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What beatitude that attracts you the most and how will you relate it to your life?

The first beatitude that attracts me the most is the “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall
obtain mercy” which is about being compassionate which shows sympathy and concern for
others. Mercy entails treating people better than they deserve. Forgiveness is a sort of
mercy. So is assisting someone we have no obligation to assist, or refraining from exploiting
someone's weakness. People often act in ways that are unnecessary, offensive, and can
have an impact on other people. People have betrayed us, but because we embody the
forgiving nature of God, we often choose to forgive them even when they don't deserve it. I
was interested in this beatitude since I can readily link it to my life. There have been people
in my life who have wronged me without ever feeling guilty about it. Some of them didn't
even ask for forgiveness, but I still do so because I know that God always forgives me, so
why am I to hold it against them? It also helped me realize that if you want to be forgiven,
you must learn to do so. Because if we are unable of forgiving others as well as ourselves,
who are we to ask for forgiveness?

The unfortunate problem is that if people understood how forgiving or merciful we are,
they might take advantage of it. They continuously hurt us without considering how it
makes us feel because they know they will get away with it and that you will forgive them
no matter what happens. The benefit of forgiving, on the other hand, is that it prevents you
from harboring resentments toward others and preserves your peace of mind by erasing
the suffering that anger and grief brought you.

The second beatitude that appeals to me the most is "Blessed are those who mourn,
because they shall be comforted," which expands on our cerebral awareness of our spiritual
poverty by incorporating an emotional reaction of grief. Since we are emotional beings, it is
natural for us to have emotions. If we felt depressed, we must mourn till the void
disappears. We can't always hold in our emotions because we will eventually lose control.
For our feelings to become lighter, we must accept our feelings. And lately, I know that
most of us are going through difficult times right now. However, instead of hiding
everything, we need to learn to open up to others on circumstance in order to lessen the
pain. Most of the time, we only need someone to listen to our thoughts; for me, that is the
most consoling thing you can do as a friend.

The wonderful thing about that is that it gives you peace of mind to know that at the end of
the day, even though you're by yourself, God is there to comfort you in his own way. And in
contrast to that, oversharing with others might be harmful to you, therefore you should
only put your trust in God because, in the end, it is only you and Him who can conquer the

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