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KUMQN Ages 4•5

re ou eady for
Kindergarten? '.P!Skills

I Yltt-od«iAce '10«iAr c'1 i Id to post i Y\<a oct ivities to

~velop wiotot- COYltt-ol s~i I ls oY\d pt'epot-e fot' ~iYldet'~orteYl .
- _ __
Are You Ready for Kindergarten? Pasti.n g Skills

The aims and purpose of this book

This book is meant to prepare your child for the activities he or she wil I do
in kindergarten. Your child will be ready for academic success by complet·
ing this book and mastering pasting, which develops your child's motor
control skills.
This book allows your child to develop spatial reasoning and motor con-
My llcol< ofPASTING My 8QC>ltofPA5T1NG.
trol skills, wh ich are necessary for us ing other tools such as scissors and JIGSAW PVZZl.ES

pencils. First, your child will practice pasting simple shapes in any orien-
tation on the page. Gradually, your child will paste multiple shapes in a
particular orientation in order to fit a designated space. This incremental
progress enables children to advance their motor control skills and spatial
reasoning with confidence. Practicing pasting is fun and will enhance your
child's awareness of shapes, too.
This skill will take plenty of practice to master. If your child struggles with
any particular part of the book, please refer to the appropriate book from
our other preschool products for more focused work.

How to use this book

Offer praise at the end of each page, and write encouraging words or place
stickers on completed pages as a special prize.
ltt's Stkller &P~tel Lee's & Pastel
It's a good idea to set the number of pages your child will complete in a AITIO<lng Anlma~ Food F""
day. It may be one or two sheets a day. The essential point to remember is
that the practice should come to an end when your child still wants to do a
little more.
Please refer to the "To parents" notes on each page, which provide more
comments and advice on how to help your child progress through this book.

About Kuman Workbooks Each Kumon Workbook featvres a specific rype of paper, specially seJected ro aid your child
in mastering the skill featured In the workbook. This book fearvres thick, durable paper designed for use with scissors and give. The paper Is thick
enough for easy and neat cutting, as well os manipulation and pasting.

How to choose glue and how to paste

Please choost ., child- Line your table with xr~
safe product lo an easy- pape1 before )'OUr thlld
to·use container. Your ~Uirts.Have your d'Mld ap-
(held can use a 91~ suck. ply an appropriate amct1nl Whe:n your chlkt is first attempting to paste. encourage him
but it I> ~It f0t chRdre~ of glue onto the tip of Of her 10 placo the edges of the paper object down first ond
to use glue 1hat t~n be his ot he1 finger and then then ~owty press the rest of the object into plate. Your thlld
applied by hand. Chll· spread tt thinly on the. will gra<f.,.lly le<>rn how 10 align the object correctly.
dren enJO}' the tacule pape1 ob,oect 10 be pa<ted. In the beg1tming. do no1 worry too muc.h If your chl'd tan·
experience of spreading Please put the glue on the not paste accurately. Observe ytiur child's progfe-ss, and
give with their tingers. !.~with the grue symbol eocourage hfm Of her to advance one step at a tJme.

Coverll/vsuatlQn &y Yr;suke Yonuu : lnrerior11luscwri0n by Shu11suU Soralce. Naoro Tajima, Motohiro Keiro
Covt101)d int(rior design by Rkk,o Yoshll
CopyrightC i01 I ICumon Pubfis.htr19Co... ltd Rfprodixtidnot 1knt Mil!ttill,n. ptohl,blttd. Any OChtit use Of '~fOducuonOf 1~ "'"erl.-b req1;.rfl'\ 11'1" prior wf!t"itf\ conw:on• of Kul'fl0tt~"'9 Nonh Ar<1<tt1U
• example >

My Desk ·1

To p•renu Firs~ y<M childwlll p<anlce po1tlng w11h 9luo. Pie••• cu1om1Mpart below for your child.
It your chlld want$ to cut it'lat ts oatay 100.Please assist your child and ketp
an eye on him Or' her to avoid any ln)utles.

• Paste the cut out part o nto the desk.

• • •
Parents: Please cut along - - for your child.

Parents: Please cut this part out for your child.

< e xample

Up and Down the Slide

To parents lnttiisexercise,yourcMldwlll pas1t11heiqua1e.Ooo~t beconce.tnedif thecut out P•&o-lst1't

perfectly placed onto the pktt.Hf, The most lmponant thing is that )'Our ch lid en}oys pa\tlng

• Paste the cut out part onto the slide.


Parents: Please cut along - - for your chlld.

Parents: Please cut this part out for your chlld.

Big Tree

To parents You• child will paste che oval. Encollr•goyou1<hlld 10 pay atternion to the orientation of
1he shape~

• Paste the cut out part onto the tree .

• •

Parents: Please cut along - - for your ch ild.




Parents: Please cut this part out for your child.
example >

To parents On this page your child will p.uu, 1h~ r~lan9I~ Encoura9~ yout child to pay·autntlon to
the orientation of~ shape.

• Paste the cut out part onto the seesaw.

Parenis: Please cut along - - for your child.

Parents: Please cut this part out for your child.

c: example ,..

Turtles In a Pond

To p rents Your thlld will paste the tnanglt. Ooi\'t be coneein•d .r th• cut out pie« iln't perfectly
placed onto the p1tture-1hls page r«aulrc.! intrtcale work. When he or $he Is finished.
prai)e your child's work

• Paste the cut out part onto the pond.

Parents: Please cut along - - for your child.

Pa re nts: Please cut this part out for your child.


To You1 child sl>ould be careful tC>CO<rtttly •lo9n the P<tee. If he°' sl>edoesn t know 1ne proper
on•n~uon.. pk-~Je offer to help.

• Paste the cut out part onto the roof.

•• ~
Parents: Please cut along- for your child.

Parents: Please cut this part out for your child.

My Bag

To parents ffom IM~eon.yourcMdWlll l>t'iKlo<epos11n91ocomploroch, In IN po«urt

tftht pitct 1sn 1 placed onto 1he pict\l••M•lly,don1 bot concerned.

• Paste the cut out part onto the bag.

Parents: Please cut along- - for your child.

Parents: Please cut this part out for your child.

My Hat

To a rents lh• most lmpo<Un1 thong,. mat Y"U'ctvlchn)oyu>mmg. wi-. ""or ""'i. fin1ine<1.
i.11<: iboul t~ ~ts toU' Ol11d likes to ~Ar

• Paste the cut out part onto the hat.

Parents: Please cut along - - for your child.



Parents: Plnse cut this part out for your child.

example >

Bear's Mug

To parents OnthlsPi9•~r child must p;t>t<tht pie<ewfih IN bf4($ fac.. in thecone<t or1<ntation.
It helpstodl>Ctm the pcoper ~nt with your chokt before he"' sheputtt the pan.

• Paste the cut out part onto the mug.

Parents: Please cut along-- for your child.

• •

Parents: Please cut this part ou t for your child.

Frog's Umbrella

To par• nu Thli f"Xtf'CtSe encourtgff )'OU' chitd co practice paning ~ru with the {Ofrf(l o~'~tK)n ,
Plea5e help your child plix:e che frog's fact in the approp/late position.

• Paste the cut out part onto the umbrella.

Parents: Please cut along - for your child.




0.. Parents: Please tut this part out for your thlld.
, example

Rabbit's Towel ~LJ~ •

To parents Thistowti h., •n lnuicaie panern. If the pone<n on ' '" cowel doesn't potf<ecJy match

the p.ut<d por~don't bo concor~When your d1'1d Is fini\hed, offer a lo< ol pr•ow.

• Paste the cut out part onto the towel.

Parents: Please cut along-- for your child.

Parents: Pleue cut this part out for your child.

Frog's Rain Boots

To parents You• cMd will poste tlw pie<• to<ompleto therarn boot> I! lsd<fficu~ 1opcrlec1lym•tch
th'C' If it ltn'\ corrtctly placed orno the ~u.ue. don't be con<erned.

• Paste the cut out part onto the rain boots.

Parents: Please cut along - - for your child.

:. Parents: Please cut this part out for your child.
, ..: example >

Playing Ball

T0 P•rents From thiJ ~· Oil. your child wm pto«l<o ~>1"'9 pl«6 onto the P"9' whe...... he°' '"'
'~es.An•••"'!''-' is offer«! bu• p1e..,., o11owyour child to post<! rr..ty.

• Paste the ball as you like.

Parents: Please cut along - for your child.

P.uent:s: Please cut this part out for your child.

Drawing a Picture

To pa rentJ In 1hls oxtrci<• you< cMd will pasto ine cr•y<>n• on10 1ne d..l . JI you• dllld-1 ~ now
..h«t to pi..u th• P'«•.offe< to help.

• Paste the crayons on the desk as you like.

• I

Parents: Please cut along - for your child.

Parents: Please cut this part out for your child.


Put the Shoes Away

To parents Your chHd will paste the shoes onto th<> cubby. Then~ are mou~ em pry cubbyboles, than
ihe <lmoun1of your child to paste the sh~s on wh1cl'l,ver empty
cubbyholes that he or she likes.

• Paste the shoes onto the cubby as you like.

Parents: Please cut along - - for your child.

Parents: Please cut these parts out for your child.

i example

Birthday Party

To _,ar•nts If your child doesn·, know where to pla.ce the pie<e, ask,. "Who is not weann9 ~ hatr
Plea5(' remember to praise your child for his or hei hard work.

• Paste the hats as you like.

Parents: Please cut along - -for your child.


. "'.

" fl

Parents: Please cut these parts out for your child.
I c example >

• " '.--:;. ' ~

- :I
Let's Get Dressed • •
• •
fO , renh Ycurcl>lld W1i1 po1telll<>clothes,ha1anchhots Whenhtorsheis ~nished,alftr a lot of pr•lse
""'11h<n soy, 'Con yo<1 P<1t Ofl ywr dothos byyo111se 11'

• Paste the clothes onto the boy.

• • .,.-

• ""'

• •

Parents: Please cut along - for your child.


";:: • •
Parents: Please cut these parts out for your child.
c: example >

Art Supplies

To par•nt Your child will pasie tho on supplies., 1hough they ore put1in91he itern> away In 1he bO•
When he or she ls ~nlshed,offt:f a lot or pral~i:.such as, "You pvt the supplies away very well,"

• Paste the craft supplies into the box as you like.

Parents: Please cut along- - for your child.

Parents: Please cut these parts out for your child.
elCample >

Put the Toys Away

To parents Yoor child will paste tht toys 31\d books onio the tubby, Ple:a~ e.l\courage your chtld to p.astt
lhem whe<ever he or sh~ lll<ts When your c.hlld 'S finhl\ed, offer a lot of pra1se.svch ~s. "You put
1he toys away very welt"

• Paste the cut out parts onto t he cubby as you like.

Par~nts: Please cut along - - for your child.




~ Parents: Please cut these parts out for your child .

c example >

What Time Is It Now?

To parenlt Your cflitd will past~ th~ numbflrsoruo the:! clodt. I( he-or !ihe doesn't know the c:ou«I plac~ 10
paste ta(h number.offet to htlp. Whtn cht clotk Is fin1stltd,tf!aid the nurnber.s !n 01dC'1 to you,
chold and tall< about th0 tlmo.

• Paste the numbers onto the clock.

'( ( ) '
,\"- -
- 11,

Parents: Please cut along-- for your child.


® ® @ Parents: Please cut these parts out for your child.

Lunch box

ro p rants Yoordloldwlll po1101ho food onto th<! l\111<hboot. Thf><' l>ieresare equal In sizr.IOyourchUd
on p.Hte tht<n whef..., ~or slw! It<.,.Wh«l tht eitKbe is fini1hed. ..k your cMd tbcut
h>S °' ht• '"""'~o lonch food.
• Paste the dishes onto the lunchbox as you like.

Parents: Please cut along - -for your child.



:.. Parents: Ple•ue cut th~ parts out for your chi Id.
Mother's Day

To parents from •his pageon.~rchlld wm i»•t< 111• p01uas 1t1ougilh•<>< •t1e•scomp1t11nga puzzle
If your cMd dotin~ tnow thecooea way to Poi>lt Heh part.olfe< ID h<!lp.\'~n,,. or lhto;,
fnl<h<d.offtr a lol ol pniw, <uch as 'Wow. Vou aid a o•••t JQb!'
• Paste the cut out parts to complete the picture.

Parents: Please cut along - for your child.

Puent.s : Please cut this part out for your child.

..: example

To p•r.enti fn 1hh;titerclse.youtchddw1ll pi!stethe patts totomplete thcsceoe.Encou1aqeyourchlld to

try o.tfertnl placem<flU b<f0<e u<ing gl~ l'/htn he oc She .. ~roshecl.otfer • lo• of pra•l<! ""4
"'1<. 'Do )'Oil bl • firl'WO<ks"

• Paste the cut out parts to complete the picture.

Parents: Please cut along - - for your child.

Patents: Please cut thue parts out for your child.

eumple >

Earth Day

To parents Yourchild will paste<he p•rts to coinpleto thtscone.En<ourago your child to P•Y •tt~nuon
ro 1he orientation a11d allgnm-011t Whon '1e or she is finished, you can talk about how you
celebrace Eanh Day

• Paste the cut out parts to complete the picture.

(J (J


Parents: Please cut along - - for your child.

Parents: Please cut

thue parts out for

I your child.



To ;t'llr•nls You<ehild shouldbec.>rolul 1o<orrectlyp1.1C. .nd•flgn 1ht>paru..llt>eor<hedoesn'1 know

t h e - povnon•nd0<""'1ilhOn,plea5eoff~ 10 t..fs>

• Paste the cut out parts to complete the picture.

Parents: Please cut along - for your child.


New Year's Eve

To parents It !•difficult topedwty altgn th•d.,afl$cf theillu1t16!10n.So.don't beconc•rned 1fth•parts

arc nor abgn.ed conccdy. Offtr your child a fo1of praise and say. ·New Year; Eve looks llke funr

• Paste the cut out parts to complete the picture.

Parenu: Please cut along - -for your chlld.

Parents: Please cut parts out

for your child.

To parentr I" 1hlsexe<Cl'f,Y"Uf'<holdw nPfllt•U tht !>fits to«..••1heakls11auon If your child doom•
kno'N where to ~ltcfl iht pieces otf11 to htlp.

• Paste the cut out parts to complete the picture.


(J (J (J


Valentine's Day

To pare nu Th sllluw••lon h•ukl1 ofiruttell• If Me ~ru are not perlectiy•l11•cd.do1n be

CQn(<mtd ~ )'OUt cMd" flmsh<d. olfet • k>I ol p<mse.

• Paste the cut out parts to complete the picture.

• ex.1mpl• •

Home Sweet Home

To C)l,..,,U Yourd'lldwillrN:~"A p;r1111t v.!lh 1hrud•fffttnt al.tptt fn«>ura110 ~our<hil4tolook11

tl\lt """'mpfif "nd l).l$lt tht pi4'C"fl M<01dlt1g to their ~

• Paste the cut out parts to complete the picture.

I < example >

Super Express Train

To parenu Vourchlld will m.lke • tro1n woih th1ee piece$. II he or she is umure of where to place .ach
p\c(e, encourage your chiJd to look at tht f,;omplc,

• Paste the cut out parts to complete the picture.


Parents: Please cut along - for your child.

Parents: Please cut these parts out for your child.

To pitrtnta This isthe la<1 exe1cise or 1he book.When your child is finished, compare this P<"9• w11n his
or her previouswork. You will sct: a gro.a1 deal of prog1ess 1n your chlld'sablhty to accurnt~ly
pas1e with g1ue.

• Paste the cut out parts to complete the picture.


Parents: Please cut along - - for your child.

Parents: Please cut these parts out for your child.


Cet'tificote of Ac~ievew.eVtt

is tie t"ebl.f COV\ ~ t"O.tV\ Io. te d OV\ co~ p Iet i V\~

Are You Ready for Kindergarten? Pasting Skills


Parent or Guardian
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.,.... ....... .......
Are You Ready £or Are You Ready ior
Kindergarten?. i(indergarten?~

Scissor Skills
____ _.. .....-.-..........
~- ·"
__ ___ ..,..,........ _. i., __
... ,. .. ..... . . . . . ............._
Pasting Skills Coloring Skills
Pencil Skills

K UHQ N ........ .......

Are You Ready ior
Are You Ready for

. _ ...........
__... _._...._
Verbal Skills Math Skills

Kumon Publishing North America, Inc. Kumon opp now ovoiloble!
300 Frank W. Burr Blvd., Suite #6. Teaneck, NJ 07666 Kumon Uppercase ABC's US $6.95 I CAN S7.95
ISBN 978 - 1 - 9358 0 0-15 - 6
Copyright f> 201 1 by Kumon Publishing Co. Ltd.
All rights reserved. Printed in Canada.
First edition, June 2011 I 11 ·06-101

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