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John Bernard P.

Veloria March 19, 2023

12 – ABM-5 Mr. Asuncion

The Pursuit of Happyness

Does money buy happiness?

According to the movie, money may buy happiness. It helps me meet my needs and goals
as someone with little funds, solely relying on my parents' resources. Even if it is temporary, it has
captured my happiness because I can appreciate what someone provides me, no matter how small
the object is. The main character in the film suffers because their family is financially troubled.
This inspires him to work hard, and as a consequence of his dedication, he finds happiness and has
enough money to enjoy life to the fullest.

Are people living in rich countries happier than people in poorer countries?
From what I learned from the film, people living in rich countries are not happier than
people in poorer countries. This is mainly because of a lot of pressure on low-income people to
stay at the country's expense—the more prosperous the countries, the more the price of goods and
services increases. Through this, those with only sufficient income have the right to be happy
because they are successful, and those with insufficient income will become unhappy because of
the sudden price increase in rich countries.

Does economic growth lead to happiness?

According to the film, economic growth does not lead to happiness since the main
character's pursuit of happiness is motivated by factors other than financial achievement. Although
Chris Gardner originally thought that money and success would bring him happiness, he eventually
realizes that happiness may be found in his connections with his family and the contentment he
receives from following his passion. It indicates that, although economic growth might bring
advantages, it is not a guarantee of happiness and that other circumstances can strongly influence
an individual's well-being.
Is it possible to measure happiness or well-being?
The film explores the theme of happiness and the pursuit of it, but it needs to address
whether happiness or well-being can be measured directly. Through the film, it is impossible to
measure an individual's happiness or well-being. As for my experience, I often ask my friends if
they are happy on a particular day, but in that question, some of my friends are unhappy because
of their eyes. I can see in their eyes that they have some struggles in life and tend to lie about their
happiness and feelings.

If you were Chris, are you still going to an interview even though you're not wearing proper attire?
In the movie, Chris Gardner had to decide whether to go to a job interview even though he
didn't have the right clothes. He finally decided to go to the interview, and the employer was
impressed by his determination and resourcefulness. This led to him getting the job. Even though
the final decision depends on the person's situation and the company's culture, it's important to
note that employers often like candidates who show initiative and determination to get a job, even
if they don't have everything they need. But if I am in a similar situation and unsure if I should go
to an interview without the right clothes, I go with the flow because everyone struggles. Even
though I was determined and honest about my problems of not wearing proper attire, I did not give
up. I went to the interview because the person's appearance did not imply insufficient knowledge.

And are you still going to pursue your intern application even though it will not give you income
for 6 months?
I will continue to pursue my intern application even if it does not provide me with money
for the next six months. This experience will benefit my future career, and I am ready to sacrifice
my present pay to acquire expertise. Knowledge and experience are the most important gain when
it comes to working, but only if you are starting and have no experience because, through this
experience, I can work with other companies with income given by the firm.

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