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Beca use He Lives

Gloria & William J . G aith e r

William J . Gaither

1. God sent His Son, they coiled him Je-sus; He came to love ~
2. How sweet to hold a new-born ho - by, And feel the pride,
3. And then one day I'll cross the riv - er; I'll fight life's fl -


heal, and for - g i ~ He lived and to buy my

and joy he gives; But great-er the calm as -
nal war with pain~·------ And then as death gives way to

par - don, An emp-ty grave is there to prove my Sav-ior

snr-anc e, This chlld can face un-cer-taln days be-cause He lives.
I'll see the lights of glo-ry and I'll know He lives.

· I can face to - mor - row;
----- Be-cause He

by William J Gaither All rights reserved . Used by permissi on.

© Copyr ig ht 1971 · •
llv - Ing just be-cause He lives.

Worthy Is the Lamb

W. P . MacK ay
Alfred 8 . Sm ith

1. Wo r- thy, wor -thy is the Lam b- Wor

- thy, wor -thy is the Lam b-
2. He re-deemed ours ouls to God - He re-deemed ours ouls to God -
3. He has made us king s and prie sts- He
has made us kings and priests -
4. We shal l ev - er reig nwi th Him -
We shal l ev - er reig n with Him -

Refr ain

Wor -thy ,wor -thy is the Lam b- Tha t was slain!

}fe r&d eem dou rnils to God -
By His blood. PraiseHim,and a-do re Him
He has made us kings and prie sts,- To our God.
We shal l ev- erre ignw ithH im,- The Lamb of God.

the Lam b!

® Copy right
1975 by Alfre d B. Smit h ln "Vic torio us Lif e Hym ns" . All right s reser ved.


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