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Lesson 11.

Three-fold Functions of Christ as Exemplified in the Mission of the Church


The three-fold functions of Christ are priest, prophet, and king. As a priest,
Christ offers himself as a sacrifice for the salvation of humanity. As a prophet,
Christ speaks the word of God and teaches humanity the truth about
salvation. And as a king, Christ rules over the universe and guides humanity
towards its ultimate destiny.

The Catholic Church sees its mission as continuing the work of Christ in the
world by promoting these three functions. The Church believes that by
celebrating the sacraments, preaching and teaching the faith, and promoting
social justice and the common good, it can help individuals and societies
grow in their relationship with God and one another. The Church's role as a
promoter of these functions is seen as essential for the spiritual and social
well-being of humanity.

I.The Function of Christ as Priest

Christ's role as High Priest is to offer himself as a sacrifice for the salvation of
humanity. This sacrifice is seen as a one-time event that is eternally effective for the
forgiveness of sins. Christ is considered the perfect and eternal sacrifice, and his offering
of himself on the cross is seen as the ultimate act of love and self-giving.

The Catholic Church continues Christ's function as High Priest through the
celebration of the Eucharist and the sacraments. The Eucharist is considered the source
and summit of the Christian life and is celebrated in every Catholic Mass. Through the
Eucharist, Catholics believe that they are participating in Christ's sacrifice and receiving
his body and blood, soul and divinity, which nourish and strengthen their spiritual life.

The sacraments are also considered essential for the spiritual well-being of Catholics.
The Church teaches that each sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible reality, and that
they are channels of God's grace. The sacraments include baptism, confirmation,
Eucharist, reconciliation, anointing of the sick, holy orders, and marriage.
The Church promotes the spiritual well-being of its members by encouraging them
to participate in the sacraments and live a holy life. The Church teaches that holiness is
not just for a select few but is the call of every baptized person. The Church promotes
prayer, meditation, and service as ways to grow in holiness. Catholics are encouraged to
live out their faith in their daily lives, by loving their neighbor, forgiving those who have
wronged them, and living a life of virtue. The Church also provides resources for spiritual
growth, such as retreats, spiritual direction, and other forms of spiritual support.

II.The Function of Christ as Prophet is to speak the word of God and teach humanity
the truth about salvation. Christ's teachings are considered the ultimate truth, and the
Catholic Church sees its mission as continuing his prophetic role by preaching and
teaching the faith to its members and the wider community.

The Catholic Church continues Christ's function as Prophet through its preaching and
catechesis. Preaching is considered a fundamental part of the Church's mission, and it is
often done during Mass or other liturgical celebrations. Catechesis is a more formal
process of teaching the faith and is usually done through religious education programs,
Bible studies, and other forms of instruction.

The Church promotes education and understanding of the faith to its members and the
wider community by providing resources such as books, videos, and online materials.
The Church also encourages its members to participate in ongoing formation and
education, such as attending workshops or retreats. The Church recognizes the
importance of reaching out to people outside of its membership, and it promotes
interfaith dialogue and outreach programs to promote understanding and tolerance.

The Church's commitment to education and understanding of the faith can be seen in
its promotion of Catholic schools and universities. The Church believes that education is
a key to developing a well-informed and spiritually grounded society. Catholic schools
and universities are dedicated to providing a quality education that is grounded in
Catholic values and principles.

Overall, the Catholic Church sees its role as a teacher and promoter of the faith as
essential for the spiritual growth and well-being of its members and the wider
community. By continuing Christ's prophetic role, the Church seeks to teach and guide
people towards the ultimate truth of salvation.
III. The Function of Christ as King

Christ's role as King is to rule over the universe and guide humanity towards its
ultimate destiny. Christ's kingship is understood as a spiritual reality that is not limited
to any particular political or social structure. The Catholic Church sees its mission as
continuing Christ's kingly role by providing leadership and governance structures that
promote the common good and social justice.

The Catholic Church continues Christ's function as King through its leadership and
governance structures. The Church is organized hierarchically, with the Pope at the top,
followed by bishops, priests, and deacons. The Church's leadership is responsible for
guiding and directing the faithful towards their ultimate destiny of salvation. The Church
also has a system of Canon Law, which provides guidance on matters of faith and morals
and sets standards for the conduct of the faithful.

The Church promotes social justice and the common good in society by advocating
for the rights of the poor, marginalized, and oppressed. The Church recognizes that
social justice is an essential part of the Gospel message and that the promotion of the
common good is essential for the well-being of all. The Church promotes social justice
through its various social outreach programs, such as Catholic Charities, which provide
assistance to those in need.

The Church also promotes the common good through its advocacy for peace and
reconciliation. The Church recognizes that war and violence are contrary to the Gospel
message and seeks to promote peaceful solutions to conflicts. The Church also
advocates for the protection of the environment and the responsible use of natural
resources, recognizing that all of creation is a gift from God.

Overall, the Catholic Church sees its role as promoting the common good and social
justice as essential for the spiritual and social well-being of humanity. By continuing
Christ's kingly role, the Church seeks to provide leadership and guidance that will help
individuals and societies grow towards their ultimate destiny of salvation.

In summary, the three-fold functions of Christ are that of High Priest,

Prophet, and King. Christ as High Priest offers himself as a sacrifice for the
salvation of humanity. As Prophet, he speaks the word of God and teaches
humanity the truth about salvation. As King, he rules over the universe and
guides humanity towards its ultimate destiny. The Catholic Church exemplifies
these functions in its mission through the celebration of the sacraments,
preaching and catechesis, leadership and governance structures, social
outreach programs, and advocacy for the common good and social justice.

The importance of these functions for the spiritual and social well-being of
humanity cannot be overstated. They offer a roadmap for living a fulfilling and
meaningful life, one that is grounded in a relationship with God and an
understanding of our ultimate destiny. The Church's mission to promote these
functions is a critical component of its role in the world and its responsibility
to help individuals and societies grow towards their full potential.

As individuals, we can participate in the Church's mission by living a holy

life, seeking to understand and live out the teachings of Christ, and being
active in our communities. We can also support the Church's social outreach
programs and advocacy efforts, promoting the common good and social
justice in our own lives and in the world around us.

In conclusion, the three-fold functions of Christ and the Catholic Church's

mission to exemplify them offer a vision of hope and purpose for
humanity. As we reflect on our own lives and the world around us, let us
strive to participate in this mission and help build a more just,
compassionate, and spiritually grounded society.

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