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College of Southern Nevada

May 5, 2023

Christine Phan

May 5, 2023
Proposal to continue Teaching and Learning with Technology

Position Paper

As a teacher at ABC Community School, I strongly believe in the benefits of technology-

integrated pedagogical practices. Research has consistently shown that technology positively

impacts student engagement, critical thinking, and tailored learning. According to Kewalramani,

Arnott, and Dardanou, these practices are evidence-based and have been shown to promote

coherent understanding for young children. The U.S. Department of Education touts the power of

technology to bolster academic success, amplify the efficacy of educators, and optimize

educational operations. In this contemporary era of academia, the potential for growth and

innovation is unknown, as digital resources provide many opportunities.

Technology is a must-have weapon in the teacher's arsenal in this era. Modern-day tools

and platforms can augment curriculum delivery to elevate the learning experience of young

minds. Moreover, technology is instrumental in preparing students with the prowess they need to

thrive in tomorrow's job market. Given technology's pervasive influence in various industries, a

robust technological foundation is a sine qua non for contemporary professionals. Undheim

argues that digital technology in early childhood education allows teachers and students to

engage in collaborative learning. In addition to promoting academic success, this collective

learning process can help prepare students for the cooperative and technologically-focused work

environments they will encounter in their future careers.

Given these benefits, I urge the school board to reconsider any proposed budget cuts or

pressure to focus solely on standardized testing. The use of technology in the classroom is

essential for promoting student success, critical thinking, and future career readiness. We can
help prepare our students for a successful future by prioritizing technology-integrated

pedagogical practices.

Identification of Standards

As I delved into the technological mandates for the State of Nevada, I unearthed the fact

that their K-12 tech education standards are intended to invigorate the problem-solving

mentality, the use of fitting productivity gadgets, and the utilization of diverse digital materials to

analyze data and validate its accuracy and appropriateness in resolving predicaments and making

informed judgments. Moreover, pupils are expected to govern sundry tools and resources to

check their integrity and aptness in solving problems and making sound decisions. The mandates

also spotlight the paramount significance of acknowledging that systems are an amalgamation of

single elements, and each aspect tremendously impacts the functioning of the system and its

interplay with other systems.

ISTE, the International Society for Technology in Education, has curated a galactic set of

criteria at a national level. Students, educators, and education leaders are urged to equip

themselves with these polished standards. Amongst the must-haves for students in this realm are

digital citizenship, communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking skills. The

criteria for educators focus on designing and facilitating learning experiences incorporating

technology. At the same time, the standards for education leaders emphasize the importance of

establishing a vision for technology integration and providing support and resources for


Comparing the two documents, I noticed that the Nevada standards were characterized by

precision and meticulousness. In contrast, the ISTE standards took a more global approach,

highlighting overarching skills and aptitudes. Regardless, both texts underscored the vital role of
technology in augmenting education and fostering essential proficiencies like analytical

reasoning, teamwork, and imaginative thinking.

For my lesson plan, I will meet the Nevada technology content standard addressed in

Standard L.5.3.A, which focuses on expanding, combining, and reducing sentences for meaning,

reader/listener interest, and style. This standard aligns with the lesson's objective: for students to

use digital tools to create a newspaper article that combines multiple sentences into a cohesive

and exciting piece. By meeting this standard, students will enhance not only their technical skills

but also their language arts skills.

Lesson Plan

Name of Lesson: Creating a Digital Newspaper

Grade Level Appropriateness: 5th grade

Technology Content Standard Addressed: Standard L.5.3.A - Expand, combine, and reduce

sentences for meaning, reader/listener interest, and style.

Other Content Standard Addressed: Reading Standard 5.7 - Analyze how visual and multimedia

elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia

presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem).

Objective: Students will use digital tools to create a newspaper article that combines multiple

sentences into a cohesive and exciting piece. They will also use multimedia elements to enhance

the meaning and tone of their article.

Materials Needed:

Computers with Internet access

Word processing software

Images and videos related to the article topic

Headphones for multimedia use

Printed copies of example newspaper articles

Suggested Group Size: 4-5 students per group

Procedures: This task aims to cultivate the writing acumen of pupils by crafting a compelling

and coherent news article incorporating diverse sentences and multimedia components to infuse

their piece with meaning and essence. Students will learn the art of dissecting visual and

multimedia elements within texts while harnessing the power of digital software to finesse and

refine their articles.

Introduction (10 minutes)

I will introduce the resolutions of the lesson and the objective to my 5th-grade pupils. I will show

examples of newspaper articles that use multimedia elements and explain how they contribute to

the article. I will also demonstrate how to use word processing software to create a document.

Brainstorming (10 minutes)

Next, I will divide my students into groups of 4-5 and have them brainstorm article topics. Each

group will choose one topic and create an outline of their article.

Writing (30 minutes)

Then, I will instruct my students to use the word processing software to write their articles. I will

encourage them to use exciting sentence structures and combine multiple sentences to create

more complex sentences. As my students write, I will assist them as needed.

Multimedia Integration (20 minutes)

After they finish writing, I will have my students search for images and videos related to their

article topics, such as images and videos, while using headphones to select the appropriate media

element that might cause noise. I will instruct them to integrate these multimedia elements into

their article and remind them to consider how they contribute to the meaning and tone of their


Editing (10 minutes)

My students will then proofread and edit their articles. Use spellcheck and grammar check to edit

their work for mistakes.

Sharing (10 minutes)

Each group shares their article with the class. I will motivate my peers to inquire and offer their



I will employ a rubric to evaluate my students' skills in composing a fascinating

newspaper article that integrates multimedia elements. Additionally, I will assess their ability to

edit and revise their work for grammar and spelling errors based on the standards addressed in

this lesson plan. Total marks will be accorded in the following areas article content: If the

student's article is well-organized and includes a variety of sentence structures that effectively
communicate the intended message. The article includes appropriate and engaging multimedia

elements that enhance the meaning and tone of the piece. The article has no grammatical or

spelling errors. The multimedia elements are integrated seamlessly into the article and enhance

the meaning and tone of the piece. The multimedia elements are also appropriate and high-

quality. The overall quality will be identified if the article is engaging, informative, and

demonstrates a mastery of the standards addressed in the lesson plan.

Student Sample

Digital Newspaper Article

Topic: The Importance of Recycling

Title: "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Three Rs to Saving Our Planet"

By: Christine Phan


In the modern world, we inhabit, it is paramount to grasp the significance of recycling for

safeguarding our environment's welfare. Recycling marks the threshold towards depleting waste

and conserving nature's wealth. We must act and advance the three Rs - Reduce, Reuse, and

Recycle - to salvage our planet's predicament.

An image of a landfill

Did you know that heaps of trash pile up in colossal landfills yearly, wreaking havoc on our

planet and its inhabitants? However, fear not, for the power of recycling is at our fingertips. By

diminishing our waste and salvaging its components, we can safeguard our environment and

preserve precious resources like timber, water, and minerals. Recycling is also a champion of

conservation, fighting against unnecessary energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and

frivolous expenditures.

A chart displaying the benefits of recycling

The noble Clark County School District (CCSD) has embarked on a mission to champion the

cause of recycling by instituting recycling programs in schools. Additionally, CCSD has taken

measures to motivate students to participate in recycling initiatives and embrace eco-friendly

methods. As pupils, we can contribute towards this honest effort by advocating for recycling at

home and school, curbing waste, and advancing the principles of environmental sustainability.

An image showing the process of recycling


Promoting recycling is essential to reduce waste, preserve natural resources, and promote

environmental sustainability. We are responsible for supporting the Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

principle to protect our planet. It is time to take action and make a positive impact towards a

better and sustainable future.

Multimedia Elements:

-An image of a landfill

-An image showing the process of recycling

-A chart displaying the benefits of recycling

Word Count: 204 words
Works Cited

Educational Technology. State of Nevada Department of Education, 2023, Accessed

4 May 2023.

Kewalramani S., Arnott L. & Dardanou M. “Technology-Integrated Pedagogical Practices: A

Look into Evidence-Based Teaching and Coherent Learning for Young

Children.” European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 2020, Accessed on 4 May


Use of Educational Technology for Instruction in Public Schools: 2019�20., National

Center for Education Statistics, 16 Nov. 2021, Accessed 4 May 2023.

Undheim M. “Children and Teachers Engaging Together with Digital Technology in Early

Childhood Education and Care Institutions: A Literature Review.” European Early

Childhood Education Research Journal, 2022, 4 May 2023.

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