flies buzz around a
white backdrop.

She had to make herself turn away, or she felt she was going to give herself a migraine…

However, when she looked away, she noticed that, far from the bustle of the other pups, one lone
puppy was sitting by a wall… Around her were various cans of paint…

Xion calmly approached the pup, getting closer, she noticed that instead of black, her spots were
several different colors, save for one over her eye.

She didn’t notice Xion, she was just staring at the wall, pondering it.

“....Hello.” Xion said.

The pup looked up with a start.

“Oh, sorry.” Xion said quickly. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“oh…Uh, it’s okay.” The pup said, looking away.

“Gotta say, you have a way of standing out.” Xion said.

“I do?” The pup said, uncertainly.

“Yeah, what with those lovely spots of yours.”

“Oh…Yeah, I guess.” The pup said. She shuffled her paws awkwardly, not saying anymore,

“.......I’m Xion, by the way.” Xion said.

“....Hello.” Was all the pup said.

Xion looked around.

“.......Wh-What’s your name?” She asked.

The pup shuffled her paws some more before turning to look at her, her face still half-hidden
behind her ears.

“....Da Vinci.” The pup answered, quietly.

“Da Vinci?” Xion repeated. “...I like that. It’s nice.”

“....Thank you.” Was all the pup said.

“So, Da Vinci… What are you doing at this wall?” Xion asked.

Da Vinci looked back up at the wall. “Well….I’m looking for the painting in it.”

Xion looked at her, then back at the very paint-free wall.

“.....But…It’s blank.” She said,

Da Vinci gave a small laugh. “Well…Yeah, it LOOKS blank…But…Well…” She stopped herself.
Nevermind, I guess that did sound silly.”

“No-no.” Xion said. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just, well, didn’t know what you meant…How can
you find a painting on a blank wall?”

Da Vinci looked at her, and Xion did her best to look reassuring.

Da Vinci finally gave a sigh.

“Well…I mean…Painting…It's kinda what I do, it’s more than just…Putting a picture

“Uh huh.” Xion said.

“And, sometime’s, I really have to look, not at what I WANT to paint…But more like…What the
wall is telling me it’s missing…..Does that make sense?” She gave an unsure look.

“Well…eheh.” Xion said. “Truthfully, I guess I can’t say. I’m not an artist…In fact, I’m not much
of anything.”

“What do you mean?” Da Vinci asked.

“Well…I really don’t know WHAT I like to do. I’ve never really given anything a shot. My life
has been….Well, my life has been kind of a mess.”

“Oh…” Da Vinci said. “I’m not really helpful with that, I’m afraid. That's Deepak's thing.”

“It’s cool.” Xion said. She looked at the paints.

“...How DO you paint with paws, anyway?” She asked.

“Oh, that’s easy.” Da Vinci said. “Like this.” She walked over and opened a can of orange paint,
dipping her paws in, and swiping it against the wall.

“Like that, see?”

“Neat.” Xion said. “Does it…Wash off easy?”

“Oh, this kind does, yeah.” Da Vinci said.

Xion looked at the can.

“Do you, uh…Do you mind if I-?”

Da Vinci’s eyes gave the smallest sparkle.

“...Oh…No, go ahead.” She said,

Xion rolled up her sleeve, and dipped her paw in the paint…At first, it felt weird, but she got used
to it.

“And I just…Swipe it?” She asked. Da Vinci nodded.

Xion shrugged and swiped her paw against the wall. It splattered so much she had to close her
eyes, and when she opened them, a very messy orange splatter of paint was now present on the

“There you go!” Da Vinci said. “Not much to that part.”

Xion sat there, paint still dripping off her paw…She looked at the splatter of orange on the red,
brick wall… There was something that sparked inside her…Something she’d never felt before…

“....I just….I just did that.” She said, “I mean…I…Myself, just did that.”

“Yep.” Da Vinci said. “You did.”

“All by myself…I……I MADE something.” She said,

“Yeah…” Da Vinci said. “Are you…Are you okay?”

Xion still stared at the splatter.

That’s all it was…a Single splatter. A single splotch of color that offset the dull red of the bricks…
But it was there. Something bright, colorful, and different… Something that she did with her own
hands, well, paws… Nobody made her do it, no sense of meaning behind it other than she wanted
to do it, and there it was for the whole world to see…

“.....Da Vinci?” She said the younger pup.

“Yeah?” Da Vinci said.

Xion turned and smiled. “

“...Can I do some more?”

Roxas laid on the couch, Delgado still sitting beside him.

“....We have a TV if you’re bored?” The younger pup offered.

“No thanks.” Roxas said.

“Oh…I can bring you a chew toy?” Delgado said. “Chewing on something is a great way to sit

“Nah, I’m good.” Roxas said.

“Oh…” Delgado said. “Well that’s cool, we can just sit…”

Roxas gave the pup an amused look.

“No offense kid, but why do you want to hang around me? I can safely say that I’m the most boring
dog in the house right now.”

“Oh, I’m not worried about that.” Delgado said. “I just…Well, you were so cool when you saved
Dorothy that…Well…”

Roxas chuckled. “Sure doesn’t feel cool busting my leg… Seriously, this is the longest time I’ve
been out like this…And I kinda don’t like it.”

Delgado tilted his head. “Wadda ya mean?”

Roxas sighed. “No offense kid, I’m grateful for everything you and your family has done for me,
but…I’m used to this. I’m not used to being…Well…Looked after.”

“Don’t you have an owner, though?” Delgado asked.

“Well, yeah, but…He’s more of a friend.” Roxas said. “He knows that if I get hurt, I can take care
of myself.”

“Oh…” Delgado said. “...I guess I can’t know what that’s like…I’ve always gotta have someone
looking after me.”

“Why’s that?” Roxas asked.

Delgado gave him a “Really?” look, and motioned to his wheel harness.

“Oh…Right.” Roxas said. “Well, I just kinda…”

“Hey don’t worry about it.” Delgado said. “I kinda hate when people try and act like it’s not there,

“...How long have you had it?” Roxas asked. “I-If I can ask, that is.”
“All my life.” Delgado said. “At least what I can remember. But it doesn’t bother me.”

“Dang.” Roxas said. “Wish I could think like that sometimes.”

“Yeah…Something DOES bother me about it, though.” Delgado said. “I still need a lot of help,
like I can’t take a bath by myself, or I can’t use the bathroom without someone helping me, and
everyone, Dylan especially, always tells me to ‘be careful’ and ‘not to overwork myself.’ I can’t
STAND it sometimes…” He huffed and looked at Roxas.

“It feels like everyone treats me like I’m broken, sometimes…Like a part of me is missing.”
Delgado said.

“Missing?” Roxas asked, his ears perking up.

“Yeah, y’know, like…I’m supposed to have something that I don’t?” Delgado said. “At least, that's
how it feels everyone treats me sometimes…Know what I mean?”

Roxas looked down at the ground. “Yeah…” He said. “....I know what it feels like to…Not have
something your supposed to…”

“Yeah…” Delgdao said. “But…It’s not really true…” He looked back at his wheels and smiled
proudly. “I’ve just got something different. It’s what makes me, me.”

Roxas smiled. “That’s a good outlook to have, kid.”

Just then, Dylan walked in the room.

“Hey, Delgado.” He said. “Mum told me to tell you that you need to go ahead and go outside for a
little while, get your exercise in.”

“Aw!” Delgado complained. “I wanna sit with Roxas.”

“No, you know you have to do a little bit each day.” Dylan reminded him. “Mum says.”

Delgdao pouted and headed outside.

“See what I mean?” He whispered to Roxas, and hurried out.

“I hope he wasn’t bothering you.” Dylan said.

“Nah, he was cool.” Roxas said. “You have a very tough little brother.”

Dylan smiled. “Yeah…I know….Uh, mum also mentioned that it might be good for YOU to get
up, walk around and see how you feel? You feel up to that?”

Roxas got up on his paws and stretched his back leg. It felt a little sore, still, but no near as much.

“Yeah, I think I can.” He said.

“Great!” Dylan said, producing a duster from seemingly nowhere. “You can follow me as I dust
the pictures!” He happily hurried out of the room.

“...Uh, what?” Roxas asked.

After watching Roxas shake off his confusion and follow Dylan, Delilah looked out the kitchen
window at Xion who was happily painting with Da Vinci.

She shook her head. “Am I just being paranoid?” She asked herself. “Maybe they really are just
two dogs that needed help?” She left the window and went into the living room.

“What we went through was awful, but…Does that give me the right to treat everyone like an
enemy?” She sighed heavily. Looking out the window, she recalled the events that led her to think
like this. So many things she wished she had done differently, so many things she should’ve told
the pups…

…And she almost lost all of them because she didn’t…

“...It’s not like we asked for this.” She said, “It’s not like you asked to be born into a family with an
actual, bloody, death mark on your heads…It’s just the cruddy roll life gave us.”

She was about to turn away…When something caught her eye…

Outside, across the street, she saw someone waving at her from behind a parked car.

She squinted to get a better look.

“Fergus, Fee?” She said, recognizing the fox and the rat. They were frantically waving for her to
come outside.

She gave them a nod, letting them know she saw them headed for the door.

“I’m just stepping out for a moment, sweets.” She called, before slipping outside.

“Okay, mum!” Dylan called. He turned back to the picture. “And THIS is the first picture we took
when Deepak first perfected the ‘downward dog’ pose.”

“How many pictures of your family do you-” Roxas began

“A lot.” Dylan said.

Delilah scurried across the street where Fergus was motioning to her. When they got to their hiding
place behind a car, they both looked worried.

“Is everything okay?” She asked.

“Well, I ain’t rightly sure.” Fergus said.

“What do you mean?” Delilah asked.

“Y’hear that message that was sent earlier?” Fergus asked. “About the ‘Lea’ feller?”

“Oh, yes, that was the one Xion sent.” Delilah said. “It was one looking for her missing owner, I
helped her send it.”

“YOU helped…” Fergus’s eyes went blank as he looked at the house.

“Mrs.D… Who’s in yer house right now?” He asked.

“Two dogs who just arrived in the city.” Delilah said. “We’re helping them since one of them
sprained their ankle helping Dorothy…Why?”

Fergus shook his head. “Oh, this ain’t good…Hunter’s on his way here now, with that Lea fella in

“Hunter?” Delilah repeated. “Why is he involved in this?”

“Mrs. D, I gotta know, have they asked about anything? Tried to learn anything about ye?” Fergus

“Uh, no. Other than the obvious.” Delilah said. “Now please tell me what Hunter is doing and why
it’s involved with their owner?”

“Because that Lea guy’s the same one they nicked yesterday fer looking for Dalmatians!” Fee
finally said.

Delilah’s face froze.

“....What?” She asked.

“That guy’s the same punk I got turned in last night cuz he was sniffin’ around fer Dalmatians, the
guy in the black coak n’ crazy hair.” Fergus said.

“....But that’s who they said their owner…” Delilah slapped her forehead. “Oh, CURSE me! Am I
just stupid!?”

“Now, Mrs. D, don’t go on like that.” Fergus said.

“But they’re also wearing the same black coats!” Delilah said. “I KNEW something more was up.”

“Hunter met with him this mornin’.” Fergus said. ‘Both me n’ Sid were with em. He says he’s
lookin’ fer someone named ‘Sora’.”

“Sora?” Delilah repeated. “But that’s…That’s who they also asked about…”

The three animals exchanged looks.

“...He said a family of Dalmatian’s knew them…” Fergus said.

“That’s what they said as well.” Delilah said. “....But how could a human and his dogs be so…”

Fee shook her head. “This whole mess has got ‘weird’ all over it.”

Delilah looked at Fergus. ‘Where is he now?”

“With Hunter.” Fergus said. “They’re gonna meet up with Pearl, and Hunter said they’d figure it
out…Mrs’ D, if I’m being truthful… I don’t know WHAT t’think. I heard they guy talk, he sounds
like he beleive every word out of his mouth…”

Delilah looked back at her house. “So did they…” She thought…And thought…And thought…

“....Fergus. Return to Hunter and tell him everything. Let him see how this Lea reacts to hearing
about it. But tell him and Pearl to bring him to the house… Wether they’re telling the truth or not, I
want all of them accounted for…If they have ill intentions, we should force them to reveal
themselves while we’re all present.”

“I hear ya Mrs. D…But…What are you going to do about them?” he motioned to the house.

Delilah straightened herself up. “For now, I won’t do anything different… But I’ll try my best to
get more out of them…I know they’re holding back with SOMETHING…If I can get THAT out of

“You gonna be okay by yaself?” Fee asked. “Need some backup?”

“Thank you, but I’ll be fine.” Delilah said. “After all, I’m a mother… Finding out the thing’s no
one wants to tell you is what we do best…”

Fergus smiled. “You got this.” He said. “C’mon, Fee.” He said. The rat jumped onto his back.

“Good luck, Mrs. D.” He said.

“Yes, you too…And thank you both.” She said,

“Ain’t gotta mention it.” Fergus said. “Oh, one more thing…” He said.

“And that is?” Delilah asked.

“Yeah…One of the thing’s this guy was pretty sure of was…One day, our world ended.”

“...What?” Delilah asked.

“I don’t rightly know m’self, but try bringin’ that up with one of ‘em. See how they react.”

Delilah looked back at the house. “Thank you, love, I just might…”
Roxas followed Dylan through the hallways which was decorated with a LOT of pictures of dogs.

“This is one my took when she got Dorothy to sit on her head.” Dylan said. “She does it all the
time, now.”

“Cute.” Roxas said. And it was, but he was more interested in the vast amount of pictures there

“...I think I’ve said this before, but…You’ve got a pretty big family…” He said.

“Oh, yeah…” Dylan agreed. “Kinda famous for it.”

“And you live without a human…” Roxas said.

“Yep.” Dylan said. “Mum and Dad work, we watch the pups…It’s a system. It’s not perfect, by
any means, but…It means we all get to stay together.”

“Taking care of 97 puppies.” Roxas said. “How do you do it and not go nuts?”

“Heh..Well, NOT going nuts might be a bit of a stretch, but…We make it work… Me and Dolly,
we work as a team…Not GREAT 100% of the time, but we do it.”

Roxas shook his head. “Not the worst way to live…Sure doesn’t sound lonely.”

“Heh, not at all.” Dylan said.

“Sounds like a really peaceful life.” Roxas said. “Only having to worry about everyday stuff…
Nothing crazy or unexpected…” Then he heard Dylan laugh.

“A few years ago, I would have agreed with you.” Dylan said. “But now, well… I know more
thing’s now…”

“What do you mean?” Roxas asked.

“Well…” Dylan said. “Let’s just say I found out some things about my family that…’changed’
things…Something happened that made us all a little…Different.”

“...Like what?’ Roxas asked.

“Well…Oh, hey mum.” Dylan stopped and noticed his mother, who was standing in the hallway.
Dylan might not have noticed, but she was looking at Roxas in a very stern way…

“Dylan. Darling.” She said, dryly. “Would you go out with the pups, I think Dolly mentioned
needing an extra paw…”

“But…I didn’t hear-”

“Please.” She said, flatly.

Dylan looked at Roxas, but put down the duster and headed out.

After he left. Delilah looked back at Roxas, who shuffled awkwardly. She slowly walked up to
him, and maybe it was the hallway, or seeing her from a different angle, but she suddenly seemed
much taller than she looked in the living room…

She looked down at him with that same, stern look..

“...How’s your paw?” She finally asked.

“Oh, good.” Roxas said.

“Good…” She said. She looked up at the pictures.

“.....Quite impressive, don’t you think?” She asked.

“Uh, the pictures?” Roxas guessed. “I mean, yeah, it’s pretty neat.”

“Yes. My family is quite famous for its size… We ARE the largest Dalmatian family in the world,
after all.”

“Oh..Neat.” Roxas said again.

“Do you know how we managed to remain that way?” She asked, looking down at him.

“Uh…Not exactly.” Roxas said.

“Well, I’ll tell you…Because no matter what was thrown at us over the years, we managed to
survive it by staying together…By trusting ourselves and our friends… That’s how.” She said.

Roxas nodded. “Oh, I get that…That’s how me and my friends have survived what we’ve been

“Yes… My son was about to tell you of such an event that recently happened to our family… Do
you even want to guess what it was?”

“...Uh…I don’t think I even could.” Roxas said, looking around uncomfortably.

“Well, let me tell you of that, as well…” Delilah said. “One night…Years ago… An old enemy of
my family returned…”

“...Your family has enemies?” Roxas asked.

“Yes, and this one was the worst of them all…” Delilah said. She looked at Roxas and something
burned behind her eyes…

“This…Thing..I won’t even insult the species by calling it human, came after my family. More
specifically, my children.”

“Geez…” Roxas said. “That’s…Awful…”

“More awful than you know, boy.” Delilah said, with a newfound fierceness in her voice. “See, it
didn’t just want to capture my children, no…It wanted to KILL them…”

“What?!” Roxas asked. “But…Why?”

“For something my ancestors had done…Something they stopped it from doing…Revenge born
from YEARS of biding its time…”

“Gosh...I had no-” Roxas was interrupted as Delilah stepped towards him.

“And it wasn’t a simple thing, either…That…Thing, that beast, hated my family so much, that it
broke into our home, took my children from me, and captured both me and my husband after letting
us now how powerless we were to stop it…”

Roxas didn’t say anything as she loomed over him…

“But oh…It wasn’t even satisfied then.” She said. The fire in her eyes gave way to pain… A very,
VERY horrible pain…

“...That thing…Intended to kill my children one-by-one…Forcing me and my husband to watch as

it happened…It wanted us to see everything we fought for taken from us, knowing we could do
NOTHING to stop it…”

Roxas felt himself actually backing away.

Delilah let out a heavy sigh. "Obviously, it didn’t get what it wanted…But that’s only because the
love our friends had for us, and our family had for each other held strong… And now, years later,
that love is stronger than ever…”
“...I believe it.” Roxas finally said.

“Dylan said the experience changed us…And he was right.” She said, “I swore that night that no
matter what I would never let anything, be it human or otherwise hurt my family again…No matter
what I have to do to stop it…”

And then Roxas said something that Delilah didn’t expect.

WIth a heavy sigh, he looked at the ground. “....I know how that feels.”

“What?” She said, shaking her head.

“I know…I know what it feels like to have something trying to take away everything you love…
And wanting to fight heaven and earth to make sure it doesn’t happen…I may be younger, but trust
me…I know…”

Delilah sat back, letting herself calm down. She looked back at the pictures.

“That’s why my family has always stayed strong…We’re always ready for the thing’s other’s
might have planned for us.” She looked back at Roxas.

“...I’d even say that not even the end of the world could keep my family apart…”

Roxas smiled. “I can vouch for that.”

“But how?” Delilah suddenly asked. “For that matter, how did you even hear about us?”

Roxas looked surprised. “Well, like I told you, my friend knew a family of Dalmatians once,

“But who told you about US?” Delilah replied. “How did you know we were in London? In fact
what are two dogs doing searching for someone, leaving their owner out of the picture?”

“Well.” Roxas began, he could feel sweat starting form. “I guess I just…” He looked around,
desperate for ANY answers he could make up.

“I guess…” And then he stopped…

He looked up on the wall…

There, surrounded by other pictures, was one of two dogs…

A larger one with black ears and a red collar… And a smaller one with a blue collar…

“...Who are they?” He asked.

“Wha-who?’ Delilah asked. She followed his gaze, and saw the same picture.

“Oh…Those are…Well, that’s Pongo and Perdita.” She said.

“Pongo and…” Roxas’s voice trailed off when he remembered what Leon had told him…

“They’re names were Pongo and Perdita…And it turns out, they had quite a few reasons to hold
onto their hearts…”

Roxas snapped back to reality.

“Pongo and Perdita…” He said.

“Yes.” Delilah said. “The first of our family…The ones who started it all.”

“But…Weren’t they also a family of 101?” Roxas asked.

Delilah looked at him in shock.

“”Why…Yes.” She said. “The first family of 101…But how did you…”

“You told me you were the only family of 101.” Roxas said. “Could the one’s Sora have been…”

“Darling, no.” Delilah said. “That’s not possible.”

“But, if they’re a family of 101…”

“Darling…It’s not possible because Pongo and Perdita are my Great-Great-Grandparents…”

Delilah said.

Roxas’s pupil’s shrank.

“...What?” He asked.

“They’re MY Great-Great-Grandparents.” Delilah repeated. “Your friend couldn't have known

them unless they’re at least 80 years old. They lived more than 60 years ago… They’re already
long gone…”

Roxas’s face fell as the realization came to him…Suddenly, it all made sense…Everything made

“.........Will you excuse me for a second…” He said. He didn’t even wait for a response; he just
dashed out of the hallway towards the back door, not even worrying about the pain in his leg.

“Gotta find Xion!” He thought. “And then we HAVE to find Lea if he’s here…It all makes sense
now. We got the world right…But somehow arrived 60 years in its FUTURE!!!”

His mad dash did not go unnoticed…For at the moment…A pair of haunting, yellow eyes watched
from the dark corners of the house…

That was the best place to watch from…The cracks in walls, the dark places under stairs and
beds…That’s where darkness was strongest…

And it was from there they could see everything…Roxas’s mad dash…The pups playing…Even
Delilah left utterly confused in the hallway…

And using these eyes as windows…She could peer through the darkness as well.

“Interesting.” She cooed. “Those mutts have some new friends… Are they familiar to you?”

One of the imps nodded.

“Then…It’s just like they told me…It’s one of those brats with the key sword, isn’t it?”

The imp nodded again, now with an aggressive look in its eyes.

“Well…This DOES make things interesting.” She said, A loud banging on the door broke her
concentration, making the imps vanish and the image disappear from her view.

“Light’s were supposed to go out 5 minutes ago, De Vil!” A guard called.

“Feh.” She spat. “I won’t be missing this place at all…”

The imp reappeared, pointing to the cell door, and made a clenching motion with its hand.

“No, not yet…” She said, “We don’t want to play our hand too early…Let’s just sit back and
watch… Now that those key users are here, it won’t be long before they can sense you… And I
know you're itching to go after them…But we must wait..Soon, we’ll all get what we want…” She
turned and looked at the mass bubbling in the corner…Now twice as large as it was when it first

Forms swirled, eager to be released into the world.

“Yes…Soon everyone will get just what they want…

Chapter End Notes


I do wonder how many of you reading have never actually seen 101 Dalmatian Street

As far as Disney show's based on their movies go...It's a trip and a half. It starts off
cute, but get's REAL dark as thing's go on...
And as far as this fic is concerned, that's just perfect.

Anyway, do stay tuned, thing's have just gotten started.

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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