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Position Paper 1.

Committee: Disarmament and International Security

Committee (DISEC)
Country: Chile
Topic: The 21st Century Cold War: A Developing Arms Race
Delegation: Emaan Ahmad, LGS Defence

Position Paper 1.0 discusses the historical background of the issue at hand today, the
Second Cold War, as well as the stance of the delegation of Chile.

In order to understand any issue and identify the core problem to it, it is important to
understand the historical background of the issue. So, in order to understand the second
Cold War, it is essential to refer to the intitial Cold War. The First Cold War refers to
geopolitical tension between the United States and Sovient Union and their respective allies.
The Cold War produced new military alliances, including NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and
led to nuclear proliferation and proxy wars between and within postcolonial states in Latin
America, Africa, and Asia.

Moving foward to the ongoing Cold War, commonly referred to as the ‘New Cold War’. The
war started as result of tensions between superpowers, the US and China as well as Russia.
The leading cause is the rapid change in the balance of power between these two countries
that has resulted in America’s relative decline and rising anxiety about the loss of its global
hegemony to China. In 1992, the year after the implosion of the Soviet Union, the Chinese
GDP, measured in US dollars, was about 7 7 percent of the U.S where as today in 2022, the
total Chinese GDP is approximately 19.91 trillion dollars. Next, another major cause for the
ongoing Cold War is the US-China Trade War. The two countries have embroiled in
numerous back and forth negotiation, a tit for tat tariff war, introduced foregin technology
resticitions consequently leading US-China trade tensions to the brink of a full-blown trade
war. Futhermore, other ongoing conflict such as the Russia Ukrain war have contributed to
significantly to the war, as well as the intervention of intergovernmental organisations such
as NATO.

Moving further to the stance of the delegation of Chile on the New Cold War. Chile does not
hold a specific view point in the issue of the Cold War but considering past decision by the
government of Chile, the delegation believes that Chile stands by Ukraine in the Russian
Ukraine conflict and therefore the USA. This is because Childe condemns Russia’s
aggression after Ukraine, in spite of repeated calls for dialouge by the international
community with a view to reach a peaceful solution the conflict, as established in Article 2 of
the Charter of the UN. Therefore, the delegation believes that Chile stands by Ukraine and
does not hold a strong view regarding the Cold War. Furthermore, Chile calls on Russia to
withdrew its troops, respect the territorial integrity and sovereginity of Ukraine and avoid the
loss of innocent lives and material damage. In cocnlusion, Chile does not hold a stance in
the issue at hand today but referring to previous decsisions it can be concluded that Chikle

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