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Energy 能量
1. Energy is the ability 能力 to do work.工作
2. All living things need energy to carry out 进行 life process such reproducing 繁殖 and growing.成长
3. Energy cannot be created 被创造 or destroyed.被毁灭
4. Energy can exist 存在 in many forms.形式
5. Examples of energy are sound energy 声能, kinetic energy 动能, electrical energy 电能, gravitational
potential energy 重力势能, elastic potential energy 弹力势能, light energy 光能, nuclei energy 核能, heat
energy 热能 and chemical energy.化能
6. Energy is obtained 得自 from various types of sources 来源.
(a) Renewable 可更新的 energy sources: Sunlight, water or hydro, wave, wind, geothermal 地热能,
biomass 生物能
(b) Non-renewable energy sources: Radioactive 辐射性 substances, fossil fuels 化石燃料

Electrostatics Charges 静电荷

1. Electrostatics is a field 领域 of study 研究 for static electrical charges 静电荷.
2. These electrical charges are produced by friction 摩擦 and they are not moving 不动. Therefore, they are
called static electric 静电 charges.
3. The presence of static electrical charges can be shown in the following examples.
(a) Strands of hair 发丝 are attracted 吸引 to a plastic comb 梳子 while someone is combing his hair.
(b) When a plastic ruler is rubbed 摩擦 with a woollen cloth 毛织物, the plastic ruler is able to attract small
pieces of paper. The same plastic ruler is also able to attract a small stream 流 of tap water 自来水.

Types of Static Electrical Charges and Their Properties

1. Matter 物质 is made up of atoms 原子.

2. An atom consists of protons 质子, neutrons 中子
and electrons 电子.
3. The electron which is light 轻 and negatively
charged 带负电荷 orbits 绕轨道运行 the nucleus.核

4. There are two types of electrical charges.
(a) Positive charge 正电荷
(b) Negative charge 负电荷
5. If an atom has the same number of positive and
negative charges, the atom is said to be neutral 不带

6. A substance 物质 which loses 失去 an electron becomes positively charged while 而 a substance

which receives 接受 an electron becomes negatively charged.
7. When a polythene strip 聚乙烯条 片 is rubbed with a woollen cloth, electrons flow 流 from the woollen
cloth to the polythene strip. Therefore, the woollen cloth becomes positively charged and the polythene strip
becomes negatively charged.

8. Table below shows the outcome 结果 when two different materials 材料 are rubbed against each other
Negatively charged Positively charged
Polythene Woollen cloth
Ebonite 硬橡皮 Animal fur 毛
Silk 丝绸 Glass 玻璃
Woollen cloth Cellulose acetate 纤维素乙酸酯
Different materials when rubbed In pairs 两个两个
9. The strength 力量 of the attractive 吸引 and repulsive 排斥 forces depends on the number of charges that
are present in the substances.
10. These attractive and repulsive forces are called the electrostatic force 静电力.
11. The basic electrostatics shows that:
(a) same charges repel 排斥 each other
(b) different charges attract 吸引 each other
Activity 1 To investigate the reaction of two materials which have the same and different charges
1. Rub 摩 擦 a balloon 气 球 with a woollen cloth
and hang 悬挂 it as shown in the diagram.
2. Rub another balloon with a woollen cloth and
hang it near to the first balloon.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 using a woollen cloth and a
silk cloth respectively.

Condition Observation
Two balloons are rubbed by woollen cloth They repel each other
Two balloons are rubbed by silk cloth They attract each other
1. Both of the balloons repel each other when have the same charges.
2. Both balloons attract each other when they have different charges.
1. Same charges repel each other.
2. Different charges attract each other.
Electroscope 验电器
1. Electrical charges 电 荷 can be produced by
friction. The friction between silk and glass produces
electrical charges.
2. Electrical charges can be detected by using an
3. An electroscope consists of a metal cap 盖 子
(disc), metal rod 杵 and a gold leaf 金叶.
4. The metal cap is connected 连接 to the gold leaf
through the metal rod.
5. The electroscope is covered by glass which has a
metal frame 框.
6. The gold leaf diverges 分叉 when a charged
material is brought close to a metal cap of a neutral
7. If the material is neutral, the gold leaf does not

Activity 1 To produce and detect electrical charges
1. Bring a neutral plastic ruler close to a metal cap of an electroscope. Observe what happend.
2. Rub a plastic ruler with a woollen cloth.
3. Bring the plastic ruler close to the metal cap of the electroscope. Observe what happen.

Observation and inference 推断

1. A neutral plastic ruler does not make the gold leaf diverge.
2. When the plastic ruler is rubbed, electrons flow from the ruler to the woollen cloth or from the woollen
cloth to the ruler.
3. If the material receives electrons, it becomes negatively charged. The material that loses electrons
becomes positively charged.
4. The charged electroscopc can be made neutral again by touching the metal cap with a finger.

1. A material can be charged by rubbing it with another material.
2. An electroscope can detect the presence of static electrical charges.

Everyday Phenomena 现象 Related to 涉及 Electrostatics
1. Lighting 闪电
1. During a thunderstorm 大 雷 雨 , air movement is
very fast. This air produces friction as they are rubbed
by water vapour 水蒸气 at the bottom part 底部 of a
cloud 云.
2. The top part 顶部 of the cloud becomes positively
charged while the bottom part becomes negatively
3. Electrons that accumulate 堆积 at the bottom part of
a cloud jump towards the nearby positive charges
producing lightning 闪电.
4. Tall buildings are equipped 装 备 with lightning
conductors 导体 to protect them from lightning caused
by the movement of sparks 火 花 that jump from the
clouds to the Earth's surface.

2. Oil Tanker 油轮
1. A moving oil tanker may be charged due to friction with air molecules or friction between the exhaust gas
废气 and the exhaust pipe 排气管.
2. Explosion 爆炸 may occur 发生 when the accumulated charges produce a lot of heat 热.
3. These charges are channelled 引导 to the Earth through a steel 钢铁 chain 链子 which is hung 悬挂 at the
bottom of the oil tank and allowed to be in contact 接触 with the Earth 陆地.

3. Aeroplane
1 An aeroplane may be charged due to friction of its body with hot and dry air.
2. As a safety 安全 precaution 措施, a piece of metal conductor is fixed onto its body to channel electrical
charges to the Earth during landing 登陆.

Solving Daily Life Problems Involving Electrostatic

1 Problem: The television screen 屏 幕 becomes dusty 灰 尘 easily because negative charges in dust are
easily attracted to the positive charges on the screen
Solution: The television screen is cleaned with microfibre 超细纤维 cloth. This cloth is an anti-electrostatic
对抗静电 material which prevents 阻止 the screen from getting dusty easily.
2 Problem: Woollen fabrics 织 品 , polyester and nylon 尼 龙 produce electrostatic charges easily in a dry
environment, for example in an air-conditioned room.
Solution: Wear clothes made of cotton.棉花的
3 Problem: Thunderstorms 雷雨 are dangerous and may cause death.
Solution: Seek 寻找 shelter 遮蔽 in a safe place during a thunderstorm, for example inside a building. The
building acts as a Faradays cage. A Faradays cage removes 去除 electrostatic charges to the Earth.

Electricity 电力
1 Electrical energy is a form of energy.
2 There are two sources of electrical energy:
(a) Electrical cells 电池 (dry cells 干电池, lithium cells 锂电池, nickel-cadmium 镉 cells, mercury 水银
cells and acid-lead 铅 battery) convert 转换 chemical energy to electrical energy.
(b) Electric generators 发电机 that convert 转变 mechanical energy 机械能 into electrical energy 电能

Electric Current 电流
1 Electric current is the flow 流动 of negative charges or electrons through an electric circuit.电路
2 (a) Electric current flows from the positive terminal 正端子 of a battery to the negative terminal 负端子 of
an electrical source.
(b) Electrons flow from the negative terminal to the positive terminal of an electrical source.
3. Some examples of electric cells:
(a) Dry cell 干电池
(i) Commonly used in torchlights 手电筒, toys and transistor 晶体管/半导体 radios
(ii) Produces a small amount of electricity
(iii) Non-rechargeable 不能再充电, small and easily carried 携带 around
(b) Lead-acid accumulator 铅酸蓄电池
(i) Used in motor vehicles 汽车
(ii) Produces a large amount 大量 of electricity
(iii) Contains plates 板块 of lead immersed 浸在 in dilute sulphuric acid
(iv) Rechargeable 可再充电, heavy and the acid is corrosive 侵蚀性
(c) Mercury 水银 cells
(i) Produces a small amount of electricity for a long period of time
(ii) Used in electrical devices such as calculators, cameras, watches 手表 and hearing aids 助听器
(iii) Non-rechargeable and very small in size

Direction of Current and Electron Flow in an Electric Circuit

1. Metals have a lot of free electrons.

2. These electrons move 动 at random 胡乱 among

the atoms in a metal wire.

3. When the wire is connected to a dry cell, the

electrons move in one particular direction 一个方向.
Thus, electric current is produced

4. Electrons 电子 flow from the negative terminal to

the positive terminal of a dry cell through a circuit.

5. Current 电流 flow from the positive terminal to

the negative terminal of a dry cell through a circuit.

4. The flow of electrical charges can be detected using a Van de Graaff generator and a galvanometer.检流

(a) A Van de Graaff generator is a tool that produces electrical charges with high voltage at its dome.圆

(b) When the Van de Graaff generator is switched on, the dome becomes positively-charged.
(c) Sparks 火花 are produced if a metal sphere is placed near to the dome.
(d) The pointer 指针 of the galvanometer deflects.偏斜

Measurement of Quantity of Electricity

Quantity Electric Current Electric Voltage 电压
Definition The rate of flow of charges. • The voltage is the electrical energy
An electrical conductor 导 电 体 is a required for electric charges to flow through
substance that allows electric current to two points.
flow through it (e.g. metals 金属) • Voltage is a force 力量 that pushed 推动
An electrical insulator 电 绝 缘 体 is a electrons through a wire.
substance that does not allow electric
current to flow through it (e.g. plastics
and rubber).

Symbol 记号 I V
SI unit Ampere 安倍 or A Volt 伏特 or V
1 ampere =
1 000 miliamperes 毫安培(mA)
1 miliampere (mA) =
1 000 microamperes ( A)

Device 器具 Ammeter 电流计 Voltmeter 电压表.

used to
measure 测量


How the device is • Connected in series 连续 with other • Connected in parallel 平行 across a battery
Connected in the electrical components in the circuit or other electrical components in the circuit

• The positive terminal of ammeter is

connected to the positive terminal of
• The negative terminal of ammeter is
connected to the negative terminal of • The positive and negative terminals of the
battery to negative terminal of battery voltmeter are on the same side with the
positive and negative terminals of the battery

The Relationship between Current 电流, Voltage 电压 and Resistance 电阻

1. Resistance is the characteristic of electrical conductors that resists 抵抗 the flow of electric current.
2. The S.I. unit for resistance is ohm 欧 姆 ( ).Materials that have a high resistance allow only a small
amount of current to go through them while materials that have a low resistance allow a large amount of
current to go through them.
3 The relationship between resistance and electric current
(a) The greater the resistance, the smaller the current that flows through the circuit.
(b) The smaller the resistance, the greater the current that flows through the circuit.

4 The resistance is influenced 受影响 by

(a) the length of conductor 导体: The longer the conductor, the greater the resistance
(b) the type of conductor: A good conductor has a low resistance. For example, a copper 铜 wire. A weak
弱 conductor has a high resistance. For example, a nichrome 镍铬合金 wire.
(c) the diameter of conductor: The thicker the conductor, the smaller the resistance.
5 A resistor 电阻器 reduces the flow of current through the circuit. There are two types of resistors:
(a) Fixed 固定的 resistor has a fixed resistance.
(b) Variable resistor or rheostat 变阻器 has an adjustable 可调 resistance to give different values of
resistance. A variable resistor is used to control the volume 声量 of a radio or a television, the speed 速度 of

fan and the temperature of oven 烤 炉 . If the speed of fan is slowed down from level 5 to level 1, the
resistance is increased. The current decreases and the speed of the fan also reduces.

7.3.3 Measurement of Resistance

1. Resistance is measured in ohm 欧姆 (Q).
2. 3. A rheostat is an instrument 仪 器 with adjustable 可 调 整
resistance commonly used to control the amount of electric
current in a circuit.
4. The resistance can be adjusted by moving 移动 the slider 滑动
器 forward 向前 and backward 向后.

To investigate the effects of changes in resistance on electric current

Problem statement
What is the effect of changes in resistance on electric
Manipulated : Length of wire
Responding : Electric current that flows in a circuit
Constant : Type and diameter of wire, voltage of dry
The longer the wire, the smaller the electric current
that flows through it.
The arrangement of the apparatus is set up as shown
in Figure 7.5.
Position of crocodile clip Brightness of bulb Ammeter reading

X Dim 0.2
Y Bright 0.4
The longer the wire (crocodile clip at X), the greater the resistance, hence the smaller the current that flows
through the circuit.
Electric current increases when the resistance in the circuit decreases.

Ohm's Law
1 Ohm’s Law states that the current (I) that flows through a conductor is directly proportional 成正比 to the
voltage (V) across it, resistance is constant.
2. Ohm's Law is used to calculate the value of electric current, resistance and voltage in a circuit. The
relationship between resistance, current and voltage is shown as follow:

3 Ohm's Law can be easily remembered using the method below.

To investigate the effects of changes in voltage on electric current
Problem statement
What is the effect of changes in voltage on electric
Manipulated : Number of dry cells
Responding : Value of current
Constant : Type of apparatus used
The greater the voltage, the greater the value of
current that flows through the circuit.
The circuit is set up as shown in Figure 7.6.

Discussion ^
1 The gradient of the graph, represents the resistance.

2 Gradient of the graph = . The gradient of the graph is the resistance of the circuit
and its value is 20
The greater the voltage, the greater the current that flows through the circuit.
The hypothesis is accepted.

Flow of Electric Current in a Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit

1. Electrical components are represented by some symbols to simplify the drawing of electric circuit
Electrical components, their symbols and functions

Electrical Symbol 标志 Function 功能

Dry cell 干电池 Provides electrical energy

Battery 蓄电池 Provides more electrical energy

Switch 开关 To complete or break 切断 the electric circuit

Connecting wire To carry 带 electric current

Resistor 电阻器 To resist 抵抗 the flow of electric current

Rheostat 变阻器 To alter 改变 the resistance in an electric circuit

Bulb To convert 转换 electrical energy into light and heat
To measure electric current
To measure voltage

Galvanometer To detect or measure a very small amount of electric
检流计 current
Fuse 保险丝 To protect electrical appliances 器 具 from damage
when excessively 过量的 high electric current flows
through the circuit
Earth connection To prevent electric shock 触电

1. A switch 开关 is used to complete or to break 打断 a circuit. When the switch is closed, electric current
flows through the circuit but when the switch is opened, the electric current does not flow through the
broken 断了的 circuit.
2 A complete circuit or closed circuit consists of connector wires and electrical components that allow
electric current to flow through it.
3 An incomplete circuit or open circuit does not allow electric current to flow through it.
4. An electric circuit is a pathway that allows electric current to flow through it.
5. Electric current can only flow in a complete 完整 circuit.
6. A simple electric circuit can consist of:
(a) a source of electricity 电源 such as a dry cell
(b) a bulb 灯泡
(c) connecting wires that connect all the components in the circuit

Electric Circuit and Circuit

1. Diagram shows a circuit that consists of a
dry cell, switch, ammeter, bulb and
connecting wires.

2. A circuit diagram 图表 is drawn using

symbols to represent 代表 the electrical

Series 串联 Circuit and Parallel 并联 Circuit

1. There are two types of electric circuits:
(a) Series circuit (b) Parallel circuit

Series circuit Parallel circuit

In a series circuit, there is only one path 路 for In a parallel circuit, there are more than one electric
current to flow through the circuit. paths in the circuit.

The amount of current that flows through the The total current in a parallel circuit is equal to the
components in a series circuit is the same at any current in each branch added together.
point of the circuit.

The voltage in a series circuit is shared by the bulbs The voltage across each bulb remains the same as the
in the circuit. voltage of the battery.

Resistance increases if resistors are connected in a The effective resistance decreases when the number
series circuit. The resistance in a series circuit is the of resistor in a circuit increases.
total of all the resistors 电阻器 in the circuit. The resistance in a parallel circuit is related to the
The effective resistance is the of the resistance in formula:
each bulb.

Advantage and Disadvantage of a Series Circuit

Advantage 好处 Disadvantage 坏处
A single switch can control all electrical components If one bulb is disconnected, damaged or burned,a
in a circuit. circuit becomes incomplete. Other bulbs cannot
light up.点亮
This is because the current cannot flow through an
incomplete circuit.

The current increases if the number of dry cells that Each bulb does not receive the full voltage from the
are connected in series increases. electrical source but shares equally 平分 among all
A larger amount of current can be produced in a other Bulbs.
series circuit by adding 增加 more dry cells. The dry cells arranged in a series circuit lose 消 失
their electrical energy faster.

A rheostat can be used to control the current that If the number of bulbs increases, the voltage that
flows through all the bulbs. So, all bulbs will light flows through each bulb decreases. Hence, the bulbs
up with the same brightness. will become dimmer.暗淡

Advantage and Disadvantage of a Parallel Circuit

Advantage Disadvantage
Each electrical component is controlled by its own Not suitable to control electrical component in a
switch. large room such as a hall.
If one bulb is disconnected, damaged or burned, Too many resistors connected in parallel can cause
other bulbs still continue to light up because the the flow of current that is too great in the main
current flows through other paths which are circuit. This can cause short circuit.
Each bulb will receive the full voltage from the
electrical source and has the same brightness
The electric energy from the cell that is connected in
parallel to a circuit lasts longer.

Simple Calculations Related to a Series Circuit

1. Calculate the electric current that is recorded by
the ammeter in the following circuit

2. Calculate the voltage for the following circuit if

the current is 0.8 A at ammeter A2

Simple Calculations Related to a Parallel Circuit
Calculate the total resistance for the
following circuit. Then determine
the readings of A1, A2 and A3.

Comparing 相比 and Contrasting 对比 a Series Circuit with a Parallel Circuit

Series circuit
Parallel circuit
The current that flows through the components is The total current is shared by all the branches in the
the same at any part of the circuit. circuit.
I = I1 = I2 = I3 I = I1 + I2 + I3
The voltage is shared by all the
The voltage for all the components is the same.
components in the circuit.
V = V 1 = V2 = V3
V = V1 + V2 + V3
The resistance is the total value of all the The total resistance, R, is related to the formula:
R = R 1 + R 2 + R3
Differences between series and parallel circuits

Magnetism 磁性
Properties of Magnets 磁铁
1. A magnet is a substance that is able to attract a magnetic 有磁性的 material.
2. A magnet has two poles 极点, that is the north pole 北极点 and the south pole 南极点.
3. Materials that are attracted to a magnet are called magnetic materials (e.g. iron, nickel 镍 , cobalt 钴 or
alloys 合金 of any of the mentioned metals).
4. Materials that are not attracted to a magnet are called non-magnetic materials (e.g. wood, plastic and
glass 玻璃).
5. When a magnetic material is brought near 接近 to a magnet, the magnetic material is attracted 吸引 to the
magnet by magnetic force.
6. The area around a magnet which the magnetic force can be detected is called the magnetic field 磁场.
7. The magnetic field surrounding a magnet consists of curved magnetic field lines.

The Relationship between the Magnetic Field Lines and the Strength of Magnetic Field
1. The magnetic field is stronger at the
poles of the magnet as the magnetic field
lines are closer.
2. The magnetic field lines never cross each
other because magnetic field lines repel 排
斥 each other.
3. The magnetic field lines directions start
from the north pole and end at the south
4. A neutral point 中 和 点 is an empty
space with no magnetic field.

The Use of a Magnet in a compass 指南

1. When a bar magnet is hung 悬挂 freely, the north pole always points 指向 to the north and the south pole
always points to the south.
2. This characteristic is used in a compass.
3. A compass is a tool used to show direction 方向. It has a magnetic alloy needle which is pivoted at the

Electromagnetism 电磁场
1 Electric current can produce magnetic fields known as electromagnet.
2 The interaction between an electric field and a magnetic field produces a force known as an
electromagnetic force.
(a) When electric current flows through a straight 直的 wire (conductor) or a coiled 卷的 wire chat is twisted
弯曲 around an iron core 铁芯, a strong magnetic field exists around the conductor.
(b) The conductor or soft iron becomes an electromagnet. An electromagnet is a temporary 短暂的 magnet.
When the electric current is cut off 切 断 , the magnetic field will disappear 消 失 . The magnetism of the
electromagnet is produced by the flow of electric current.
(c) The compass needle shows the direction of the produced.

Magnetic field of a straight wire conductor

1 Iron filings 屑 are sprinkled 洒 on a cardboard around a copper wire. A circuit is set up.
2 When electric current flows through a straight conductor, a magnetic field is formed. The pattern of the
magnetic field produced is a concentric 同中心的 circle.
3 The direction of the magnetic field depends on the direction of current flow through the straight conductor.
4 The direction of the magnetic field produced can be determined using a compass or the right-hand grip 紧
握 rule.规则

Right-hand grip rule
1 When a straight wire or conductor is gripped 握 with the right hand, the thumb 拇指 points in the direction
of the current flow.
2 The curled 蜷缩的 finger shows the direction of the magnetic field.
3 (a) The magnetic field lines near the straight wire are closer because the magnetic field is stronger here.
(b) When a larger current flows through the wire, the magnetic field becomes stronger.
4 The magnetic field lines do not cross 交叉 with one another.
5 The pattern and direction of magnetic fields which formed around a coiled wire and a current-carrying
solenoid 螺线管 are shown in Figure 7.12.

Right-hand grip rule for solenoids
The pattern of the magnetic field of a solenoid is the same as the pattern produced by a bar 条 magnet. If the
solenoid is gripped with the right hand and the fingers are curled according to the flow of current in the
solenoid, the direction of the thumb indicates 代表 the north pole of the solenoid.

Figure 7.13
6 The strength of a magnetic field in an electromagnet increases if the
• electric current increases
• number of turns 转绕 of the coil increases
Therefore, the number of attracted pins increases.

Application 应用 of Magnets in Daily Life 日常生活
1 A compass needle uses a magnet to indicate the north pole.北极
2 Electromagnetic strip 条 on credit cards and debit cards stores 储藏 data.资料
3 In an electric bell 钟, when switch is pressed 压, the circuit becomes complete. The iron core becomes an
electromagnet, which attracts 吸引 the hammer 铁锤 its direction. The movement of the hammer rings the
bell and cut off the circuit. When the circuit is cut off, the iron core loses its magnetism. The repeated
formation and breaking of the circuit produces ringing of the bell continuously.

To plot the directions of a magnetic field

Procedure Observation
1. Place a bar magnet on a white paper.
2. Draw the shape of the bar magnet.

3. Place a plotting compass near the north pole of the

bar magnet on the white paper. Mark the position of
the north pole of the compass with an X.
4. Move the compass from the north pole of the
magnet to the south pole of the magnet as shown in
the diagram.
5. Connect the X's to form the lines of the magnetic
6. Mark and connect the other lines in the same way.
7. Place the bar magnets in various positions and
repeat the activity.

1. The magnetic field lines from the same poles repel
each other.
2. The field lines begin from the north pole and end
at the south pole of the magnet.

2. As the electric current stops flowing, the magnetic

field disappears.
3. The magnetic characteristic which is produced by
a conductor when electric current flows through it is
called electromagnetism.
4. The pattern of the magnetic field depends on the
shape of the conductor.
5. The direction of the magnetic field is determined
by the direction of the electric current.
6. The right-hand-grip 紧 握 rule can determine the
direction of magnetic field.

To study the magnetic field produced by a straight wire carrying electric current

Procedure Observation
1. Prepare the circuit as shown in the diagram. 1. When the current r bottom to the top:
2. Sprinkle 撒 some iron filings 铁 屑 on the
3. Turn on the switch and tap 轻 敲 the cardboard
slowly so that the magnetic field lines can be
4. Turn off the switch and remove the iron filings
from the cardboard.
5. Turn on the switch again after putting compasses
in several places around the wire on the cardboard.
6. Observe the direction of the compass needles.
7. Reverse 倒转 the direction of the electric current
and observe the directions of the compass needles
again. 2. When the current moves from the top to the

When a straight wire is carrying electric current, a
magnetic field is created around the straight wire.
The direction of the magnetic field is determined by
the direction of the current flow.


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