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Hello, this is Thanh Xun's plan.

       Xun does not want to do powpoint often but wants to do a skit

       * Members: temporarily called A, B, C, D, E, F , G, H, I , K
        First sentence written by itself (K read)
Page 1: Pictures of sidewalks A, B
       A (look at the imaginary clock)
       B: Oh, hello. How long have you been waiting?
       A: No, I just arrived. Do you remember where we are going today?
       B: Of course. Today I will take you to the Be A Buddy organization .
       A: OK. Let's go
       K: At Be A Buddy
Page 2: picture of Be A Buddy . A, B, C, D went on stage
       C: Hey, B's here !
       B: Hello everyone, today I brought a new member, he's A, you really want to
join our organization.
       D: Oh, that's great. Just as we are preparing for the upcoming children 's visit
       C: Alright. Start. As you all know, Be A Buddy works to help children have a
better life. There are many young people who are having difficulties, especially
among them street children. So today we will visit and help them. Let's go!
       K: Then they set off to visit a shelter
Page 3: An image of a slum A, B, C, D, E, F E and F playing the role of orphans
sitting in the corner of the stage with people pretending to be cold
          C: Go crazy i
          A: This place is terrible
          D: Yeah, I didn't expect a place like that in this city
          E and F: Sssss… it's cold. Winter is coming again
          B: There are people behind the other (interest)
          E and F raised their necks: Who are you?
          C: Hello, we are volunteers at Be A Buddy, we came to visit and help you
          B and D: Get up first, it's cold, please put it on (take your shirt)
          E: Thank you guys!
         C (seat down ): Let's sit in a canoe
         A: What's your name? Where are your parents?
         F: We don't have parents. This is my brother, we live in this shelter
        E: We were cold and hungry. We also can't go to school because we have to
work during the day.
        D: You guys are so pitiful.
         C: That's right. Today we brought blankets and some food for you
guys. Tomorrow there will be more necessities and elves sent to you. We also run
evening classes for street kids on X Street recently. You guys remember it!
        F: Oh, that's good. Thank you guys
       D: Nothing.
        B: Okay , look here. Please tell me
        B: Be a buddy, not a bully
       A, B, C, D, E, F : Be a buddy, not a bully!
       K: To follow , they visited many other little friends in the neighborhood
       Return to page 2 E and F down the stage
        C: We're back
        D: Yes, today is such a meaningful day!
        B: Right A, how are you today?
       A: I'm very happy today! This is my first time volunteering!
       C: Hey hey, you want to join the organization right? Meet G, H and I ; They
will introduce you to the organization and help you with the enrollment process.
       Page 4: A few other pictures also linked to organized guan Be A Buddy B, C, D
down to G, H and I to
        G: Hi, are you A ?
        A: Yes, it's me. I want to join your organization
        G: Great! First, let me introduce you a bit about Be A Buddy! Be A Buddy is a
non-profit organization founded in 2011. We work to help children in need . Most
of the children receiving benefits are children with disabilities, street children,
orphans, poor children.
       Q: Also, charity themselves can benefit. Charitable work will help them expand
their relationship, become confident and optimistic in life. At the same
time, according to statistics, volunteers often have better health than others
       A: Oh, I feel the same way
       I: In recent years, we've done quite a lot of things like open evening classes on
weekends, visiting and helping poor children , donated supplies and blankets to
street children , ... If you Want to join the organization, can you tell us some of your
ideas and jobs to help children?
      A: Uhm… I think we should propagandize and draw pictures to get everyone to
help the children together. In addition, we also need to expand classes of love and
nurture for poor students to overcome difficulties. Yeah, I'm free on the weekends, I
can come teach kids!
      H: Good job . Very good idea. Now please fill out information here. Tomorrow,
please come back to receive your uniform!
      A: OK
      A: I'm finish. Bye
      G, H, I: See you soon
     K: Thank you for watching. Wish you good health and happiness
      A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , K on stage: Be a buddy, not a bully!
      Role division:
      A: Xun
      C: Linh
      D: Thai
      E: Q. Huy
      F : Tuan Phong
     G: Ngoc Minh
      H: Contact
      I: Nhat Minh
      K: Quang
     Sorry Quang dentist, she said you should speak less

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