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3n“o2"ya}eqo|3-mmm raUSqaM ay} WO} BB4j 404 3 PEO|UMOP UBD NOA ‘g-¢ SISA] JO) JOIN, Bupjeads ay} Jo aouepin3 ayy paau [13s NOA yeu} |2} NOA ased UI “aNaMOH ‘Joyny Bupjeads ayy Jo djay ayy ynoygim ‘uMo 4noA uo ‘suonsanb ayy Jamsue 02 Aa pinoys nod “g 0 § s3s@] e0139e1q 104 “sasal_ 20/;9e1d 843 3YOITE ‘SeBed aniq 3B! BuIMo}/o} ayy UO PU UD oA yaIym Yorny Supjeads ayy asn os|e UeD NOA “y 01 T SISA] aD1I9eId 404 8-T S}Sa, a9129e1g UoYh Li] D LT toLels LeeLee) 8 Ajeuiwijaid Tg aspluquie> XIdW!S Speaking Tutor TEST1 QoQ Part 1- Phase 1 2 About you (personal information) Put the words below in the correct order. e te 1. Is-my-George-name 2. old- years-eleven-1-am Now write sentences about yourself My.. . (name). (age). ‘1b Where you live / Who you live with ‘A. Where you live Cele the wards which describe where you lve, house type: partment block / apartment or flat / cottage / house place: a town / city / village ‘more information: outside / near / in the centre, in the countryside, in the mountains, by the sea/seaside ‘Now write sentences about yourself. ive in a(n) (house type). (ae (place) outside/near/in/by .. (where exactly) 8. Who you live with Circle the name of the relative(s) you live with ‘grandparent(s), parent(s), aunt, uncle, brother(s), sisters) Age of relatives General: elderly, middle-aged, young You and your relatives: older/younger than (talking about ‘two people), the oldest/youngest (talking about more than ‘two people) Now write sentences about who you lve with, Hive with my (and my. ob My 1888 rr (age). My ee than me and -amyis the Inthe family Phase 2 General questions A. Things you do ‘When you talk about how often you do something, you can, use the adverbs ‘always, ‘usually, ‘normally, ‘generally’ ‘sometimes, ‘often’ and ‘never’, Look at the sentences befow. Rewrite them, using the example tohelo you, with a suiteble adverb. eg. I ploy basketball twice a week. | sometimes go swimming inthe local pool. 1. I take the bus to school every day. 1 . take the bus to school. 2. Every day, except Mondays and Thursdays, | do sport. 1 sport. Once a month | go to the cinema, ies vm G0 to the cinema. 4. eat apples for breakfast almost every day. (es ‘eat apples for breakfast. ‘Now complete the sentences below so they are true about YOU, 4 using a suitable adverb, Use the example to help you. eg. — Iusually go to schoo! by bus .. walk to school, 1 1 . do sport. Tee vw tfavel to school by car. The 1 use my smart phone. the 108 NOTE: Adverbs that tell someone how often you do something Usually go before the main verb, except when it is the verb ‘be’ Ph e.g. am always late for lessons. | always go home on foot, int 8, Talking about someone you like When you are asked who your favourite teacher, friend, family ‘member is, you need to think why you like them. The first thing you can do is think of words that describe their character, Th Secondly, you might want to say what you do together, or how they help or influence you in a positive way, Useful Vocabulary q friendly helpful, amusing, pleasant, brave, confident, generous, gentle, intelligent, reliable, kind, honest Now complete the sentences using osultable word from the adjectives ‘above. Sometimes it's possible to use mare than one ofthe words. 1. Myhistory teacher is very www and makes us laugh i oe alotin class. thi 2. My grandfather is always he buys me expensive presents. fon my birthday and Ph 3. My best friends very truth, and always tells me the 4. The boy showed how unum he Was when he stopped WE the bullies hurting the girl a My friend Jake is 1.50 | know he will always do Ph what he says he is going to do. 6. Gemma Was saenemnme When she held the tiny Uppy, because she didn’t want to hurt or frighten it. Part 2 Describing a photo: playing sport / practising a skill 1 Talking about a person / what someone looks like yor Photo 1A When you are not sure about something, you can use words like ‘maybe' ‘possibly’ ‘could/might be’ to describe someone fr something. You can then say why you guessed some infor- mation about the person. 9. | con see people playing a ball game. Maybe they are a family. It might possibly be the first time that the young boy hhas played this game. The parents might be teaching the ro young boy how to play with the ball ke ous pus y000 / ajqisuodsay squasod / Bunod 003 :0N poof Aya}D2y puo As08 ¥009 0) oy 1w102) /jnfusoy 104m puo usaya 4Of pOob s} 10ym MOLY :59, (eou Aum/Aum) 2Supee Aypjeay anoge ay8ney aq pinoys waupii4> ULNA NOK og suonsend ‘a1al ‘SJOMSUB PION-BUO 10 ,0U, 40 sah, Aes asnf 10U pue siamsue anoA J04 suoseas an'B 0} yue}0dUL 3) yued Uny 0 80 ‘au0Asn@ sof 20008 fo Avuajd Yaysoam so u op ue> "Pau 40 ansuadko jou 6'9 se ajqeunsasou/1saq au $1" “UoluIdo Au UI - «gum 20:82 | 2843 23ns you WJ e9pL 94R YI 29.BesIP | - “yup Aes 0 95131 YU 3.U0P | --uoquide Au uy “ela YUIN/aN2189 | - soseits 32 ue 0} €9p1 seq ain BunseBEns yey auns wy) funn Aaynn320 wer/dnos6 0 30u ‘umo uno uo Bujop 210 nok 1oyat 3nogo Buy) ‘WAS aL 0% BuLO8 anisuadea aq uo ‘apisu aq 03 anoy ‘dnou6 0 503) op 3,22 :BUpyood ‘Aynyi20 dno16 b fyjoa1 10u ‘1000 0 ut Bulsog 219 0 2g 246)u SUMS -12yj03m pos paau “yBnoua 4uf 29 20 ay6)us ajdoad awios “dno46 619 0 ur op on 42p104 ‘91 0p v9 nok saaojd maf 0 Ajuo ‘Snosa6u0p :Bu\quil|9 xDOs 008 os you aue sarianize aluios AYA 3509 943 94 tou hew ajgeuns axe yotum sarannoe 24 Jo awios Aym suoseo! YO UIML 3594 248s] e9pl U0 Ayn Aes 0 pau NOA PUD auR3¥ o|s}pap jeuy & Suypeay ‘asnevaq eap! poos e st ulus 3,u0P 1 oo ‘An pinoys Aew 4uK8 1 vm asneaaq “Aaa noo AY nok yBnouale spuauy jo dnos8 e yum Bujop Aofue ue> moh eur Sofntize Ajeas 200 ave WAS U3 03 8108 “BUI|00>“BUIWUIMS 12132803 0p 0 ajdoad Jo} 2198708 210Ws 94 Ue> ‘BOP aun Bupjiem Bupuep Surquia x20! L0dse Buked/ecpayseq op 03 39 2jd000 eum spuadep ‘em umo sous Ul 3|gehoTUD Uumo snoh uo op 01 49199 218 SOLO IY ue op 03 dnods eo} ajqekofua axe spsinze Uaium Bulhes sanyf 326 ‘woar 2 ulof ‘spualif mau ayou ‘asiaiaxa zyods e/\jeqrayseq Buiheld Jabuonss awo2ag 42uj0s3 youosiad 0 anny ‘ajdoad mau 120u “yf 320 :wh8 ou 04 3u}08 Spuataf yum 2049 ‘5320/0 1y514 ‘uauans nfanoag “Jo ysauf ul ‘ssoopino Bop sys Bupiiem isn ay3 Aofua ‘as!21ax9 poob ‘Buxojas ‘unf :Bujpuep squaypasBuy ysaif asn ‘poof mau 1nogo wsoay ‘poof Ayrjoay yoo ‘spualyf uloyayua ‘14s mau W102} ‘sJ0OpUI :3U}4Oo> sauif uo s26u0.ns 4j02Ishyd nok saxour ‘asi2saxa poo6 -BuyuMMS js mau wsoay ‘uf nok daay sdjay ‘Buj6uay042 410 ysauf ut ‘ssoop2no :BuIqUII »: ‘aiqeho{ua/pood s1 Ayanze yree Aye Bu ‘upuep Buly002 Sunwin Buiquilp xpo2 ods e/jjeqiayseq BusAeia WAS ay 02 BUI08 op aya Suryiem yareay an ‘anoiduuy nok djay eup sajynnze or perejes AseinqeDt eu awuuns Agogosd os ‘sayp0/9 230m Buyoam 30u ang jai 01 psoy 05 ‘s100pU] :uoseas/s9YRE snus Bujpoas ‘ound ays BuyAoyd :AMnN ysiwson you yus ‘sajeaeug ‘asno|q 40 ssaup pausenod auiyn pun anyg :saup aT 0101 ‘Auns puo fup ‘stoys puo sviyss 6usoam 210 Aayy 50 sausuins A\q)ssod :uosees/soune ss016 40 puos aq pin. ‘punosB fo 22916 jopads © uo 2.08 1109 0 BulAojd :Aynn sessojBuns Buus uowom ‘Ssaujon Sulys:1 puD s404sInfsnojOD ‘SOUR vr ovo neem aun aquseg sa ut nok Au pe Bu ave AKA nf ey Bupjou/Buseem ass! dood uosied oun eum exis 2210 ovoid anu ‘plo jooyes ‘yoy 122109 ‘asnoy 0 “2pjsu) BT O20 punos6y209 243 u Seast 3200 0 ut ‘2pisino yf 10 29s ued nok sBuyya/eoejd e anoge BupHeL “aumayd ap ul 398 3, ‘am yew aoustpne ue 01 Burkeid si ays -umo 494 ‘ujsj2eud asn{ Jo uossa| e Buney “=~ ays "uewoM Sun 2 10 Jo8euaar @ 5} oueid aip BuiAeld uosuad at ‘ans sou a1e nok mous 03,29 3481403 ‘hyss00, ‘2qhou, ayy spom Bulsn ‘noraq se2uaiues ays aajdwo>) ‘2984 11843 95 JoUUeD NOK se ‘or04d) ‘ain ut uosiad aya yo ade ata ssani 0} aney nof oioyd SiN U at 0044 ayoig sog au punos8y2eq aup ul Aog ays veyra8or ‘AU Ung @ Buyrey Ales e ax OO) AaUA Se JoURe4 s,pI1Y> 242 st uew au “UIYS-L @ pue SYOYs BueaM yioq ase hays. “aed siyp Aejd on pay sey ay awn 3siy ayy sta) 7 lo sie2k pue y uaamiag 1 plus BunoA ay 24 ‘Bue ws 9400] os|e ay ‘pa¥e-2/ppius 20u ang Sunok ayinb 5) uews au ‘Uaipli4 Om pue LeWOM e pue VEU e 29s UeD) ‘ais sou 210 nok moys 03,29 2YBiW4/9IN03, “Aytss0d, ‘2qKou, 2 sps0m Bursn ‘noraq se2uszues ays aajduie> ‘ayant s puye ayn 5] vow au Ayqsod /raunof 5 pye ayn 2g 3yBtus uoU ayy “82 tunou/unouesd @ sae Aous, pue ‘a4Blu, “p/n09, pue aouaiues eyo BusuuiBaq aus xe Aigissod, ‘aqKou!, 257 :210N Sean Supesds p saded ‘S[OoupS toy MeulMIIsad Ta SBPUAWED AIAWIS SiMPLY Cambridge 81 Preliminary for Schools Do you do any sports in your free time? Yes: ploy ino team / with friends /go running / keeps me fit/ enjoy [relax Woz too much homework /no free time /too tired Do you like eating fast food? (Why/Why not?) Yes: tasty / cheap /be with my friends /eat what they eat ‘No: unhealthy / doesn’t taste good / fattening Do you think itis important for young people to learn how ‘to cook? (Why/Why not?) Yes: learn about food / be independent / cook for friends and family /learn a new skill ‘No: parents should cook / learn when older /leave home ‘What do you do in order to stay fit and healthy? play sports /go for walks /eat healthy food / drink water/ ‘sleep enough / relax / go to gym / swim TEST 2 Part2 sa Describing a photo: Getting ready for a show / ®. Learning how to do something 1 Talking about a person / what someone looks like Photo 18-18 You need to describe what the people look like (face, body, hair) and any other details (e.g. condition, age, origin). Look ot pictures 1A and 18. Circle the correct word in each word ‘group, so that ft describes the people you see. Note A: The adjective ‘beautiful’ is mostly used to describe ‘awoman/girl/child and ‘handsome’ Is usually used to describe a man or boy. However, ‘attractive’ can be used to describe anyone, of any age. Also, the verb ‘be’ is used before all adjectives in the table below. Itis not used for adjectives to describe hair length and type. e.g. She is young and has shoulder-length, straight hair. However, fair’ and ‘dark’ can have ‘be’ or the verb ‘have’ before them. e.g. She has fair hair / She ls fair. Now look at the table and circle the correct ward in each group thot describes the people in photo 1A and then do the same for nhoto 18. Eno eo ‘beautiful healthy attractive ft handsome young teenage ‘miale-oged elderly European American ‘African ‘Asian Note B: We can use words like ‘a bit’, quite’ and ‘very’ before some adjectives to make them stronger (‘very’) or not so strong (a bit, quite’. ‘quite’ can be used before all the adjectives in the table above, except for ‘middle-aged’ & ‘teenage’ and for adjectives that, describe nationality/origin ‘a bit’ is used before adjectives such as the following: fat/thin, short/long e.g, He is a bit short. If we want to say politely that something isn't true, we can use ‘not very’ instead of ‘quite’. e.g. He isn’t very attractive. ‘Now complete the sentences below about one of the peopl np She's quite /isn't very, (opinion). She's quite (how tall) and how: She's very, (condition) 07 nnn (OBE She is (origi). ‘Now, using the same word order of adjectives inthe table, ew sentence pairs below, so they are correct. 1. a. She's a/an healthy / attractive / European woman. 'b, She is a/an young / short / attractive gir. 2. a. She has black / straight / long har. She has healthy / nice / long hair. Note C: English sounds better when you do not use ‘he/she’, ‘it’ is again and again. Its better to use these pronouns once, followed by different adjectives. Do not use more than three adjectives together, as this will not sound natural. 2 Talking about a place/things you can see Photo 1A, Indoors: stage, theatre, curtains lights, child, teacher/mother Photo 18 indoors: classroom, big table, art equipment, pictures on wall, lots of people, students, teacher, bookcase 3 Other Here you can describe what you think the person is doing and why. You can also say where you think they are. Use the following: It’s clear to me that... / Clearly they are “activity because/as + reason if you're not sure what the person is doing/why they are doing it and where they ae, you can use the following phrases {im not sure why they are + activity because {im not sure where they are because. Giving more details: They might be + activity that's why They could be in/at a Photo 1 + It’s clear to me they are on a stage as... + costumes, crown on her head, curtains, lights = feeling excited, nervous Photo 18 - They seem to be / They are in an art class/youth club. + might be working on a class project - teacher & school children not wearing uniforms / having fun, enjoying the activity yoog/auiz -p8ou Buipoas ‘3085 mopulns ‘aunjd 0 uo JaBUassOd BT CIOUd x31 0} 220) 10815 ‘squojd/sean jooqdon ‘Bupysap/iooy uapoom ‘umoy/ss0s6 twaaib ‘suorysno “31903 uapoom ‘2640j‘su10y9 2jqozsofi0> ‘soyeiquin ‘spaq uns ‘jood ay; punosp ‘opljoy uo *yt o304d 995 ued nod sBuys / a2eId e anoge SupjeL Z _200f days ‘upys Y20p ‘Noy umo4g 3YBI0:35 ‘BuO 4aBUNOA Ajqis -s0d 40 sajquant} Jay uy ‘uoJsy aghow - sabuoL3s/puayuf/aniojas ‘ray 0} axau Busa/s 51 oYm 395 ,u02 ‘aUDjd UO UOWOM ar 04d Uys. “‘Suoys ‘auinyso2 Buyunuuims ‘sayzop9 sauuuns ‘63 ‘spusts 40 dou ‘Ayres @ 2 YB Key “BuL2am aie Aaya eM ue aze Aaya ajdoad Auew moy Aes Ue? NO, “}e199 Ul Jo peaisut ‘Aijexau98 ways rnoge ¥[e) Ue> noA Uays ‘Jom Asan way 3—s yUUeD Nok Jo Keme Je} aie aumiaid e ul ajdoad ayy sauinawios WE oioud ‘2411 400] auoawios 1eym / Uosiad e jnoge Bury/eL T oe é € LSAL ‘Ausagn fo anyors ‘Buypjing areas auiduig ‘u0¢ jos1u29 ‘sajsaijo6 110 swnasnuy ‘Bulaasiybis ‘sBuIpying snowof ‘sanuqajaa ‘2s10943 ‘syuosnoysas ‘Burddoys 24104 MAN (zAunn) 2pinoa nod 3131514 03 xy] NOK pInom AY! YDIUM Suyjanes/Supxejay :oyoyd e Buiquoseq zed s120U09 ‘sBuypying snowof Busia ‘sa1se1106 0 % swnesnus ‘oor ‘quod ausey/puno.6x1of‘sioq/safo/syuounoysas ‘oweu ‘anoey) zAy e UI Aofua nok ue> quauUleyayUs Jo PUY IeUAA apnea si9¥20 s2ueiuaJof anysuadke ‘Bus ‘Buz09 :oN Jovanoonpe ‘anajn2 puo 10 220/¢ © mouy 03126 u1Ing ouo)/p0.3/2101514/Infianoag ‘aas 01 sa0/d mau ‘BulrsasaqU! :Sa4 (e101 Aym/hya) 280)9051481 08 Nok op a2eId € sa Nok UaYMA ‘any 0} sadoay> ‘Aypuauif‘ssauis ou ‘uoaye pup 3ainb ‘afos ‘nf2o0ad :aplskqune2 _uodsua.3 29nd poo6 ‘sjo2/dsoy pun sjo0y3s ‘sdoys “sqof ‘ajdoad y2aw ‘sajy|20f yo “Bulssazaiuy ‘op 0} S30) :Ay> apis Aolua nok og Agjunos ayy ul any] s24Re4 MOA pynom so ay af 020) 26u0y> ‘say Bury aydoad ancy Apoyo sap2 ‘papmoss 003 ‘uoninjiod ‘sBuying 2uersty sof 2B0Wop :oN ‘got say0a19 ‘sazejd ynoga useaajdoad ‘snows aa0jd 0 ayous ‘sasauysng j020 day auoW puads 594 @s9hy9 Ul weeds] stn KA nok og suonsend ‘2184 ‘SIBMSUe P1OM-BUO 40 ,0U, 10 Sah, asn{ 10u pue siemsue snoh J04 suoseas an/9 03 werioduL 513} vued aml Suneeds ysedeg Sjoouss 10} Meulualieid Ta SBPHGWED ATAINIS gowauya ayy 03 0B am 3,u0p Ay) cow/aupp ay} 0} Buj06 anogo MoH gowiau2 243 03 Buj06 snoqo Uy Nok op 04M Uuo|uido s suoawos Supysy sso0pu! $0 ‘poo6 jou Jaygoam fi sa},0UU 3,us30g “aaapayy ‘6'2 soap) 12430 Jo alos so anjsuadxa s0 10U 5) 3 50 ‘oapy 3saq ays 51 ~ 243 09 Buj0B yurys | / uo}Utdo Au Up ‘9p! 350q 24 5] YUILR NOA Y>IYM BuIA_ES 232 oz21d/poof ysof safasd ‘an)suadsa ‘ajdoad Bunok sof Bunsavaiu) 10u ueaneysas Jopads 10 quasaffip Busyrauios 30u ‘Buog os ‘any ayy senazaya Buiddoys 06 uo> ajdoad :anyua> Suiddoys ‘oid aya ayy 3,uop hay; fi 35 8 0 ajdoad unof/uaipyiy2 sof ynaufip ‘Buoy ayinb 2g uo shod ‘anpays sayy auofiana 0u ‘anysuadxa Asan 5339213 :auNeayy ajdoad Bunos sof ‘Buyog 29 248 }us ‘anisuadxe 2q vod siayan wasnuy :wnesnus ‘ye uy paysauaiuy ‘auohiana you ‘a[doad Bunod 110 J0f 6u)969483U) Jou :Ara|}e3 We ‘aif 30u sjowyuo ’so0r fo 0=p say) auoKsana 430u 4ayzoam pog Ji wa/qoud ‘s10opino ooz fo od 2610) :002 suapms/uaspiyo Jof ajqouns aq 10u Aow suipf ‘aes, Jof ausoy 30 suf yo30m u09 '2921 10f Aad 03 anoy zeWIBUID ‘ap! pod e 3,us! AUARIE Ue HUI NOK Ay BuLhEs 1 yuupe ‘2n04 “Poof po08 308 “1042 0 andy ‘x0/21 UoD NOK :yUeANEASEL sujuannos puo swuasaud Ang ‘sayrojo mau Ang ‘pog Jayz0am f) wajqoud ou :anqua> Suiddoys pog Jayroam f) wia/qoud ou ‘stoopuy xojay ‘Aoyd Gulasavaquy uo yoiom vod ‘eneDKR Jouono2npe 40 400) 03 sBurya Bunysazazuy) wnasnuy Jayz0am pog fr wia/qoud 0u 0s ssoopuy 10/sisi210 quasalfp 3nogo wsoa} voD:ALe|128 We Jnoinoyaq 11243 puo sjowstuD rnogo wso3y uo9 os “295 fyjowsou 3,uop nok syou)uo yuasaffip fo $30) 285 U20 :002 dayroam pog f wia|qosd ou ‘sso0pur ‘anisuadxa 00 30u ‘xoja4 ueD Nod ‘Swjyf BU)4>I0M ‘ayy ajdoad sow ‘suis wuasaffip wouf asooy veo :eweU!> 9p! pod e sj Ayanse ue yuIYy MOA Ay BulAes: 2yu1y2 nok op 304M “221 9006 0 aq pynom (A2}41220) “ ay3/0 03 BuO yu | (Aaynn20) °° 243/0 02 64j05 ynogo moH (441020) ¢* snoqo yuiya Nok op 204m, a88ns e Supe wnasnus e Basin ‘Auajjed ue ue ye Buleq 002 @ Sunisia ewaurp ay; 01 84108 queineysas ee Sunes ‘anquaa Bulddoys e 3e Buiddoys anneaun aya 12 Aejd e Buyziem ‘Aap 24a ul op 03 sBuyya qwasayp 40} Azeinqe2on ened ‘the person is / people are wearing/holding. ‘think they are doing and why you think this. Describe the weather. Photo 1A Everyone relaxing by or in the pool. Must be warm, everyone wearing clothes for summer. Two people in pool/orobably children/playing. Foreground, sofas and table, bag, shoes, towels, books etc Photo 18, Not much space to move, sitting close to another passenger, con't see rest of plane or what's happening. Maybe feeling ex- cited, nervous, frightened of flying; she looks calm and happy; uncomfortable seat, small window, not much leg room . Phrases for when you can’t see much of the environment the person is in. Ws hard to see/tell....... can only see. The photo is a close-up ..... (A close-up isa picture taken close to the subject so you can’t see much of the place around them.) I would guess that. It’s impossible to say would expect this £0 Be If nm because Part 3 Vocabulary for different facilities for young people cinema basketball court ea Peay internet/games cafe library swimming pool Saying why a facility is a good i cinema: relax for 2 hours watching a film, forget about real life, watch something fun/interesting, indoors, so no problem if weather bad park: out in fresh air, ploy boll games, ride @ bike, run around, walk the dog, play in the playground, go an the swings/slide, sail a toy/model boat, lake/pond rary: study quietly, do homework/revision, borrow books for free, peace and quiet, relaxing, calming, pleasant room to be in basketball court: fun way to exercise, make friends, join a team, learn a new sport, free disco/clubs listen to music, meet new people, do something ‘active, have fun, indoors so no problem if weather bad swimming pool: healthy, keeps you fit, enjoy fresh air (if outdoor poo!) internet/games cafe: useful for studying/doing research, keep someone amused/entertained, play games with friends ‘Saying why a facility Is not a good idea cinema: difficult to choose film everyone likes, cinema tickets expensive, less expensive to download, or streaming on Netflix, or buy a DVD and watch it at home, or could watch free films on internet park: need good weather, parents need to be with younger children, may have accident/get hurt library: boring, need to relax more, too much studying, study at home/school, easier to use internet and nat books basketball court: not everyone likes basketball, boring on your ‘own, only a few people play at a time isco/club: drinks are expensive, some people don’t like bars/ drinking, can be boring if nat with group of friends, not ‘one likes dancing/listening to loud music, entry to clubs. very expensive swimming pool: not possible if weather bad, can get b swimming up and down pool, not everyane likes swimmir internet/games cafe: spend too much time on computers, for eves/health, not very sociable, not out in fresh alr/aé exercise Making suggestions In my opinion they should... facility) I think it would be a great idea to... (facility) | strongly believe that... Saying which you think is the best/most useful idea | think the best idea would be to provide It would be (really/very/extremely) useful to have would definitely provide It would be good for young people if... ‘Asking if someone agrees Do you think... isthe best idea? Do you agree that... is the best idea? Don’t you think it would be better That's a great idea/suggestion, isn't it? Part 4 Questions Do you think it is good for children to spend a lot of time using computers? (Why/Why not?) Yes: natural for children now, good to use technology and h IT skills, Need computers for studying, cheaper/easier than buying/using books, find information about everything ‘No: bad for health, eyes, headache, not learning social skills ‘having a chat or proper conversation, too much time alone, can be dangerous, don't always know who they're talking to. How important is it for young people to spend time with their friends? very important, necessory, share problems, learn social skills, talk to people their own age, same problems and interests, no generation gap, good if only child, love hanging out with friends at home, ofter school/at weekends, listening to music, playing computer games, chatting, watching TV How has the way you spend your free time changed over the years? study more now, exams, ess free time, make the most of it, ‘spend time with friends, hove more money/freedom, stay out later, go further, don’t need parents so much, play more sport, listen to music, go for fast food, a coffee or soft drink Do you think itis easier to relax on your own, or with other people? (Why?) depends on mood ~ sometimes want to be alone, listen to ‘music, read a book, play on computer, use the internet. ‘Sometimes want company, have @ chat, have a laugh, tel jokes, lay sport, walk with friends. Sometimes have to stay home and can’t meet up with friends, prefer my own company at home, or being with family, better to meet friends outside home, ‘more to do in town/city, not many activities to do at home, iiends would get bored How is spending free time with family different from spending Itwith friends? Family: don’t talk about same things, do family activities, have ‘a meal, go on a day-trip, visit relatives, be on best behaviour, parents pay for everything / drive you to places Friends: play gomes, chat about other friends/teachers/problems with parents etc. don’t have to be serious or sensible at all 20p 03 ajdoad Bunod Jof ajqounsun s1 “3042 Yuya NOA OG °°" Bujop ajdoad Bunof snoqe uly nod op 204m, 0p) 3589 243 51“ 104} 22160 nok og sa8i8e suoawos Burjsy on guoyoduny fy1023 5,31 O51 ‘pup yooag ay uo Bulag ayy) 2jdoad Bunok 50 bap 3509 ays 51 yoo—q ay) Bujwoay> yuIy9 | / uowuido Au Uy €9p| 3599 4p 51 AUIKA NOA YUM BujAES ‘AupinBas op 0} ajdoad 6unok Jof ayqoxotua you ‘ysiggns ays 3nd 0} avoid 0 peau ‘hulp/snos26 Wop ysiqgny 2wos ‘ayioam pog ui 2aqu Jou 2ysed aya BulUea|> 200/d 3281109 ay2 01 homo uayor aq 01 paeu sbulyp pajotoas ‘Buasauaiuy Avan 20U ‘Aywos y3ie J UMO snk tuo auioy 30 1 op ‘dno46 0 so op nox Bujyxswios 20U :BuypADe Infuusoy ysiqqns ausos ‘Buyy30)2 annzai0ud paau yyStui ‘komo _ysiqgni aya 41102 03 hom 9 paau ‘uodsuan peau os y20aq aya (0) 250)9 29 JOU Aous Yayioam pod paau :y>e—q ip Suluea|> awuojd 22u0 saxf0 ‘Payoo] aq 0} paau ‘3313 y>08 Ang 0) aa\suada ‘aiaymAsana ‘5282 JUo|d 3,u09 *jo2/sAyd 10M psoy Aen zs985 Buje ‘anisuadxa aq uo9 — 34/9 0 UMo 3uop 2/doad ‘Bunod Auows sayioam poq U poo6 ou “afos 30u sausjawwos ‘spa10 awos ul syrod 2]249 ou ‘saai9 iq W As0 30U :Buy)ok9 ‘M22 shud 10m poy ayinb ‘synsaa y2Inb ou ‘mouB 0} sBulya sof Bua) 003 $3403 “ajd0ad Bunod sof yBnoua Bulysaveiu) ou :Bujuapsed 9p] pod e/jnjasn 10U 5} Axlanze ue yuIU NOK Ayen BUIAES aydoad ayoonpa ‘tany dosp a,u0p su1g ysiggns asn“ysiqqns/120) ou sjouuo "8 uaip)4> Ayoinadsa 2sn 03 o}doad JofJafos ied oip Suluea|> ‘axsom/ysiggna fo jasedsip nfas09 232 o12u ‘adod ‘ssob 1950/4 Bulsnas‘voniniod Buranpad:Bulphoe1 s@bojI5 [0 doxs ‘UBloduso> dn-uoaja ‘afy 02s Bun2a01d Yaxem pun $342099 J9fos ‘bas au u| puD (ya0aq ay2 vo awawuoriave 24) Byp22i010 :yseaq aup BulUee|> saffa asnoyuaes6 ‘Bujwsom jogoy6 ‘suono.aU—6 asnanf Jaf wuauuuosnua saniag ‘sjowua/si22su/sp.1a/afyplim Burdjay ‘io s2u09/9 Bunbas2‘s2a.3 umop ano Buloojde/ ‘soen Suu (Bous) Bof Ayouss wo 2uffo1s‘uonyjed sof poq ou ‘suiajgoxd Bupysod ou ‘00 aj2f2 a0 vaypyiya ‘asayahu isowyo 2/9h9 Wao ‘3s}ou ou ‘janas3 03 ‘om &unj004 °y progfo uoo auofun ‘deays ‘voranjod au :Buypk> {31 148109 soy oum ossad ays 03 pzonpo1d /umosb som 3 04m wosf payeno.a soy poof 10f Moy) say poof 2anpaia21u yoo) 02,0 un ayoUs's209/51295u! 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(Why/Why not?) Yes: recycle, use public transport, carefully throwing out of litter/waste, walk/cycle to school, not waste water/food. ‘No: not thought about it much, parents do some things, too busy studying, not old enough to worry about it, don’t think It’sa big problem Do you think we should all be doing more environmental activities? (Why?) Yes: Everyone can help/is responsible. Governments can’t do everything. Save world for future generations. Everyday little changes make a difference. ‘No: Governments need to do everything, Too late to save the world. | don’t do anything to harm the environment anyway. Speaking Tutor. Practice Tests: 5-8 What do you think is the biggest environmental pr nowadays? (Why?) Transport causing air, sea, land pollution and noise Rubbish in sea/rivers, land is killing wildlife and plant. Do you think children learn enough about the environ at school? (Why/Why not?) Yes: more aware than ever before, information from go) ‘ments/school/media, children growing up with the threat global warming — want to de something about it No: There is o need to be educated from very young age. ‘Schools and parents need to teach them. It should become second nature for them to protect the environment. They’ the next world leaders, scientists, environmentalists etc. OCC OUCH For Practice Tests 5 to 8, you should now try to practise and answer the questions, on your own, without the help of the Speaking Tutor. However, in case you feel that you still need the guidance of the Speaking Tutor for Tests 5-8, you can download it for FREE from the website:

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