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SCHEDULE: 8:45 – 10:15 AM


I remember it very well

I remember my first day of school when I was 3 years old, I was wearing green
shorts, a yellow shirt and two tails with green ribbons. Actually, I have a picture
of that day, I have my school box supplies, and my faithful companion my baby
bottle, I was so excited about my first day and I was 3 years old and I
remembered it perfectly. First, my parents took me the school that day, it was
so important for me. I made few friends and I keeping in touch with them until
now. I remember their names Milagros Garcia and Eduardo Quiroz.

I met my teacher last year and I told her if she remembered me, it was obvious
that she probably didn't know my name and even less who I was, but I was
wrong, she told me: "how could I forgot the little girl with two little tails that
always went with her bottle and was the best dancer in the class". Immediately,
I felt happy, and I told that to my mom and she was happy as well.
I thought I remembered it very well because of the way I lived it, besides that I
have a good memory, even more if they are memories of my childhood.
Page: 296


Sports are valuable to society because they provide entertainment,

health. It has been proven that people who incorporate sports into their daily
routine have a higher quality of life for more years than those who have more
sedentary habits. Thus, a very important benefit of physical exercise is that it
helps prevent disease.
Whether we like it or not, sport is present in our daily lives: elite athletes
who are role models, brands that advertise their sports products, the advertising
of sports centers, propagation of a healthy lifestyle in social networks, use of
athletes in general advertising.
Barradas Landa exposed "Sport is a topic of debate in several places,
especially soccer, we are interested in knowing who won, how Ronaldo played,
Messi or how he could have done better, we are all experts in technical
management. Sport is part of the public policies of the states with its
corresponding state, federal structure and the world sports organization has
international bodies such as the International Olympic Committee, federations,
associations and clubs." Finally, he stressed that the main pillar of inclusion is to
recognize that all people have different abilities and potentials than others, so
different needs require different answers.

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