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Date: F fA 1. Time: 2 Hrs .. Full lark" 60

Deptt: Rajendra Mi. hra chool of Engineering Entrepreneurship

0:0. of Students: 69. Mid Spring Semester Examination. autumn. 2() 16-17. Sub. No. EP60007

Sub; .arnc: Techno-Entrepreneurial Leadership. Yr. B.l"ech.(II) I B.i\rch.( H) / M.Sc. / M.Tech (Dual)

I nsrru t ion: Please \\ rite in brief and to the point. Answer all que .tions. '0 clari ficarion wi II be given during examination
except printing mistakes iran).

!. \\. hat is your impression about Techno-Entrepreneurial Leadership in a country like India'? Please
.t nrextualize your answer in relation to the understanding or Emerging Economy. 10

The Case: Central Public sector Units in India . Ju tify your view point as a Techno-
Entrepreneurial leader taking part in the debate. 15

Government is expected to go ahead with the strategic divestment ill public sector units (PSUs) within the next six
months besides closing down sick firms that are beyond revival, NITI I\ayog Vice-Chairman Arvind Panagariya said.
"On strategic di estrnent. you will see action in the next six months I \\ ould say, meaning that the process is on, but you
will see some action happening in the next six months or less," Panagariya said. NITI Aayog has been tasked by the
government to identify ce IIlTaI public sector enterprises (CPSEs) for .trategic disinvestment. The task also involves
advising PI'! [he mode of sale. percentage of shares to be sold of the CP E and method for valuation of the unit.
Panagariy a said IITI Aayog has also done a report on identifying the units that are sick and may need to be closed down.
"So of the two issues. one report that we did was of the closure of the sick firms, the firms that are not performing and
have repeated failures of revival. I think they need to be closed down," he said in a television interview. The strategic
disinve trnent in CPSEs has to be undertaken through a consultation process among different ministries including the
1JTI Aayog. According to the disinvestment process, the Core Group of Secretaries on Disinvestment are to consider
recommendations of ITI Aayog to facilitate decision making by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. Government
has targeted to garner about Rs 56,500 crore through selling its stake in PSUs in the current fiscal. in accordance with the
Budget ::!O 16-\ announcements. The debate is on in the National Media about the easibil ity of the same.
(Ref: l Ohup: \\ \\ \\ .business-slandard.comJarticle/economy-policy!strat gic-divestment-in-p us-wilhin-6-months-arvind-panagariya)

3. The Case: Orange Mobile Co. India:

You arc the: Leader of Orange Mobile Company. The mobile phone market is becoming competitive in terms of new
product offerings and low cost options. You have a technological breakthrough in your products. You have the
opportunity of low cost mass scale production. You know your customers better being an Indian Scientist. You need to
plan for e ficient launch planning for your new brand. How do you see this problem cf launching a new technology based
venture'! What are your Strategic Leadership approaches for the same? (Hint: Business ModeJ?) 15

-to Do the Leaders think and do differently? Write any five differences between approach ofa Manager
and a Leader? 10

The Case: Mayaderm: (used in class)

Write a short note on what should Dr. Shah do now. after failing the distribution of the product?
(Refer to the discussions in class). 10

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