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Pertamina Corporate Life Saving Rules (CLSR)

PEPC provide training and coaching related briefing CLSR to all employees through

the facility HSSE Demo Room or via online.
Pertamina Corporate Life Saving Rules (CLSR) is an area / type of work which is statistically a
contributory factor to fatality incident. Therefore, risk control must be made to reduce the
potential for accidents. CLSR is compiled based on statistical data of contributory factor
fatalities in the period 2011-2018 in Pertamina’s operational activities, to be the main learning.
CSLR has the following 12 elements:
1. Tools & Equipment
2. Safe Zone Position
3. Permit to Work
4. Isolation
5. Confined Space
6. Lifting Operation
7. Fit to Work
8. Working at Height
9. Personal Floating Device
10. System Override
11. Asset Integrity
12. Driving safety

This is a basic safety rule that must be obeyed, explaining what is allowed and not done, when
doing work in areas / types of work that have the potential ( contributory factor ) to
the occurrence of fatality incidents and risk control efforts must be made to reduce the potential
for fatality.
Corporate Live Saving Rules

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