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Midsayap, Cotabato

Inquiries, Investigation & Immersion



A Research Paper Presented to the Inquiries, Investigation & Immersion Teacher

in Partial Fulfillment of the Academic Requirements for Senior High School


MARCH 2022

“Engage, Enlighten, Encourage and especially… just be yourself! Social media is a
community effort, everyone is an asset.” – Susan Cooper, social media enthusiast and
“ I use Social Media as an idea generator, trend mapper and strategic compass for all of
our online business ventures.” – Paul Barron, CEO , futurist , speaker, exec producer,
author, filmmaker and creator of Foodable Network.
“Social media is addictive precisely because it gives us something which the real world
locks; it gives us immediacy, direction, and value as an individual.” –David Amerland
Dilangalen National High School is a school where students study using social media.
When student becomes overly absorbed in the usage of social media, it has an impact
on his academic performance and success in class. The attention of students is pulled
to social networking sites and then diverted to non-educational and unsuitable activities
such as useless chatter. Extracurricular and academic programs are insufficient to meet
the needs of some students who have become socially isolated as a result of social
networking. Teenagers are especially vulnerable to social media; the more they use it.
The more it affects their study habits, especially if their social media pals begins to exert
control over one another. People of all ages are increasingly using social media as a
means of communication. Students, in particular, have easy internet access and
participants in social networking activities, The number of users has constantly
increased since its inception, particularly among students who are subjected to a great
deal of neglect and obstacle in their academic performance, resulting in a quick
reduction in educational quality. It has been shown internationally and locally those
students are more interested in social media than in their education. Instead of reading
their books, kids spend time on social media, chatting and establishing friends, which
may have an impact of their academic performance.
Reduce academic performance is one of the most important consequence of social
networking overused for student. The result of a study on medical student showed that
student who used social network and internet more than average had a poor academic
achievement and low level of concentration in the classroom. This is because they
spend time chatting online and making friends on social media sites instead of reading
The purpose of this phenomenological study is to understand the effects of social media
and discuss how social media affects the academic performance of students. At this
stage in the research, we aim to figure out some of the variables to lead to aggressor
behavior, mental health characteristics of the students and will be generally defined as
how students faced the academic performance with social media.

The aim of this study is to determine the purpose of students' social media use and also
to determine their perspectives on education. Social media is a growing problem linked
to those who have been experiencing academic problems. However, it is unclear how a
young person’s views and opinions influence their online behavior. In short, the purpose
of this research study is to examine the influence of social media and academic

The researcher wants to know the effect of social media on academic performance of
grade 11 TVL students:

Specifically, it answers the following:

1.1 What is the academic performance of Grade 11 TVL students?

1.2How much personal information do you share on social media?

1.3How do you feel when you are without social media for a long period of time?

2.1 Do you feel like you spend much time on social media?

3.1 Do you think that social media has affected your life positively or negatively?
This study anchored on theories propounded by Albert Bandura, B. F. Skinner and
Abraham Maslow. Bandura’s Learning Theory, as social media made inroads into our
living rooms, much of social learning has been influenced by it, especially among the
impressible minds of children and adolescents. According to Albert Baundura et al
(1943) adolescents have the most impressible minds, which explains their ability to
learn and comprehend and quickly pick up behaviors from their surrounding
environment. A majority of the participants reported prolonged use of social networking
sites for nonacademic purposes. These habitual behaviors can distract students from
their academic work, adversely affect their academic performance, social interactions,
and sleep duration, and lead to a sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity, which in turn
can render them vulnerable to non-communicable diseases and mental health


The social media improves the cooperative learning of the students and their
communication with the teachers become easier which means in terms of student
centered education the use of social media is very essential. Past studies have found
that students who spend more time on social media sites are likely to demonstrate poor
academic performance.
The result of the study would be beneficial to the following:
The Community- This study would give them a complete picture on the lives of
teenagers in conflict and will aid in the understanding dealing and interacting with this
The Parents- This study would give interventions to parent yo make them responsible
and productive parents.
The Children in Conflict with the law- Through this study they will learn to maintain or
manage their works, time, and responsibilities.
To Future Researcher- This study may serve as a point of reference where further
studies on social media users will be conducted.
The terms below are defined conceptually for better understanding of the study.

Social Media- websites and applications that enable users to create and share content
or to participate in social networking.
Students- a person who is studying at a school or college.
Academic Performance- is the measurement of student achievement across various
academic subjects.
Modular Learning- is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning Modules
(SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by
Pandemic- is (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.


This study tends to know the effects of social media ( such as facebook, instagram,
twitter, messenger, etc.)
Addition in the academic performance of the students.
This is selected only for the Dilangalen National High School of 20 respondents


CHAPTER 1 presents the introduction which social media is explained. According to our
research, social media is refers to a computer- based technology that facilitates the
sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through virtual networks and communities.
The purpose of the study is also stated, the questions, theoritical lens, significance ofthe
study, The limitation and delimitation, and organization of the study as well are included.

This selection is made up of texts that are relevant to the study’s topic, “The effect of
social media on the academic performance of Grade 11 TVL students” was researched
using books, journals, and the internet. This readings aided me in understanding the
study’s impact as perceived by other researchers and the community as a whole. The
various data, perspectives, and resources presented by the various researchers may
aid in resolving the various concerns surrounding this. The literature review chapter
serves as the study’s foundation, with a discussion of the workplaces is lack of excellent
parental interactions and their experience, as well as discussion of key elements in
social media’s effect on Dilangalen National High School Grade 11 TVL students.


The following review or related literature which cited experiences of social media effect
to support some of the interviews and provide ideas and information from precious
research study.
According to Jose et al. (2021), social media has opened a new world of
awareness and
opportunities for each human being. In reality, they are rapidly gaining popularity
among the
younger generations all over the world. Students in their late teens and early
twenties are heavily
involved in social media. It will affect the personal and professional lives of the
students. Since
social media is exploding in India, this survey was created as an effort to better
understand the effect
of social media on particular groups of youth by focusing on college students.
Sivakumar (2020) researched to determine the impact of social media on student
academic success in the Cuddalore district. To collect the necessary data for the
analysis, a survey method was implemented on 1000 students. For sample collection, a
random sampling technique was used. After that, the data were analysed using
statistical techniques. It was concluded that considering public perceptions of
student abuse of social media, the majority of school students were involved in using
social media positively for academic purposes. This suggests that social media
affects students' academic success.
Ansari & Khan (2020) attempted to investigate the applicability and utility of social
media and mobile devices in the previously unexplained study area of an institution
of higher education. The study was based on a survey of 360 students in eastern India.
A latent approach to the structural equation was adopted for calculation and
instrument validation.
The research has shown the important impacts of online social media used for
collective learning on people, teachers and online knowledge-sharing behaviours. In
addition, interactivity with instructors, peers and online conduct has significantly
influenced student engagement that consequently influences student academic

Azizi et al. (2019) conducted a cross-sectional analysis on 360 students. The

tools of the study comprised the personal data type and the social media dependency
Bergen Scale. An academic success metric was also taken as an overall graduate
during the previous training period. The mean addiction to social networking of
male students was found to be higher than female students. Students were
negatively and significantly affected by social networking with academic
achievement. According to Jose et al. (2021), social media has opened a new
world of awareness and opportunities for each human being. In reality, they are
rapidly gaining popularity among the younger generations all over the world.
Students in their late teens and early twenties are heavily involved in social
media. It will affect the personal and professional lives of the students. Since
social media is exploding in India, this survey was created as an effort to better
understand the effect of social media on particular groups of youth by focusing on
college students. Sivakumar (2020) researched to determine the impact of social
media on student academic success in the Cuddalore district. To collect the necessary
data for the analysis, a survey method was implemented on 1000 students. For sample
collection, a random sampling technique was used. After that, the data were analysed
using statistical techniques. It was concluded that considering public perceptions of
student abuse of social media, the majority of school students were involved in using
social media positively for academic purposes. This suggests that social media
affects students' academic success. Ansari & Khan (2020) attempted to investigate
the applicability and utility of social media and mobile devices in the previously
unexplained study area of an institution of higher education. The study was based
on a survey of 360 students in eastern India. A latent approach to the structural
equation was adopted for calculation and instrument validation. The research has
shown the important impacts of online social media used for collective learning on
people, teachers and online knowledge-sharing behaviours. In addition, interactivity
with instructors, peers and online conduct has significantly influenced student
engagement that consequently influences student academic outcomes. Azizi et al.
(2019) conducted a cross-sectional analysis on 360 students. The tools of the
study comprised the personal data type and the social media dependency Bergen
Scale. An academic success metric was also taken as an overall graduate during the
previous training period. The mean addiction to social networking of male students
was found to be higher than female students. Students were negatively and
significantly affected by social networking with academic achievement.According to
Jose et al. (2021), social media has opened a new world of awareness and
opportunities for each human being. In reality, they are rapidly gaining popularity
among the younger generations all over the world. Students in their late teens
and early twenties are heavily involved in social media. It will affect the personal
and professional lives of the students. Since social media is exploding in India, this
survey was created as an effort to better understand the effect of social media on
particular groups of youth by focusing on college students. Sivakumar (2020)
researched to determine the impact of social media on student academic success
in the Cuddalore district. To collect the necessary data for the analysis, a survey
method was implemented on 1000 students. For sample collection, a random sampling
technique was used. After that, the data were analysed using statistical techniques.
It was concluded that considering public perceptions of student abuse of social
media, the majority of school students were involved in using social media positively
for academic purposes. This suggests that social media affects students'
academic success. Ansari & Khan (2020) attempted to investigate the applicability
and utility of social media and mobile devices in the previously unexplained study
area of an institution of higher education. The study was based on a survey of 360
students in eastern India. A latent approach to the structural equation was adopted for
calculation and instrument validation. The research has shown the important
impacts of online social media used for collective learning on people, teachers and
online knowledge-sharing behaviours. In addition, interactivity with instructors, peers
and online conduct has significantly influenced student engagement that
consequently influences student academic outcomes. Azizi et al. (2019)
conducted a cross-sectional analysis on 360 students. The tools of the study
comprised the personal data type and the social media dependency Bergen Scale. An
academic success metric was also taken as an overall graduate during the previous
training period. The mean addiction to social networking of male students was
found to be higher than female students. Students were negatively and
significantly affected by social networking with academic achievement.
According to Jose et al. (2021), social media has opened a new world of
awareness and opportunities for each human being. In reality, they are rapidly
gaining popularity among the younger generations all over the world. Students in
their late teens and early twenties are heavily involved in social media. It will
affect the personal and professional lives of the students. Since social media is
exploding in India, this survey was created as an effort to better understand the effect of
social media on particular groups of youth by focusing on college students. Sivakumar
(2020) researched to determine the impact of social media on student academic
success in the Cuddalore district. To collect the necessary data for the analysis, a
survey method was implemented on 1000 students. For sample collection, a random
sampling technique was used. After that, the data were analysed using statistical
techniques. It was concluded that considering public perceptions of student abuse of
social media, the majority of school students were involved in using social media
positively for academic purposes. This suggests that social media affects
students' academic success. Ansari & Khan (2020) attempted to investigate the
applicability and utility of social media and mobile devices in the previously
unexplained study area of an institution of higher education. The study was based
on a survey of 360 students in eastern India. A latent approach to the structural
equation was adopted for calculation and instrument validation. The research has
shown the important impacts of online social media used for collective learning on
people, teachers and online knowledge-sharing behaviours. In addition, interactivity
with instructors, peers and online conduct has significantly influenced student
engagement that consequently influences student academic outcomes. Azizi et al.
(2019) conducted a cross-sectional analysis on 360 students. The tools of the
study comprised the personal data type and the social media dependency Bergen
Scale. An academic success metric was also taken as an overall graduate during the
previous training period. The mean addiction to social networking of male students
was found to be higher than female students. Students were negatively and
significantly affected by social networking with academic achievement.
Verduyn et al. (2017) active social media usage refers to online behaviors that facilitate
“direct exchanges” among users. Such behaviors include liking, commenting, sending
messages, and otherwise engaging with other users. In contrast, the literature defines
passive use as the monitoring of others without direct engagement. These patterns of
usage have also been identified by researchers in the field by other names: Burke and
Kraut (2016) identify active use as “composed communication”.
MElkevik et al. (2015), ZOV et al. (2019), Hu et al. (2001) spending a lot of time om
social networking sites can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and a decrease in daily physical
activity levels, which in turn can render them vulnerable to non-communicable diseases
such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension.
Orben et al. (2018), explains the best of our knowledge, the previous research on
passive and active use has measured social media engagement in one of three ways:
experimental manipulation within a laboratory setting. Besides, Gerson, Plagnol, & Corr
(2017), the only validated measure we are currently aware of, which can be used to
gather data regarding users active and passive active use measure.
Azizi et al., (2019) social networking sites and applications are widely used by students.
They spend a lot of their daily lives. Students revealed that among the various age
groups of students, university students are among the most using social networking.
Woods and Scott, (2016) social media has more adverse effects that positive ones.
Gerson et al., (2015) found that on Facebook, models of passive and active social use,
active non-social use, and passive use.
Osatuyin (2015) refers to passive use as “lurking” these patterns have also been
identified by researchers outside the fields of psychology and communication social
media use has negative effects on mental health and can lead to depression and
anxiety. Therefore, because of the following numbers of such sites and high demand for
social media among university students, it is important to examine the purposes for
which social networking sites are used.
There are many students who do not actively take part in class or group project
discussions. Some of them do not prefer even face-to-face communication with their
classmates. Such students find it easy and comfortable to take part in online study
discussions on social media. Presently, there are many academic counsellors on social
media who can help students to solve their academic problems. Students also have
exposure to contact experts or refer to their blogs in various fields of study using social
media, to gain proper information and knowledge for their own field of study. This can
help them to gain some real-world and actual knowledge, which will increase their
knowledge scope. Students can use social media platform like LinkedIn to search for
internships related to their field of study. This can help them gain practical knowledge,
which in turn may help in improving their academic performance.
Students can also read various educational blogs which can help to improve their
knowledge and thus help their studies .As per Deng and Tavares (2014), social media
help students to think clearly and this helps them to make make wise decisions in their
day-to-day lives. As per the study conducted by Apeanti And Danso (2014), students
felt that their grades would be better if they can contact professors openly through social
media to get their doubts clarified. Yunus and Salehi (2015) pointed out that, social
media use enhanced students’ vocabulary and writing ability. Thus, it is clear that if
used wisely for educational and constructive purposes, social media can have positive
influence on students’ academic performance. Despite the various positive effects that
social media can have, if not used properly and vigilantly it can also a ffect students’
academic performance negative.
In summary, previous studies on relationship between OSN use and academic
performance show mixed results. From the reviewed studies, there were disparate
results due to a few reasons. For example, recent studies found that multitasking plays
an important role in determining the relationship between OSN usage and student
academic performance. Karpinski et al. (2016) found a negative relationship between
using social network sites (SNSS) and Grade Point Average (GPA) that was moderated
by multitasking. Moreover, results from Junco (2015), illustrated that besides
multitasking, student class rank is another determinant of the relationship between OSN
platforms like Facebook and academic performance. The results revealed that senior
students spent significantly less time on Facebook while doing schoolwork than
freshman and sophomore students.

In this research study, we will apply descriptive qualitative method particularly
phenomenology. Phenomenology is concerned with the study of human perception of
events or phenomena from the actual happenings in the real world. It is reliving the
experiences of the participants involved in the study and going deeper into their
thoughts, identifying the essence of the experience as described by the participants,
through lengthy discussion.


Many people have witnessed the struggles of the majority of students throughout this
pandemic, particularly via the use of social media. As one of the students who has
experienced this type of learning, I’d like to research the circumstances, and
experienced of my co-students using social media before and during the pandemic. In
curious if there’s a distinction between modular and face-to-face learning. Also, which
form of instruction id best for students. Finally, whether social media has any position
and negative effect on a student’s academic achievement.
Since the study is personal to us, as students, we will collect data by conducting in-
depth interviews with all 20 students in various sections who use social media. I’ll also
function use one of my independent readers and analysis, with the help of my group
members who will take notes during the interviews. Will establish our own solutions on
our research when we’ve come up with the findings.

Prior to the conduct our study, we can already identify some of our respondents. The
identified respondents were we discuss how social media affects the academic
performance of students, whom are have chosen through purposive sampling as our
participants based on a pre-selected criteria relevant to our research study.
 According to the participants., they largely utilize social media to discuss their
educational matters and share information with their classmates and instructors, that
further boosts their confidence and learning skills. Severely studies also validated the
role of digital media in improving students' academic performance, reflecting a positive
constructive aspect of digital media for the young generation (Alhumaid et al., 2020;Ali,
2018;Celestine & Nonyelum, 2018;Gorhe, 2019.
Moreover, social media tools offer students the opportunity to communicate, get in
touch, access information, research, and chat. Compared with some other gatherings of
individuals, the usage of social networking sites among college students is more, mainly
because they are pulled in widely to the new innovation and especially to the chance it
offers for creating social networks (Gorhe (2019)). This study examines the structural
relations between the major determinants of social media.

In the collection of data of the study, we will undergo these processes namely indepth
with the study-respondents, conducting focus group discussion with the participants and
Before conducting the interview of in-depth with the study-respondents and focus group
discussion with some participants we make sure that the ethical consideration with
properly observed and to show them the importance of this research topic. That should
be considered in any research study which are consent and confidentially. Since
establishing rapport is an essential component of an interview. We arranged a
preliminary meeting with them and explained the details of the study; made them
understand that everything will be done in confidentiality. After aquire their trust, we
asked them to answer the questions that we give to them. Essentially, rapport involves
trust and respect for the interviewee and the information he/she shares. We make sure
that they are not busy or they have a free time to answer our questionairs and we are in
a safe place too.

IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW – is a strategy for gathering through information about a topic

from a stakeholder that is open-ended and discovery-oriented. In-depth interviews are a
qualitative research method that aims to delve into a respondent’s thaughts, feelings,
and viewpoints in greater depth. This strategy required time and space so that I could
draw out portions of experiences and insights from the respondents. First, We had to
make my participants feels comfortable and conveyed tha message that we are
invested in what they were sayin. It is important to closely internalize what the
respondents would share, particularly on the details of the social media effect.

The Effect of Social Media on Academic Performance of Grade 11 students.

Trustworthiness people are more likely to accept research findings if they can build on
them in future research, use them to direct individual and community actions. Longer
interaction with participants, if suitable to the study,persistent, observation, peer-
debriefing, member-checking, and reflective journaling are all employed to establish
trustworthiness. Evidence of literative questioning of the data, including returning to
study it numerous times, should also be supplied.
CREDIBILITY the degree to which a research report is plassible and acceptable, with
special reference to the level of agreement between participants and the researcher is
refered to as credibility.
CONFIRMABILITY extent to which the research study’s conclusion could be confirmed
by other researchers. Confirmability is concerned with demonstrating that the data and
interpretations of the findings are clearly drawn from the data and are not the result of
the inquiries imagination.
TRANSFERABILITY the amount to which a study discovering maybe applied in
various situation and studies is known as transferability. It is thus a synonym for the
phrases generalizability and external validity, or a replacement for them.
DEPENDABILITY the degree to which research techniques are documented, allowing
someone outside the research process is reffered to an dependability.

Study involves summarizing the mass of data collected and Analysis of data in a
research study invo presenting the resuts in a way that communcae data reduction,
nunicates the most important features (Hancock et al, 2017). Data will analyzed using a
method which includea Det Which included data reduction, data display, conclusion
drawing and verification (Zhang and Wildemuth, 2018), demuth, 2017), adding that
qualitative content analysis is "any and sense-making effort that takes a volume of
qualitative material and attempts to identify core consistencies and meanings attempts
to jdenti Data reduction is the abstraction of data from the transcriptions, deleting data
which are not important and transforming it into a comprehensible materie al, Paul 20c g
it into a material that many people can understand (Namey et al.) I'll enlist the help of a
specialist for data reduction because it's a type of sorting and categorizing. The analysis
is a word used to describe the pairing and sifting of data. For data analysis, sorting and
organizing massive amounts of qualitative data, as well as retrieving and locating words
and phrases are all tasks that must be completed. After being sorted and categorized,
the data will be consolidated and manageable. Data visualization, on the other hand, is
the process of organizing data and presenting it in a graphical format. organizers such
as graphs that allow the viewer to reach his or her own conclusions.
In conclusion, the level of social networking addiction of the students was moderate,
and male students had a higher level of addiction to social networking than female
students. Considering the negative effects of social networking on students’ academic
performance, the issue of addiction to social networking should be comprehensively
reviewed and considered. Also, appropriate planning should be made to prevent
addiction to social networking, control its use, and increase the opportunities and
reduce the threats of this tool. Given the importance of addiction to social networking
and its potentially destructive impact on students’ academic performance, similar
studies are recommended in other universities and in different fields to obtain a more
conclusive result. In this regard, the use of mix methods can help to better understand
the phenomenon of addiction to social networking and its relationship with the academic
performance of students.

Since our research study will involve students belonging to the Grade-11 TVL strand,
some of them were hesitant to disclose information about their experiences. Several
protections were implemented as part of the research process, which removed their
concerns and shyness, promoting trust. Research ethics, according to Bhandari (2021),
are important for scientific integrity, human rights and dignity, and science-society
partnership. We will follow ethical standards in the conduct of our research study,
including respect for persons, beneficence, justice, consent, and confidentiality. Respect
for persons is that everyone has the right to completely exercise their autonomy. We
researchers will make sure that potential participants realize that they have the
autonomy to choose whether or not to participate in research studies willingly, and that
declining to participate in any research will not affect their access to current or future
care in any way (Barrow et al., 2021). We shall establish that respondents' privacy and
confidentiality are of the utmost significance. Informed and voluntary consent means
that all study subjects are free to choose whether or not to participate without being
pressured or coerced, and that potential participants are given and understood all of the
information they need to make an informed decision. We will obtain the agreement of
our research participants before beginning our research project, and we will describe
the objectives and purpose of our research study verbally and in writing, as it will be
audiotaped and transcribed (University of Oxford, n.d.). We asked them to sign a written
consent when we received their approval.The informants were also informed and were
fully aware of the findings of the study due to the fact that they were the ones primarily
involved in the research conducted and gave that recognition to them. Beneficence.
Confidentiality means that you know who the participants are, but you remove all
identifying information from your report. To ensure confidentiality is established we will
make use of code names or incorporate aliases labeled on each participants response
so as not to expose their personal identities Justice.

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