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Jaiden Smith Big Picture Autobiography Prompt

Term 1 2023

Prompt: Think about something you have with you every day because of it’s
sentimental value, habit or imperative to your health.
Win the lottery, make it big time, have millions of dollars, these are the desired goals and
dreams of a large majority of people in western society. Having millions of dollars would be
awesome but personally if I had the option of millions of dollars or something of sentimental
value I would pick the sentimental object.

When I was first born my godmother had just come back from Yemen and had brought me
back a necklace with an om on it. I had the om sit in my room for the first two years of my life
and around my second birthday I started wearing the om on a string as a necklace. Once I
had put the om pendant on the string and then on my neck it stayed on for the duration of
the next 11 years, unless I was competing in sports.

Eleven years after putting the necklace on I decided that I wanted to win my year 7
swimming carnival as I had achieved that the year before, so I took my necklace off and left
it in my school bag. I competed in all the races and had an amazing day but when I returned
to my school bag to put my necklace on I discovered quickly that it was no longer in my bag.
I was absolutely devastated that the one thing I had owned for my entire life had vanished
forever. Unfortunately I had to catch the school bus with everyone else back to school so I
wasn’t able to look for it.

Two days later I returned to Dickson pool for a swim with my sister and Dad. Whilst there my
Dad threw my little sister into the pool and when she came back up she asked my dad for
her goggles. My sister put her goggles on and started swimming across the bottom of the
floor and was down there for sometime, eventually when she popped up she was holding a
small shiny silver pendant. The pendant that my sister found was a spitting replica of my om
only it didn’t have the string attached to it. I was head over heels with happiness as I was in
possession of my om which had more sentimental value to me than anything else I owned.
Unfortunately after I had found the om I never bothered to buy a new string to wear it with
and eventually I ended up forgetting about wearing it. Every morning I do however wake up
and see it sitting on my side table reminding me of all the memories I made whilst wearing it.
White lies
Liar liar pants on fire, a saying as old as time; but what is the difference between a lie and a
white lie. From what I have been able to gather from limited research is that a lie is usually
used by people to get out of trouble or to negatively impact others but a white lie is used to
positively help others or to get out of small tasks such as work, meetings etc.

A white lie that my mum once told me was that having the inside light of the car on at night is
illegal. I believed this white lie up until I had to write this task as I asked Ciara what is a white
lie you were told by your mum and she said “that the light inside your car isn’t legally allowed
to be on”, even though it is. I believe that I was told this white lie because having the light on
was distracting and my mum most likely didn’t want distractions in the car when driving at
night. This lie has affected me up until today because everytime any of my friends turn the
inside light on when I’m driving I would tell them to turn it off as I was under the impression it
was illegal.

Although I only learned that having the light on inside the car whilst driving wasn’t illegal and
was a white lie my mum told me when I was 17 I was able to catch on to another white lie
she told me much earlier in my life. On my first day of kindergarten when I got to school and
the teacher said that the first person to get the question right wins a chocolate. I was keen to
answer the question first as I loved the taste of chocolate as it squashed in my mouth and
because it came in small little blue balls that I could easily toss into my mouth without feeling
overly full.

Luckily I was first in my class to answer the question and I was given a kinder chocolate
strip. When I received the kinder chocolate I wa very confused as it didn’t look anything like
what I thought chocolate was so out of curiosity I saved the chocolate put it in my school bag
and took it home to my mum to find out why the chocolate she gave me at home looked
nothing like the one I had received at school. When I got home I showed my mum the
chocolate I had been given. My mum explained that she hadn’t been telling me the truth and
that what she had been telling me was chocolate was actually blueberries. I don’t think that
this white lie was bad at all as it didn’t harm anyone and was her way of trying to get me to
eat as healthy as possible so that I could grow up to be healthy and fit enough to do stuff
rather than unhealthy and unable to run around. Overall I think white lies can both positively
and negatively impact people no matter if there is malice behind the lie or not.

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