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Choosing a career is a tough decision for young adults.

It is what you will be doing alone for

the rest of your life. While some people may think that it's better to choose jobs that differ
from someone's family profession, I personally believe that choosing a career similar to your
parents' ones it's the safe route. This can be beneficial because of different factors: you
resemble your parents so your choice is most likely to be of your liking, and you will have
guidance and increased opportunities.

First, let's talk about how children are usually a reflection of their parents or tutors. Kids tend
to adopt their personalities or certain behaviors from adult people, so it's no surprise how a
child can be a reflection of his or her mom and dad. Therefore, you are likely to share some
preferences with your parents, not only about food or colors but also about careers. Thus,
people tend to fancy the same or similar careers their parents took, consequently ending up
happily working in the same type of jobs.

Second, if you choose a similar job, you can have free guidance about work problems from
your parents. Parents are older than you, they've been working for more time; so, they
could've previously experienced some issues you can encounter when working. That is why,
if you need any tips or advice, you can just ask your parents for it.

Third, working in a similar job environment will increase your opportunities. Maybe your
parents own a company, and right after college, you can start to work there. Or they might
even have some contact with people in the same job rubric, so getting a new position is
much easier. In my case, after graduating college by studying the same career as my
parents (architecture), I easily got a position at their company.

There are so many advantages that surpass the disadvantages of choosing the same job as
your parents. Some people may not like sharing so many things with their family, but they
need to start seeing the positive impact it can have on someone's work life.

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