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All that crowding that surrounds us in between the pressures of life and work makes us

.dream of stealing some time to spend on the beach

In front of that expanse of blue water, through which our eyes do not cross the borders of
concrete buildings or the city’s crowds, there is the charming sand that is enough to lie on it
.to forget all my worries. The water simply snatches me to another world

Whenever I contemplate the beauty of the sea, I drown in its wonderful magic. Memories
pass in front of us as if they were a movie. We watch its events in all their diversity, and
although we cannot choose what we remember and what we do not remember, memories
.are the ones that impose themselves on us, with their sweetness and their bitterness

Not only the past, but the beauty of the sea for me is that it refreshes my past, present, and

It gives me nostalgia and makes me remember the happiest and saddest days of my life,
.which is a must because the past, for me, is my catalyst for progress in my life

Besides the past, it also makes me think about my future in a clearer way without any
.negative external influences

It will always be the place where I can say without fear, it will always be the place that may
add to my life other lives. My heart will remain attached to this place, and I will still love to
.sit on my back slack in the midst of its waves

The sea is the most beautiful and most intriguing of nature's possessions, and it stores many
secrets in its depths that people throw into the seawater in a moment of honest revelation
.while standing on its shores

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