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Name: Kathleen Joy M.

Course: BEED-1
Subject: Readings in Philippine History
Date: 8/18/21
Complete the following

1. History is
-For me History is the investigation of the past. Occasions before the innovation of composing frameworks are viewed as
ancient times. "History" is an umbrella term involving previous occasions just as the memory, disclosure, assortment,
association, show, and translation of these occasions. History is accounts. From disarray comes request. We try to
comprehend the past by deciding and requesting 'realities'; and from these stories we desire to clarify the choices and
cycles which shape our reality. And also history is important so that we know what happen in the past we have
background what is happening in the past.

2. Studying History is important because

- It is important to study history because we should know how past societies, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures
and technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. The rich history of the world helps us to
paint a detailed picture of where we stand today. History helps us understand change. It records and helps people
understand successes and failures. Through these studies people can learn about change and how others are affected by it.
It shows patterns of behavior or events in the past and their outcome which can help us avoid similar outcomes in the

3. Historical sources come from

- Historical sources can come from anywhere. However, there is a process by which most sources find their way into the
hands of historians. First, it needs to be stressed that the vast bulk of material produced by the past has been destroyed,
either deliberately or by the ravages of time. A minuscule proportion of the clothes worn by people in the past, for
example, has survived to be exhibited in costume and design museums. And as we know there are three historical sources
there are primary, secondary and tertiary sources.

- Primary sources are contemporaneous to the subject being studied. They could be objects, letters, journal or
newspapers. They must originate from the time being studied to be accepted as a primary source, this can include copied
images of an original document, or reprinted editions of a book. If a historian was studying Abraham Lincoln, diaries and
letters written by Lincoln would be primary sources.

- Secondary sources are nearly always textual: books or journals. A secondary source would be an article written about a
primary source. To continue the example above, an essay or book written about Abraham Lincoln based on his diaries and
letters would be a secondary source.
- Tertiary sources are sources that rely on secondary sources for their information. This would include most school
textbooks, essays written at school that cite textbooks and secondary sources. Books and essays that are historiographical
in nature, so discuss the way in which history is presented, are tertiary sources.

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