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Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline


Module: Education Studies


An Exploration of My Personal Philosophy of Education and its Application to

the Technical Classroom

Conor Ó Dubhaigh – G00395362

Lecturer: Dr Pauline Logue

Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

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Student Name & ID: Conor Ó Dubhaigh – G00395362

Programme: Education Studies
Assignment Title: Philosophy Statement Essay
Due Date: 30th October

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Date: 17th October 2022

Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline


The aim of this essay is an exploration of my personal philosophy of education and its
application to the technical classroom. ‘‘Teaching philosophy statements clarify why we do
what we do in the classroom, and the process of drafting a philosophy offers an opportunity
for developmental reflection.’’ (Beatty, et al., 2009). This quote describes what a philosophy
statement is very well. As well it also provides concrete evidence of what we do in the
classroom, also it supports our values and beliefs.

I am Conor Ó Dubhaigh and I am a student teacher in the Atlantic Technological University

in Galway, and I am currently studying in a Bachelor of Science in Education honors in
Graphics, Design and Construction. This programme enables me to teach Graphics and Wood
Technology at Junior Cycle and Construction and DCG at Senior Cycle.


Values and beliefs are a big part of teaching, and every professional has their core values. My

top three values would contain respect, a hard-working ethic and trustworthiness. Moving

onto my beliefs some of them would consist of my belief that everyone has the right to learn

and that everyone wants to learn, I believe that everyone is equal, and I believe that everyone

is unique in their own way.

I believe that us as teachers in our professional practice we demonstrate respect for spiritual

and cultural values. (The Teaching Council, 2016). With respect being up there with one of

my highest values this quote I have picked form the Teaching Councils handbook is a good

representation of what duty a teacher has when it comes to respect.

As teachers we have a certain responsibility when it comes to our jobs and John Dewy is one

person that understood this incredibly well. ‘‘I believe, finally, that the teacher is engaged,

not simply in the training of individuals, but in the formation of the proper social life.’’

(Dewey, 1897). John Dewey is all about beliefs and I agree with a lot of his stuff. The quote
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

above helps me show my belief as a student teacher that we as a teaching community have a

duty helping students get on and fit in in society.

Now I will go onto to talk about what theorists I can relate to the most and how I apply such

theorists in the classroom.


The theorists I have chosen to talk about are Maslow and Skinner. The reasoning I have

chosen these two is because I think their theories are relevant currently and I enjoyed learning

about them. Maslow’s theory is based on a Hierarchy of Needs and Skinners is based on

Operant Conditioning.


Maslow’s theory of Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of psychology explaining human

motivation based on the pursuit of different levels of needs. ‘‘Maslow proposed that human

needs and motivations could be construed in a hierarchy, often pictured as a pyramid with

five levels, from bottom to top: basic physiological needs such as hunger and thirst, safety

needs, needs for love and belonging, needs for self-esteem, and a need for self-

actualization.’’ (Engel, 2021). Maslow’s pyramid consisted of five tiers which were

Phycological Needs, Safety and Security, Love and Belonging, Self-Esteem, and Self-

Actualization. Maslow believed that these five needs played an important role in behavior.

Applying Maslow’s theory in the classroom are not difficult and, in my opinion, it should be

essential in schools. Some of the simplest ways to apply his theory in school is by making

sure the students basic needs are met such as the likes of food and water. It’s as simple as

having bottled water available to all students in the classroom to keep them hydrated as it has

been proved to help them work better. By understanding what help motivates the students in
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

the classroom can help us as educators to create resources, activities, and lessons that are

better catered to the students to meet their needs. Another great example would be to praise

the students or to even allow the students to express themselves and be their own unique

themselves. ‘‘Educators cannot assume that all students' basic needs have been met and that it

is safe to focus only on higher-level growth needs’’ (ML & ER, 1999). Us as Educators

cannot assume that all basics are met and must start at a lower level as the simplest thing can

knock them down like a divorce or a death could knock them from the higher level to a lower


Having examined Maslow and his theory of Hierarchy of Needs, I now turn to Skinner and

his theory of Operant Conditioning.


Skinner’s theory was focused on Operant Conditioning. What is Operant Conditioning? Well,

it focuses on a learning process where you can shape a person’s behavior through stimulus

and response. ‘‘Skinner’s assertion that positive reinforcement is more effective than

punishment at changing and establishing desirable behavior led to the discrediting of punitive

punishment in schools and the common application of timeouts and a token

economy instead’’ (Rholetter, 2022). This quote here helps backup what Skinner’s Operant

Conditioning really is and how his theory changed how us teachers have adapted and become

better as professionals.

Operant Conditioning is applied in the classroom with most teachers not even knowing their

doing it. Some prime examples of the application in the classroom would be to focus on the

actions rather than on the mind, or by using reinforced learning by recapping on the previous

class and material. Some of my techniques to apply the theory in the classroom would be to
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

begin by setting out goals for the upcoming classes and weeks. Another would consist of

establishing routines and good practice when coming to health and safety of machine or by

laying out what days we would have practical or theory. Rewarding appropriate behavior and

then withdrawing the reward if the pupil shows undesirable behavior is one of the easiest

ways to apply operant conditioning in the classroom, also you can strengthen the rewards if it

doesn’t work out the first time. In worse case scenario and both listed previous don’t work

out you may have to begin punishing misbehavior (Becker, et al., 1969). All listed above are

adequate ways to apply and use Skinner’s Operant Conditioning in schools and classrooms.


The main aim of this philosophy statement was to show what my values and beliefs consist of

and what they mean to me as a student teacher in training. They help me keep myself to a

high standard of teaching and help me get the best out of my students while doing it. As well

as this I wanted to show what theorists I base my teaching strategies and methods off. I

believe that both Maslow and Skinner are still very relevant currently and will continue to be.

Maslow, I choose because of his Hierarchy of Needs as explained above and Skinner’s

Operant Conditioning where it’s about behaviour which is also seen above.



Beatty, J. E., Leigh, J. S. A. & Dean, K. L., 2009. Finding Our Roots: An Exercise For

Creating a Personal Teaching Philosophy Statement. Journal of Managment Education,

33(1), pp. 115-130.

Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

Becker, W. C., Thomas, D. R. & Carnine, D., 1969. Reducing Behavior Problems: An

Operant Conditioning Guide for Teachers. Illinois: ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Childhood

Education, Urbana, TLL.; National Lab. On Early Childhood Education..

Dewey, J., 1897. My Pedagogic Creed. In: My Pedagogic Creed. s.l.:s.n., pp. 77-80.

Engel, J. W., 2021. Abraham Maslow. In: Abraham Maslow. s.l.:Salem Press Encyclopedia

of Health.

ML, D. & ER, T., 1999. Teaching techniques. Maslow in the classroom and the clinic.. 70(1),

p. 92.

Rholetter, W., 2022. Operant conditioning. s.l.:Salem Press Encyclopedia.

The Teaching Council, 2016. Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers. Maynooth: The

Teaching Council.

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