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Saya sudah mentransfer Dana ke rek Anda sbb :

► Buyer (ID Kaskus) : risingfo .No.HP :0812-5351-8971

► Posisi (Kota) : Balikpapan

► Jumlah : Rp.....+.10.000(fee)=Rp..... Ke Rek :Mandiri.Dari Rek Mandiri. A/n: Suratno.Tgl : 20/07/15

► Pembelian Barang:Logitech g25 .Jmlh :1 Unit

► Dari Seller (ID Kaskus) :javalinked No Telp/HP : 0823.777.777.61Posisi (Kota) : Purbalingga

► Link Thread :

** Mohon pihak Rekber SanBank untuk mengkonfirmasi kpd sellernya untuk segera memproses kiriman
barangnya..Thx** Yup, dont listen to people who say Logitech quality isn't up to snuff.. they are just as
reliable (or not) as all the competition in the same price range, and have fantastic customer service if
things do go wrong.

I'm a pretty serious and competitive sim racer, but always on a budget. I still use my DFGT wheel, its 4
years old and has clocked up hundreds of thousands of virtual miles. No issues with it at all. A fantasic
whhel for the price and i recommend it to anyone starting out in sim racing. I upgraded the pedals (G25
peds with nixim mod and Bodnar cable) and added a Thrustmaster TH8RS shifter as well over the years.
It's a fantastic setup for a tight budget.

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