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After the war no one could pacify Yudhistra Maharaj

Lord Krishna asked him to see Pitamaha

Bhismadeva gave lot of knowledge to Yudhistra maharaj to pacify him

He is the greatest of all
I am giving my mind to this great personality who is self-satisfied
No other desire except to serve Krishna (giving mind to Krishna as daughter given in
marriage) …….explanation by Visvanatha Charkrvarty Thakur
He enjoys within himself
The living entities enjoys from the expansion energy of Krishna
The material world is produced by Krishna ..but Krishna does not enjoys the material world

Krishna went to all 3 worlds …. Everybody wants to have darshan of Krishna
Every living entity is part and parcel of Krishna
Affection for the living force
Krishna is colour of Tamal tree and he is wearing golden glittery clothes
Prahalad maharaj’s prayers

Text 34.

Why Bhismadeva prayers are important

- Ecstasy
- We should serve Krishna in any circumstance of life
- We are also in the battlefield and fighting but we should try to serve Krishna in that
state of mind
- Tolerance and sacrifice we learn from Bhismadeva’s life
- 10.14.8

Text 35.

- Bhismadeva remembers that when Arjuna had asked to draw the chariot in between
the armies
- Krishna had put Arjuna in illusion…. although Arjuna is a liberated soul
- Arjuna was grieving the anticipated loss of life
- Krishna shortened the life span of the enemy soldiers by his glance and delivered
- God is impartial
- God is annihilating the
- The warriors were shot by Arjuna’s bows they were purified and they looked at
Krishna and were liberated
- They came in contact with a Devotee (Krishna)…. They looked at Krishna and their
love was awakened and they went to Vaikuntha
- In Vaikuntha Krishna is worshiped in Aiswarya
- Let my mind be attached to this Sri Lord Krishna

Text 35.
- Arjuna surrenders to Krishna

Text 36.

Yudhistra maharaj got worried looking at the strength of the army

Arjuna passified him

Jatsya hi druvo asmin jaye

Narad muni had told

Anvaya – by Bhisma dev

Krishna and pandvas blew their conchsells

Bhisma conchshell


Arjuna is seeing both sides

5 reasons not to fight

Text 37.

- Sridhar swami mentions – trempling the earth …while performing human like
pastimes Krishna took all the weight of the universe in him
- Earth trembled as Krishna moved as Krishna had all the creation within him
- Krishna’s vow is important but it’s is contradictory and sweet past time
- To protect his devotees Krishna sometimes breaks his own promise
- CC – Brahamananda bharti…..he is wearing a dear skin Lord Caitanya saw
him from a distance they both are glorifying that you are brahaman 174 to 175 in the
presence of bhakta he is happy to loose this is your quality.. Sarvabhauma
bhattacharya……disciple accepts defeat in front of the spiritual master
- Lord puts himself lower than his devotee
- 9.4.63 past time of Ambrish maharaj and Durvasa muni….aham bhakta paradhino
and lord says he is not independent of my devotees
- Because devotees are free of material desires
- Lord appears in the arena of Maharaj Prithu….(prasidatih) if devotee serves Krishna
without motive
- Krishna says do service without attachment to results ….. we should do our duty
sincerely and honestly
- Once the Gopis said Krishna brings fortune wherever he goes …..they enjoyed

Kunti Maharani Prayers
Bhagvatam 1st canto

Chapter 1

What is the purpose of bhagvatam

How bhagvatam helps us understand Krishna

- Pastimes of Krishna
- Stories of Krishna’s devotees

Spiritualised vision of matter

- Virata rupa (2nd canto)

- Sankhya (3rd canto)
- Cosmology (5th canto)

How to remember god while functioning in this world


Cosmology of Bhgvatam
Conversation between Parikshit Maharaj and Sukdev Goswami

Purpose of Parikshit Maharaj asking questions to Sukdev Goswami

Vedic Cosmology

Puranas – Devine perspective

Canto 1..1.1

Questions by the sages

Subodhini explains 5 ways of understanding this verse

- Absolute truth
- Material and
- Knower of everything
- He is totally independent
- Revealed knowledge to Brahama

5 different rasas

Tasty fruit of devotion


Krishna comes as Srimad Bhagvatam

He is there all the time

Different cantos different part of lord’s body

Verses 1-3 invocation and preludes to SBG

4-5 Setting the scene
6-8 Sages praise the qualities of Suta Goswami
9-23 , 6 questions by the sages


First 3 verses

1st verse – Sambadha

2nd – Abhideya
3rd – Prayogena


- Talking about absolute truth

Om Namah Bhagvtae Vasudevaya

- I offer my obseainces


- Primeval cause of all causes of all creation, maintenance and destruction of the
manifested universes

VCT – Appeared in prison went to Nanda Maharaj


Directly and indirectly conscious of all the manifestations

VCT - He knows how to cheat Kamsa


Fully independent

We get are knowledge

Where did Krishna get his knowledge - answer in Svarat

We are full dependent

VCT – Remained there with his own people..he remains fully dependent on the Brijvasis

Tene brahma

First imparted knowledge to Brahma in his heart


bewildred Brhamaji


Even great sages and demigods are placed in illusion

VCT – Bewildred Narada

Tejo vari

As one is bewildered by illusory rep of water seen in fire or land

VCT – demons considered Krishna’s body is temporary but it is not temporary at all

Yatra tri sargo

Only because of him material universes, temporarily manifested by the reactions of the 3
modes of material nature they appear to be real


Eternally existent in the transcendental abode which is beyond illusion

VCT – Through his abode Mathura – he destroys ignorance

Story – Nanda Maharaj was kidnapped by varun deva

I mediate on the absolute truth

VCT – Let us mediate on Krishna who is known as Satya

Viswanatha Chakrobarty Thakur gives 5 explanations of this verse

Tasty fruit
Mohini murti

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