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Quite honestly, I do not practice Roman Catholicism devotedly because anytime I

pray for anything and it doesn't come true, I lose a bit of motivation to pray, which

doesn't encourage me, especially during difficult times. When something awful

happened to me or my family, I would pray, but they would not recover when I prayed;

they would only recover when something non-spiritual helped them. It makes me doubt

the existence of God or any deities in general, yet I still appreciate religion and try to

practice it. It is rather beyond my comprehension on the recurring pattern that many

practicing Roman Catholics or Christians claim to be committed followers or to know

everything there is to the religion when they haven't even read a single word from the

Bible; people like that should not use phrases like "Well, it's in the Bible." How could you

possibly know? You didn't even read it, so don't pass judgment on those who did.

Even though I do not practice Roman Catholicism religiously, I still believe in it

out of respect for family, stability, and tradition. In my perspective, religion should not

define who a person is because it is their believe and it is up to them to practice it. Who

is there to stop someone who believes that something is a sin? I personally believe that

if a person's religious beliefs are harmful to the emotional and physical well-being of

others, they should not be forced to practice them. If someone commits a sin in your

religion but is not of your faith, you should not brand them a sinner because not
everyone is religious or of the same religion, and everyone has different opinions, which

we should respect or disregard.

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