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MED274: Analysis_5

1. Who wrote the "A Song of Ice And Fire" fantasy novel series?
A. George R. R. Martin
B. George Lucas
C. George Orwell
D. George Eliot

2. What tool lends it's name to a last-stone advantage in an end in Curling?

A. Hammer
B. Wrench
C. Drill
D. Screwdriver

3. In the game "The Sims", how many Simoleons does each family start with?
A. 20,000
B. 10,000
C. 15,000
D. 25,000

4. What common name is given to the medial condition, tibial stress syndrome
A. Shin Splints
B. Tennis Elbow
C. Carpal Tunnel
D. Housemaid's Knee
5. What is the fourth book of the Old Testament?
A. Numbers
B. Genesis
C. Exodus
D. Leviticus

6. What alcoholic drink is made from molasses?

A. Rum
B. Gin
C. Vodka
D. Whisky

7. In 2012 the German-speaking microstate "Liechtenstein" in Central Europe had

a population of how many inhabitants?
A. 36,600
B. 2,400
C. 90,000
D. 323,400

8. In Portal 2, how did CEO of Aperture Science, Cave Johnson, presumably die?
A. Moon Rock Poisoning
B. Accidentally sending a portal to the Moon
C. Slipped in the shower
D. Asbestos Poisoning
9. In PROTOTYPE 2, which of the following abilities/weapons is NOT obtained by an
A. Tendrils
B. Blade
C. Bio-Bomb
D. Pack Leader

10. In what year was the game "FTL: Faster Than Light" released?
A. 2012
B. 2014
C. 2013
D. 2011

11. The "Trail of Tears" was a result of which United States President's Indian
Removal Policy?
A. Andrew Jackson
B. Harry S. Truman
C. Martin Van Buren
D. John Quincy Adams

12. Which English king was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine?

A. Henry II
B. Richard I
C. Henry I
D. Henry V
13. Which of these characters from Final Fantasy VIII primarily spoke in one word
A. Fujin
B. Raijin
C. Seifer
D. Zell

14. What is Jean ValJean's first prisoner number?

A. 24601
B. 9430
C. 1729
D. 32769

15. Which kind of algorithm is Ron Rivest not famous for creating?
A. Secret sharing scheme
B. Hashing algorithm
C. Asymmetric encryption
D. Stream cipher

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