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TOEIC: Intermediate Anatomy, Health, and Beauty Vocabulary Set 5

1. abdomen (noun) The part of a body where reproductive and diges-

tive organs are.
2. cartilage (noun) Elastic and dense connective tissue is located on
the joints' surface or between them, which is replaced by
bone later in the embryo's development.
3. contract (verb) To catch an infectious disease.
4. dead (noun) One who is not living anymore.
5. dose (noun) Measured amount of something, in particular med-
6. fracture (noun) A crack or break of a solid object such as bone,
cartilage, rock.
7. gut (noun) Digestive system; part of the stomach with the
digestive organs; intestines.
8. hygiene (noun) State of cleanliness/keeping the living and working
space clean to prevent infectious diseases.
9. medication (noun) A drug, or substance that is used to treat illness or
10. obese (adjective) Used to describe someone who is very over-
weight to the point where it endangers their well-being.
11. oral (adjective) Related to the mouth.
12. overweight (adjective) A weight that is above that which is considered
13. paralyze (verb) To cause someone or something to be incapable of
14. recovery (noun) A feeling of betterness after getting sick.

15. sensation
TOEIC: Intermediate Anatomy, Health, and Beauty Vocabulary Set 5

(noun) A bodily feeling from that comes from the stimula-

tion of a sense organ.
16. side effect (noun) The unwanted effect of the drug; the lousy impact
of the drug on the organism.
17. virus (noun) A microorganism living in a host cell that can cause
18. abdomen Which word has the following synonyms?
belly, gut, midriff, tummy
19. cartilage Which word has the following synonyms?
ossein, bony process
20. contract Which word has the following synonyms?
catch, sicken, get
21. dead Which word has the following synonyms?
deceased, late, lifeless, cold, departed
22. dose Which word has the following synonyms?
amount, volume, measure
23. fracture Which word has the following synonyms?
crack, fissure, wound
24. gut Which word has the following synonyms?
belly, innards, entrails
25. hygiene Which word has the following synonyms?
sanitation, wholesomeness, helath
26. medication Which word has the following synonyms?
medicine, drug, antibiotic, cure, remedy
27. obese Which word has the following synonyms?
overweight, stout, massive

28. overweight

TOEIC: Intermediate Anatomy, Health, and Beauty Vocabulary Set 5

Which word has the following synonyms?

obese, fat, chubby, rotund

29. paralyze Which word has the following synonyms?

immobilise, freeze, incapacitate

30. recovery Which word has the following synonyms?

healing, recuperation

31. sensation Which word has the following synonyms?

emotion, sensitivity, consciousness

32. side effect Which word has the following synonyms?

aftereffect, reaction, by-product

33. virus Which word has the following synonyms?

ailment, disease, germ, infection, microbe

34. dead Which word has the following antonyms?

alive, living, live, existing

35. dose Which word has the following antonyms?


36. fracture Which word has the following antonyms?

closing, closure, solid

37. gut Which word has the following antonyms?

outside, protect

38. hygiene Which word has the following antonyms?

dirtiness, filth, foulness

39. medication Which word has the following antonyms?

illness, disease

40. obese Which word has the following antonyms?

thin, skinny, emaciated, slender

41. overweight

TOEIC: Intermediate Anatomy, Health, and Beauty Vocabulary Set 5

Which word has the following antonyms?

skinny, slim, underweight

42. paralyze Which word has the following antonyms?


43. abdomen The removal of the small intestine left a scar on her .

44. cartilage My mother has damaged in her left knee, making it

difficult for her to walk.

45. contracted She the flu last year.

46. dead Little Timmy found his goldfish in the morning.

47. dose The doctor presribed a large of morphine to help

him manage the pain after his fall.

48. fractures The doctors found that the patient had in the ribs
and knees.

49. gut We take probiotics to improve our .

50. hygiene Dental is essential for an overall healthy person.

51. medications Part of the party's platform is affordable for all.

52. obese The doctor told John he is morbidly and should be

concerned about his health.

53. oral It's important to maintain hygiene to ensure you

don't get cavities or more series issues.

54. overweight According to the doctor, I am and have been re-

ferred to a dietician.

55. paralyze A stroke is one condition that could potentially you.

56. recovery Carol is already on the road to after her cancer


TOEIC: Intermediate Anatomy, Health, and Beauty Vocabulary Set 5

57. sensation The man felt a cool in his throat after drinking ice
58. side effects are always written in the instructions for the use of
medicines and should be read carefully.
59. viruses that cause flu are very common during cold months.


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