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Test Item

No Test Case Name Test Step Expected Result Test Case Type Tipe Kartu
Tanggal Akhir Card Reader to
Nama tertera di kartu No Kartu American Kode CVV Alamat Tagihan Kode POS balance
Visa Master JCB masa berlaku kartu Capture Card Details
Capturing Card Details

1 Verify Name on Card

1.1 Input name on card input alphabet on field name Verify the user is able to input on field Nama tertera di kartu Positive o
Verify the user is able to see pop up notification "nama tidak
1.2 input numeric on card input number (0-9) at field name boleh angka" Negative x
Verify the user is able to see pop up notification "nama belum
1.3 Leave blank Name on Card leave blank name field tehn move to another field di isi"
2 Verify valid card number
input card number with less than 16 digit then move to another Verify the user is able to see pop up notification card number
2.1 Verify the credit card of length with less than 16 digit field not valid Negative x

2.2 Verify the credit card of length with 16 digit input card number with 16 digit then move to another field Verify the user is able to input card no Positive o
input card number with more than 16 digit then move to
2.3 Verify the credit card of length with more than 16 digit another field card no is longer inputted after 16 digit
input doesn’t exist credit card number then move to another Verify the user is able to see pop up notification card number
2.4 Verify the doesn’t exist credit card of length with 16 digit field not valid Negative x
Verify the user is able to get card type based on they input on
2.5 Verify the credit card type Visa/Master/JCB/American Express s card no Positive o o o o o
2.6 Spacing Pattern input valid credit card number 16 digit Verify the user is able to get spacing pattern 4-4-4-4 Positive o
Verify the user is able to see pop up notification card number
2.7 Leave blank Credit Card number is blank Negative x
3 Verify the expiring date

3.1 input expiry date with back date Verify the user is able to get notification credit card is expired Negative x
3.2 input expiry date with future date Verify the user is able to input expiry date Positive o
Verify the user is able to get notification Tanggal Masa
3.3 Leave blank expiry date berlaku kartu is blank Negative x
4 Verify CVV
4.1 Input cvv Verify the user is able to input cvv Positive o
4.2 Leave blank cvv Verify the user is able to get notification cvv is blank Negative x
5 Verify Address
5.1 Input Address Verify the user is able to input Alamat Tagihan Positive o
Verify the user get auto polulate Alamat tagihan and kode pos
5.2 Auto polulate address and kode pos from alamat utama when user already set address at alamat utama Positive o

5.3 Leave blank address Verify user is able to see notification Alamat tagihan is blank Negative x
6 Verify Kode Pos/postal code
6.1 Input valid kode pos (atleast 5 digit) Verify the user is able to input kode pos Positive o

6.2 input 2 digit for kode pos Verify the user is able to see notification kode pos is not valid Negative x
6.3 Leave blank kode pos Verify user is able to see notification kode pos is blank Negative x
Verify all credit card details are correct, payment should be
7 authorised
Verify user to is able to add credit card as payment type and
7.1 All information credit card details are correct continue 3dsecure then payment should be authorized Positive o o o o o o o o

Verify user to is able to add credit card as payment type and

7.2 credit card information with wrong name on card continue 3dsecure then payment shouldn't be authorized Negative x o o o o o o o

Verify user to is able to add credit card as payment type and

7.3 credit card information with wrong cvv continue 3dsecure then payment shouldn't be authorized Negative o o o o x o o o
8 Verify fund
verify the user is able to add credit card at shopee and get
8.1 Verify enough fund credit card authorized payment Positive o o o o o o o o
verify the user is unable to add credit card at shopee due to
8.2 Verify insufficient fund credit card insufficient balance Negative o o o o o o o x
9 Verify that captured card numbers details
Verify that captured card numbers are properly stored at verify the credit card detail inputed from user are stiored at
9.1 database without cvv database without cvv Positive

9.2 Verify that captured card numbers are properly encrypted verify the credit card no are encrypted at database Positive

9.3 Verify that captured card numbers are properly decrypted verify the credit card no that encrypted are able to decrypt Positive
Card reader to capture card details: Test swiping of cards from
10 both sides and chips
Verify the user is able to get all information credit card details
10.1 read credit card with expiry date in future date and success add credit card Positive o
Verify the user is able to get all information credit card details
10.2 read credit card with expiry date in back date and get to see notification due to expired Negative x
11 Authorized Amount  Test that the correct amount is being authorized. Positive
Test that merchant and customer copies of the receipts and
12 Receipt printing any vouchers print properly. Positive
Check that the receipts are printing the proper date, time,
13 Receipt details card details, authorized amount Positive
Test that the correct response codes are being returned for
14 Response code approved, declined, on hold and all other transactions. Positive
Check what happens if payment gateway stops responding Verify the card is not charged due to gateway stop
15 during payment responding Positive
During the payment process check what happens if the
16 session ends Verify the card is not charged due to session ends Positive
Verify whether the payment gateway defaults to the Verify whether the payment gateway defaults to the
desired debit/credit card type (Visa, Master, JCB, or desired debit/credit card type (Visa, Master, JCB, or
18 American Express) American Express) Positive

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