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It was, however, revived for a short time as a party

an immense quantity of clay impressions, taken from these.

firearms, yataghans and other weapons at Scutari, Jakova

d'Angleterre). The king promoted him to the deanery of Killaloe

surrender of the place to the king's forces. In 1643 he

prejudice. A vehement statement of the Canadian side will be

England. They are sometimes called ``public gangs'' to

monuments were known among the more advanced tribes. Fractional

unparalleled magnificence. But in spite of the splendours

at the siege of Acre, and in the abortive campaign which

precautions of the popes, the Miserere has long been public

and a confused fight ensued in the ruins, in which the 42nd

closely imitated the Venetian school, and he has hence been

The French at Fashoda.

the spelling. It is often contracted to ``vantage.'' In

science, long survived the Roman conquest, yet at that period

lower course the river flows either through high alluvial

Douvilleiceras mammillalum. In addition to the formations

Field hospitals.

best representatives of the ``little people'' mentioned by

a hard soap and those of land-plants a soft one. But the

Wales. No cases were reported in 1903, 1904 or 1905.

Pacific Ocean, in a straight line, passing through the

of the prairie section of the province is that cf undulating

taken some steps in the right direction, in connexion with

Ma`arra, where he received a pension of thirty dinars

of the Aleutian islands, stretching like a broken bridge

tree-limit, which affects their vertical distribution; so

admiralty was Alexander Staveley Hill, K.C.,M.P. Since his

heel. In the Woldeba district hermits dress in ochre-yellow

the Gulf of Aden. Adis Ababa stands on the southern slopes

on them a complete defeat. The important international

substratum over or under which it is passing, is viscid and

viii. x. xx. xxi. xxiv. xxvi. xxvii., edited with commentary

confluent rivers and completely commands the navigation of both

railway tunnel beneath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,936

shown by many ketoximes and known as the Beckmann change (see

certificate,'' which entitles them to higher pay and to other

acetone, so that after allowing for the space taken up by

and any solid signs not rising more than 3 feet above the roof.

these the large intestine is thrown into a series of sacculi

of the image depend upon the refractive indices of the

formed; it is then extracted with water and precipitated

head-waters of the Nile and Congo: the former the longest,

on the jour des morts, so in Germany the people stream

an unsaturated aromatic aldehyde, is the chief constituent of

acid, regenerate the parent aldehyde. The hydrazones are

force. After the conclusion of the armistice he was left in

and a wide knowledge of literature and art. His private life

dissolve the sodium aluminate, the solution treated with

others, was carried out by Alcmaeon alone (Apollodorus iii.

style. His translation reads like an original work. The

elaborate investigation of Thatcher, the facts seem to be as

We can sometimes obtain definite compounds in a pure state

and stake-net--on the Dee, Don, Ythan and Ugie. The average
(vol. liv. p. 143). Consult: Month. Notices Roy. Astr.

Newberne, had cruised in Albemarle Sound, and in 1864 a force

from the writers of the New Comedy, especially Menander.

in cast- iron pans or ``pots,'' very heavy castings of circular

to study western civilization, and an ardent agriculturist.

Potomac, the impress of their first general's discipline and

adherents have been variously known as ``New Methodists.''

chancellor. Accordingly when, in November 1882, F. A. E.

plates a preliminary coating of red lead, whereby the slow

on this occasion, and the favours with which it was rewarded,

forums, where temporary wooden scaffoldings were erected for

more at Cedar Mountain (or Cedar Run); the Federals, though

the mountaineers of northern Albania; large cattle are found

Abner at the gate of Hebron. The ostensible motive for the

Pharmacology of Aconite and Aconitine.---Aconite first

command over the 4th army (army of the Meuse) consisting of

It was a slab of polished limestone about 6 in. square with

(preserved in Muratori's Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, vol.

in Genesis which tells us that ``the Lord had respect unto

i.-xv. (see A. Harnack, Die Apostelgeschichte, p. 131

in water, it exerts an inhibitory effect on the digestive

purgatory. The decree ordaining the celebration is printed

there was believed to be a passage which led down to the abyss

Germany.---Of the German literary academies the most celebrated

politically, in the treaty of Paris (1229), by which the king

from the continent and Asser from South Wales; for this,

accurate, but the author is more lenient towards Alexander; F.

of the qualities of popular leadership which were so marked a

Attempts are made to assimilate the Mahommedan population by means

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