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There are lots of schools and people that see chewing gum as something negative. However,
many studies have been done, and proved that chewing gum has some positive effects. And I
supposed you are asking; in what way could this affect me? Well, we are going to focus on
effects of chewing gum in academic terms, so why should you chew gum in class or while

- The first point is that…

1. activates your mind
If you have difficulties to stay alert at class or while studying, a good solution is chewing gum.
This fact is supported by Studies that have been done in schools and has a scientifically
explanation. This consequence is due to the stimulation of facial muscles causing an increase in
blood flow to the head, also because chewing is not an involuntary muscle movement like
breathing, it slightly stimulates the brain, which helps you stay awake.

- The second point that is related to the first is that…

2. Improves your memory
Scientifically, it’s a fact that chewing gum activates, stimulates the part of the brain associates
with memory, this part is the hippocampus, ubicated in the medial temporal lobe. Also, if you
have to memorize something or you think that in the exam you won’t remember something
important, chewing gum can help you.

- Finally, the third point is that…

3. Reduces stress
Chewing gum during stressful times has been found to help alertness, reduce anxiety, and
reduce stress and salivary cortisol levels.

I know that chew gum isn’t allowed generally in schools but considering his effects I think it
would be positive. Apart from these 3 points, chewing gum can reduce heartburn, prevent ear
infections, fighting sleepiness… So, I hope that from now, if someone looked down on chewing
gum they have changed their mind and if you have problems studying or concentrating in class
a solution is chewing gum.

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