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Being Adaptive
The OO adapters take an interface and adapt it to one that a client is expecting. The
adapter as the middleman by receiving request from the client and converting them
into requests that make sense on the vendor classes.
Implementation Code Duck adapter
The Adapter Pattern explained
the client makes a request to the adapter by calling a method on it using the
target interface
the adapter translates that request into one or more calls on the adaptee using
the adaptee interface
the client receives the results of the call and never knows there is an adapter
doing the translation
Note that the Client ad Adapter are decoupled: neither knows about the other.
Definition of the Adapter Pattern
The Adapter Pattern - class diagram
/* object adapter */ 1/7
06/05/2023, 13:40 head-first-design-patterns/ at master · stefoxp/head-first-design-patterns · GitHub

interface Target {

class Adapter implements Target {


// Adapter is composed with the Adaptee

class Adaptee {
// all requests get delegated to the Adaptee

// the client sees only the Target interface

class Client {}

The Adapter Pattern is full of good OO design principles:

the use of object composition to wrap the adaptee with an altered interface has
the added advantage that we can use an adapter with any subclass of the
the pattern binds the client to an interface, not an implementation. We could use
several adapters, each converting a different back-end set of classes. We could
add new implementations after the fact, as long as they adhere to the Target
There are two kinds of adapters:
1. object adapters
2. class adapters
To implement the class adapters you need multiple inheritance, which isn't possible in
/* class adapter */

class Target {

class Adaptee {

// the Adapter now subclasses the Adaptee and the Target classes
class Adapter: Target, Adapteee {
} 2/7
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// the client sees only the Target class

class Client {}

Real world adapters

Old world Enumerators
In Java, the early collections types implement a method elements(), which returns an
// has a simple interface
interface Enumeration {
// tell you if there are any more elements in the collection
// gives you the next element in the collection

New world Iterators

When Sun released their more recent Collections classes they began using an Iterator
interface that allows you to iterate through a set of items in a collection, but also adds
the ability to remove items:
interface Iterator {
// tells you if you've looked at all the items in the collection
// gives you the next element in the collection
// remove an item from the collection

We are often faced with legacy code that exposes the Enumerator interface, yet we'd
like for our new code to only use Iterators. It looks like we need to build an adapter.
interface Iterator = Target interface
interface Enumeration = Adaptee interface
How to map the remove() method in Iterator from the Enumeration? 3/7
06/05/2023, 13:40 head-first-design-patterns/ at master · stefoxp/head-first-design-patterns · GitHub

/* class diagram */

// we're making the Enumerations in your old code look like Iterators for

// your code still gets to use Iterators, even if there's really an Enumer
interface Iterator {

// EnumerationIterator is the adapter

class EnumerationIterator implements Iterator {

// a class implementing the Enumeration interface is the adaptee

interface Enumeration {

We know Enumeration just doesn't support remove. It's a "read only" interface.
There's no way to implement a fully functioning remove() method on the adapter. The
best we can do is throw a runtime exception. (luckily remove supports an
/* sample */

// our Adapter implements the Iterator interface...

// it has to look like an Iterator
public class EnumerationIterator implements Iterator {
Enumeration enum;

// we're using composition so we stash it in an instance variable

public EnumerationIterator(Enumeration enum) {
this.enum = enum;

public boolean hasNext() {

// the method is delegated to the Enumeration's hasMoreElements()
return enum.hasMoreElements();

public Object next() {

// is delegated to the Enumeration's nextElement() method
return enum.nextElement();
} 4/7
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public void remove() {

// we can't support Iterator's remove() method
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

The Facade Pattern

With the Facade Pattern you can take a complex subsystem and make it easier to use
by implementing a Facade class that provides one, more reasonable interface. The
Facade still leaves the subsystem accessible to be used directly. If you need the
advanced functionality of the subsystem classes, they are available for your use.
provides a simpler interface to a subsystem
also allows you to decouple your client implementation from any one subsystem
Implementation Code Home theater facade
Definition of the Facade Pattern
/* the pattern's class diagram */

// unified interface that is easier to use

class Facade {}

// more complex subsystem

class SubsystemClass1 {}
class SubsystemClass2 {}
class SubsystemClass3 {}

// happy client whose job just became easier because of the facade
class Client {}

The Least Knowledge Principle

Definition of the Least Knowledge Principle
Guides us to reduce the interactions between objects to just a few close "friends".
This principle prevents us from creating designs that have a large number of classes
coupled together so that changes in one part of the system cascade to other parts. 5/7
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Take any object, from any method in that object, the principle tells us that we should
only invoke methods that belong to:
the object itself
objects passed in as a parameter to the method
any object the method creates or instantiates
any components of the object
For example:
// without the principle
public float getTemp() {
// we get the thermometer object from the station and then call the ge
Thermometer thermometer = station.getThermometer();
return thermometer.getTemperature();

// with the principle

public float getTemp() {
// we add a method to the Station class that makes the request to the
// this reduces the number of classes we're dependent on
return station.getTemperature();

Car class sample demonstrates all the ways you can call methods and still adhere to
the Principle:
public class Car {
// a component of this class. We can call its methods
Engine engine;

// other instance variables

public Car() {
// initialize engine, etc.

// you can call a method on an object passed as parameter

public void start(Key key) {
// we're creating a new object, its methods are legal
Doors doors = new Doors();

// you can call a method on an object passed as parameter

boolean authorized = key.turns();

if (authorized) {
// you can call a method on a component of the object
// you can call a local method within the object 6/7
06/05/2023, 13:40 head-first-design-patterns/ at master · stefoxp/head-first-design-patterns · GitHub

// you can call a method on an object you create or instantiat

public void updateDashboardDisplay() {

// update display
} 7/7

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