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Autism, Interventions and Parent Training

Booth, N., Gallagher, S., & Mickey, K. (2018). Autism, Interventions and Parent Training. Psichologija, 57, 74-94.

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ISSN 1392-0359. PSICHOLOGIJA. 2018 57

Psicholo gija praktik ai


Nichola Booth Stephen Gallagher
Behaviour Analyst, PhD in Behaviour Analysis Lecturer, PhD in Behaviour Analysis
Parents Education as Autism Therapists School of Psychology
Belfast Ulster University
N. Ireland N. Ireland
E-mail: E-mail:

Mickey Keenan
Professor, PhD in Behaviour Analysis
School of Psychology
Ulster University
N. Ireland

Worldwide, the prevalence rates of autism are increasing. This review looks at the additional stressors that
parenting a child with autism can bring, including psychological distress and mental health difficulties.
With the difficulties associated with the autism diagnosis and additional demands on the parents, research
has shown that parent training, which helps teach parents new skills, may be advantageous. This review
also looks at the most commonly used interventions that parents might avail of in order to acquire new
skills, and it examines whether they are based in science, pseudoscience or anti-science. Utilizing best prac-
tice from evidence-based research, parents can be successfully trained to teach new skills across a variety
of different domains. The advantages and disadvantages of one-on-one training sessions versus group
training events, as well as the different components that contribute to each, are discussed. A number of
training packages are discussed, including Behavioral Skills Training, video modelling and manualized
training packages. We conclude that there is substantial evidence showing that packages with behavioral
underpinnings are more effective for children with autism. Autism awareness and education is simply not
enough – educate the parents using evidence-based practice to help effectively educate the children.
Keywords: autism, ABA, parent training, evidence-based practice.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a diagnosed (CDCP, 2016). To receive a

developmental disability that is purported diagnosis of ASD, individuals will present
to affect approximately 1 in 160 children with difficulties in social interaction and
worldwide (WHO, 2017). This high preva- communication as well as a narrow range
lence rate has resulted in the Centers for of interests and activities that are unique to
Disease Control and Prevention considering the individual; many of these activities are
autism as “a public health concern” with 1 carried out repetitively (NHS, 2016). As
in 67 children in the United States being autism is a spectrum disorder, the difficul-

ties presented by one individual may be & Schweitzer, 1990; Donenberg & Baker,
completely different from those presented 1993). Invariably, higher levels of stress
by another individual on the spectrum. appear in those families where there was a
Other difficulties that are associated with child with a confirmed diagnosis of autism.
an autism diagnosis, outside of the key The demands that come with parenthood,
difficulties referenced above, include but particularly when parenting a child with a
are not limited to challenging behavior, disability, are further exacerbated whenever
cognitive difficulties, learning difficulties there is a lack of extended family support
and co-morbid conditions, such as attention networks (Lawton & Sanders, 1994). The
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and substantial consequences of emotional
epilepsy. An individual with a diagnosis of and behavioral difficulties in a child with
autism may be able to successfully complete a developmental disability were a key
their education, access employment and indicator as to whether parents will seek a
have relationships with friends and signifi- residential placement for their child away
cant others; however, another individual on from the family home (McIntyre, Blacher,
the autism spectrum may require 24-hour & Baker, 2002). However, it has been also
support for the rest of his/her lifespan. This noted that more children with an intellectual
is the main reason why a “one size fits all” disability are being raised independently in
approach for intervention would not be the family setting and extended community
warranted. (Taube-Schiff & Serbin, 2006).
Although some stress is considered The perceived level of social support
normal when parenting a child (Deater- and general coping styles of parents have
Deckard & Scarr, 1996) research has dem- also been associated with higher stress
onstrated that those parenting a child with levels. Families with more available sup-
autism are more likely to experience sig- port tend to report less stress (Factor, Perry,
nificantly higher levels of parenting stress & Freeman, 1990) and those with more
and psychological distress (Abbeduto et al., productive coping strategies also report
2004; Baker-Ericzen, Brookman-Frazee, & less stress (Benson, 2010). Traditional
Stahmer, 2005); 84% of mothers of children coping strategies have often been escape/
with a developmental disability reported avoidance tactics, resulting in higher
higher levels of stress scores falling within stress levels, whereas those that are more
the clinical range (Oelofsen & Richardson, problem-focused in nature have lower
2006). Studies have compared stressors stress level outputs (Hastings & Johnson,
that the parents of a child diagnosed with 2001). Parents of children who are diag-
autism may experience with the stress- nosed with autism have already higher
ors associated with typically developing stress levels (as referenced above), and
children (Brobst, Clopton, & Hendrick, these traditional coping strategies may be
2009) and those diagnosed with Down’s ineffective. Subsequently, four other coping
syndrome, intellectual disability, cerebral strategies were identified – distraction cop-
palsy or cystic fibrosis (Abbeduto et al., ing, disengagement coping, engagement
2004; Blacher & McIntyre, 2006; Bouma coping and cognitive reframing coping

(Benson, 2010). Distraction coping and dis- paired or may face only mild challenges’
engagement coping best fit into the model (Hoogenhout & Malcolm-Smith, 2016),
of escape/avoidance coping mechanisms, but the severity level of the diagnosis has
e.g., modulating emotions or substance been suggested as a contributing factor
abuse. The other two, engagement coping for parental stress and depression (Eisen-
and cognitive reframing coping, are more hower, Baker, & Blacher, 2005; Hastings &
applicable to problem-focused theory, e.g., Johnson, 2001). Child characteristics (age,
active involvement in addressing the stress- autism, severity, child quality of life and
or and ‘coming to terms’ with the autism problem behavior) were studied to exam-
diagnosis positively. Whilst this research is ine their impact on parenting stress levels
limited, it has been concluded that escape/ (McStay et al., 2013). Whilst the child’s age
avoidance, distraction/disengagement did not suggest higher stress levels in the
strategies had a greater negative impact parents, there was partial support for higher
on parental well-being (Benson, 2014; stress levels for those parents who reported
Hastings et al., 2005). In order to help with a poorer quality of life for their child as well
coping, the level of social support must also as a more severe diagnosis and more oc-
be addressed. Social support can be clas- currences of problem behavior. This would
sified as both formal and informal. Formal suggest that parents “may not perceive these
social support is that which is provided by factors to be due to their individual parent-
a relevant health professional and, whilst it ing styles or parenting skills” – ultimately,
has its merits, some research has concluded not within their control.
that informal social support is actually more The age of a child has also been identified
important for those parents insofar as it is as a possible contributing factor to stress
‘a more effective stress buster than formal levels for parents (Gray, 2002). However,
support’ (Boyd, 2002). However, social research findings have been inconsistent.
support was not found to have any impact Changes in maternal stress levels were
on the well-being of a cohort of parents in examined in mothers of children of vary-
Lebanon (Obeid & Daou, 2015). What is ing ages with a developmental disorder
apparent is that parents tend to fall into two (Orr, Cameron, & Dobson, 1993). Findings
categories. Some are reactive, that is, they suggested that parents of children between
address the ‘problem’, source information 6–12 years old reported significantly higher
and implement recommendations to help levels of stress than parents of 2–5 years old
their child. Then there are others – those and 13–18 years old. Other studies, how-
who effectively ‘bury their heads in the ever, found that parent stress was signifi-
sand’ and view the diagnosis as something cantly higher in parents of children within
that is ‘fixed’ and therefore unchangeable. the younger age bracket. A meta-analysis
Autism is considered a spectrum dis- of cross-sectional research identified that
order; therefore, there are differences in rates of depression and anxiety were higher
how the disorder is presented as well as in parents of younger children with a de-
differences in severity levels. Those with velopmental disorder compared with those
an autism diagnosis ‘may be severely im- of older children (Singer, 2006). Based

on this finding, it was hypothesized that cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities
older parents adjusted to parenting demands to communicate via the means of a ‘facilita-
throughout their child’s lifespan. However, tor’ – a person who provides pressure to the
a strong positive correlation between stress hand, wrist or arm to help the user overcome
and parenting young adults (15–18 years physical and emotional problems. They then
old) suggested that parents may find it hard help ‘guide’ the individual to letters, words
to manage a child approaching adulthood or pictures on either a keyboard or a tablet.
(Teehee, Honan, & Hevey, 2008). Following an increase of the use of FC for
To help reduce these reported stress lev- individuals with autism, the validity of the
els, it has been suggested that there may be procedure began to be questioned (Green
some advantage in educating these parents & Shane, 1993; 1994; Prior & Cummins,
to have new skills for addressing the difficult 1992). The suggestion was that the cham-
behaviors they often have to manage. For pions of FC could not demonstrate, experi-
example, Smith, Buch and Gamby (2000) mentally, that the increase in literacy skills
found a decrease in parental stress follow- and subsequent prose from the disabled
ing parent training, and they also found an individuals were their words and theirs
increase in parental optimism and parental alone. It was proposed that the increase in
access to leisure time (Koegel, Schreibman, skills could, perhaps, be attributed to the
Britten, Burke, & O’Neill, 1982). Indeed, facilitator ‘writing’ the words independent
it has been observed that children with an of the individual. A study found that when
ASD diagnosis benefit from targeted parent simple questions were asked of the indi-
education to help achieve their full potential viduals using FC, they could only respond
(National Research Council, 2001; see also correctly when their facilitator also heard
Schopler & Reichler, 1971; Neef, 1995; Carr, the question (Hudson, Melita, & Arnold,
1999; Lafasakis & Sturmey, 2007; Seiver- 1993). Subsequently, the American Psycho-
ling, Williams, Sturmey, & Hart, 2012). logical Association (APA) declared FC as “a
controversial and unproved communicative
procedure with no scientifically demon-
Current “Interventions”
strated support for its efficacy” and that it
for Autism:
could be construed as being of an “immedi-
With so many interventions available that ate threat(s) to the individual civil and hu-
claim to help individuals with autism, it man rights of the person with autism” being
can be confusing and difficult to sort out facilitated (APA, 1994). Other organizations
those that are based in science from those followed suit shortly after, denouncing the
based in pseudoscience and those based in scientific validity of the procedure, stating
anti-science (Green, 1996; Freeman, 2007). that there “are good scientific data showing
Facilitated Communication (FC) is one it to be ineffective” (American Academy
intervention that has been embraced for of Pediatrics, 1998), and stating that it is
use within the autism community (Biklen, “a discredited technique” and its use with
1990). FC is a method that enables indi- individuals with disabilities is “unwarranted
viduals with disabilities including ASD, and unethical” (ABAI, 1995).

Despite the doubts cast on the efficacy of The Son-Rise Program, known in the
FC, it is still very much prominent when it United Kingdom as the Option Method, is
comes to “helping” individuals with disabili- another common program utilized for indi-
ties. It has since been rebranded as the “rapid viduals with an autism spectrum disorder.
prompting method” (Halo-Soma, 2016), or The home of the Son-Rise Program, the
“supported typing” and repackaged as an “Autism Treatment* Center of America,”
augmentative and alternative communica- state on their website that the program
tion (AAC) system (Syracuse University, “teaches a specific and comprehensive
2016), perhaps to deflect from the lack of system of treatment and education <…>
scientific evidence on what it purports to do. to help families and caregivers enable
In fact, a recent review of autism communi- their children to dramatically improve in
cation interventions explicitly excluded FC all areas of learning, development, com-
from its evaluation due to the very nature of munication and skill acquisition” (Autism
the program (Brignell et al., 2016). Treatment Center of America, 2016). It does
Another intervention that has been used so by offering “highly effective educational
for helping individuals with autism is a techniques” in a “one-on-one, home-based,
sensory-based intervention called Senso- child-centered program.” The program itself
ry-Integration Therapy (SIT). SIT was is extremely time-intensive, with parents
originally developed to place focus on the implementing the child’s program for the
neurological processing of sensory infor- majority of the day (Powell & Jordan,
mation (Ayres, 1963) and is one of the most 1993). Parents attend a one-week training
prevalent when working with children with course and, following that, attend advanced
various developmental and learning disabili- group training courses with ongoing support
ties. Reports in the literature suggest that the provided by telephone or video conferenc-
range of children with sensory processing ing. However, a study of parents in the UK
disorders (difficulties in response regulation utilizing the Son-Rise Program found that
and high levels of self-stimulatory behavior) most did not receive feedback or support on
is between 42% and 88% (Baranek, 2002). program implementation, and that over half
It is not surprising, therefore, that 82% of of the respondents had reported that they
occupational therapists report that SIT was did not avail of the ongoing training pro-
“always” used when working with children grams (Williams, 2006). Yet, 52% of these
on the autism spectrum (Watling, Deitz, Kan- parents found the program very effective.
ney, & McLaughlin, 1999). Proponents of The majority of the research on the effec-
sensory-integration as an intervention for au- tiveness of the Son-Rise Program is based
tism believe that individuals diagnosed with
ASD may be either hyper- or hyposensitive * The term treatment within the context of dis-

to sensory input (Cook, 1990), which has an cussions on autism is contentious. The term is often
associated with medical interventions. We prefer the
impact on their sensory systems. Therefore, term intervention because it does align with a medi-
an intervention based on a “sensory diet” is cal perspective but is more in line with the educational
expectations of attempts to help children acquire skills
introduced that helps in the areas of under- that benefit them, insofar as new skills give them more
or overstimulation (Alhage-Kientz, 1996). choices in life.

on anecdotal evidence from parents who efficacy of TEACCH in different settings and
have taken part in the program with their when implementing for different durations
child. Even the Autism Treatment Center (Welterlin, Turner-Brown, Harris, Mesibov,
of America acknowledge that “to date there & Delmolino, 2012). Results also demon-
is very little published research on the Son- strate improvements in children’s indepen-
Rise Program” (Autism Treatment Center dent work skills as well as improvements in
of America, 2016). parental ability to structure the environment
A program known as the Treatment and and prompt during teaching. Improvements
Education of Autistic and Related Commu- have also been reported in both communica-
nication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), tion and social skills as well as decreases in
devised by Schopler and Reichler (Autism inappropriate behaviors (Mesibov, 1997).
Speaks, 2016), has generated considerable The most popular way for addressing au-
interest both in empirical research and service tism with the most robust scientific evidence
demand. Following a survey of 552 parents of to support its efficacy is Applied Behavior
children with autism across the world, 30% Analysis (ABA), the applied branch of the
reported that they still used or had used the science of behavior analysis. It focuses
TEACCH program (Green et al., 2006), and on improving language deficits, imitation
that TEACCH is frequently used as a special skills, self-help and independence, pre-aca-
education program in many schools (Hess, demics and social skills (Sturmey & Fitzer,
Morrier, Heflin, & Ivey, 2008). Unlike other 2007). All programs designed to develop
educational interventions, the TEACCH pro- these skills are tailored to meet the needs
gram was developed specifically for children of each individual using known principles
with autism through an understanding of the of learning. Skills are broken into discrete
core deficits of the diagnosis. components and are initially taught on a
A “structured teaching” method un- one-on-one basis either in a home or school
derpins the methodological framework of setting (with planned generalization), using
TEACCH, which includes an assortment technologies and principles such as discrete
of teaching principles and strategies based trial teaching, shaping, reinforcement,
on the learning types of an individual diag- chaining, prompting and prompt fading as
nosed with autism, including strengths in well as extinction (Duker, Didden, & Siga-
visual processing and difficulties in social foos, 2004, cited in Peters-Scheffer, Didden,
communication, attention and executive Korzilius, & Sturmey, 2011).
function (Autism Speaks, 2016). It has been Over the past 40 years, there has been
suggested that the TEACCH program builds a large body of literature published that
on the behavioral models of education. This has shown behavior analytic technolo-
is done by placing emphasis on structure to gies to be effective in reducing problem
teach new behaviors, targeting and teaching behavior and increasing appropriate skills
new skills, defining conditions where be- within a number of different areas, which
haviors should occur and the consequences are not autism-specific. The evidence for
of behaviours through a shaping procedure behavioural-based interventions have come
(Mesibov, 1997). The literature supports the to the forefront of autism literature with

a review on outcome studies recognizing Parent Training
Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI) as
Training teachers and staff in various insti-
the most effective intervention for autism
tutions has been a defining feature of behav-
(Smith, 2009). The research has shown that
ioral intervention since its inception (Kaz-
statistically, there is a significant relation-
din, 1997). The next logical step would be to
ship between ABA-based interventions
train parents in how to implement behavior
and children considered to have achieved
change programs. Schopler and Reichler
“optimal outcomes” – those children who
(1971) highlighted the importance of pa-
no longer meet the criterion to be diagnosed
rental involvement in any part of a program
as ASD as well as attaining normal levels of
for children with autism. The importance of
cognitive function (Orinstein et al., 2014) or
parental involvement in educating children
the achievement of “normative functioning,
with disabilities has been well-documented
defined by standard psychological methods
(Neef, 1995; Lafasakis & Sturmey, 2007;
and practical outcomes” (Healy, O’Connor,
Leader, & Kenny, 2008). The American Seiverling et al., 2012), with parent training
Academy of Paediatrics has recommended being the most common intervention used
that children displaying traits associated to address behavioral problems in children
with autism be screened from 18 months in (Carr, 1999). Children with a diagnosis of
a bid to aid early intervention efforts. Early an autism spectrum disorder and associated
Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) difficulties (aside from those within the
(i.e., the delivery of ABA intervention at an triad of impairments), such as cognitive
early age) is the only intervention for au- impairments and difficulties learning from
tism that has been endorsed by the Surgeon their natural environment, benefit from tar-
General of the United States (United States geted parent education to help achieve their
Surgeon General, 1998). It has been identi- full potential (National Research Council,
fied as being effective when compared with 2001). The very nature of the autism diag-
those with no intervention controls or with nosis, with associated challenging behaviors
eclectic/autism specific special education for some individuals, would suggest that
interventions (Eikeseth, 2009; Rogers & the need for parent training is significant.
Vismara, 2008). Independent review panels Therefore, parental training interventions
consistently agree that EIBI/ABA is effec- should be addressed as an option to facilitate
tive and that the research literature “meets service demand deficits. Parent-led behav-
high standards of scientific evidence” ioral interventions for young children with
(Larsson, 2013). It has been estimated that ASD have many advantages. Rather than
the annual cost to the UK for autism is £32 relying on waiting lists to access services,
billion in specific interventions, lost earn- parents are able to implement programs
ings, care and support for both children and earlier, thereby providing early interven-
adults with the diagnosis (Buescher, Ciadav, tion. Disseminations of the appropriate
Knapp, & Mandell, 2014), so investing in intervention through training programs are
EIBI could potentially lead to long-term more cost-effective to facilitate (Wetherby
savings in both social and financial costs. et al., 2014). Other benefits that have been

attributed to effective parent training in- or augment current parenting strategies
clude an increase in family satisfaction and (Brookman-Frazee, Stahmer, Baker-Eric-
the reduced chance of the child being placed zen, & Tsai, 2006). If these objectives are
in a residential setting (Harrold, Lutzker, met, there is the potential for improvement
Campbell, & Touchette, 1992). Conversely, in long-term child outcomes (Simpson,
despite the evidence that shows the benefits 2001).
of parent-led interventions, data suggest The advantage of parent training is that
that some EIBI programs do not receive it is comprehensive, has the ability to target
either the frequency or quality of supervi- multiple functions and is adaptable to the
sion that has been specified in programs needs of the parent, the behavior problems
with the best child outcomes (Mudford, they are managing and/or the skill deficits of
Martin, Eikeseth, & Bibby, 2001), result- each child. Yet, Bearss, Burrell, Stewart and
ing in lesser overall gains than clinic-based Scahill (2015) suggested that parent training
programs. involves “a variety of treatments that may
Parent training refers to “educative in- or may not share common features” (p. 2).
terventions with parents that aim to help They suggest that this may be because the
them cope better with the problems they complexity of ASD and associated skill
experience with their children” (Callias, deficits lead to a myriad of interventions
1994, cited in O’Reilly, 1995, p. 63). Par- that are inconsistent in what they purport
ents are the primary caregiver, thus playing to offer. Ultimately, though, parent training
a critical role in teaching and managing refers to “educative interventions with par-
problem behavior exhibited by individuals ents that aim to help them cope better with
with autism and other disabilities. This can the problems they experience with their
help reduce the cost of therapy and promote children” (Callias, 1994, cited in O’Reilly,
generalization (Matson, Mahan, & Matson, 1995, p. 63).
2009) as well as a potentially high level of The benefits of parent training have been
reinforcement for parents when implement- acknowledged as an essential component of
ing programs that result in positive behavior successful interventions for children with
change (McClannahan, Krantz, & McGee, an autism diagnosis (National Research
1982). Council, 2001). In fact, the momentum for
There are numerous terms to describe parental involvement in educating their
parent training within the literature: “parent children on the spectrum has been growing
education” (Schultz, Schmidt, & Stichter, and has evolved to “generate positive child
2011), “in-home training” (Seung, Ash- and family outcomes” (Gavidia-Payne &
well, Elder, & Valcante, 2006), “parent Hudson, 2002, p. 42). Research has focused
implemented” (Ingersoll & Gergans, 2006), on interventions (in relation to challenging
“parent-mediated” (Wainer & Ingersoll, behavior) that are “proactive, positive and
2013) and “parent-assisted training” (Fran- strengthen both parents’ and children’s
kel et al., 2010). The objective of all parent skills in natural settings” (Gavidia-Payne
training is to provide parents with informa- & Hudson, 2002, p. 32). Other research
tion, teach them new skills and supplement has indicated that parents can be effective

implementers of behavioral, social and Knowing how to transfer knowledge
communication programs for their children and skills from professionals to parents
(Koegel et al., 1996). A central point in the is “essential if evidence-based parent-
evidence-based intervention literature is the implemented interventions are to be suc-
importance of training parents in skill devel- cessfully delivered in community settings”
opment across a variety of skills domains, (Stahmer et al., 2016, p. 3). Indeed, there
such as feeding programs (Sharp, Burrell, & are data to suggest that some Early Inten-
Jaquees, 2013), social skills (Mandelberg et sive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) pro-
al., 2013), joint attention (Rocha, Shcreib- grams do not receive either the frequency
man, & Stahmer, 2007) and sleeping (Reed or quality of supervision that has been
et al., 2016). specified in programs with the best child
Other benefits for parent-led behav- outcomes (Mudford et al., 2001), resulting
ioral interventions, apart from being able to in lesser intervention gains than clinic-
implement programs regardless of waiting based programs. Fortunately, some studies
lists, also include their cost effectiveness, have shown that parents can be trained to
family satisfaction and the reduced chances implement programs to a high degree of
of a child being placed in a residential set- fidelity within 5–24 hours of training over
ting (Lutzker, 1993; Wetherby et al., 2014). 2–12 weeks (Vismara, Colombi, & Rogers,
By training parents specifically in a number 2009; Kasari, Gulsrud, Wong, Kwon, &
of strategies to help increase appropriate Locke, 2010).
behaviors and teach new skills, there is an Overall, there appears to be an over-
increased probability of the generalization whelming consensus that parental involve-
of these skills to new settings and skills ment can have huge benefits to an individual
(Koegal et al., 1982). Training parents to with an autism spectrum disorder. Yet, as
implement behavior interventions also with any intervention, there are potential
makes sense in simple practical terms, be- shortcomings, and the professionals in-
cause they can implement programs outside volved with the families need to be prag-
of the “traditional” teaching times – such as matic about their expectations. A random-
holidays – therefore providing children with ized control design assessing the differences
multiple teaching opportunities in many in general parent training versus training
different situations that might not happen in intensive Applied Behavior Analysis
in a clinic or school setting. Parents, then, (ABA) found better outcomes for inten-
should be placed in a more central role in sive intervention (Smith, Groen, & Wynn,
their child’s education, as they have more 2000). However, the same study found that
opportunities to teach new skills on an child outcomes in the parent training group
ongoing daily basis (Mahoney & Wiggers, (while statistically less successful on some
2007). As children learn within the context measures) were clinically comparable.
of their family setting, it makes sense that Parent training and the parent imple-
intervention techniques are transferable mentations of programs can require a
across all settings which the child and fam- substantial amount of time and energy;
ily frequent (Dunst et al., 2001). therefore, considerations of other factors

that may have impact on the family need • Trained insufficient exemplars;
to be addressed. These issues include time • Trained a narrow range of setting stimuli;
demands, particularly if there are younger • Weak rule following;
children in the home (Matson et al., 2009), • Response acquisition;
and the ability to accurately and consistently • Consequent events.
implement programs (Mudford et al., 2001).
However, the adherence to programs in Accordingly, the design of any parent
community-based ABA programs, where training program should take these con-
parents are the main therapists, has been tingencies into consideration to maximize
found to be sporadic and with inconsistent the chances of success for both parents and
applications of program recommendations children.
or no implementations of intervention at all
(anecdotal evidence). Attendance at a train- One-on-One Parent Training Versus
ing event will not necessarily guarantee Group Events
the implementation of training at home.
There are currently a range of strategies that
Therefore, it would be prudent to begin by
are used to implement a parent training pro-
not only focusing on the variables impact-
gram. Two of the most utilised are “one-on-
ing the child’s behavior but also on those
one sessions,” where parents practice skills
variables that impact the parent’s behavior
demonstrated by the therapist and “group-
(Stocco & Thompson, 2015). Allen and
sessions,” where a similar peer group ac-
Warzak (2000) state that medical literature
cesses the training. Each strategy has its own
looks at adherence as a result of subject
advantages and disadvantages. Cunningham
variables, e.g., subject demographics, the
et al. (2008) suggest that one-on-one training
perception of illness and the benefits of
(that which is conducted individually with
treatment rather than “adherence behavior
both the parent and the child, led by a profes-
as a function of its consequences” (Allen &
sional up to twice a week for a number of
Warzak, 2000, p. 374). They proposed the
months) is the preferred choice by many par-
use of a functional assessment to determine
ents. During one-on-one training sessions,
the contingencies that could strengthen or parents are provided with access to a service
weaken adherence to a behavioral interven- that is tailored to the individual needs of their
tion. The contingencies which they identi- family. Other advantages include the possi-
fied as having an impact include: bility that a parent may disclose more to the
• “Treatment” effectiveness as a prerequi- practitioner in the absence of an audience,
site for success; and that there is also a reduced risk of a lack
• Establishing operations; of individual participation. Individual train-
• Failure to establish intermediate out- ing may also afford greater accountability,
comes as reinforcers; as a lack of participation can be addressed
• Failure to disestablish competing social much quicker than in group sessions (Piper,
approval as a reinforcer; 2011). Whilst topics and principles covered
• Stimulus generalization; within a session are constant, it is the unique

application of these to parent-specific issues mentation continues and skill acquisition
that give them merit. One-on-one training, rates increase. However, it may take time
however, can be costly when compared to to specifically train each of the components
group training. to a certain level of mastery in order to
The one-on-one parent training models maintain the program’s integrity (Cook,
have the most empirical evidence to support Subramaniam, Poe, & St. Peter, 2015).
their use (Ingersoll & Dvortcsak, 2006). Group parent training events have been
One such study is that of Alpert and Kaiser used successfully in community-based ABA
(1992), wherein the scholars taught six programs. These types of events, according
parents to successfully implement a natural to Brightman, Baker, Clark and Ambrose
language program with their children who (1982), require at least half the professional
had language impairments. There were time per family compared to one-on-one
three specific elements to this training – sessions. These types of events would there-
clinic-based training, home training and fore be more time-efficient for agencies and
a generalization training session. Results service delivery providers than one-on-one
demonstrated that these parents were able sessions. Providing a group parent training
to successfully implement the training session is, therefore, more cost-effective in
program to increase language, and the ef- reducing the overall cost of the intervention
fects were generalized to other settings and on a per-client basis (Cunningham et al.,
maintained over time. Another study using 1995). A comprehensive review by Furlong
one-on-one training sessions compared the et al. (2012) concluded that parent training
effectiveness of individual parent train- programs delivered in group settings are
ing with a parent education training event effective and cost-effective for “improving
(Bearrs et al., 2015). The individual par- child conduct problems, parental mental
ent training sessions were far superior to health and parenting skills.” However,
the education sessions in overall behavior they recommended that more studies as-
improvement. Another study compared the sess the long-term effectiveness of such
effects of group training sessions on increas- programs as gains have been noted to be
ing communication skills with one-on-one short-lived. One study aimed to increase
training sessions (Wetherby et al., 2014). positive social interactions in families
Both groups resulted in skill increases, but of adolescents with behavior problems
one-on-one training resulted in substantially (Serna, Schumaker, Sherman, & Sheldon,
more gains across all skills. This type of 1991). Results showed that interactions
individualized training enables the behavior within the parent group and the adolescent
analyst to teach parents specific skills that group increased in the group sessions, but
are based on the unique needs of their child. generalization did not occur in non-trained
The programs are tailored precisely to take settings. This would suggest that consid-
into consideration all of the other demands eration must be given to the identifica-
that the family life entails; thereby, the tion of contingencies that will ensure the
expectations of programs are reduced and generalization of new skills to non-trained
systematically increased as program imple- environments.

Group-based parent training events are children with an autism spectrum disorder
typically delivered using interactive and should be given access to training. How-
collaborative teaching. Facilitators introduce ever, published research demonstrates that
key behavioral principles that can be utilized there are many different issues concerned
in many ways to improve the parenting skills with ways to teach, what to teach and how to
of those attending. Parents then practice the teach. One of the seven dimensions of Ap-
skill they have just been taught and receive plied Behavior Analysis is being “effective”
corrective feedback and reinforcement on (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968): “if the ap-
accurate skill rehearsal. Key elements that plication of behavioral techniques does not
help create effective parent-training pro- produce large enough effects for practical
grams are those that include learning how to value, then application has failed” (p. 96).
use positive parenting skills (reinforcement What is vital, then, regardless of which
and alternatives to the use of an aversive), technique is used for parent training, is that
learning to observe behaviors, modelling, re- training should be “effective” in order to be
hearsal, peer support, discussion and home- relevant. Behavioral Skills Training (BST)
work assignments (Furlong et al., 2012). The is a training/teaching package that consists
number of parent support groups established of a number of methods that, when used
in N. Ireland and in the UK more generally together, result in an effective education for
(AutismNI, 2016; NAS, 2016) suggests that individuals. It is defined by Ward-Horner
peer support from another parent experienc- and Sturmey (2012) as “an effective train-
ing similar difficulties is beneficial. This ing package that consists of instructions,
“shared experience” can prove invaluable modelling, rehearsal, and feedback” (p. 75).
in behavioral parent training, particularly A verbal or written instruction can be used
group events. The additional element of for the instruction component of BST.
peer support may increase participation in The goal is to ensure that the participant
the training as well as cultivate friendships understands how to competently complete
with other individuals who understand the the skill or the behavior of interest. The
next step – modelling – is when the skill
autism diagnosis and help “normalise” the
is demonstrated and followed by rehearsal,
experiences of those attending (Cox, Vino-
during which the opportunity to practice is
gradov, & Yalom, 2008). However, a study
given. This role-play element will help the
that compared individual home training with
learner practice what they observed during
group training events showed that those
the instruction and modelling components
children whose parents received individual-
in a safe, controlled manner. Feedback is the
ized home support made the greatest gains
last component of the BST package, where,
(Wetherby et al., 2014).
following the previous steps, corrective
feedback is provided by the trainer. BST
Specific Strategies for Training
has been shown to be effective in training
parents how to implement behavioral-based
In view of the overwhelming amount of interventions, such as food selectivity (Seiv-
evidence, it is easy to see why parents of erling et al., 2012). This study demonstrated

that parents could successfully implement parenting competencies and fostering parent
a feeding program but also that the parents involvement in children’s school experi-
reported the modelling component to be the ences, to promote children’s academic,
most helpful. BST was successfully used to social and emotional skills and reduce
teach three special education teachers how conduct problems” (The Incredible Years,
to implement a discrete trial teaching pro- 2017). The videos depict parent-child in-
cedure with a child with ASD (Sarokoff & teractions to foster a discussion of behavior
Sturmey, 2004). Following BST, there were management principles in a group training
significant gains in the teachers’ percentage environment. Other studies have shown that
of correct discrete-trial responses. BST has incorporating video modelling into parent
also been successful for teaching an adult training events is superior to those on a
with autism to converse with a peer – suc- waiting list for services (Webster-Stratton,
cesses that were maintained over time (Kor- & Hammond, 1997). A video modelling
nacki, Ringdahl, Sjostrom, & Nuernberger, intervention was used in 2012 by Kahn (as
2013). Parents in Saudi Arabia were also cited in Majszak, 2015) to increase positive
successfully taught how to implement a parenting statements to their children with
discrete-trial procedure with their children autism. There was only a slight improve-
using BST; results showed that there was ment in parental behavior but a decrease in
a generalization of this skill to non-taught child problem behaviors as reported by the
examples, long-term maintenance and im- parents, which could suggest that the strategy
provements in child behaviors (Eid et al., is not effective as a stand-alone intervention.
2017). BST has been demonstrated as being Video modelling has also been used to teach
an effective way to teach parents, teachers individuals with an autism diagnosis road
and individuals with developmental dis- safety skills (PEAT, 2018b) and navigation
abilities how to successfully teach, maintain through an airport (PEAT, 2018c). These
and generalize new skills. For parents, the resources were filmed from the perspective
modelling and rehearsal components enable of a child with a voiceover detailing the situ-
them to observe and practice a skill that will ation within each video. “Autism in the air”
help them in the absence of a professional. embraced the use of video models alongside
As technology has developed, so too a practical application of these skills in con-
have the ways that parent training packages junction with a local airport (Ruddy et al.,
are presented. One such development is the 2015). Children and their families were able
addition of video modelling as a training to engage in the skills that had been learned
component. Video modelling is a visual through the video models in the actual setting
teaching method where individuals watch of an airport (The Irish News, 2016). These
someone engage in a skill on a DVD or examples demonstrate how developments
video and then go and practice or imitate allow for newer technologies to train both
that observed skill. The Incredible Years© parents and children.
is a program that has evaluated the use of Manualized training packages have also
videos to deliver parent training programs. been used in parent training packages uti-
The program focuses on “strengthening lizing a structured curriculum to introduce

parents to various training tools to help their Another example of incorporating the
children with ASD. Training manuals are use of animation and manualized learn-
important when designing a formal train- ing for training parents is a tutorial titled
ing program. They help ensure that there is “Challenging Behaviour” (Keenan, Gal-
consistency in the presentation of the train- lagher, Booth, Dillenburger, & Moxon,
ing packages and that all materials required, 2016). This online platform enables parents
following the training event, are available in to understand how challenging behaviors
one place. Butter (2007) used a manualized can continue throughout the lifespan of the
training package to reduce non-compliant individual with specific needs if not man-
behavior and increase adaptive behaviors aged correctly. Through the use of anima-
in children with Pervasive Developmental tions, difficult concepts are presented to
Disorders (PDD). Parental satisfaction and the viewer/reader, allowing for exemplars
adherence to the program were excellent to be introduced, which may help reduce
and there were parent-reported reductions the frequency and/or duration of behavior
in non-compliance (39%) and increases problems.
in daily living skills (19%). Additionally, The amount of parent training, particular-
vignettes of behavior, as well as role-play, ly in the field of ASD, is growing, yet there
were used to help augment the manual appears to be a myriad of different pack-
training package. Simple Steps (Simple ages proposing different claims, making it
Steps, 2018) is an innovative multimedia difficult to distinguish the effective from
teaching platform that focuses on teaching the non-effective. However, the consensus
the science of ABA to parents rather than appears to be that parents can develop new
offering a manualized training package. skills and understandings with training
The platform teaches the application of key events based on behavioral underpinnings,
behavioral principles to parents, profes- which “result in more effective treatment for
sionals and students across the world with their children” (Matson et al., 2009, p. 872).
the aid of animations, video models and an As the prevalence rates for diagnosing
accompanying textbook. This multimedia autism spectrum disorders continue to
tutorial comprises an eight-step program increase, it would make sense that parents
that teaches users how to collect data on and those individuals with autism are of-
observable behaviors, aids in understand- fered interventions that can help target skill
ing behavioral functions and helps in deficits and reduce the negative impact
understanding how to increase/teach new autism has on the individual’s quality of
skills or behaviors and how to decrease life as well as that of families as a whole.
inappropriate behaviors. It is available in Since autism is diagnosed through behav-
nine European languages with the Czech ioral observations and caregiver reports, it
translation supported and sponsored by the stands to reason that the intervention used
biggest state-owned insurance company to help would be behavioral in nature. The
(PEAT, 2018a). This training package can most popular way with the most robust
be utilized for both one-on-one training scientific evidence to support its efficacy
sessions or within group-session events. is Applied Behavior Analysis, a practical

application of the principles of the science training has a good, substantial science base
of behavior analysis. to help augment any claims. Training prac-
In conclusion, the parents of children tices should address the needs of the parents
with autism spectrum disorders are deal- and have an element of being tailored to
ing, at times, with highly stressful situa- target specific family requirements. The
tions, and providing them with a level of research also shows that training practices
empowerment through parent training has that are behavioral in nature will result in
established that the involvement of parents substantial benefits for the wider family
as the facilitators of interventions can have circle. The bottom line is that education on
positive outcomes for individuals on the autism awareness alone does not have the
autism spectrum. It is essential that this same far-reaching consequences.

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Nichola Booth, Mickey Keenan, Stephen Gallagher
Visame pasaulyje daugėja sergančiųjų autizmu. geriausius metodus, grįstus moksliniais įrodymais,
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama, kokius papildo- tėvai gali būti sėkmingai apmokyti įvairių skirtingų
mus stresorius, tokius kaip psichologinis distresas sričių įgūdžių. Straipsnyje aptariami ir grupinio
ar psichikos sveikatos problemos, sukelia vaiko, bei individualaus mokymo, taip pat jų komponentų
sergančio autizmu, auginimas. Tyrimai rodo, kad pliusai ir minusai. Be to, aptariami įvairūs mokymo
dėl problemų, kurias sukelia autizmo diagnozė ir metodai, tokie kaip elgesio įgūdžių mokymas, vaizdo
papildomi reikalavimai tėvams, gali būti naudingos modeliavimas, instrukcijomis grįsti metodai. Galima
intervencijos, skirtos mokyti juos naujų įgūdžių. daryti išvadą, kad tyrimai rodo, jog metodai, turintys
Šis straipsnis apžvelgia dažniausiai taikomas in- ir elgesio komponentą, yra efektyviausi. Autizmo įsi-
tervencijas, kurios gali būti pasitelktos, siekiant sąmoninimo ir švietimo tiesiog nepakanka – siekiant
tėvams suteikti naujų įgūdžių, ir analizuoja, ar jos padėti tėvams ugdyti vaikus, reikia mokyti tėvus
grįstos mokslu, pseudomokslu ar antimokslu. Taikant įrodymais grįstais metodais.

Įteikta 2017-05-08


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