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The current study aims to undertake a thorough study where we have to delve into the correlation

between the economic development of a country and healthiness of its population.

To start with, we have been given the data with following variables: Obesity of Child aged 2-4,
Diabetes prevalence % in population group aged 20-79, economic development through measure of
GDP/Capita, and the HDI classification of the country. The measure of GDP/Capita is highly relevant in
this context to establish the relationship, as it measures the level of development in developed,
developing and underdeveloped states. Besides, the variable of diabetes helps us analyze the
healthiness or lack of it in any state based on its economic measure GDP/Capita. In addition to that, the
HDI index of world bank gives us in-dept view of holistic development in any nation.


  BESE_1 ETES CON 15_1
BESE_1 1
DIABETES 0.515063 1
DEV_ECO 0.4592
N 0.633574 52 1
0.5266 0.6931
HDI15_1 0.849252 5 36 1
Table: Correlation between Country Development and Health

Based on the table, we find the patterns where we can establish the correlation between the two
variables (health and economic development). We se that the economic development and healthiness
of population is highly correlated. Child obesity, diabetes prevalence, and HDI index are giving us that
measure: child obese with development economics 0.6335. this is correlation is based on the study:
Lange, S., and Vollmer, S. (2017)

Based the literature evidence (,

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