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1. State the purpose of extends keyword?

Ans. The "extends" keyword is a feature of object-oriented programming in

PHP that allows a child class to inherit properties and methods from a parent

class ChildClass extends ParentClass {

// code to be executed

2. State the purpose of self keyword.

Ans. To access class variables and methods using the self keyword,
we use the scope resolution operator ::
It is used to refer the static members of the class.

3. State the purpose of Final Keyword.

Ans. Final keyword in PHP is used in different context. The final keyword is
used only for methods and classes.

4.What is $_REQUEST variable?

 Ans. The PHP $_REQUEST is a PHP superglobal variable that is used to
collect the data after submitting the HTML forms as the $_REQUEST
variable is useful to read the data from the submitted HTML open forms.

4. What is $_SERVER variable?

Ans. $_SERVER is a superglobal variable in
PHP. Superglobal variables are predefined variables in
PHP that do not need to be declared by the user.
$_SERVER contains data such as headers, paths, and script
locations. As an associative array, it has a few key-value pairs.
The presence of some elements may vary from server to server
as they are made by the server.

5. List of XML Parsers.


1.DOM Parser

2.SAX Parser

3.JDOM Parser

4.stAX Parser

5.Xpath Parser

6. What is AJAX Script?

Ans. Ajax (also AJAX /ˈeɪdʒæks/; short for
"Asynchronous JavaScript and XML")[1][2] is a set of web
development techniques that uses various web technologies
on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications.
With Ajax, web applications can send and retrieve data from
a server asynchronously (in the background) without
interfering with the display and behaviour of the existing

7.Where AJAX cannot be used?


8.What is web server?

Ans. Webservices are used to allow users to access data from
different sources like the Android app, IOS app, website etc
from a centralized database.
We can create a web service through two methods :
1. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
2. REST (Representational State Transfer)

9.What are different types of web servers?

Ans. 1. SOAP Web Services

2.REST Web Services


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