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Using than, as or not as... aS Than Compare two things that are not equal Jerry is more interesting than Kerry The box is smaller than the other one Your dog runs faster than mine As Compare two things that are equal She is as interesting as Kelly My town is as nice as yours Not Compare two things that are not equal Mont Blanc is not as hight as Mount Everest A bicycle is not as expensive as a car Paris isn't as big as Tokyo Festivities in Germany are as fun as the ones in Mexico A i ei SESE EKER ERKEHLY AS Verb + as + adjective + as + complement It looks as big as the other one She plays the guitar as terrible as my cousin Verb + as + adverb + as + complement It doesn t work as well as we would hope Tony drives as calmly as my grandma i ae ee ee ee Not as Verb + not + as+ adjective + as + complement The new bookshelf is not as big as the old one Alexia $ new flat isn t as nice as her moms house ira

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