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No TM Plant Utama Status Type Kapasitas Produktivitas Utilitas Jam Operasi

1 2 3 4

1. select no_tm,plant,keterangan_sewa,tm_type,kapasitas from vdash_monitoring_tm where

cast(waktu_jalan as date)='now()' group by no_tm,plant,keterangan_sewa,tm_type,kapasitas
2. select sum(volume_actual) from vdash_monitoring_tm where cast(waktu_jalan as date)='now()'
and no_tm=data tm grid
3. select 24-sum(jumlah_jam) from v_utilitas_tm where cast(date_planned as date)='now()' and
name=data tm grid
Catatan : Jika hasil tampil MINUS data ditampilkan angka NOL
4. select sum(jumlah_jam) from vdash_monitoring_tm where cast(waktu_jalan as date)='now()' and
no_tm= data tm grid
5. GRID di klik tampil maps

Catatan dari Pak Yoga :

Produktivitas brp jumlah m3 dalam 1 hari
Ulititas 24 jam – jumlah jam bd
Jam operasi total berangkat – pulang
Perlu disimpan juga sdh melayani proyek mana saja

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